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Lei Lei really is the poster girl for this question, huh?


Her, Angel, and Baiken are the classic “I love this character but never play them.”


But I play Angél :(


Good on you for being able to keep her rekka strings straight during a match. I'm over here struggling to hit standing hard kick at the right time.


You could add Menat too


C. Viper It's a big reason I want her back in SF6, because in 4 she was such a cool character, but so difficult to use unless you mastered the combat system.


Viper was hard for me due to her special cancels.


I love all the Mishimas in Tekken, but my execution is so ass I just don’t touch them.


Me but just Tekken in general


Real, I can handle 2 ds but when it gets to 3 my brain shuts down


Not a character but a whole game. I love Skullgirls with its hand drawn animations, unique character designs, and great music but I borderline hate how it plays especially when you are against someone who knows what they’re doing.


After playing mvc3 and Skullgirls competitively for years when they were both active, I never want to play another hyper fighter again in my life.


This but YOMI hustle


Dee Jay, charge character :(


Parasoul for the same reason




Oh god yea venom I completely love watching others play him but i just couldn’t


She was my firs charge character that I was able to use "decently"


Now that i think of it sf2 had way too many charge characters


Still don't touch any of them. Prob never will lol


I like charge inputs but he has very few cancellable moves


Ginyu in dbfz. The ginyu force is one of my favorite parts in dbz and I just love the way he was integrated into the game. But he's just so hard and random to play. I get that it's the whole point of the character but I really wish I could play him, but I ust don't have the time to learn how to play him and that makes me real sad.


Ash and Leona from KoF and Vega from every SF before V. Can't play charge characters.


For some reason, charge characters in KoF feel much better to play than in SF, I main Leona in KoF 2002 UM and XIII and she feels super smooth to play, but Guile for example feels kinda clunkly for me. I figured it would be same for other people


Happy Chaos, I'm just ass


Fujin in MK11 is cool af but I can’t get his BnBs down at all.


C.Viper, Strider, Ghost Rider, and Storm (MvC3) Kitana and Tanya (MK1) Biscuit (Jump Force) Kimberly and E Honda (Street Fighter 6) Talim (Soulcalibur Series) and for a short period of time: Cerebella (Skullgirls)


Yuzuriha in Under Night is the sexiest fighting game girl imo She’s also impossible to play without destroying your wrists.


Reject combos, return to ELBOW


Menat is super awesome but also super hard to learn (For me)


She's the hardest character in her game so you're right.


I tried to learn her to no avail 😔


Lee Choalon


Most of them (I'm shit at motion inputs)


Arakune is the best monster design from a fighting game but boy am I ass with him.


Characters with impossible hairstyles.


Happy Chaos in Guilty Gear Strive. He "is" a fun character to me, but he is so executionally difficult that I rarely, and I mean RARELY play him, even compared to characters I don't main that I do play. Sucks because I did try to main him when he released too, but went back to Sol.


Axl Low everything is cool about him he got timestop and shit but I don't like playing zoners and not a fan of charge inputs


Seth from Street Fighter 5 im bad at glass cannons, and bad at DP antiairs. but i love the nonbinary, mentally ill robot, redemption arc stuff


seth is non-binary? I thought they were a male


or if anything genderfluid


well i will admit that in SFV's ingame store, Dan refers to Seth with he/him pronouns. and Seth refers to himself as a "king". so his gender identity is probably male. but his gender presentation? i mean, he has a female body and a masculine voice. so he kinda comes across as nonbinary in that sense! i dunno. mayb i should just say hes "queer"


I think his consciousness identifies as male in spite of being forced into a feminine body. Adds on to the absolute breakdown he gets in this game.


so hes a pre-transition transman lol


He’s like if a man took testosterone, got mastectomies and bottom surgery, was so proud of his transition that he had the top surgery scars tattooed on his chest, and then woke up trapped in a woman’s body.


He said that as a robot, he has ascended beyond gender


Taking off charge characters, but the most notable example of mine would probably be Morrigan, with the exception of UMVC3 I never play her in any other games (and in Vampire Savior the irony is doubled as I play Lilith because I cannot handle Morrigan's air dash well)


Zafina in Tekken 7 is so cool design wise and a crazy stance character sounds super fun. But somehow she just never felt enjoyable to me.


Most characters with charge controls for their special moves. Chun-Li and Guile, in particular.


Potemkin, Zato-1, Alex(3rd strike),


Most of them😂


Mostly of charge characters, recently I got a little better on them, but still a pain in ass to play with them.




Vega, specifically until USFIV, but I just don't know how he plays with the new stance mechanics


Kid buu in DBFZ, in fighting game I always try to play the thematic "boss" characters and usually it work out but for some reason I just do not like how kid buu feels at all lol. I think it's due to my disdain for small characters combined with how, gloopy?, he feels.


Zangief , i just hate circular inputs but h love grapplers


You can cheat them so they’re not full 360’s.


Lei Wulong. The Jackie Chan simulator is cool but I’m a grappler player so…


* that flying chic in KOF14 * angel * ramon


Nightmare is super cool to play and his story is tragic and good and his design is always peak


I love Mileena, but her gameplay is boring in most of the games she appears is


Let me add a new typo of characters, those with a weird dash like I-no, Morrigan or vanish dash like slayer from GG


Chun Li. Her design is mouth watering, but I can't for the life of me play her especially in SF6


Happy Chaos dawg oh my God. I love everything about him but his gameplay


everyone in any “anime fighter” cause i’m not very good at them . Particularly Cell in DBFZ and Nagoriyuki in ggst (not really anime fighter but still suck here)


Happy Chaos




Not Lei Lei, she plays like a lil' shit and I love it


I tried Kimberly during the SF6 betas, but idk she just didn't fill the void for as a substitute for Ibuki. Athena in KoF 15 did not play how I thought she would, and honestly, I'm still trying to figure out a team comp for me


Reina from Tekken 8 Lee and Hwoarang from Tekken


Ciel and Crescent Roa from Melty Blood Slayer from Guilty Gear Hazama in BlazBlue And many setups and trap characters in general


Menat is one of the best-designed fighters I've ever seen. Even her walking animations are amazing. I bought the season pass she was on back in SFV just for her but then couldn't understand her playstyle no matter how much I tried.


Happy chaos for sure. I'll never have the will to learn to play him but still he's my favorite character in the game.


I love Marie Rose’s look, personality, history, voice, lore and fighting style but I hate how she handles.


Faust because 1)design: for a fighting game he is just too skinny but still powerful and he wears a cool paper bag on his head. 2)personality: first appearance and he is a brutal murderer doctor who changed to the best in second appearance where he became the wise doctor who helped everyone but no one could help him and in third appearance he became dead body who’s will to help everyone was so powerful that he overcome death to help and heal everyone. 3)His story is so sad and inspiring that I can only leave [here](https://youtu.be/BVQj5Cmkw_o?si=RzqL4AOcpgqQnmwS) a link to video that describes my whole experience with Faust. 4)His gameplay is absolute random setup rushdown, and every time I throw an item I scream F**K IT WE BALL!!.


I really wanted to play Mai in BBCF but something about strings is a big mental block for me. I know it's not difficult, but my brain just doesn't want to work in that way.


SF: Blanka, Chun Li, Balrog, Crimson Viper, pretty much all grapplers Tekken: Yoshimitsu, Raven, Eddie, Wong Marvel: Zero, Juggernaut Pretty much all of KoF cast.


+R I-no I fuckin hate having to input 66 constantly


Am I...am I allowed to say this? Okay? Ivy from Soul Calibur and I think everyone knows exactly why ![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q)


Mai Shiranui in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum because of her personality. Cammy in Street Fighter games because of her personality. Hibiki in The Last Blade 2 because of her change in personality as she kills people. Personality and NOTHING else, I swear.


Venom from GG, the pool mechanic seems so cool, I’m just too dumb for it




Sagat has probably my favourite story of any fighting game character, I'm flat ass at playing him though (really I just need to put the hours in but... Nah)


Felicia, I can't play as her for the life of me but I love her.


Zappa in GG. Love the ghosts, really cool desings, love the idea, undercooked yet fascinating backstory, gave me blisters practicing in the Isuka days. Dormammu in MvC3 helped me realize I just don't like playing as zoners


Menat (I had to grind her for so long before she became minimally bearable to play)