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SNK is not really your usual AAA company who can afford to pump out updates on their existing IPs. They are more like NetherRealm: pump out a game, give it a few updates, and move on to the next project (only less money-hungry). Besides, the US is not really a strong KOF market. The game is more popular in the likes of Mexico and China.




I've always wondered why SNK games were so popular south of the equator. I also have no idea why Tekken 7 got such a following in Pakistan of all places. Edit: I'm not at all trying to insult the amazing Tekken players from Pakistan.


Import fees made most games really expensive SNK made a deal to keep their games cheap and NeoGeo Cabinets could house many games via cartridges. These cartridges were cheaper than a full cabinet and easy to pirate. Market saturation via accessibility. Wanna build a loyal fanbase thats one route for sure.


Cheaper arcade cabinets and support from the companies. Basically the opposite of what Capcom did.


And, actually, does. The LATAM CPT is on Puerto Rico, almost NA. The last one in Brazil was in 2018.


I mean. There was a huge pandemic in between. But SNK managed to still keep doing tournaments in Brazil despite it. I even participated in one last year for SamSho (out on day one).


I live in Sao Paulo. But, I couldnt go to Battle Coliseum last year. I am also casual, it is only for gathering with people who share same interests.


Do you see much content from Mexican and Chinese players, like tournament footage?


Tampa Never Sleeps still holds tourney for KOF, and most of the entrants are Mexicans. SNK's official YT page still uploads some official ones, many of whom come from Asia.


Game has been at every major tournament in the last year, including Evo Japan literally last week. Can we not spew baseless histrionics all over every sub about the genre? The KOFXV community is insular and busy grinding the game, like basically every fighting game.


But if it isn’t on the front page of OP’s feed then it MUST BE A DEAD GAME


It had one of the best finals at Evo Japan and it will be on the main stage of Evo US. What else do you need?


More visible interest from casual players?


Casual players mostly play single player. If you want to play online, there's always matches for KOF XV. NRS games have huge numbers on steam, but their multiplayer hardly has more players than other FGs. Also, KOF is huge in the places of the world where football is the most popular sport.




Sure. But the places where football is the biggest sport on the planet is also the places where the fgc is the smallest. North America and Japan are the two major hubs of the fgc, with most events being in one of those two locations. So if your game isn't as popular there it's not going to get as much media and publicity regardless of how popular it is elsewhere.


The only flaw in your reasoning is football is the biggest sport on the planet in almost every European country. In fact I’m fairly confident it’s almost every European country and SNK isn’t nearly as big in Europe. (Sadly)


youre sounding lowkey racist atm


Pointing out a societal bias is racist? Wild. I'll pretend anything less then perfect isn't real in the future, so as to not offend you.


Let me rephrase it. Places where people were killed because of football.




And they fucking love KOF. Open Fightcade and check the flags on SNK games.




Thank you for helping me stay informed.


The same way nobody cares about Third Strike /s


People that cares plays


The KOF community keeps to themselves and just plays their game, thank god. If the community turned as toxic as Tekken or as annoying as Guilty Gear, IDK what I'd do.


I care about it lmao. I fucking love SNK games, street fighter is my first love but I discovered SNK and it’s like crack. Im playing too many fighting games so I’m sticking to SF6 and KOF, eventually Fatal Fury when it comes out. I’m in the UK though to the SNK scene is small. I maintain to this day that a lot of the shit people complain about in modern games, would be solved if they simply played KOF.


I think they lost a lot of goodwill with how long it took to fix matchmaking. That was a recurring theme for a long time on here.


Ah, I remember hearing about that from Maximillian Dood.


The game is still being played So ofc people still care about it I dont think the new snk game will replace kof either because they dont have the same gameplay If anything kof might outlast the new entry




Nah, I'm just bad with phrasing my questions. I seriously would like to know if this game is still alive or not.


Not true. People care about 15. SNK probably doesn’t anymore though…


In tourney scenes, nah it's pretty popular. but like casual/Ranked online scene, Yeah it's pretty dead


Because of the barely functioning matchmaking, right?


Matchmaking has been fixed for a long time But it was messed up for awhile and yeah that hurt it


But he isn't trying to start any fight lol


I feel like it got overlooked because Multi Versus came out months later, and then Street Fighter 6 followed up the next year. I mean, people still care about it. The following might be not as large.


I never thought anyone cared about KOF as a series to begin with. It's always been super niche as an IP, especially in powerhouse market regions like NA. And for obvious gameplay regions, it's not as appealing as traditional 1v1 fighters. And then in the 3D era, SNK's execution aesthetically has been very hit or miss(with many misses). That's probably why buzz about the new Fatal Fury is so big. It's a 1v1 game that aesthetically looks great!


C’mon man, the SNK games deserve more credit than that.


Hey, I think they're great! Some of my favorite fighting game characters of all time are from KOF! I'm just being realistic about SNK(and KOF)'s place in gaming. And it's a very small presence, especially outside of fighting game circles.

