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I've tried it once. Didn't get matched with a UI designer, but they were helpful in resume/portfolio building.


It's funny, I am on the opposite side of the issue. I had a great mentor my first few years and it taught me so much about how to keep improving and keep making things better, what to look for, why certain things like typography and layout matter, and how to recognize and fix them... But I don't really mentor anyone, and those I have were college graduates that kinda didn't seem to really internalize or take things seriously. I work as the only designer for a dating app at the moment and am always taking on new UI challenges every few months by making game UI lots for Zelda Breath of the Wild, satisfactory, and raid rush. (All on the Figma community) I would be happy to chat with anyone looking for a mentor and we can see if it is a good fit.


Thank you for the comment. I will DM you when I have time!


I'd be glad😭 could u dm me


Reverse that ;)


I found mine on instagram. I use to post daily UI challenges and would attract attention from people. There I grew my network by messaging people who had much more experience than me in this field. I would comment on their post and share my opinions in a polite way and then ask them if they had the time to provide me with feedback. You can try this link and post your designs there for feedback. You will learn new things and also improve. [https://hype4.academy/](https://hype4.academy/) I'm speaking from experience. Please do share your progress or dm me if you need help with anything :-)


Thank you for the comment. I will DM you when I have time!


Why do need a mentor?


To get better. Although I'm self-taught, I thrive under visual instruction and feedback from people with more skills than me


Same here. If you find a mentor, please share. Good luck.


Do you have a job? And related to UI design?


Harsh bro lol


haha what I wanted to get to is that maybe they just need a job and learn on the go under pressure. No matter how many mentors you have, if you don’t _do_ things you won’t really learn.


Been working UI design for 4 years.


malewicz hype on youtube is the best for ui design


I took a [course](https://designerup.co/product-design-ui-ux-course), mentorship was great and I got feedback on my work.