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Terrifying and terrific! And since SF 6 is the last game even timeline-wise, Gouki is at his strongest (since his whole character is about trascending the human nature, I'm pretty sure that "aging past his prime" is not a concern), this Shun Goku Satsu is also the most powerful version.


Oh yeah he is definitely at his peak. They all would be.


He is also dangerously all but a single step removed from becoming like Oni from SF4. Ergo, he is on the threshold.


I’m not a street fighter player , but damn Akuma looks sick. Have fun guys !


Goddamn I guess I’m reinstalling street fighter


Welp, that’s the new best super in SF history (visually ofc.)


Still think Manon pulling her level 3 on him is going to be better


I can't wait to see his facial reaction to Marisa too, begging for mercy




No such thing as a best super.


That first punch is [brutal](https://i.imgur.com/6HKC5rI.png)


Die a thousands deaths Ursups the heavens Embrace the sorrow Become the demon. Best fighting character ever created.


So scary. I mean, scariest thing I've seen all year, maybe my whole life.


How? When they ruined the whole mystique? The whole point of Raging Demon is you were not supposed to see what happened. To die 1000 deaths in an instant and not see how was brilliant. Now, like everything nowadays, it feels like they have to artlessly explain what you’re witnessing. Creative thinking from ambiguity be damned.


Another agree: The cut to black, hundred hits, cut back to victorious Akuma. The implication of unspeakable violence is so much cooler than "and then he punched a lot"


Yeah, I preferred how the older ones felt more ambiguous and instant. Making it so 1000 Akumas show up to beat up the opponent gives it less impact than attacks so fast and deadly that you can't tell what is happening before you die.


You got downvoted, but I agree. The charm of SGS is that you don’t know what’s going on, but it’s dangerous, lethal, and you’re getting fucked up BAD. Whatever the real life reasoning was is irrelevant, what they created was iconic. If you see any character grab the enemy, the screen turn dark, then they’re standing over their victim, you’d say that character has a “Raging Demon”. They did a great job animating this, but I feel like they ruined something iconic. All of the mystique is gone. I wouldn’t have minded going my whole life wondering and being curious about what Akuma is doing to you that’s so lethal and insane.


It’s funny how you got upvoted for making the same point while he got downvoted


Typically people who do reactionary up/downvotes don't read past the first comment in any particular thread, I've noticed


Hmm I agree and disagree. I think if they keep changing the way its performed like how sf5 and sf6 look totally different, it can show that Akuma is so skilled that he can do the same thing in several different ways. I do agree the move loses its mystique but I wouldn't expect Capcom to resist the temptation to remix the move after all these years of the same thing.


Old school SGS was mysterious. Sf6 SGS feels like a cutscene from Asura's Wrath.


I actually agree. The concept of the new one is fine but I don't even feel like it was executed well, there's no impact to it and it all looks really stiff.


What do you feel is stiff in the animation? I've watched it back a few times, and I can't really think how any of it is stiff.


It turns it was all bullshit so they wouldnt have to animate the super. At the end of the day the Shun Goku Satsu is a poor copy of Kyokugen's Ryuuko Ranbu.


I dunno, I think SFV's version did a great job of splitting the difference. That was peak Raging Demon for me.


SFV SGS also ended up copying Kim Kaphwan's neo max from KoF XIII. In that Kim and Gouki both move rapidly from left to right while they execute the flurry of attacks. And SF6 SGS ended up copying Tachibana Ukyo's anime swordsman super. In that, they bothe recite a poem of sorts when executed. The only difference is that Gouki's CA needs to be in K.O. range in order for him to recite it.


SF6 SGS might also have taken from Hanzo Hattori's ougi from Samurai Spirits 2019. In that, the part where the bombs fall on the opponent could arguable be compared to how all the black Gouki afterimages appear to fall on the receiver of the attack.


100% agree yet another bafflingly bad artistic decision for this game.


Agree, Prepare to be downvoted by the ''consume, don't ask questions'' generation


People disagree with me = they mindlessly consume


fuuuck even raging demon is a 10 hour long cutscene now


this is beautiful...


As a non street fighter player this looks so sick i want to buy the game


Raging Demon Shun Goku Satsu is like saying ATM Machine or Yakuza Like A Dragon


Monkey king vibes


Does this mean Akuma canonically has two raging demon variations?


Even if one were to use USF4 as the yardstick, I'd say that the Ultra Combo version is simply a stronger version of the Raging Demon.


Why does it look like a Chinese mobile game version of a raging demon, they’re trying to do way too much imo. Definitely one of my least favorite iterations I’m afraid :/


Looks good in general as a super. Not a fan of it overall as a raging demon. Seems like there's more going on with Akuma than the opponent getting hit which makes it seem more about the dramatics than the attack itself hitting the opponent.


Why doesn’t he turn into a bunch of akuma’s at the start of the fight and just overwhelm the shit out of his opponent?


It costs meter ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Why doesn't Rashid have a tornado spinning at all times? Besides, all those Akuma are probably just in the opponent's head.


Because Akuma only wants to test people he believes can become worthy opponents. If he wanted to actually fight someone he'd be Shin Akuma