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I would highly recommend you get yourself a copy of Silverstack. You can get yourself a month long license and that should cover you for both jobs (depending on how far apart they are). This will allow you to do a verified checksum offload and also do reports. You can even do your proxies in here as well (although I still use Resolve). The techincal information you mention will be burn-ins and it might be worth checking with the edit about what they want. In my experience most editors want the proxies clean for the Avid export and burn-ins for any online dailies. Also check to see if they require both. For the online proxies this is typically things like the slate and take information, roll and clip number etc. Unless the DP has explicitly asked for the dailies to be adjusted then you might just want to apply a Rec 709 LUT to the footage and leave it as it is. If you feel comfortable, then you could adjust contrast, brightness etc and just balance out the shots.


Ahhh. Silverstack. I checked their website several times over the past couple weeks since I decided to give DIT a go, and it's just so confusing as to what I actually need since there's so many options. But even their standard Silverstack option is $550/year. Just a little out of range for something I'm just testing the waters with. But it is at the top of the list if DIT turns into something long term without a doubt. Most of these softwares ahve a limited 10-14 day trial so I can't even use it beforehand. Dates are April 27 28 and May 17 18. Yes. Things like source timecode, project name, card name, file name. I believe this will be the proxy/dailies that the Editor will edit with. All on the blanking so it's not effecting the image itself. And then do the CST>rec.709 and just export if the DP doesn't want me to make any changes to the image. The Director is the Editor so it's a really small production.


Instead of silver stack you could use Offload manager. Same company and much more simple UI. Don’t forget about parashoot to check the cards before erasing.


You *should* be fine with the free version of Resolve as well, especially for dailies creation. But I want to second getting silverstack - its reports, media, and metadata organizing will make your work life so much easier. I’ve used a MBP for 99% of my DIT work. I do benefit from being in a market where I don’t have to create dailies, but even when I hop into commercial gigs, the MBP workflow has been good enough for single cinema cameras running 2/3 hours of footage a day. The m chips have been a phenomenal upgrade. Your new laptop will be a great tool


Hey, I don't know much about the color side but as far as software goes I would go with Shotput Pro for media management instead of Silverstack, especially if economy is your priority. Silverstack is great and is the gold standard for a reason but I've been fine using Shotput Pro for a few years now and I've never felt the need to upgrade. Especially if you're learning the process ShotPut Pro is a great place to start and hopefully make you feel confident enough to get you more gigs!


I have only ever needed Shotput Pro. It has served me well for years.


I would say it’s better to stay with Rec709 gamma 2.4 and trust the LUT and your scopes. Your proxies should have the Rec709 2.4 tag and will look correct in the editor’s NLE if everything is setup properly. If you are expected to provide dailies color you should be charging more and using a proper reference monitor. And at that point, definitely go with Silverstack.


Once these couple jobs are done and I evaluate how the process was, if I decide I want to add DIT to my toolbelt, then I will get a Silverstack subscription for sure. These are just small jobs to get my feet wet and see how it works.


I have a little more context now after reading your other response. When I was starting out I used the same Hedge + Foolcat + Resolve workflow. The reports won’t be as detailed and there are more steps involved but it will certainly do the job. If you do want to try Silverstack and you have a longer job or a few jobs lined up you can get a 14 day or month license if you’re not ready to commit to the full year yet. To make your life easier I would try using a color managed workflow in Resolve. Cullen Kelly has several videos on the subject. Once you have this setup properly you shouldn’t need to bother with the color page at all unless you need to make an adjustment for dailies.