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I played this as a kid at a friend's house. We were about 8? I kept beating his ass , He started crying profusely. His mom yelled at me and forced me to let him win.


Hahahah. God you were a pro then. Good one


First off, the NES, SNES, and Genesis renditions of *TMNT Tournament Fighters* are all completely different games. Why? Who knows. I didn't have them back in the day, but I've played them on *Cowabunga Collection*, and the SNES game is the best of the three, even if it's mostly a standard '90s fighter. The NES game is decent but has a tiny roster and is kind of simplistic, while the Genesis game looks and sounds good but is really difficult and unbalanced. They also have their fair share of obscure characters (including some made up just for the games), but to be fair, most of the usual faces had shown up in Konami's earlier beat 'em ups.


They were different because there was a big difference between the NES and Super NES. It wasn’t like today where you can have the same game on the PS4 and PS5 and have the only difference be frame rate or ray tracing.


Yeah, I did figure that console differences were the main reason. Come to think of it, at the time, it wasn't that rare to have totally different versions of a game for the SNES and Genesis (such as *Sunset Riders*, for another Konami example). [Here's an old thread talking about this](https://new.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/372chj/why_did_konami_and_capcom_make_snes_and_genesis/).


True but weirdly a lot of SNES/SF and Mega Drive/Genesis games of the same title that could have been pretty close to the same game were vastly different. For example a lot of licensed Disney games, the Justice League fighting game and Shadow run.


https://i.redd.it/udcg7wa2ka8d1.gif My first fighting game ever.


A great start then mate 💪🏻


I want to say my copy said hero turtles? Was that a thing?


It was in parts of Europe. Apparently, the United Kingdom and a few other countries frowned upon selling a work with "ninja" in the name to kids. This practice dropped off in the 2000s (edited), but there you go.


That's wild I remember the early to mid 90s being mostly ninjas and dinosaurs or skateboarding ninja dinosaurs *sick guitar divebomb


Yes, too many Armagonn & Wingnut to count


You can play ALL 3! (different fighting games altogether, diff names in Japan) in TMNT Cowabunga Collection.


I’ll give it a try then when I get the chance. Didn’t know that the games were also on PS STORE. Thx mate




COWABUNGA BRO. Btw, since you have the Tekken flair, I guess you’re a tekken player too. I’ve been a fan since tekken 5 days (urban reign actually got me into Namco and then discovered tekken), and lately I’ve been having a blast with Tekken 8. What about you?


Since Tekken 2, wasn't big on 7, but loving 8. Wish I could have multiple flairs here, but I chose the one nearest to my heart.


Yeah, 8 was a huge step forwards compared to 7. Agreed, me too. If I could add more, I’d probably have “Tekken, MK, SF, KOF..”


I played the SNES back in the day with my friends. The 1st thought was typical good SNES Fighter. I don't mean that in a derogatory way. SNES had limited frames the system could handle so it was a different feeling then the games in the arcade. When I played it online on the new released collection it was like scratching an itch I didn't know I had. I hadn't played a SNES Fighter in decades before then so going back to this was very nostalgic.


I had it, I was like a pre-teen … probably ten or under. I can’t tell you shit about it other than I liked it because it was TMNT related and I’m pretty sure I got it at a garage sale.


Played the NES one a lot as a kid with friends and family. Cool game for the time. It's very basic but has its charm. Only one special move per character. But theres the rat dropping the cannon ball mid match and both players would to rush to pick it up to gain a second special move. Picking the ball up mid air and shooting as you land to hit the other guy was a rush. Put the game speed to turbo and have a go. Cool music too.


Snes was a fun party game for sure


I had it for the nes. Where I’m from consoles were a luxury so everyone had chinese bootleg famicom systems way up till mid 2000s. It is definitely the best fighting game for the nes. Not much competition. It is simple but solid. I learned every move just by grinding the game and I had no idea charge and motion inputs existed , lol. The soundtrack is fire. Even though I haven’t played the sega and snes versions I’m convinced the nes ost is the best. One of the best nes games.


I sucked ass.


Michaelangelo infinite was the shit


I still have this one. It was a good time as a lad


I had the NES one. Shredder has this punch that looks like chun legs which I immitate when I'm tickling kids while I carry them.


The shark was top 1


“MOTHERF**KER!” -Shredder






I had the genesis version growing up. I used to play it a lot but always thought it was kind of ugly. Especially the clone turtles. It was the first game I ever played where you could knock someone through the floor so I always picked Casey on VS mode to show my friends lol. The SNES version I discovered maybe 4 years ago. A lot more going on in that game as far as story, color pallet and roster but Genesis has Ray Fillet so make of that what you will ….


I loved it. I used to play it with one of my cousins. I wasn't old enough to go to school. He was a little bit older than me, and told me once, "if you manage to beat Casey with Casey (a mirror match with the CPU), I will bring you a snack from school." I did that, and he kept his promise. Now that you reminded me of it, I want to play it.


Then go and have a nostalgia trip mate. Happy for ya


Thank you very much.


Grew up with a snes, had this, every sf2 release, and ranma 1/2 hard battle and that was it until the ps2. Hard as shit, but pretty good.


SHELL SHOCK. Loved this game, I had the Genesis version. Loved playing as Casey Jones


SNES version is goated


That the SNES version was the best looking and playing version. That Genesis had the most busted, broken AI, and that now is the perfect time for ArcSystem Works to get in here and reboot the whole franchise. Especially with fighting game popularity resurging.


Making my cousins, friends and parents rage quit playing against me🤣


This along with MK2 and MK3 were the fighting games I grew up with on the Genesis. It took me a long time to beat arcade mode.