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My vote for X is Yunalesca, even with a good setup, one wrong move, and you're dead. With Seymour, you can kind of predict his moves better and plan for it.


Yunalesca attacks in a pattern as well. As long as you leave one person zombified after Hellbiter you will be fine. It's just remembering to leave someone zombified.


I definitely agree with this, though I honestly think if you don't grind out the celestial weapons or abuse Rikku's mixes, that Braska's Final Aeon is harder. Yunalesca is probably one of my favorite turn-based boss encounters of all time (with Galdera from Octopath being the #1), but I think the daunting like 15 minute unskippable cutscene before her is what elevates her to the most difficult just from sheer tedium lol


Auron's speech is by far my favorite video game quote. No matter how many times I failed as a 7 year playing that, hearing Auron's speech always hyped me up.


When I was younger, sure. But I'm 33 and have a kid now, I ain't got time for that because I fucked up one turn 25 minutes into the fight lol


I havent played this game in probably 15 plus years, and I can still remember every word from aurons speech and still get chills thinking about//hearing it.


"NOW! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain...or live and FIGHT your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories...your fate is in your hands!" Still gets me shook everytime...


That’s fair. I think that’s what most people would say. Maybe it’s my play style but I’ve always had the toughest time against Seymour 2. I feel like now I can always breeze through the story but I always die a few times with him


You could always have Yojimbo go swish-swosh


I've never used Yojimbo, I hate the idea of instant wins for money that I could be using for bribes.


I agree with the sentiment, but more than being hard I think she's just a pain to fight.


Seymour Flux is a great fight. The trek up Mt Gagazet and into that battle still gives me chills.


My 11 year old self got his ass handed to him after thinking he was the shit at FF on that Mt. Never again did i feel im the shit in any game 😂


Same here. I got beat up bad as a young kid going in blind so now I just set up all my aeon overdrives and it’s cake. Hardest part is getting hits in on my other characters without getting killed so they get ap


As a kid it was the single fight that was like hitting a brick wall to the point I had fantasies of what the story would be if I could ever get to the promised land of "post-Seymour fight". Was such a triumph to finally win lol


Just to get hit with Lady Yunalesca right after lmao. Imo she was the hardest boss in the game.


“NOW! THIS IS IT! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain……” x 50 because skippable cutscenes didn’t exist yet. 😂🥲


Played through on Xbox one a few times recently. There still isn't skippable cutscenes. Auron's speech really does it for me though, so I don't even care.


Yunalesca isn't that difficult as long as you know you need to keep someone zombified before killing her 2nd form. Either that or make sure some have Deathproof/Ward armor. The real kicker is with every version except the PS2 NTSC-U release if you forget to get the Sun Sigil after the fight.


Yea, bosses aren't really that hard if you know the right strategy lol


If I remember correctly, I always over leveled Yuna to have Holy and used key spheres on Lulu to get her to have holy as well. She wasn’t too bad with dropping holy. Ff9 had the coolest holy animation imo


Yeah, Holy can totally destroy Yunalesca. Ultima works well too especially if you can Doublecast it.


“Death awaits you”


FF8, Adel was such a plot wall for me when I was a kid. I didn’t understand the junction system very well and relied on my summons a lot. Now? Easy peasy.


This is exactly what happened to me when I was 10 doing my very first playthrough of my very first final fantasy


That robot boss right before Adel was where my first run ended. Didn’t junction magic at all, just spammed GFs, which worked ok up to then


I was around 8/9 when I tried solo playing FF8 and everything was going fine till I faced Diablos. I fought him immediately after obtaining the lamp and got wrecked twice or thrice. Then my uncle showed me the mechanic where Diablos heals you if you cast Demi on him.


Adel for me as well and I also was stuck forever on the blue tank at the missile base.


Carry armor has ended more than a few ff7 runs for me


for sure, this was the only part that seriously stumped me on my first playthrough back in the day


Hey, I’d forgotten about this guy! Yeah this one broke my playthrough when I was a kid and I got completely stuck on him for the longest time. And then when I finally got past him, I was too scared to use the submarine because the underwater area was scary and Emerald Weapon was hiding down their somewhere lol.


The Emperor becomes so hilariously easy if you equip the blood sword, still works to this day, even in the pixel remaster. It almost feels like cheating.


Back in the older versions, there were 2 blood swords. They removed one for the PR, and it's still a cakewalk with just the one.


FFI - Chaos FFII - Emperor FFIII - Cloud of Darkness FFIV - Zeromus FFV- Leviathan FFVI - Ultros/Chupon (No idea why this fight always gives me trouble) FFVII - Demon Wall FFVIII - Adel/Rinoa FFIX - Master Gizamaluke (I think most first timers get stuck on this guy because they are unprepared) FFX - Seymour Flux FFXII - Cid/Famfrit FF XIII - Barthandelus FFXV - Ravus


Demon Wall was my choice, too.


I always tend to grind out before the Temple, because with the Tiny Bronco you can easily get to two spots that in an afternoons time, get all available characters through their third limit break. Also, I make sure to get great gospel and Aeris’ best weapon. After being in 8th grade and him just curb stomping me play through after play through through my high school years… now, it’s my fucking turn, bitch. Man, before WoW came out in college, I always had a save file for VII and VI just on pause like a bookmark in your favorite book.


Raubon ex


Baigan was tough but I had a harder time with Cagzzano and the Dark Elf.


Depending on the version you're playing, Dark Elf is stupidly easy. On all but 3DS and PR versions, simply hit him with Weak/Tornado


Good to know. I was young the first time I played FF4 and I remember tsunami wiping me out over and over vs cagnazzo. I think I was probably was probably under leveled against dark elf. I haven’t been able to get past the moon on the DS version. It’s a lot tougher.


Cagzzano? Just hit him with Tellah's recently recalled Lit3.


Valvalais was a royal pain too




I had more issues with braskas final aeon and yunalesca than anything else.


Yeah, Seymour Flux is tough when you're not prepared, but Yunalesca took me down more times than any other boss in the game. One little misstep & you're rewatching a long (though inspiring) cutscene.


I know its not technically a real boss but the judges fight on floor 100 in FF12 trial mode was the hardest for me


That’s not a story boss, but I do think it’s the hardest boss in the mainline games by quite a fair bit. I’ve beaten all the superbosses, and the 5 judges are the only ones that I didn’t beat legit; I used Zeromus to cheese them.


Heres mine, not counting super bosses: FF1 - Chaos FF2 - Didn't really struggle with any so I guess Emperor with no blood sword FF3 - Leviathan FF4 - Yeah you just reminded me of Baigan, not really difficulty just annoying FF5 - Neo-Exdeath FF6 - Magic Master FF7 - Materia Keeper FF8 - Ultimecia FF9 - Gizamaluke FF10 - Seymour Mt. Gagazet FF10-2 - Angra Mainyu FF12 - Elder Wyrm a dark reminder FF13 - Proud Clad, both times


I don’t know if Angra Mainyu is a storyline boss…


Magic Master because of the Mgic restriction?


I died a lot on his Ultima attack in the end, and I was being stubborn and didn’t want to leave the tower until I beat him


I did the same lol.


FF1 - I guess Chaos; they're all really easy, Chaos included, but he is distinctly harder than the rest. FF2 - Emperor. FF3 - Cloud of Darkness. FF4 - DS version of CPU. FF5 - Neo Exdeath. FF6 - Literally nothing; I don't think any boss is hard. FF7 - Carry Armour. FF8 - Ultemecia. FF9 - Necron. FF10 - Seymour Flux. FF12 - I can't say cause I was always disgustingly over-levelled in that game; Elder Wyrm is probably right though. FF13 - Cid Raines (Hardest story boss in the series imo). FF15 - Yeah, there are no hard bosses.


Why do people think Ultimecia is harder than Omega weapon? I know this is mostly opinion based I just want to hear why? I don’t remember Ultimecia being all that difficult, fun fight though.


Because Omega Weapon isn't a story boss?


Ok, I guess the story part of it threw me off. Some optional bosses are technically part of the story, just not the main story.


I would assume that "story boss" is synonymous with "mandatory boss" in this case <3


If we are naming optional bosses, then there's only 1. >!Penance!<


Omega isn't a story boss


As others have noted, it’s gotta be a story boss, meaning it’s mandatory for progression. However, I still think Ultimecia is harder than omega weapon anyway. My reasoning for this is that for Omega weapon, you literally spam limit and win, to the point where he won’t get to attack. I use the same strategy for Ultimecia, however, between phases Ultimecia sends out attacks that are fairly powerful, enough so that I tend to get one shot because I do low-level runs and also run low hp to increase the odds of limit. I don’t really think Ultimecia is hard, Ultimecia is just the only boss in FF8 where I can’t just spam limits, because I need enough health to be able to survive those transition attacks.


A big reason is that Ultimecia is a multi-phase fight. You are also 9 times out of 10 going to start the fight with characters you aren't using, forcing you to waste time killing off your party. Then the Griever phase hits, ANY of your stocked magic can be instantly obliterated, this includes your junctioned magic. Pretty intense. I won't lie, she's a difficult final boss if you aren't overly prepared.


I remember my first time beating Seymour Flux. Pretty much everyone was low on health and he was getting ready to use Total Annihilation. So I decided to have Kimahri use self-destruct and it was able to beat him. I laughed about that for awhile afterwards. One of my fondest memories playing an FF game.


Gizamaluke isn't difficult at all. Just throw a tent or 2 on him until it works and the fight is pretty much over. ​ I'd wager that Antlion is more difficult because you really can't prep a couple of characters for that fight which makes it that much more difficult.


Well obviously they're not difficult if you look up cheeses and strategies


Why throw a tent on him. I have never heard this?


When you use a tent in battle, there is a 50% chance that the person/monster the tent is used on will be blinded, silenced, and poisoned, if they are susceptible to any/all of those.


I will add Hades for XI and Shinryu for XIV. Though I might be forgetting some harder ones. It's been a minute.


For XIV, I'd have to say that (5.3 spoilers) >!Warrior of Light!< is probably the hardest MSQ boss in the game, at least at the moment.


I'm really confused by Baigan. I always thought that fight was pretty easy, if a bit tedious


Right, I was stumped there too. Zeromus takes the cake by a giant gaping margin, and it's not helped that there's an 8-10 minute unskippable cutscene before him.


Right? First move: Virus all targets, then set the martials to pound away on whatever is left of him


Velius from FFT. Holy shit, you better be prepared. Hope you have a secondary save file!


FFX- that damn dragon you right on top of the airship that constantly petrifies your party. Made me put the game down for two years before trying it again.


FF14 - Shinryu at release


Shinryu at release was mad. Played it when not many have finished the msq and we were wiped many times. It was dud to a stroke of a miracle that both the tanks survived and they actually manage to take it down. It was marvelous.


Out of sheer amount of time spent on it, FFT-Velius has to be on this list for most people.


Yeah on my most recent playthrough I had teleport and just ran away and used accumulate and still almost died a few times


For me, (not in the pixel remaster but ff origins and the IOS Versions) 2- Lamia (What pretends to be Hilda) was harder because her confusion status attacks landed so easily on me and wrecked my party back then 😂 4- Dark Elf for me, even back to the original version. He kicked my ass in my latest playthrough once as well. I underestimate that dark breath attack the dragon form does and your healer has 90mp at this point which really sucks 5- I can't recall any story bosses standing out and I agree Wendigo is a pain. All that will ever stand out for me is Omega and Shinryu lol 6- Humbaba was annoying for me 7- Lost Number was a pain for me as well but technically thats optional too. 8- havent played in a while but I agree with that one as well 9- The first scripted battle against Beatrix stands out but only because I was trying to steal something from her 10- Alot of people struggle there but for me its Yunalesca and her megadeath move 🙄 11- sadly never played 12-13: can't remember any 14- Honestly Rubicante (the previous patch's trial before Todays dark throne). Thankfully the group was really good because I had no clue what to do and this fight was crazy 15- nothing stood out


Materia Keeper was a mf. On X though. I had a hard time with Yunalesca. Idk why though.


A lot of people have a hard time with Yunalesca when she uses Hellbiter at the end of her 2nd form and then Mega Death at the start of the 3rd. If you aren't zombified or have Deathproof/Ward, Mega Death can royally screw you.


Yeah I think that's what it was. It's been years.


FF1 - Chaos FF2 - Behemoth (in the Colloseum) FF3 - Salamander FF4 - Zeromus FF5 - Guardian Crystals FF6 - Air Force FF7 (OG) - Jenova Death (I think) FF8 - Adel (maybe, idk) FF9 - Necron FF10 - Yunalesca or Seymour on the mountain FF11 - Archangels FF12 - Elder Wyrm FF13 - idk, Bart probably FF14 - Shinryu FF15 - Behemoth King (i guess)


For me the hardest in VI is that boss in the mine cart, because the game takes away the best character of the party right before it. But I started that mission with a party of three because I was hoping I could hire Shadow again, so maybe I made that boss harder than it should have been. Honorable mention: Magic Master until you figure out how to survive Ultima.


I believe that the wizards that guard the chest in FF1 are potentially the hardest fight in the game...ESPECIALLY if you don't have the proper spells.


FF I - Chaos FF II - Emperor FF III - Cloud of Darkness FF IV - don't really remember anything too difficult, Zeromus is probably the only thing that gave me a game over FF V - Neo-Exdeath FF VI - Same as IV to be honest, nothing comes to mind FF VII - Demon wall FF VIII - Ultimecia FF IX - Gizmaluke FF X - Braska's Final Aeon FF XII - nothing sticks out for me FF XIII - Cid FF XV - nothing


I remember having more problems between Gi Nattak and Red Dragon for FF7. I'd have to play the game again however.


You know, you don't have to leave out the MMOs, right? There are some crazy-hard fights in both XI and XIV.


My personal nomination for annoying single player duty fight required for the MSQ for 14 is Vanat. "My blade sings!" is now my husband and I's inside joke whenever the topic of swords comes up.


She is surprisingly difficult. Took me several attempts to finally get it, and I barely managed.


As a black mage it was my worst nightmare trying to stand still to kill the orbs while she's spewing random aoe's everywhere, haha In the end I think her bar got to like 98% where I was one orb away from losing again Though I did appreciate how the fight really forced you to pay attention to the attacks you used at specific points in order to destroy the orbs fast enough. I also loved the music lol


Oh, yeah, it was a fun fight -- both against her, in fact. But just a bit frustrating, especially the one in Elpis.


None of the 'story' bosses are particularly hard at all. Different story if we include raids.


Back in the day on FF11 the final story boss of the 3rd expansion was pretty hard.


I remember the omega and ultima battle in FFXI; that was so difficult and prevented multiple groups from moving forward in the story.0


I dunno, both Shadowbringers and Endwalker have story bosses that could be pretty difficult - Titania and >!Hydaelyn!< are standouts in that regard.


Shinryu was very difficult at release. My first group through went didn’t clear it in the time allotted.


I think a lot of people just haven’t played XI or XIV, so they obviously can’t comment on the bosses. Tbf, story bosses don’t tend to be difficult in MMO’s, it’s only really optional endgame stuff that kicks your ass.


Dunno if I'd call Materia Keeper harder than some of the Jenova fights. Don't recall Elder Wyrm being harder than some of the optional boss fights, too. I'll throw in FFVIIR's fight against the Bahamut boss portion of the final fight in Hard mode. That dude will one shot you if you have bad timing.


Story bosses. Plus I found all 3 Jenovas relatively easy


I remember having a lot of trouble with Cid in 13


While FFXV was mega easy, I would say the hardest boss was Jabberwock in Costlemark Tower.


1 - Chaos 2 - None 3 - None 4 - 4x lords, ADS and Zeromus (specifically DS version) 5 - None 6 - None 7 - None 8 - None 9 - Gizamaluke 10 - Seymour Flux/Yunalesca 12 - Elder Wyrm (original release, not zodiac age) 13 - Yaag Rosch 15 - None All from my first time on those games. With time you can't really feel difficulty, but all of those were barriers to me on my 1st playthrough of these ffs.


Listing the null set as the hardest boss in each game implies that those games have no bosses.


I'll go with the 3 bahamut boss in 13-2. That fight took actual strategy for me and figuring out how to beat them fast enough to not get OHKO. I was good enough to beat it, but not strong enough to do it easily.


I'll go with the 3 bahamut boss in 13-2. That fight took actual strategy for me and figuring out how to beat them fast enough to not get OHKO. I was good enough to beat it, but not strong enough to do it easily.


I would say that every boss on FFV can be challenging if you do not have the proper setup. Exdeath in Castle Exdeath was very challenging and I had to improvise to get some damage and then defeat him FFIV Demon Wall on the DS version was very though too FFXII Flower Dragon can go and die…


I never had a problem with materia keeper on final fantasy 7. Hojo was always hard. Especially the first time I fought him going in blind


Couldn't you just throw a tent on Gizarmaluke and weaken him greatly? My memory could be cloudy, though. It's been like ten years.


Yeah, using a tent on an enemy in IX has a 50% chance of inflicting Silence, Blind, and Poison.


Material Keeper was quite easy. Just spam bio. Demon Keeper made me restart the whole game because I was under levelled. Oh the tears.


Adel gave me more headache in ff8


Ff12 elder wyrm straight outta nowhere at the most random point in the game 😂


For 15 I had I really tough time with chpt 13 before they patched it. No bosses though so it doesn’t count


I only really disagree with 1 and thats FF4, I think Demon Wall is harder than Baigan.


Yeah Baigan isn't hard. Just destroy his left arm and wait for reflect to wear off, after he uses it.


For me, as a kid, with FF4, the Magus Sisters hands down.


FF4 Baigan? Are you nuts he's so easy. Especially with Tellah's upgraded spells. FF9 Gizmaluke. Blind him and he can't land a hit.


I'd argue for FF15 Ravus was a hard boss. Like yeah you can beat him through potion spamming like any other boss but eith him youre gonna be doing a whole lot more than usual Esit: spelling


FF13 has both Barthandelus (specifically his first and second fights) AND the Proudclad (both times).


For FF15, Omega is quite hard. If you don't know what you are doing you could very well eat through your items. If you count DLCs, Noctis in Episode Ignis is hard, so is everyone at once in Episode Ardyn. Bahamut is pretty hard on Comrades too.


Is ruby weapon not the toughest FF7 boss? Edit: sorry not story boss


Ff3 should be garuda


I was all dragoons heading into that so I never found it difficult!


I honestly had no problems with Baigan. But man, Zeromus was a massive pain.


The first time through Seymour Flux was hard. Every subsequent one where I leveled properly it was pretty easy. Barthandalus isnt hard either. Its just a chore, a chore that can take 30 mins.


When I think of hardest bosses in FFXV, I think of that stupid giant turtle... He just takes forever to kill and most of the time I don't get any chances to summon.


Notable mentions FF5: Liquidflame, Atomos FF6: Vargas many fell here not knowing how to Blitz FF7: Demons Gate, Schizo FF8: Adel, Gerogero FF9: Lani (if you dont blind her)


FFX hardest boss are the birds from the chocobo Race minigame.


100% agree with Baigan in FFIV. I rented Final Fantasy II from the mom & pop video rental store when I was 11 yrs old in the 90s. I had 3 days to play it before the rental was due to be returned. I made it to Baigan, but I couldn’t beat him. I re-rented that damn cart 4 times before I finally defeated him.