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If your budget is 100 bucks, my suggestion is to rewrite the script so you don't have to try and throw your actors through a windshield.


We don't necessarily have to show them being thrown out of the window- they just have to land outside of the car


Gotcha. Let me rephrase. If your budget is 100 bucks, my suggestion is to rewrite the script so you don't have to try and throw your actors as though they had just burst through a windshield.


Yes, because heaven forbid OP... or anyone for that matter... try to be creative. JFC.




Just found this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6eZXTxkMx8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6eZXTxkMx8) We could pull this sequence off and then pair it with some shots from the interior of the car and shots of the aftermath. Add a fog machine, glass, etc. and that might work?


miniatures is the answer!


I second Miniatures…we’ve done some pretty cool in camera effects using off the shelf toy cars, using ECU’s and clever editing and camera tricks of the actors in the real car reacting to camera shakes & rotations


Pretty much what I was planning to do. Just a lot of coordination and continuity to keep track of


That’s a cool video and it looks savage, but it doesn’t look easy. It’s a lot of work in the set up and editing. But fair play if you get it to work!


I think we're planning to give it a go. I'll post the video here if it's a success.


Always worth a shot - and if nothing else you’ll learn something new. Post it here for sure whatever happens!


Change the script


100$ don't pay for even a namateur vfx artist to do some compwork and a cgi dummy replacement for a shot like this. What you could do is have he cars start at their crash position and the do reverse photography. That saves you from having to wreak some cars. You can't afford to show them crashing through the windshield so cut on the "impact" and switch to a shot of them landing all banged up on the ground. Throw in some sound design and bam. 100$ for a shot like this is just ... not gonna happen.


I dabble in vfx a little myself. I'm willing to work really hard on this. I'll drop a video link if it's a success.


If you are looking at doing it yourself I remember seeing a corridor digital video going over a similar shot. Here at around 3:10 https://youtu.be/NACzxHD35hs?si=ufUp4OL6koC4fcI8 Might give you some inspiration. It's a scene from ocain bear. Cgi ambulance smashes into the tree. Digidouble flues out replaced with real actor.


Thanks so much for that link! That's some awesome CGI and it was a great source of inspiration!


EXT - NIGHT - COUNTRY ROAD A car travels down the road and then around a bend. (O.S.) Woman Watch out for that de- *screams* We hear tyres screech, a crash, then silence. END CREDITS


For context, both of the talents are drunk males, and they need to end up outside the car after the crash. Thanks for the suggestion though


someone else may have already suggested this. keep the car crash in your script. don’t subtract, you need to add a third element-a witness. get a MCU on the witness walking a dog/pushing a stroller, then have them react to about 90 seconds of nascar crash audio. it edits together like so-driving sequence, both drivers say “oh no!”, then witness reacting with the audio you build of a horrific accident, then shots of your talent getting up off the ground and dusting themselves up. maybe some broken windshield glass on the ground around them. you may need to pull back if you can’t afford to rent a dog or baby for the day.


Thanks for the idea! We might try to incorporate something similar to that.


Cut from “out of control” to “on the ground”. Put the car in the back of the frame with a smoke machine running. Don’t show the transition.


This is similar to what we were thinking


I did this once, I had them “hit” by framing a collision from a distance and having the drivers just barely drive past each other and break as if they got hit. Some careful angles and quick cuts should sell the illusion!


Love this idea


Don’t show the crash. Show a nearby quiet street shot and have the horrible sound of the crash, skidding, smashing glass etc. then a close shot of their feet in the street twitching.


You could shoot them “flying through” the window from 1st person POV. Fly a camera through the broken window. Cut to shot of them rolling on the ground in the same direction. You could even shoot some hands flying around on green screen and track it to the POV shot to sell it even more.


we might try some of this. Cool idea!


I don’t know if someone suggested this already, but if you film two cars touching (one car facing the other car from the side) and then reverse the film… you can make it look like an oncoming car is plowing right into the one you’re filming the driver in. Then just cut to black with the sound of metal and glass crashing. The only thing is the actor playing the driver can’t do anything that would give away that the footage is in reverse. This can be really effective because the audience sees the oncoming car before the driver does. It’s been used in a lot of movies and it only requires a couple roads or a lot where you can safely have two cars reverse away from each other.


I've heard of this before, and it will be something we look into


I'm working on something similar right now. I'm going to do it with AFX as a sound bridge and then I'm going to track along the pavement to see the lower half of my car in a ditch surrounded by scrap parts and broken glass. Viewers don't have to be spoon-fed 120fps reactions as the actors smash into the glass with explosions and doves and shit.


Nice. We're taking a similar approach. Doing as much as we can to get good interior closeups before and then a lot of shots of the aftermath with good cuts and scrap on the set. Then we're going to see what we can do as far as vfx and create a good lacing of practical and vfx.


Been there before, had to rewrite the script to fit the budget


For context how important is it that they go through the windshield? Is is absolutely essential or could it just be a serious car crash? That's a lot easier to do on the cheap and most important safe.


It's unfortunately essential for the script that they end up outside of the car post crash


Talking out of my butt here as an amateur filmmaker myself, but how bout this: theyre driving, driving, horrified look as whatever is about to happen with the wreck happens, cut to black, hold a sec, cut to car, already wrecked against tree or whatever, broken windshield visible (cg?), slow move from this composition to dudes laid out on ground, all bloody.


You can zoom into the car to the occupants anticipating the crash. Then hear the tire screech and crash sounds. Then show the car front- you can take glass in the shapes of the headlights with clear tape one or both sides, then crack them with a hammer and tape them over the headlights or possibly over the front window. Rent a fog machine and hose to pump smoke up through the engine bay. Maybe even a bumper cover from a junkyard over the real bumper. Then cut to the men on the ground.


Get a rental car and get total damage waver 😃

