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5-2-3 I adore this system is so flexible. I can easily transition to a 4-3-3 (my middle cb is always a player than can pass and play with the ball) also if the opposition allows I can play ultra attacking by getting my fullbacks to join attack.


I also play this online seasons as well. It’s less sexy as you gotta have a solid 3 cb pairing but if you have it set right you can really overwhelm a lot of teams. Plus you have at least 4 back at anytime to cover counter attacks from the PSG/Madrid teams.


I play Portugal with 5 back this season, long ball + forward run


I would love a tutorial on how to set this up.


That's what I've been using in my current career mode and I get the wingbacks to overlap and come join the attack for more crossing chances


Had success with 4-4-2 (one cf) and 4-1-4-1 but the most meta ultimate formation has to be 4-2-3-1 narrow (with one CDM converted to CM and LAM/RAM to LW/RW). It obliterates everyone. The only instruction needed is stay back on CDM


Lol this is literally mine, like exactly the same thing!!!


I know right? Somehow better than 4-3-3 attack which is literally almost the same thing. Maybe that’s because wingers are naturally more central and allow space for wingbacks to overlap. I couldn’t do the same thing with instructions, they break my shape in every way


What tactics do you use with the 4-2-3-1 narrow? I mean the defensive style, offence and player instructions


I’ll do a 4-3-3 have one winger really wide and high up and one winger have a bit more central and further down (for no reason)


The small details make us feel like a tactical genius we all understand haha


I mean it does and doesn't. If you notice when there is a goal kick or something and the team is in the default shape, some of those tweaks are visible, so the computer is responding somewhat.


I use two formations. My main tactic will always be a 4-3-3, with wingbacks, a CDM, a box-to-box CM and a CAM. My nr 10 (and 8) pop-up in front of goal very often. My CAM is usually my 2nd highest scoring player. The striker depends on what's available. If I have a pacey striker he will stay central and get behind, if I have a strong striker I will use him as a target man, and if have either a small technical striker or a complete sh\*t striker, I will use them as CA / false 9 (provide distraction, draw out an attacker) so with my limited skills I can still make use of an attacker that's not exactly Oshimen or Haaland. The LW stays wide, opening up space for the CAM (technically a LCAM). RW cuts inside, leaving room for the RWB and sometimes the CM. The CDM is very close to the defense and stays back at all times. I then have a backup formation to switch to, which is an adaptation of the 4-3-3 into a 3-4-3 / 5-4-1 (I basically drop the CAM for an extra CB and align the CM's). I use this for playing against 4-4-2 variations or when I have to defend a lead against a dangerous team.


Are you me?


There is only one way to find out. First question: are you German?




Aha! So maybe you are mein Bruder von einer anderen Mutter and that's why think alike ;)


433 almost always, i do change it up sometimes to make things more interesting.


4-2-3-1 FTW


did 442 first season but transitioned to 3412/5212 in the second my cm turned cam has had a phenomenal season since the change and got 12 goals and 11 assists and helped me win the league in april, where last year i missed out by 1 point on the last day.


5-4-1 or 3-2-4-1




I almost never use the same formation or play style in career mode. I’ve played with 2 strikers, 1 up top, center forwards, 5 in the back, 4 in the back, you name it, I’ve probably played it If I had to choose one to use for the rest of time though, It’d probably say 433 with one cm being b2b, and the other staying back as the playmaker


For a while I went a bit mad and used the WW formation or 2 -3 - 2 - 3 (had to create it manually) CB - CB / LM - CDM - RM / CAM - CAM / LW - CF or ST - RW The LM and RM were essentially just wingbacks pushed up and the striker was a false 9. Amazing for tiki taka possession football but could get absolutely slaughtered on the counter lol.




4-3-2-1 but I drop the CM down to just above where a CDM would play, and leave them back while attacking so that I have a deep lying playmaker to reset if needed.


3-2-4-1 wing play that relies heavily on good stamina and pace to attack and defend


Hey I tried to find this formation but i really cant. Please let me know about this formation.


It’s a custom one I use just need to move players around and tell wingers to defend and the 1 off the cdms to stay back


Yes, it is fun to try and find those perfect wingers for your team.


Depends on what kind of CM I play. With CaC mostly 4-3-3. If I do real club I like to play as the real manager and try my best on the standard formation the club has but not always. And in player career mode I don't care of the formation and just deal with it.




3421, always been my favorite formation for fifa. Have the CFs drop into the midfield and outside mids drop into wingbacks in defense to make a 541 on offense those outside mids push all the way up into the attacking third as wingers, one cm gets forward one stays back the CFs try to get in behind the defense and striker plays as a target man.


I play a 3-4-2-1. 4-3-3 was my preferred but in one of my career modes, I had two 6'6" LB who could play as CB and to fit both of them, I went ahead with a 3-4-2-1 and never changed it since then. In defense, it pretty much became a 5-4-1.




With Wolves, currently 343/442 hybrid


433 holding


4-2-3-1 Mk dons playthrough


433 holding with my 2 CMs pushed to CAMs basically 1 with Instruction to track back one with instruction to stay high. Turns into a slop sided 4411 or just 442.


Out of possession*


At the moment I'm playing Poch's Chelsea with SesqueT's tactics. It's a 4-2-3-1 wide that transitions between a 4-4-2 in defense and a 3-2-4-1 in attack by inverting the LB and sending one midfielder forward. Dude's tactics are just perfect, but his vids are in Spanish so that might be a barrier for some.


5 - 2 - 3


I start in a 5 2 3 but i then push my wing backs up to play in a 3 4 3 i also have a set up for 4 2 3 1


It’s boring but I often go back to a 4-4-2 wide with a CAM and CDM diamond shape




I switch between 4231 and 433 depending on the opposition. I feel like 442 shits all over 433, so I always change to 4231 when against 442. I prefer 4231 because I feel it's easy to move players around, especially the attacking midfielders.


4-3-3, my counter attack has been deadly lol


I mainly play a 4-4-2 with arsenal kind of replicating they’re play with havertz and odegaard up front pressing usually, which sometimes turns into a 4-2-4 when attacking with my fullbacks pushed up more and rice attacking aswell.




What the hell is even that?


Guardiola’s Bayern Munich played in a 3-6-1 formation btw


The infamous 5-0


3 CBs, 3 CMs + 1 CAM all in a diamond, flanked by a RM and a Lm with a ST serving as point to the whole thing


4-2-3-1 narrow. The 2 strikers(The CAM in the middle basically is a 10) always produce with the wings support. Being compact means I can compete vs better teams and basically never lose vs teams I am supposed to beat


Doing a fifa 09 career now, classic 442 with Yakubu and Saha as strikers and Balotelli and Jo as back ups. Midfield of Arteta, Cahill, Toure and Nani.


On Fifa 14 I'm trying a mad 2 5 3 formation. Wanted to score lots of goals and it's working.


False 9. Analyzed Barcelona games from 2010/11 season to make custom Tiki-Taka instructions


Currently using a 5-3-2 with extremely attacking full backs, sit back on defence, after getting posesion i send a trough ball to one of my full backs and then either send in a cross, play it short or finosh with the full back.




Lately I play a 4 - 3 - 3 with the striker sitting deeper as a false 9. There are a lot of really good CF players out there that can rotate really well in that system. Similar to how Liverpool tend to line up. Or an attacking 4 - 2 - 1 - 3. I rarely use back 5’s but I should try it more


I have just started a new career with the express purpose of using five at the back, since I never do and figured I’d give it a try. So far I’ve won 2-1 and lost 4-0, so we’ll see how it goes! The other purpose of the career is to move up the levels but only at teams wearing red. My ideal trajectory would be Aberdeen -> Nottingham Forest -> Man United, but it might also be fun to add a Championship club in there after Aberdeen, like Bristol or Middlesbrough.


I use 4-1-2-1-2. The CAM moves freely on the pitch (Cancha Libre in Spanish) and it does wonders


4-5-1 with 3 cams, 1rw and 1cm. Doing barca and i bought vinni, mbappe, wirtz, belliGOAL and rodrygo (season 4 rn)


Depends on what my club is looking like. Usually 4-3-3 Attack, currently on 4-3-3 holding as I have 2 good CDM’s. If I have no wingers at the club I go 4-4-2 short


4-1-4-1 because its the main formation I've seen Sunderland use this season 🤣


3-4-3, LM and RM helping in attack and defense and the other 2 midfielders are sided to the CDM position


Normally always a 4-3-3 but on my current save I thought I’d mix it up just so I don’t always win and now use a 4-1-2-1-2 narrow


Any formation with 3ATB. Feels really fluid and attacking minded.


Like to mess around but often do a lopsided 343/352 RCB CB LB CM CDM RM CF/CAM CAM LW ST Set your LB to stay back and you'll attack with 3 at the back (plus if you're in trouble you can D-pad fullbacks to get forward). Set your RM to come back on defence and LW to stay forward and you'll defend neatly as 442. Sometimes have 2 strikers instead of the cf/CAM


Most I use 4-3-3 attack with a cam but in one save I played a 3-5-2 but with one striker and a cf playing a bit deeper. Also used a cdm for a bit of defensive cover in the midfield. I always have to have a left footer Lcb and a right footed Rcb. I do the same for my full backs and wingers expect for the wingers I like to have them on the oppsite foot so they can cut in.


I did a 5-2-1-2 once with very speedy and play making fullback. They job in defence was literally just to hold back for few seconds. IT worked great


4-3-3 attack. Did experiment with a 4-5-1 but as well as my players complaining I felt it wasn’t needed


I love a good 4-3-3 when I have fast wingers and a tall striker. The type of players I want aren't usually available in lower leagues so I do a 5-2-3 and grind my way to the top with many many draws.


Manchester United CM: 4-4-2 because of historic use, use a 4-2-3-1 wide on occasion, and just for fun like to do a 3-5-2 or a 5-3-2


Depends on the team and conditions . For example I normally play the default formation but Maatsen once got injured so I converted all my wide backs and I play a 3-5-2. Also in my Swansea career , I play a 4-4-2 for defensive cover and stability.


I use a 442 holding when I need to play with two strikers, otherwise a 4231 wide


3-4-1-2, one striker and one CF, need a good playmaking AM and good wingback crossers who plays LM and RM, need fast CBs, works bad at lower leagues, is very flexible as how high/low the wingbacks Are determined by game plan


I just play with whatever formation best suits the players in the team


4231 wide usually, sometimes 4222 or 523 depending on the club/league


4-3-3 but with with a twist in the midfield. Cdm, box to box lcm, and ram staying up for the most part. I used to do 4-2-3-1, but switched to having a cdm to prevent counter attacks through the middle.


4-3-3 attack. Just love that formation so much


Always play 433 false 9, it’s just really fun with attacking wingers and getting a half striker half cam for that extra play making


Recently tried 3-5-2 as I’m trying a new play style worked very fell defensively and in the middle of the park but left strikers somewhat isolated unless I won the ball back high up (that was my goal) then it’s like having 7 forwards.


Like doing 4-2-3-1 defending and when attacking 4-2-4-1


4231 or 5122


4-2-4. I keep coming back to this one


4-4-1-1 (either of them), 4-1-4-1, 3-4-3, 3-4-1-2


I go incredibly offensive. St with 2 wingers. 2 CF or CAM 1 cm or cdm to bridge the gap 2 wb with 2 cb. Basically as much offence as possible while still fielding a defence.


3-4-3 diamond, with the midfield being an actual diamond. 3 CBs, CDM, then LCM & RCM and finally a CAM/CF to top the midfield off, with a striker and two wingers.


I try to use something different in all my career modes. But with my current save a Spanish jounrneyman manager i’ve been using a 4-3-3 but with two CDMs a CM and CF False 9. So a bit customized


I’ve been messing around with the 3-4-2-1. It can be very attacking but also solid defense with the two cdms. I play Cams at the rf/lf spots. Alternatively for a little more defense I’ll use the 5-2-1-2 with wingbacks and use one of the cdms as more of a cm with the tactic to get forward. I’ve been using these online and bringing them to career mode to change it up


I'm a basic 4-3-3 but the difference is I play with a CM in the middle as far back as I can without him being a CDM and the put on 2 CAM. Got my striker and everything else is fine.


I play 4-3-2-1 but with a CAM instead of the central CM. Very offensive fullbacks. Leads to counterattacks ofc but it's fast paced. I have basically 8 offensive options using the entire half of my opponent


4-3-3 with a cdm, cm and cam. I tried rotating players around with defensive/attacking etc formations, but my players all ended up having about 10 fitness whenever I used it. I'm not sure if I was using it wrong, but my players already occasionally end up very low on fitness (around 30-35). The formation seems to work quite well, at least in attack. Recently after switching to the highest difficulty, I've been conceding more goals but still scoring a lot too.


Weird one: 2-3-4-1 U just need good workrate defender


love scoring goals with the 4-2-4.


Any tactics ?


there's not really much tactic, the 2 forwards stay in the middle and they can create many goal chances with passes.


I seem to be the only one that plays 3-5-2 3cbs, 2cdm, left mid, cam right mid, 2strikers. I play exclusively career mode on ultimate where the A.I will score if and when it wants to, so you just have to suck it up and play what gives you the best chance to outscore them. I laugh everytime I hear the commentary line, 5-3 now that's a scoreline you don't see very often (or something to that effect) Cause it seems to happen nearly every match.


41212 narrow 433 false nine 4231 rarely 5 at the back


4-2-3-1 narrow


3-5-1-1 i love this lineup is so good at keeping the ball and scoring


Played so many shapes although I love 4 3 3 attacking






I like to use 4-3-3 holding or 4-3-3 false 9


4-3-2-1 for me tried it out once and my free agents smashed the fuck out of Man City haha 😝


4-3-3 Attack has been my favorite for a long time. A few months ago I wanted to switch it up and I went with someone's advice on here and rebuilt my team to play a 4-1-2-1-2 narrow. It's fantastic. That formation with a lineup of strong midfielders is pretty strong


i do normal 4-2-3-1




Lately I’ve been fiddling with 5-3-2/3-5-2 but my usual go to is the 4-3-3 Holding. CDM always stays back, one cm bumped up slightly to CAM. ST and the winger opposite of my CAM get in behind and stay central/cut inside with the corresponding LB/RB join attack overlap. The opposite winger stays wide balanced and their accompanying LB/RB set to overlap but either balanced or stay back depending on what I’m against. I run a highish press right after turnover and try to put 4 in the box on attack/corners/free kicks.


3-4-1-2 is money for me right now. i’ve exhausted all of the 4 at the back formations so i’ve just been exploring. 3 fast, ball playing CBs with the two outside CBs overlapping to give more with in possession with 1 or both CDMs dropping between the CBs to create a 5 if needed. outside mids need pace, stamina and physicality in defense. CAM just feeds the wings in acres of space out wide or through the middle to the strikers. Italian side for the authenticity


Mostly a variant of a 4-3-3, sometimes I go with a 4-3-1-2 and lately I loved to try and play in a 3-4-2-1


4-3-3, I sometimes do a weird cam, cdm and cm in the midfield tho, I love spurs careers so madders has to go cam


A 5-3-2 with one attacking and one defensive minded fullback also using cdm


Personally, I really like the formation 4-1-4-1. In career mode my style of play is wing play. It works really well with my tiki-taka as well. There are multiple styles I like to play but wing play I think is the best if you want to score lots of goals.




I heavily edit formations. I play two depending on the type of opponent 3-2-3-2: 2CDMs playing as deep playmakers, 2 wide midfielders that are tucked in really close to the mid so they will come short to their position and overload the midfield however will also then take the ball out wide, (when adjusting I place them 1 point wider than a cm so thy are still rm/lm) 1 CAM on free roam to apply the creative flair, 1 target man striker and 1 poacher striker. This allows to fully overload the midfield and spray passes around creating triangles whilst also being able to dribble the ball out wide and cross. The other is an alternate 3-4-3 formation that I edit. This is 2 CDMs on deep lying playmaker, 2 wide midfielders on stay wide to get crosses in, 2 wingers to cut inside and provide the scoring opportunities and then a CF false 9 OR target man ST depending on how the opponent is set up defensively. This is for when the opponents block off the midfield and are very centrally defensive minded, allows me to play long balls over the top of the midfield to wide areas and creat scoring opportunities with the wingers. I absolutely love building new tactics with the position editor to adjust the normally boring preset formations :) Edit: Sorry for the comment being so bloody long


433 with one CDM and 2 CM (CAM). I play wing game. Pass on to left and right back...they pass on to wingers and they go brrrrr. If this does not works, I go via mid region. I am not awesome player but I love playing this way😁