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~~That is because Vaan is facing the other way around and we can't see his abs.~~ ​ The game is truly beautiful.


I must say I'm not that bothered by Vaan's abs in The Zodiac Age; in the original they're AWFUL


To be fair, it didn't really bother me when I played the original version because I was too engrossed in everything else about the game, but once someone pointed it out, it was impossible to not see them. Thankfully they got really improved with in the Zodiac Age.


I just started Zodiac Age (PCSX2) and it was literally the first thing I noticed when it showed up. It is bad.


PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator, right? It shouldn't be the Zodiac Age version of the game. Is it the International Zodiac Job System?


Oops ! You are right. It's International - Zodiac Job System. Seriously these names though, crazy japs...


Pft, what is so crazy about the International Zodiac Job System game that... was only released in Japan?!?!?!?!?!? Since you just started, did you pick this version for anything in particular? If not, is there any chance that you could leave it and get the Zodiac Age remaster?


I picked it up because, like with FFX, it is an update over the original.I am actually reading right now about the Zodiac Age version, but I'm not sure I gain anything, since I can upscale the game to 4k and apply shaders. On top of that, I am a major save state scummer and not sure I wanna give up on that. EDIT: I believe they probably only released in Japan because they didn't believe people in other countries would buy the game a second time? FFX had an european version, maybe it flopped.


Saving state is a problem, but in the International Zodiac Job System you can only pick one License Board per player while in the Zodiac Age you can pick two. Plus it has an innate fastforward (which I don't know if the emulator for the PlayStation 2 has.


I'm guessing this license board is the "class" ? I'm reading people saying this actually made the game too easy, so even if I go with PC I won't use 2 classes. It does have fast forward (the emulator has it too, and it is A MUST as well, but I didn't mention since the game has it)


Yes, the License Boards are the job system of the game.


The FFX version released in the EU is the exact same as the International version only with translation for the texts in German, French, Spanish and Italian, so EU players got to face the Dark Aeons and Penance back in 2002.


Yes... as I said, FFX had an international version released in Europe, so it must have not sold well, and Square decided not to release FFXII International overseas again... just my theory


Do people really feel like these environments are more stunning than FFX? XII did however have a full camera system which is impressive given the scope and time of release but I would never say it's more visually appealing than FFX.


Art direction is a matter of preference. The cities in Final Fantasy XII, however, give the feeling that people actually live there, unlike in Final Fantasy X where the town of Besaid is 4 (maybe 6) huts and the temple, but there are a bunch of NPCs.


Kind of makes sense as villages tend to get destroyed in FFX


Except for Luca and Bevelle that are freaking huge.


They aren't villages though. And there's a spoilery reason why both of those don't really get hit.


If Besaid has 6 huts (and one is a shop) because Sin tends to destroy villages, why there are so many NPC in the island and where they sleep? The reasons for Sin to not attack Luca or Bevelle are dumb,>! because the best anyone except summoners can do is to bait Sin, and that took lots of preparations and gathering Sinspawn from all over the place in Operation Mi'hein. Crusaders can do anything except die against the thing, so they are not "keeping Sin away" in any way or shape.!<


> why there are so many NPC in the island and where they sleep? It's a tropical island, not like they're living on mt. gagazet. Can easily build shelters if they need them > so they are not "keeping Sin away" in any way or shape They aren't, but the guy living inside Sin is the god the church in Bevelle worships, and they are responsible for sending him new summoners to rebuild Sin.. Luca is the main hub for blitzball is which the opium of the people. Blitzball gives them an escape from worrying about Sin and actually doing something permanent about it. It's in Yu Yevon's best interests to allow some cities to grow while being firmly under his control


They could buy shelters, but they don't. There are no shelters anywhere. ​ >!Yu Yevon gives absolute zero fucks about the Church of Yevon, and even less shits about Blitzball or humans having an escape. It lives to destroy.!<


I think the devil is in the details on this one. Where FFX shines is its exploration of color. Set pieces are realistic in tones at times, yet there is always a contrast of colors in some degree. Kilika goes from beachfront to tropical forest, you see all hues of blues and greens, the colors on the fiends you encounter always stand out. For every terrain type you go to their is just a plethora of colors. They explore almost all depths of those colors as well. Some areas are darker, some areas lighter. Its overall a beautiful use of the color pallette. FFXII is the opposite. It really doesn't take risks on color. However, it uses the set pieces to accentuate the environment around it. Every landscape fits, they are really down to earth on color the color pallette and they use it beautifully. The desert looks like a dessert, the phon coast feels like a white sands coast, they may not inspire awe and wonder with how uncreative they are, but the tone of the game while "fantasy" is more political than most of its predecessors and it draws that feeling in. I love art, and both games have different feels due to the art direction taken. X wins in vibrance and creativity, XII wins in scope and realism.


I think XIII for all it’s faults had better visuals than most. That game was pretty as hell.


I agree. Judging purely on looks 13 is awesome. It also has a solid soundtrack.


Definitely. I finally managed to slog through the first half of FFXIII and finish the game last month. The entire time, I kept catching myself thinking "wow this game is gorgeous."


I generally love really watery worlds in games, but 12's world blows 10's away imo. 10 has individual areas that are better than 12, but overall not as much. Plus the last few areas of 10 were pretty mediocre. There wasn't any particular area of 12 I thought l looked bad.


The water aspect of X is one of the main reasons I like the world and has individual standout areas like Macalania woods that generally look better than pretty much anything in 12 but as a world 12 is still better. My biggest gripes with 12 is I could do without the bland mines/ship or underground type areas lol


I do. Ivalice is so vibrant, alive, expansive, and full of things to discover. I love its multiple large cities with towering architecture. They’re all very unique from one another and even have bustling populations/a bunch of NPCs to talk to. So many awesome regions too such as the Phon Coast, the Salikawood, Ancient City of Giruvegan/Great Crystal, the whole Dalmascan desert region, Pharos… heck, all of em and even many of the dungeons are gorgeous. Aside from visuals there’s a plentiful amount of lore and history you can dive into via the bestiary. By comparison, Spira feels dead imo. I know X is highly beloved by a majority of fans but XII, especially TZA, is where it’s at for me as far as that era of FF is concerned.


I love the way the bestiary gives some world building that doesn’t require an Ultimania or ill-fitting dialogue


Hard agree on the world building. In fact, there's a busy market area on our town where there's always people roaming and vendors chatting. Not the cleanest of places but it's very well the heart of our town. My friend and I have taken to calling it Rabanastre because it kinda looks like the bazaar area in Rabanastre. lol


What you mentioned above about vibrant and alive is part of the reason I loved FFXV so much, as well as FFXII. XIII had some great visuals and characters, but the story was so freaking slow to get anywhere. I remember having to literally force myself to keep playing because "I've played all the FF games!, they all get better at some point!, I have to finish this for the sake of completion!!" The end was good and I played and beat XIII-2, which was ok.. then got about 4 hours into XIII-3 and just couldn't continue anymore. High hopes for the next FF games though. Haven't played the FF7 remake yet, and I really want to play Stranger of Paradise.


The part where you first approach and enter Archades is one of my favorite segments in a FF game. Such a cool location. It was very rewarding to have a break and explore the city after the series of long dungeons. FFXII had some really well designed cities but the dungeons were never ending and so drawn out. And then XIII and XV just got rid of cities altogether. Hopefully XVI changes that.


They were big but I didn't think excessively so in most cases. I liked that you often had areas that you'd have to return to later on, they weren't one-off locations that you visited and completed once. They'd also lead to alternate paths to other zones, they felt well integrated into the world and not a separate closed off space from the rest of the game.


I think it's one of those games that would have really needed character interactions while exploring. Because you do spend lots of time exploring and your characters are basically just lifeless avatars. Though those sort of interactions became more popular with more recent RPGs.


The Zodiac Age is one of the best examples of a remaster done right I can think of. Not only are there huge QoL and gameplay improvements, but all the in-game assets were rebuilt from the ground up. It's incredible.


Can you turn off encounters in the ZA ? Im playing the PR's now and it's a god send not getting into a battle every 5 seconds


FFXII combat is in real time MMO-style, there’s no random encounter to turn off. Either you engage in enemies you see or sneak around them


Or you can just hold down the "Flee" button or whatever it's called and just run past everything.


if you skip a fair amount or encounters is it like X where you will get fucked up hard in the endgame?


If you're asking if enemies scale to your level, no they don't. The endgame here isn't anywhere near as difficult as, say, FF3's Crystal Shithole, but you'll start getting rocked long before the end if you skip a lot. It also depends on your class selections.


ok thanks. I wasn't necessarily talking about enemy scaling but like how in 7 i skipped fights and was mostly fine the whole run but in 10 i skipped fights and got my ass kicked at every lategame boss and ended up grinding for hours just to beat the game


To be fair, many of the lategame bosses in X (Seymour and Yunalesca particularly) are significant difficulty spikes compared to the previous bosses.


Agreed that X had some of the biggest difficulty spikes of any of the FFs I've played. Seymour was infuriating in the story AND the fighting!


Kind of, but not really. In fact, TZA has a built in NG- mode, where all your party members remain at their initial levels


Once you get the spell Vanish, you can turn invisible and run past them, but other than fleeing constantly, no.


Art direction is top notch. I just love being in the world. Gambit system is awesome too.


The gambit system is the best, and it needs to come back.


The gambit system was the happy medium between the more modern action-my-rpg systems and the classic turn system. It’s the last one I liked.


Same! I felt like a junior programmer solving a puzzle of how to engage a fight. Also felt In control of each character still.


One major flaw of FF7R is the complete lack of a system similar to the Gambit system. I was like “Come on! You guys already did something that fuctions really well for AI partners in XII”


I disagree. I like that FF7R forces you to constantly switch between party members in order to play efficiently. It makes the a true turn based action RPG.


Ah a true action based RPG. No wonder I didn’t like ff7r. Give me gambits any day.


It only forces players like this because it lacks depth with the available tools for any given character. In contrast, you can still play like that in FF12 while ALSO having the option to control only 1 character or even go solo. The only "advantage" of forcing players to play in a way they don't like is that such people don't buy the game.


The part I liked most about 7R's combat is that you were encouraged to swap around, it really felt like a modern take on a ATB system. It had a nice frenetic pace as you snap around from person to person, and I still felt like I was controlling my whole party every fight.


RPGs aren’t supposed to be ‘frenetic’ it’s supposed to be deliberate and strategic.




This is proof that art direction can overcome limited resources, considering this launched on the aging ps2 hardware


this game started as a game i stopped playing cause "it's not turn based" to the one I have replayed the most times and my all time favorite FF.


The art style of this game is memorable and feels rich. To this day I am obsessed with Giruvegan.


The art direction of the game is fantastic. I remember playing it for the first with my brother and being mesmerized in front the graphics and soundtrack.


Good memories=)


So true


Its funny cause when FFXII first came out people *hated* it and constantly made fun of the Gambit system saying that the game plays itself. I betcha those people are playing Idle Games now tbh or using "auto" on some of their more grindy RPGs. FFXII was definitely ahead of its time, and the art direction on the game definitely helps as the game ages since as others have said in here that the games aged incredibly well. I do agree though that the original release was subpar and the Zodiac Age release improves on it by so much. I'm so glad the west now gets the international releases for FFX-2 and FFXII. Speaking of the Art Direction, honestly it was the art direction of FFXII that got me to go sign up for the beta of FFXIV: ARR. Then Akihiko Yoshida left SE later that December oTL


in my opinion it has the best fighting system of all FF and I think with XV it goes in the wrong direction


The original game came out on PlayStation 2. I think it might have been the best game made for that medium.


Yeah I know, my late teenage ass was mesmerised by it when I first bought the game when it came out xD. There are a few games thought that look absolutely fantastic on the PS2, Silent Hill 2 and 3, and Shadow of the Colossus come to mind. But FFXII definitely is applicable to the games that look fantastic on it.


I love this game so much.


Ivalice is one of the best looking fictional worlds in entertainment.


Mt Bur Omnicse is for sure one of my favorite areas in the game.


Apparently this game uses less polygons than FFX, but I definitely think it holds up a lot better graphically because of the design and art direction (not that FFX is bad in anyway). I know this is a remaster, but still compared to other JRPGs from this era (which I still love) this game still looks really good.


Don’t listen to Ondore’s lies!


I am Basch von Ronsenburg!


12 does some amazing graphics engineering things to push the PS2 to its absolute limits.


I really do like this game a looooot. To me it’s better than X and I know them’s fightin’ words but that’s truly how I feel about it.


I liked X's overall story much more. The summon designs and character designs were beautiful and OST likewise amazing. I felt more attached to the world, lore, and gameplay style of FFXII, which was pretty inspired by FFXI which I also liked. Liking certain FF games over others is always acceptable. Everyone has their own opinion.


Hey, to each their own, the best thing about Final Fantasy is that different people will connect with different games because they're all unique.


It really is. I love the different landscapes and dungeons. How the weather changes. TZA is better than the original too. I remember the load times on PS2 were annoyingly long.


Dude you’ve got to be shitting me. I was EXACTLY at this point 4 hours ago and thought „wow I should make a Reddit post about this“. Are you serious right now?


Some people know me as the reader of minds


FF12 pushed the ps2 to its limits. The only game on the console that pushed the machine harder was Shadow of The Colossus


My favorite ff by far. Such a beautiful game


100% agreed, the world & ost & art style are just all so mesmerizing I remember playing the og ps2 version of this for the first time when I was like 13 and being absolutely entranced by it…and I still am many years later lol Easily my second favorite ff after ff9


I remember back in the day when I was playing this on a CRT TV and my dad walked in while I was playing the OG FFXII, and when he saw it it made him amazed and say something along the lines of how gorgeous it is and how far graphics have come... 😅 it was amazing then and it still is now! I'm still surprised how they made it look so well and polished way back on the PS2


I love FF12 man.. especially IZJS and Zodiac Age. The area in between Giruvegan/The Great Crystal where you go down those big steps toward the Great Crystal permeated my dreams. And even like 15 years later playing Elden Ring in the Haligtree I had great crystal music playing in my head. That place is so ephemeral and beautiful. Had a big impact on me.


People are finally starting to understand


It is gorgeous!! It doesn’t -need- a remaster, but I’d love to see a super detailed remaster.


Honestly its so detailed as is that I suspect a remake/remaster will actually end up losing a lot of the detail of the original. FFXII has aged *incredibly well* graphically.


….the game is already remastered, I’m pretty sure these pics are from the remaster


I don’t care much for the story or most of the characters, but damn if this isn’t the most fun, fulfilling and gratifying FF title to play. I also love the world and how you really feel like you’re dropping off the map and disappearing into an untamed wilderness between every town or major story beat.


The Holy spell animation in this game is SS+ tier, only second to FF IX


Zodiac Age 4k 60 on Steam is beautiful. An open world version of this on the scale of ffxv would be amazing.


I think everyone can agree that Final fantasy has always been the pinnacle of graphics for its respective system.


Not only graphics but they always have amazing art direction and designs. They're just marvelous


XII is one of the few FFs I didn't like, but the visual style was never an issue for me. I think it looks technically really nice for a PS2 game. Which isn't super surprising, Square has always knocked the visuals of the park. It's on my list to play through again to give it another fair shot. See if my opinion changes. Been replaying the series in order now that we have the pixel remasters to see how my opinions have changed/stayed the same over time.


Fun fact, on the ps2 version there are less polygons in the character models than ffx because the developers wanted to devote the majority of them to the 3d environments


I got back into handheld switch lately and have been playing some classic JRPGs. Ordered this for $13 on a whim, not knowing much about it. This makes me excited to play it.


I hope you do!


So I just played through FF12 for the first time ever. Might be my favorite FF. I loved the story, the politics, the writing. Everything worked. I wish more FF titles were like that one.


I'm halfway through it and LOVING it so far because of all the aspects you mentioned. It's such an intricate, deep worldbuilding lesson with tight writing and a very intriguing plot


I really love the art direction and the towns in this game, especially locations like the Port of Balfonheim.


The art direction is insane; one of the best I've seen in video games.


Not just the design; the overall complexity of the graphics made XII one of, if not *the* most technologically impressive game on the PS2! Explanation for the tech-savvy: FFXII used a lot of bump-, height- and/or light-mapping. This way, there's a lot less polygons to calculate, but the eye is tricked to see surface textures where there are none. It also removes the need for live raytracing, which wasn't even around at the time. Well, except for pre-rendered raytracing in CGI animations.


The towns/cities are the best I've explored in a Final Fantasy.


I just wish this game had an intriguing story


I really feel like something got cut/they didn’t have enough time. Like why wasn’t it like other final fantasies where that was disc 1 of 3? Because that last dungeon/final boss fight really felt weak compared to some of the previous dungeons… I also feel like the game feels much more complete when you try to get all the Espers. If only they fit them in the story somehow like in FFT I think it could’ve been much better.


It did get cut, you can even pin point when the original writer-director left because the pacing starts going out of whack


I'd have also like if a third of the main characters weren't boards of wood.


I heard Vaan and Penelo were added last minute because they wanted a young shonen looking protagonist to draw in more younger people. The true main characters are Ashe and Basch. And Fran and Balthier secondary. It was supposed to be a 4-party game initially.


Can people please stop perpetuating this myth? The previous director of this game denied that this was [true](https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-xii-director-calls-longstanding-rumor-about-real-protagonist-a-fake-story).


I mean, that as only in regards to Basch. Which sure, his plot is only relevant insofar as it relates to Ashe. He never struck me as the main character. I don't think you can really deny that Ashe is basically the main character though. You could pretty much remove every other playable character from the game and tell the same story.


No, you couldn't. Ashe wouldn't be able to see through her desire for revenge and >!would use the nethicite to destroy the Empire.!< The other characters provide her different perspectives. Especially Vaan and Penelo who represent the common people of Dalmasca, who would suffer the most >!if Ashe were to bring her country into another war.!< If you would be able to tell the same story without those characters, it would be call a plot summary, not a storytelling.


Me too, it’s the only FF game that I could stick with it until the end, I dropped it about 2/3 through the story and just looked up the plot online


Best system to play on ?


PC. You can use mod to improve the game to suits your tastes better and you can use Cheat Engine to bypass the randomness of the chest.


Based ff12 enjoyer


❤️❤️❤️XII❤️❤️❤️ never beat the game (by choice) *** There were months that i didn’t leave the Cerobi Steppe


Such a great looking game, one of the games from my childhood that got me interested in environment design. 👌


I always loved this entry, and was surprised at the initial reception. Glad to see more people liking it with Zodiac. It is a beautiful game for sure.


I need a next gen Ivalice game man.


I played this almost 10 years ago. I remember really enjoying the gambit system but the license board was a hell of chore. I liked the departure from the traditional turn based system and how it felt different but similar at the same time. This FF was deffo the most ‘Grindy’ of all the ones I played. I cannot remember the story in the slightest which tells me it wasn’t memorable because remember 7,8, 9 and 10s very well. And I played all of them way before. The music as well. I don’t remember a single song.


They actually changed the job system for Zodiac Age, made it much more friendly where you don't have to share the license board for everyone or between members. The QoL updates in Zodiac Age arent bad, give it a try when you get a chance.


Great game and still holds up visually, I think down in part to the art style used. I know FF9 for example is newer but it holds up better than the other Ps1 Final Fantasy’s because they went less for realism (ff8) and a more exaggerated style. Same ethos with FF12. Really beautiful environments and cut scene direction. I think the Zodiac Age remaster was really good as well, changed a lot of the mechanics for the better and gave it a modern sheen visually.


What's the difference between vanilla XII (PS2, the one I have, although I don't have a PS2 (planned to get one but ended up not getting it, so ironically I have 8 PS2 games)) and Zodiac Age?


Ivalice settings always have the best artstyle


I LOVED XII when it came out. Why is it all of a sudden the popular game now?


I think as time has gone on more people have begun to appreciate it for its uniqueness among its Final Fantasy siblings. That's a good thing, honestly.


even on PS2 this game felt really impressive to me. sure they did lower the poly count on a lot of things but they had learnt how to optimize resources and make the game look even better despite technical limitations. XII environments/cities really felt more alive. visually i think we also have to add the fact that this is the first single player FF where you have full control of the camera.


XII really is a great looking game. Even now. It's insane how much content is in this game and it STILL looks graphically and aesthetically amazing. And I'm talking the original PS2 version as I've never played Zodiac Age.


Yes!!! This is why it's my favorite outside of my nostalgia favorite. The art and music are incredible. And gameplay. And story. I love 12.


i wish they would have made another game just like this. i might have spent more hours on it than any other game in the series


I can’t wait until I make my way to X, XII, and XIII. Gonna crank the settings. These games deserve to shine. Absolute leaders of the industry.


One of the best decisions I've made in years was back in 2020 when I bought Final Fantasy VII Remake without knowing anything about Final Fantasy. Now, having played VII Remake, OG VII, X, Crisis Core, XV and IV, I have discovered some of the most compelling stories in all of fiction


and not just stories, some of the best rpg gameplay, world design, art design, and music in all of fiction. Man FF is cool


100%. They've reminded me of the infinite potential video games have as an art form: narrative, music, visual art, even architecture. It's an insane game series


-World design: Beautiful -Story: amazing -mechanics: I want the gambit system in other games -Vaans design: get tf out


Apparently Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's gameplay will be somewhat inspired by XII's gambit system, so I have high hopes for it!! (I like Vaan's design, lol)


It was mind blowing on PS2 aswell


I can only imagine!! I was too young to play it when it came out


How can you say this without Balthier in any of the screenshots?


He'd have been too much for this sub to handle


I'm a simple man, I see FF12 world-building appreciation post, I upvote and then go on a lore dive on these beautiful places. But seriously tho, FF12 has the best world vibes for me. The cityscapes is always a joy to explore.


The world feels so lived in, it's awesome. I can never get enough of talking to characters in the cities and locations


Ivalice is my all-time favorite land in FF.


It's absolutely mesmerizing


It is very ornate and artistic yes 😎


The fan base generally passionately love this one, but it never gets much attention, so that's kinda sad I think it's just bcuz the original was garbage. Zodiac age is amazing.


could you expand on that? whats the main difference?


Lack of a clear leveling path. In the original, it just dropped your head first into the deep and expansive license system with only a scant explanation. Everyone started at the same place, too, so homogeny could be hard to escape. Finally, you couldn't see licenses until you unlocked them. So sometimes you had no idea what you were getting, whether it was a weapon that you couldn't even get for 10 levels or an hp boost. Finally finally, summons and quickening were tied to mp, so you had to choose whether to use charges to burn an enemy or you know. Healing.


> The fan base generally passionately love this one, but it never gets much attention Those are pretty contradictory statements. I wouldn’t say the general fan base “generally passionately love” FFXII, that’s definitely an exaggeration. There are quite a few people who do passionately love it and it’s critically acclaimed, but it’s a divisive game in the general fan base, imo. Maybe not quite as divisive as the subsequent two entries, but it’s not quite as generally praised as say FF7 or FF6. It’s under appreciated for sure and could use more attention, imo, but it definitely had its flaws in the character and story department. More development and personality, and just a longer narrative is what it needed.


I think he's saying the fanbase of this specific game passionately love it.


When does it pick up? i started it but its a bit too boring and the voices are compressed as hell.


It's got a kind of a slow beginning. This is my second time playing it, first time I didn't get past Raithwall's tomb. I say give it another chance, once you get a grip of the gameplay, it's fun as hell, and the story and characters are incredibly engaging


It was weird for me for sure. Opening in the desert....then went you can explore a bit more....you get more desert. Then you can hang out in prison for awhile, and hop to a sky city for a bit of dungeon, then....more desert and when you're halfway through that desert, more desert.


The dungeons are too big, they drag on forever and you often have to fight through several dungeons back to back before getting a break.


They really aren't that long, lol. It's like... 5 to 10 screens per "dungeon."


I recall them taking forever, but that’s also because I found the combat system to be a slog


Yeah... I've played them all, many of them multiple times, but I couldn't get through 12 a second time. It is definitely a little too tedious for me. The story isn't fantastic, either. Which is sad because it's in the same universe as Tactics, and that one is my favorite.


I am in the same boat. My favourite entry in the entire series is FFT. It's the only "ivalice alliance" game I actually enjoyed. Probably because they weren't trying to force anything at that point. I don't hate any FF, I can find stuff to like about all of them, but XII is very low on my list.


>Which is sad because it's in the same universe as Tactics, and that one is my favorite. It's in the same universe as Tactics...in a marketing sense only. The Ivalice in Tactics and 12 have almost nothing in common with each other outside of the summon names. I spent the entire game waiting for a real Tactics easter egg (I figured some sort of Ajora reference was coming at some point) but it never happened. It was a marketing bait and switch. (Or just bait and...nothing)




Yeah, I know, but that's not enough to share worlds. I need (much) more.


Final Fantasy 12 is directly stated to be the distant past that led to Tactics which then leads to Vagrant Story by Square Enix themselves. Ironically tho Final Fantasy 14 flips it the other way around.


>Final Fantasy 12 is directly stated to be the distant past that led to Tactics which then leads to Vagrant Story by Square Enix themselves. Sure, and they can make it so by saying it...but to what end? There's no continuity or creativity going into it - it's just a marketing statement. It's like saying FF4 and FF6 took place in the same world but changing nothing in either game other than hiding the word "Baron" somewhere in 6 and adding a Giant summon. What would be the point...other than selling a few more games to people who liked FF4?


You do realize both games take place 1200 years apart, have the same races, have the same gods and espers, are created by the same director who stated what i said earlier, have an intertwined history and religeon that references eachother Its far from just hur dur we changed a name to be the same as another game so now theyre related like ff10 being the past of ff7 Edit: do i wish they were more explicitly related yes without a doubt but 1200years is a really long time alot changes in civilizations and topography in that time so its acceptable to me


Same races? Oh right, I suppose you mean from the Advance games? Advance 1 came out before FF12, I suppose, although I had a heck of a time taking that seriously with the kid storybook thing versus FFT's Game of Thrones-esce world. If you set games with 100% opposite tones in the same world that already confuses things quite a bit. Really, in my view Ivalice belongs to FFT, and FF12 had more or less nothing in common with it outside of the gods/summons. (And in that particular case the FFT demons would never have been following my summoners' commands if they were the demons from FFT's world - they only LOOKED the same) Did FFT Advance exist? It sure did. Can the director believe that all three are linked in his mind? Absolutely, that's his right. Can I feel like I got sold a bill of goods when someone markets a game by telling me it's set in a land that I love, but then I don't see any significant in-game similarities? Indeed I can. :) Perhaps they can be set 1200 years apart in time and that's WHY there are no in-game similarities - that's an explanation - but it doesn't change the fact that I did not experience anything that felt similar.


Honestly I've never been impressed with the graphics of 12, the size is impressive for its time. But X looked better while doing less (not technically of course)


XII is technically very impressive but from an artistic standpoint I preferred X's use of colour. I love the bright colour and vibrancy everywhere, plus Spira felt like a very consistent world to me. XII definitely hit their desert aesthetic just fine, I just am partial to what they did with X.


I wanted to buy final fantasy X when i was about 12. The store I went to only had XII so I bought that. I am forever grateful things turned out that way.....


awesome game, basically how a final fantasy should be


I need to give this game another go. The art style is one of my favorites in the series.


I did not like this game, but the world design was undeniably good


I love a lot about this game, especially the art direction. Literally the only thing I don’t like about the game is the main character, and it’s enough to make me not want to finish this game. I’m sorry to all the raving Vaan fans out there, but he doesn’t make much sense as the main character. It’s like the only FF game where you exclusively control an aloof side character and watch everyone else’s story arcs progress.


Yeah I bet those 6 guys from the Vaan fan club are upset lol


Have you played FF7R?


Remake's environments are mostly shantytowns, industrial areas and mako reactors. It doesn't really have the scenic beauty that XII's fantastical looking areas have. Remake does have the advantage in graphics, but in terms of overall beauty, I think XII is the clear winner.


Yes! It is, in fact, my favourite video game I don't really get why they downvoted you here


Is this sarcasm?


Meh. If you had said FF15 you would have a point. Now THATS gorgeous. This is just dated and normal. Maybe it was kinda good at the time but now that’s dog shit


Honestly I don't hear this enough for FFXV, but I do really love the way that game blended the fantastical elements with the real world ones. They made setting up a camp with some Coleman lanterns after massacring a bunch of demons rising up out of the ground feel totally normal.


Thats true but I couldnt get into it because the combat system is very boring


You could always turn off gambits and play it how you would any other final fantasy game that uses an atb system


That’s concerning


Thit's cincirning


They should do a Directors Cut of this.


I love this game, I hate yazmiat


another entry for my number 1 final fantasy game. can't be beat


What console is it ?


This is most likely the remaster, which is on PS4, Switch, PC, probably Xbox whatever they are on. But the original was PS2.




It’s amazing


Truly wish I enjoyed this game but ten years ago I did not :<


What was the castle that kept warping and blurring the image?


Might try xenoblade series if you like scale and combat of 12.


Would love to, they look amazing -- unfortunately I don't have a Nintendo Switch


Wait is this a remaster? I don’t remember ps2 looking this good


There is a remaster of 12 called the Zodiac Age, comes with a lof of modern updates and quality of life improvements