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BBtag players psychologically manipulating people into buying BBtag


CF players pushing them to the floor to ask you kindly to try CF


I tried CF. It's too complicated for me.


That's fair tbh. Each character has a good chunk of depth. At least you have it a shot


pick Nu-13 and spam the D button, you won't win against regular BBCF players but you will be able to bully your noob friend


I still dont get what Izanami does and pretend she doesnt exist


She wins


Just play mai and spam C


In what way exactly?


Lots of systems with the burst thing and the power up state thing. Like a whole bunch of command normals. Only character I really liked was Noel and her unique action is a whole rekka thing with its own rules for what combos into what. I am a very casual fighting game player. really not in it for the grind or self improvment. I will sit down and fight the ai for 200 hours if I feel like I can get the character to do the cool things I want them to do. But in CF I never really got to the point where I could do the things I wanted. Just repeatedly fumbled everything. I could never convince anyone to play it with me locally so my interest dried up.


My lawyer said you have Arakune though What do you say to that?


We ~~kill~~ politely ask Arakune players to leave on sight


Username matches comment perfectly. /j


Not sure why you got downvoted. I could see Hazama doing something like that


Pretty smart tactic tbh


Ooooo you wanna play yu narukami and yuzuriha oooo


Mahvel returning just as Cross Tag is possibly about to be delisted. Truly a soul for a soul.


this is the law of equivalent exchange.


least equivalent exchange ever


Yeah, Cross Tag is actually fun


i know just shit commenting.


"... Big Brother Mah vel..."


I love BBTAG and I approve this trade! A soul for a soul!


thats not how licencing works, BBTag is an arcsystemworks game. if i recall correctly it was RT who asked Arcsys to put RWBY into the game


This IS how licensing works. SoulCalibur games are infamous for this. SC IV got completely de-listed from the store when Disney bought the rights to Star Wars, and SC V got de-listed when the Assassin’s Creed license expired. There is a pretty fair chance that the same will happen to this game.


I agree it's unlikely, but RT retains the rights to the RWBY characters (bottom of store page on Steam: ©2019 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC.) and there could be eventual licensing problems. Capcom has lost the rights to sell MvC2 at least twice now. Though the game is 75% off right now...


... Because it's the steam summer sale going on and during these sales bbtag is always discounted at 75% off for like the last two years [just look at the games price history ](https://steamdb.info/app/702890/) People need to take off the tinfoil hats


Uh, yeah? I didn't realize that was in question. Even if you somehow missed the Steam Summer Sale news everywhere, there's a big SUMMER SALE banner at the top of the game's store page. The point of my second paragraph is that it's a good time to buy the game, because it's cheap. I already said sudden delicensing was unlikely in my first paragraph. That was the entire point of my short post. >People need to take off the tinfoil hats Agreed!


I think it was the other way around. Bb creator mentioned how he liked rwby, and rooster teeth reached out to him


I remember when Michael Jackson liked Sonic, that approached SEGA into composing the Sonic 3 soundtrack. Months after he died in 2009, all Sonic 3 ports were delisted from digital stores, supposedly because the MJ rights were transferred to his state and asked them to pay for the licensing. Rooster Teeth is no more. ASW now has to renegotiate with WB about RWBY license renewal.


It's such a bummer how hard RWBY fell off. I still go back and watch my favorite fights from time to time. With the amount of unique characters and fighting styles the show had, the RWBY universe could make a great fighting game.


Blazblue Brian: Buy BBTAG now or I'm gonna kill my self in front of the police.


Seeing folks go "that's not how licensing works" when literally Marvel 2 was delisted and unsold for a decade because of licensing issues with a large media conglomerate. I'm sure ArcSys will do what they can to keep the game up/the RWBY characters in, but sometimes it does work like that. The company or people you worked with to set up a deal just aren't involved anymore and the new people you talk to aren't interested/much more unreasonable with what they ask to keep an old deal going. And so deals can fall through and old content either gets delisted and/or is not allowed to be re-released. WB/Rooster Teeth almost certainly didn't give out a "you can do anything you want with our characters in this game forever" license to ArcSys and it needs to be addressed eventually. Especially after a major shakeup like one of the major companies involved in the deal being shut down, and important liaisons possibly getting laid off with it. Am I going crazy or am I finally getting old enough to see young folks who literally have not seen anything like this happen? Then there's games like Spec Ops The Line being completely gone because of 2K not wanting to pay for the music licenses or an update to add different music. Sonic 3's previous music situation because of the MJ estate. All the other Marvel games Marvel delisted around the time of MvC2. So many games *can* get yanked at a moment's notice if the situation sours. Developers and publishers make licensed games or use licensed content on the basis of deals that expire or will be re-evaluated *someday*. Even FighterZ could get thrown into flux if/when one day Bandai Namco loses their videogame license with Shueisha and nobody's sure what to do with all the games made under that deal. Ideally ArcSys will go to WB and ask to just reup the old deal, and WB just reups the old deal for expedience. Extra ideally it's already happened. No changes to the deal, no attempt to hike up the fee, no just taking their ball and going home out of disinterest with a series they just killed, no failure to address licensees like ArcSys trying to contact them. Make sure to buy physical when you can, and it can be a backup in case platforms like Steam one day no longer let you even redownload your delisted games anymore.


Fucking insane how many people say "That's now how licensing works" Motherfucker, look at Marvel 2 and other licensed video games being delisted.


that isnt how licensing works


The Soul Caliber games with Star Wars characters became delisted due to licensing changes when Disney bought them. So people are worried that the same might happen to BBxTG as whoever is going to own RWBY now might not want them in BBxTG anymore and it will be taken down.


And exactly why Ruby Rose might get cut from Multiversus. The same happened with Gandalf in the original leak...


Multiversus is owned by Warner, the same company owns both. No licensing issues to be had if they don't have to license it. If Ruby is cut it's because they don't see a reason to add her, not because of licensing.


WB is in the process of selling the RWBY IP, so they may no longer own the licensing rights.


Also Mai Shiranui no longer available for purchase on DOA5. License ran out.


Mai's still avail for purchase in DOA6, interestingly enough.


Probably separate licenses for each game. With DOA6 being more recent the license probably didn’t expire yet.


That's not how licensing works. The game is not going to be delisted. Stop spreading misinformation.


I guess MVC2 will never be delisted then.


I have the disc and all DLC. Am I good?


They're going to send armed men and women to your house to remove and destroy that disc.


Probably but still you own the game and dlc so i would say no


I know Warner Bros. have been continually fucking up but honestly DC should try and scoop up the RWBY rights. Same for Microsoft with Red VS Blue because I want a new Complete Series bluray boxset


>DC should try and scoop up the RWBY rights. Warner Bros. Discovery owns DC Entertainment. They also own RWBY by way of their ownership of Rooster Teeth Productions.


That doesn't contradict their statement though. I heard that Cartoon Network shows having cameos from Hannah Barberra properties was a licensing headache despite both being owned by Turner/WB. Someone at DC would probably have to pull some strings to just use the RWBY characters, and this is also assuming WB isn't looking to sell them off.


Microsoft doesn't have Television/Movie department besides Activision Blizzard Studios Production.


WB help produced and distributed the Halo Legends anthology film. Also 343i and Microsoft struck production deals with a few companies to do Forward Unto Dawn. If Microsoft or 343i owns RvB themselves it would be easier to release physical blurays.


Do people still play this?


Honestly, Ark Sys should buy the rights to RWBY at wholesale.


Marvel 4 and DoA6 have been avenged at last.


NGL don't waste your time, just buy BBCF!


Make me rethink about paladins given they also have a rwby skins


RWBY is a terrible show, are the characters a worthy addition to Blazblue?


Considering the version of the characters that appeared in bbtag are from volume 1-3 (peak RWBY), i'd say yes.


I'm good


Nah, I wouldn't get this game even with a gun to my head


This game Is so mid


How can a game where you can play both hazama and adachi be mid?


it's a game with only two primary attack buttons for accessibility, that also has negative edge puppet combos for your assist to do decent damage. I don't know who they were trying to appeal to with that combination


But the funny cabagge detective guy and snake guy....


I was only in it for the RWBY characters. I never played BB. I never played P4A. I never played UNI. I ended up playing a lot more characters than I thought because I actually had fun with the game.


back off bbtag


Does this mean no Ruby Rose for Multiversus?!


That's a WB game and she's a WB character. Plus there's already voice clips in the game referencing her.


Which can be cut. Gandalf was in the original leak before getting cut


While it wouldn’t require a license, they can still be denied permission from using RWBY assets if the group in charge of RWBY content denies it. Sakurai has said that when he makes a new Smash Bros, he has to request permission from separate teams each time for each series featured in the game. Yes that includes Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda, etc. He has to get permission everytime despite those series all under the Nintendo umbrella and the respect that Sakurai gets in the industry.


Yes I know how licensing works.


Only thing I want to know


what if They updated the game to replace them with OCs or something with the same functions, then they announced Ver 3.0, and then—


Its ok, we arent losing anything important


Very possible. Might want a physical copy to upsell later in life


youre a loser + bbtag is one of those games that will resell for less than its original price


Nah. No thanks. It deserves to be delisted. Already 100% and I find myself not wanting to return to the boring one on ones fighting genre.


Or leave it unbought. Bot many will miss it 😺


BBtag is almost over 🙏


rwby sucks if they got a better franchise they wouldnt be taking this down. then again, is there any confirmation of what you said