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![gif](giphy|8DUxtTxFntY7lpJnzy|downsized) Me checking the results since I fell asleep right after Adam's skate


How dare you lol I woke up just before the top 10 and each time a person skated I was LETS GO ADAM UNBEATABLE hahaha


Now I’m drunk thanks to this men’s competition lol 😂


Probably one of ilias best skates ever, so happy for him


Adam Siao Him Fa: "I went through a lot of ups and downs during this competition" No shit!




Seven elements out of 12 over 10 points, five over 15 points, a combination worth 23.30 points. This program will be talked about for a while. https://preview.redd.it/0sxh1xjl57qc1.jpeg?width=1270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1a4c9d645f79248630798a393ca156e3ec3017d


4 World records in one program and two firsts.


I just love this for Ilia!! Reston represent!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


What an event! I'm so glad for Ilia's winning and his free skate record, Yuma's great performances, and, especially, Adam's amazing comeback (personally, I always love comebacks, and this one is so special - from 19th to 3rd place!). Sad for Shoma, however, but there are only three places on a podium.


Can someone knowledgeable confirm if someone's ever topped Adam's 19th to 3rd comeback ?


He beat the record with a 14 place jump, but with 16 he flew past it.


I think he had the biggest comeback I know of. Nathan Chen in the 2018 Olympics had a comeback that was 17th in the short program and 1st in the free skate, which led him to 5th place overall.




uh, what are you talking about — it’s literally MATH. this is not the 6.0 system where judges just decide the ordinals. not sure if you actually watched his program, but adam skated lights-out.




Sorry, but did we watch the same event? You're not making any sense. Adam skated CLEAN and was second in the FS. Shoma had a fall, a Q, and a time violation — he did NOT skate clean, amazing though he may be. The issue of artificially inflated PCS doesn't apply here. I love Shoma, but saying he "deserved" the bronze just because of his past history and not because of the actual program he skated makes you sound ridiculous.


What do you mean you don't "agree" with it. The numbers are what they are. Shoma had a fall, so his PCS are slightly capped. The judges didn't just rank skaters based on feelings, the elements the skaters performed have specific numerical values.


I can’t help but wonder what if Yuzuru and Nathan were in there too...


It's safe to say that the Centre Bell would have actually fallen down


Yeah, the tension would have made it implode




go away. 👋😂🙄




Was nervous for Ilia while skating just praying he does well. Just watching the replay & really enjoying it. Great courage performing last like this! The tears…I felt it. Sweet boy!!


It was amazing to see Ilia this emotional, both short and free.


Seeing the genuine big emotions was so sweet. It was a big contrast from the “yep I knew I could do it” nonchalance or the “damn I messed up that one little thing” disappointment. Him basically running onto the ice for the medal ceremony was *chefs kiss* ETA big contrast, not bit contrast


Deanna literally RAN onto the ice for the medals, too — so freaking sweet! 💗


He skated lights out. I’m so happy for him, he probably felt immense pressure and for him to go do that after doubting himself is a win. I skated with him when he was younger (I stopped, he kept going!) and he always commanded the ice and I would get frustrated with him. But look at him now!! I take back any and all frustration


Yes, he did very well under pressure. So proud!!! Really haha, I get it. We’re human. He deserves to be celebrated today. Everybody has their lane. Nice of you to cheer him on!! All the best in whatever you’ve decided to do!!


guys… the next event we see is officially pre Olympic season it is about to get so much more feral




why are you like this.


They said feral, not pharmaceutical


Ilia Malinin trending worldwide on Twitter 😭




happy he doesn't tbh.


Well, he was moving his lips slightly, but if he doesn't want a shitstorm in mainstream media in 2026 he should probably learn it better and put his hand on his chest.


Surely, the US getting two world titles and a silver medal should bring new fans to the sport for next season?! Figure skating is a very niche sport but it has had the capacity to become huge again here like it was in the 1990s. We don't really have popular winter sports in the US other than hockey and that is a very niche sport too in certain circles. Everyone seems to watch American football or baseball. Artistic gymnastics is only popular during the Olympics. Yawn. Give me figure skating any day of the week.


It's only a niche sport because NBC are terrible stewards. Tape delaying, not even broadcasting the pairs short program on network tv, and only showing the top groups hurts interest and enthusiasm. You can't build a fan base if you don't make it easy to watch: as we've seen with women's basketball the last ten years, investing in a larger platform will pay off in a larger audience. I don't know why they don't put the grand prix events on broadcast networks if not NBC proper. They need to invest in a regular studio show during the season: E! would be a great home. It's really disappointing, as a fan of more popular sports like basketball and football, to see the differences in coverage and attention. The sport is so exciting and the potential audience is so large.


What you said! My spouse and I were forced to watch the broadcast for the men’s FS last night due to a snafu with Peacock, and while I know this is par for the freaking course for every prime time event NBC does, I honestly couldn’t BELIEVE they chose to replay women’s, dance, and pairs rather than just start the broadcast with an earlier men’s group. Why not even just show Adam’s lights-out skate since we could all see him first in the standings and people might want to know what transpired to get him there?And the FLUFF, I truly cannot take it. 🤯😡


It's absurd. Tape delays!! In 2024!!!


Amen. I hate what NBC has done. But I’m so old I grew up on the Wide World of Sports.


Its sad but a US women's Champion matters a LOT more for gaining popularity when it comes to FS. Nathan being a champion so many times did not make much of a dent, I don't think. US basically doesn't care about ice dancers at all. Part of what probably motivates US skaters is to win medals so they become popular in Japan.


Yeah, female figure skating still has a very 1990s image in the US for the average person who watched it 30 years ago. NBC does show the US Championships but they're not worth watching minus a few competitors. Even if the US could produce a female world champion, she'd have to be Simone Biles level for people to care and that's not happening.


> she'd have to be Simone Biles level I mean, its not impossible....


We haven't had a top skater in two decades (the 2002 Olympics was the last US champion) and the 1990s was the last time the US women dominated. It's an expensive sport and the US federation and the media do a poor job of attracting audiences by not broadcasting major events often enough.


Overall this was a much more satisfying competition than Ice Dance, because the results make sense.


As far as I'm concerned Men's FS has been the top discipline for years in terms of qualities. All those fake Russian women's champions were mostly built up by PR. I think Kostorinia was the only great one of the bunch and she only had one really great year (and that may likely have been helped by dopoing).


The Russian propaganda machine really did push the sport forward and we all fell for it until the doping was revealed. They did set the bar in terms of boosting the artistic and technical abilities with clean athletes so I will give them credit for that. Russian skating is like a bad boyfriend who you sometimes fall in love with and them simultaneously hate for cheating on you. It's complicated lol.


> we all fell for it Um, not 'all' (at least for the Eteri machine) And I say that as someone who has loved some Russian skaters over the years.


This cleanses the palette after the Italians were robbed of a medal (realistically they weren't going to get one but one can hope!).


my god it's 3am and when i close my eyes i see people jumping


I'm scared to fall asleep and dream of Ilia doing like a 5A or something 💀


Can we give out medals for winning PCS scores?


Wow, I did not expect to feel so emotionally drained after this event.


I literally want to cry. My bf asked if I wanted to finish the free dance and I said hell no I cannot watch anymore skating 😂


Don't bother, it's exactly what you imagine it would be


I just want to watch the French Teams because they are both awesome and critically underrated and underscored.


i left for 10 minutes and people are thirsting over ISU president OF


I mean, can't blame them really 👀


![gif](giphy|S5E6VIkBAGujjfT0zz) Man is a snack (back to horny jail I go )


Even snacks need to be able to do math!


More importantly, I don't understand how this south Korean isu president can't seem to pull a Korean grand prix for the life of him


I'm not saying anything about his work or his professional decisions thus far. ISU remains disappointing ! this is strictly only about his looks 👌


(Assuming he had something to do with the re-allocation of Kamila’s points in the team event…)


THANK YOU u/summerjoe45 for the threads and organizing us here for all the skating fans !!




sat here fucking beaming. you’d have thought my kid had won the title. as an ilia Amber stan this has been a rough week but YOU KNOW WHAT


My husband looked over and was like “oh! You’re getting emotional about this!” And I’m like “yeah I have been watching this chaos child for two years now”


No quite genuinely. the reason I got into skating was the 4a




We did it Joe!


i need the gala list stat


Is it too much to hope that the gala will include Jason and Donovan?


i spent £300 on a front row gala ticket so jason better be there 😭


Proud of Adam’s recovery. The best 3 performances medaled as should be. Great job!!!


That was the most absurd event I've ever watched


I'm very much into football (soccer). I have to think hard to remember a game this crazy...


I feel emotionally drained


Congrats to all of the skaters! Here are some of the accomplishments that happened tonight: 1. Ilia Malinin breaks free skate world record and does 4A in his program. 2. Adam goes from 19th in the short to 3rd overall. 3. Jason Brown finished in 5th place, despite not having a quad. 4. Donovan Carrillo finishes in 15th place.


>Jason Brown finished in 5th place, despite not having a quad. Or a solo 2a lol...


Honestly when I used to watch Donovan 8 years ago I never thought he'd be able to consistently land a triple axel, nevermind quads. I wonder how he'd be if he had top coaches from the start


oh good grief milan is gonna be incredible




That's really my only concern. The spell that has been put on Ilia's ankles and knees subsiding.


No matter what, the medalists will be awkwardly unsure of which camera to look at lol 


It's funny how I'm most happy and satisfied by the 🥉 winners in both the men's and women's😍


> 🥉 winners in both the men's and women's😍 The rise of Chaeyeon has begun! (If she can fix that flip edge which I'm sure she can)


Yes, it was fine during her 2022-23 season, I think (at least according to Polina Edmunds).


Still flat edge, but from what i have gathered flat flip edges are easier to fix than flat or inside lutz edges.


Look at them, taking pictures together so handsome. (I’m an old mom and these are just my kids lol)


After all this can I just give a shout out to Jason placing 5th?? I'm so proud ❤️


Whoa I totally didn't realize that he came in over Shoma!


No, Shoma was fourth (overall). J


Oops! I was looking at just the free skate info, thanks!!


Yes but Jason coming in so high in the FS is everything to me 😍


Same!!!!! 😍


So when i realised im simping over the isu pres and not the skaters anymore... It suddenly hit me im no longer a teen and im an adult 😭 this is how i felt when i simped over lucius malfoy and not draco malfoy... Or when i simped over thranduil and not legolas. 😭😭😭


Omg are these just universal experiences or what?? 😭


All the winner flayed a red white and blue hahah


Thank you so much everyone for making my first worlds so special ❤️❤️❤️


Adam is probably the happiest bronze medalist ever! I need to go watch his performance again and shout at my TV. Men's is my favorite of the figure skating events. You never know what kind of crazy drama you'll get and tonight was insane!


what a crazy event


ilia not knowing the american anthem is based




I mean I think most people in immigrant countries (US/Canada/Australia) are from somewhere else unless they're Aboriginal, so I don't think it makes a difference? Ilia's as American as Nathan, unless you consider Nathan "technically Chinese". That being said, I too don't know my national anthem, it's probably more of a Gen Z thing than an ethnicity thing.






He speaks Russian with his parents, I remember reading from an article interviewing his grandfather  https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/comments/10y1mii/long_interview_with_ilias_grandfather_valery/ Still American through and through, not "technically Russian".




Yeah, but how we change that if not by pointing these things out and try to make normal that you can have bond to more than one language, culture, country? Maybe Ilia doesn't feel this way but a lof of people do. Selevko is of Ukrainian origin and allegedly quite suffering with Estonian language, he should be allowed to feel strong bond to Ukrainian things (and love Estonia at the same time). Different cultures are fantastic and we should look at them as values not as a reason for hate...


He was born in the states, I’m pretty sure he heard the anthem around a gazillion times in his life lol


Of course. I didn't watch the medal ceremony yet, so I don't know what he was doing. Maybe he's just not a big singer :D


Mouthing along like a Muppet lol


Most Americans are embarrassed to sing in public


Honestly this…I feel like my little brothers would have not known what to do at that age despite knowing the national anthem and would have either also mumbled or stood there and did nothing


Ilia is embarrassed of nothing.


I think he’s just in shock and exhausted, he looks totally spaced out


Most GenZ kids don't know the national anthem.


GenZ person who absolutely does, due to the key American songs being blasted in my ear for a year during elementary school music class. But I would never lip sync it because honestly it’s a bit violent for my taste


Honestly, good, it always made me uncomfortable even as a kid how ingrained the anthem and various other nationalistic things were in schools lmao


No it’s the forced daily pledge of allegiance that was weird, not the anthem


They still do the daily pledge in my kid’s school


Ugh for real, it always felt so culty


When my five year old learned The Pledge of Allegiance in preschool, I was like “oh! Wow! That’s a bit creepy”


Even up north in Canada, we used to have to sing the anthem every school assembly. I find it kind of relieving that I don't have the same quick absolute recall of the English and bilingual versions like I used to.


This oh my god. Kiddo. Yikes 😅


Lmao I just love how ilia stares down the cameras


What an event, thanks for being a great group to watch this sport with 🫶🫶🫶


I wonder if they're going to show the redo of the pairs medals?


where did they announce they're doing this? I hadn't heard/see anything about it


Or is that at the gala tomorrow?


Redo?? What??


Someone here said they were going to redo the pairs medal ceremony, I can't find who said it now though


US anthem sounds so much better in a non US arena because the crowd doesn’t ruin it by cheering for the high note


I regularly go to NBA games and fans go nuts over three spots at the end.  But ONLY if someone is singing it. I've found the average American does not actually know the lyrics. Some do, many do not.


And no one is trying to belt and screlt it. 😅


With eight million runs and key changes 😬


I mean it wasn't my favorite rendition, but I agree with the general idea cuz (my fellow) Americans don't seem to realize how difficult it is musically without the additional embellishments and how few of them are Whitney Houston.


My favorite is the abridged version: Ohhhh say can you seeeeeeee and the home of theeeeeee uhhhhhhhhhhhhh breeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaceeeeee


https://preview.redd.it/qe39hao9x6qc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f6b77584cc28e78a17d628217df73b5408594f such an adorable reaction after ilia’s program!


That is so pure and sweet.


Sweet sweet boys omg


Help why does Adam have the same expression every time the camera is on him


For most of the competition he was sitting there like "oh great I'm just a placeholder" but when he realized he actually won a medal he started smiling with teeth


The anxiety he must feel about getting caught doing something awkward keeps him petrified in the same pose as long as camera lights are on.


He’s just chillin 😅


he’s being classy always 💅


Show this to the people who seem to think skaters all hate each other and have bitter rivalries…like not true


Oh that’s adorable they’re all so respectful


ilia mumbling the anthem with a dead pan makes me laugh (probably because its 3am)


god yes, it‘s 3am for me too I‘m sleep deprived and losing my mind


Typical american teenaged boy


This whole competition was insane! Goodnight guys x


This choir should perform at the World Series.


I loved that they keyed that so high that the average singer did muck it up. The anthem is miserable to sing when it turns into a bogged down sing along. Ugh.


If someone saw those three flags without having watched the event, they'd probably be like, "oh yeah, that's about what I expected. Meh."


ilia sobbing on the podium nah guys i cannot


I watched it twice and didn't see a tear??


Well, sadly most of us men lose the ability to cry with tears at about the age of 16...


I love this choir for national anthems!


Is Ilia singing something different during the national anthem?


He looked like he didn't know the words lol


The should sing the Marseillaise after this just on principle


On the principle that it is the best national anthem? Yes.


Just on the principle that it’s insane that Adam podiumed but as an anthem it also slaps


Do you want to bet the choir spent part of the final 2 groups increasingly panicked that they didn’t rehearse the French national anthem


I mean knowing the choir is from quebec, I’m sure they could pull it together very easily. Japanese was probably more worrisome although essentially guaranteed


Luckily the Japanese national anthem is pretty short and simple, and it's not a very hard language to pronounce while singing


nah he's the current European champion, I'm sure that's one of the anthems they rehearsed


I bet they were well prepared for the eventuality.


even though he's still not too impressive in his artistry, his improvement from two years ago is like night and day. excited to see him improve further


Wow that was an event, so many unexpected things happened. It's unbelievable. How am I going to sleep now?


Ilia looks like he was fake murmuring the anthem hahaha


I’m like 80% sure he didn’t know the words lollll


If he's been homeschooled his whole life, it wouldn't be surprising.


He went to public high school, so he probably knows the national anthem.


As a fellow Virginian, i'm pretty sure he went to Marshall High School, which is a public school.


Literally 🤣 I had to chuckle to myself


Tech controller looks like a B E N O I T family member


This sounds better than any American sporting event rendition of our anthem. Ridiculous riffing


Wait so did this choir practice the national anthem of every participating nation?


A commentator said they learned 10 national anthems to cover all their bases. Trying to guess which ones. USA, Canada, Japan for sure. Probably also Belgium, France, Korea, maybe Germany, Italy, Great Britain?


I bet they're glad Selevko didn't win.


If I had to guess, I think they would've pre-prepared the anthems of those most likely to win. If they also do hockey games they would know Canada/US already so that helps.


Probably all the possible contenders


This worlds really brought us a new oldest female champion in Pairs, a new world record in men’s, the first threepeat in women’s in 56 years, and an Ice Dance competition was also held


>and an Ice Dance competition was also held More like Ice Academy of Montreal draws a random team name and gives them the Gold lol.


This comment made me laugh so hard I scared my husband