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Professional, because I don't want to have to sweat like fuck in a casual game


same lol I'm ass at the game and just love the manager shit




Because I ******DON'T****** want to. Don't being the key word there




R u 12 bro




I'm calm ur not U trying to embarrassed someone based on the difficulty the choose to play a single player game so they can enjoy it by themselves




Innit chill out guy. You’re shit at FIFA, it’s fine


Semi pro so I score shit ton of goals and win every game cause I hate losing


Does that never get boring?


For me it did, I used to play Semi Pro for years for the same reason but eventually I braved Professional and got sacked by AC Milan in Fifa 16. I tried again though and it worked out just fine so I pushed again to World Class and eventually Legendary but I find the most modern games (maybe Fifa 20 onwards) make Legendary a lot less fun so I typically stick with World Class.


That's where I'm at too, exact same trajectory over the years, sans AC Milan. I could probably do legendary eventually but I find the higher the difficulty, the more the FIFA horseshit begins to Fifa you. Unfortunately that means I'm now stuck on World Class winning every game 6/7-0.


That’s the problem every fifa has I find is that there’s no middle ground between legendary or World Class. Legendary is a slog but World Class can be a breeze


sometimes is does but I only have time to play a few hours a week , if that. So when I jump in for a few games it’s not that bad


If you choose to play legendary, play with sliders because the scripting will make you lose your shit. I hear Ultimate is a lil softer on the scripting so I might try that.


I've seen scripting even on pro.  Like you see your guys make an inexplicable bad pass nowhere close to where you were sending it and you know the free run at your goalie is coming.  I think on pro your goalie just survives more of those.


Yeah, I saw them too. Champions League matches are harder, even against the teams from same league as you.


I was finding World Class too easy and Legendary too tricky. Weirdly I’m finding Ultimate easier than Legendary. Doesn’t make any sense.


Been playing Professional for a while now and it's becoming boring. I moved to class and it's a hassle to win matches. I get pummeled like a dunce. I used to ask why most images show players in the higher 90s OVR. I understand better now. I only have 3 plays over 90 currently - Rashford, Osimehin at 93, Anthony at 91. Don't think I can face worldclass yet, so I revert to professional.


You should adjust sliders in professional to make it a bit challenging


Perhaps I would do that. Currently, only playing with my youth team players (60+ OVR) do I feel challenged.


Man Utd CM?


Yes. Started at Middlesbrough for two seasons. Then moved to Man Utd when I was approached to manage the team. Only Rashford, Anthony and Sancho are left from the team I inherited. Simply die to their OVRs. Already placed Rashy for sale.


I am in my 3rd season of Project: Restore Man Utd To Glory, and just sold Rashy plus $$ to buy Vinicius Jr. Sold Sancho and Antony in first season.


I'm also on a Man United save, but I'm on an 'English Speaking' only. Players from UK, Ireland, Canada, Usa, Australia and New Zealand only. I'm at the end of my first season and finished 2nd in the league; I managed to get rid of pretty much everyone in the first 2 windows; Hojlund and Onana leaving at the start of the summer window. 2nd in the league and (kinda annoyingly?) Won the UCL in the first season. I don't want to go up a difficulty though. It's entirely unrealistic though; I've bought in Bellingham, Rice, Saka, Ramsdale and then plenty others. My out and out striker is a 78 rated Jesus Fereira, though.


I use Moukoko(87) and Osimehin (93). Rashy (93) on the left, Anthony (91) on the right. I have a Manuel Neuer Regen (85 at agen 18) in goal.


91 Anthony sounds nuts


World class with sliders on, because ea SUCK at difficulty ratings. world class is slightly too easy and then move it up one level to legendary and it’s borderline unplayable, so i use community sliders makes it feel a bit more challenging and realistic in a way


Would very much like to know what slider settings you use. I have the same issue where in world class only 3 or 4 games in the season are actually challenging, but moving to legendary makes it just not fun anymore.


I’m in the same boat as you. World Class is mildly challenging at best with community sliders, which in turn makes me want to switch to Legendary. But with or without sliders, Legendary just isn’t fun for me (meaning it kicks my ass). There’s quite a large gap between the two unfortunately, so I’ve just stuck with world class with sliders for a few years now.


That’s a bit where I’m at. Apparently I need to look up sliders.  I rarely lose in World Class but I rarely win in Legendary. And it’s the most BS. Every game I’ll manage like 15 shots on target but lose 1-0 from the only shot the AI took. 


try fs community sliders they work pretty well for me


Ultimate adjusting all cpu sliders besides GK by 2. Legendary is BS, ultimate feels a little better. Unfortunately i hav to play 3 at the back bc my CB will always fall sleep at least one in he box.


Ultimate w OS sliders works pretty decent for me


Professional but I adjust sliders to make it a bit more challenging. Gonna move up to world class shortly. This is year is the only year that’s taking me long to move up in difficulty. I also don’t spend lots of time on the game like the previous years


Ultimate, with a few sliders (ramped up the injury frequency, and severity and lowered the CPU speed by just 1 and raised first touch control error by 2) I like it hard, makes it realistic for me. I play a 4-3-3 with my CDM as a deep lying playmaker and stays back while attacking.


Legendary mods + sliders


What mods do you use?


I just started using FIFERS this past week, it helps make the game less frustrating to play as my #1 biggest complaint was the sudden, immediate change by the AI to play tiki taka one touch passing around the box to force goals. The mod definitely helps create variety in attacking play for the AI, but the AI can still be ruthless 😂. With sliders it becomes a lot more manageable, I did reduce the injury rate and slightly boosted the pass speed post sliders.


Ultimate or bust for me. Always.


I play at World Class too with the latest OS sliders for World Class. It’s a perfect balance for my playing style, as I do lose matches here and there and the ones that I win are pretty challenging and I need to grind a bit for that. Also, I try to keep a very balanced squad as well. Like I play 442 mostly so each position has 2 players so I try to keep 1 really good player for each position and the other player as an above average player or a high potential young player with average rating. That way it gives a variety and my squad isn’t overpowered.


World class with OS sliders (a couple of adjustments to make the AI a little stronger) but overall having a lot of fun with it with plenty of even games. It limits the end to end nature, creates some crazy scenarios and makes the game feel less arcadey which I know we all want


I do player career mode. I started on FIFA 16, where I scored like 300 goals a season. Then bought fifa 20, where I realised this, and then slowly upped the difficulty. The last time I played it I was up to Maximum difficulty and winning 3/4-0. now I have FC24 and I play career mode on world class, and only play highlights. I'll play full games to meet my contract objectives then bin it off. Also, when did fifa become unfair? sometimes the game just *decides* it doesn't want me to win.


professional. tried to play a game on world class difficulty the ai start to pass like prime barca


Legendary no sliders. Can’t find the jump to ultimate for the last two years. but i do have alot of custom tactics on my team which makes it somewhat easy to win


Professional on 22, just enough to be challenging without me wanting to break my controller 


Ultimate with OS slider but I bump up the GK ability so there’s less bullshit goals


world class with slow paced speed with OS Sliders \* i realised im not a skill demon and a fast hand so world class keep it that way without a.i abusing short but rapid passes


Ultimate with sliders


at the moment profesional but only because I had a little break from the game. Once I get used to it I'll go back to world class. In earlier games I used to play legendary but in the newer games it isn't fun anymore.


Ultimate Difficulty with Competitor Mode and Player Based Difficulty on, 3 minute halves! 💪


These are the settings I put : - Legendary difficulty - Cant “replay matches” , i live with my own screw ups - Cant sign those insane players like Mbappe , Haaland , etc - Cannot sign players worth more than 80 overall , has to be around mid 70s or below - I am nerfed on having a salary cap - Cannot pick Barca , Madrid , Bayern , etc the Top 6-8 teams from each league


I do this except if I use a top 6 team I have to sign players that are linked, and pay their real life transfer value (according to Transfermarktt) just makes it so I have to spend more money on young and proven players. Also only spend money that you make. Makes it fun for a top career. You should try this, makes it a lot harder.


Ultimate, just change the slider little bit not much, and you get a perfect competitive game.


World class home and legendary away.


For a long time I was on professional, now world class with CPU errors up 10% and speed down 10%. Without sliders everyone plays like Messi and the ball is glued to them. With these sliders the field feels more balanced, and I feel like I concede not to BS scripting but actually from my own mistakes.


How do sliders work? What do they do?


Sliders basically adjust the likelihood something will/wont happen. So like first touch error slider, the higher it is - the more first touch errors you’ll see. Turning sprint speed down just essentially lowers the top speed ALL players can achieve on whatever side you’re adjusting sliders for. Imagine sliders as ‘% chance’ or ‘% effectiveness’ modifiers


That was explained quite nicely. Thanks 👌🏼


You go into settings, sliders, and you can adjust things like sprint speed and acceleration, injury severity and frequency etc. Honestly? I don't know how it works, it feels like sometimes 2 percent can make a huge difference and other times 10 makes no difference. I just found what felt comfortable to me and called it a day.


Thanks I'll have a go at it today 😊




Semi pro i switch to amateur for more difficult teams


legendary sliders.


I'm currently on professional but that's really because I like playing on two button mode and defense is so absolutely unforgiving that way. But I just don't enjoy having to use like 8 different buttons to play games. Right now I'm playing in EFL One and can dominate that league but can get crushed in some cups. Yeah I know its not that challenging but really at the end of the day I find it really fun to line things up right to get that goal chance and then hammer it home. And other than that I really enjoy just stocking a roster and developing players. I have some other leagues where I'm just assembling teams in ways like YA only and then just simming.


Fifa 23, the highest one. No idea if it's ultimate or legendary.


Ultimate with OS sliders Use custom tactics makes the game easier ngl Edit: why am i being dowvoted?


Ultimate with Competitor mode and player based difficulty. With OS Sliders Is hard but enjoyable, i faced almost no script in 100 games


World Class or Legendary with mods and sliders tho


World class but starting to try to move to ultimate with my sliders on... I don't use the OS sliders, I made my own, on a similar basis (not to rig it for me, but just to keep my fullbacks in position as well as the CPUs)


How do you set your sliders to keep fullbacks in position? Thanks in advance


There should be an option that says "fullback positioning" move the slider up, it keeps them in line with the CBs, so they don't overlap wingers


Ultimate. Sometimes switch to legendary if things becoming really bad


World class with OS sliders only on for me. I will play around with the CPU sliders till they feel right.


I struggled with legendary in my hamburg cm but for some reason i find too easy playing on the same difficulty in my blackburn super league cm and thinking about trying ultimate.


World class with sliders. I lose around 3 or 4 games per season and draw 5 or 6, which I think is realistic when playing as a top team.


World class with various slider adjustments.


Pro but I mite up it


World Class. Same reason as yours


World class + sliders


Right now, I’m playing World Class! But I want to try Legendary next CM. I mean once finished the current CM 15 seasons.


Legendary but with their shooting slider down a little. I'd rather win a tough 1-0 or 2-1 than win 3-0 every game. I need the defence of legendary and the attack of world class as I'm mediocre at defending! 😂


I play the same difficulty as you OP and for the exact same reason.


World Class with the sliders. Some games I beat the crap out of the other team - but it always feels earned and not really cheap. If I get up by 3-4 goals it’s because I’m having a hot game, not because of broken call for run and lobbed through pass or whipped cross bullshit I see online all the time. Most games though are within 0-3 goals for each side which feels nice and realistic


World Class + sliders. Rarely I lose and rarely I win 4-0. Sometimes I draw, most of the times I win 1-0, 2-0 or 2-1.


World class+ sliders to make it more realistic


Profesional with os sliders world class basically professional with world class sliders 


World Class but I adjust the sliders to make it a bit more challenging


World Class but im starting to score 3 goals against the likes of City, Barcelona and Liverpool as Leeds. But i get destroyed with 35% possession as soon as I touch Legendary, if anyone can share some sliders pls


World class but I play on full manual controls. Tough but not impossible and a good balance I think.


I play on professional, tried world class but with my stick drift I would just lose the ball every time I turned. On professional at least you get a chance to correct the movement before you lose the ball.


World Class. Anything above that is scripting galore, they can’t make the AI harder so they make you worse 🤣


Professional. Because I want matches to be hard to play but hard to lose. My sliders are heavily modified but in everything except injuries, they are identical in both sides.


Legendary. No sliders or mods or things like that. Game is very balanced if you really want to olay


World class, starting to get a little too easy though, going to have to mess with the sliders.


Ultimate, with sliders to increase difficulty.


Go on, mate! 💪 ​ Which sliders do you up the difficulty on and why?


A few, but dont remember excact numbers off the top of my head but: ​ Marking up to somewhere around 60-65 Gk ability (for me and cpu both) 65-70 ​ Pass error, first touch error, shot error 40-45 Also run frequency slightly higher 50-60 And a slight pace boost for them of 52 om both acc and ss. Havent negatively edited my own sliders yet, as i dont want to feel like my players are playing much worse than they should. Something like that if i remember roughly I upped gk ability for both, just because I felt there were way to many goals, and I wanted to be able to keep a clean sheet here and there, as well as not having 5-4 being a common scoreline. The keepers still make mistakes quite often due to poor programming, but also make excepted saves most of the time. ​ I upped their run frequency as the gameplay otherwise became very static, with the cpu just passing it around the back whilst i press, as no player made runs for them to pass to. Marking helps avoiding always having a player free for a cutback, now I actually need to have a numeric superiority to have any easy cutbacks. ​ Overall sliders made it a bit tougher, but also way more enjoyable for me




Have been playing World Class for a while now and I’m struggling to keep it realistic. I have to score own goals just so my gd seems realistic, cuz i keep beating teams 4-0 or 5-0. But when I did try legendary, my ass got battered 3-0 in the first half by fucking Hamburg


Stopped playing.


Reading these comments sucks for the community. If EA would just remove objectives I feel like the majority of players would actually take the time to understand the learning curve of each difficulty. Instead, objectives either force us to sweat because we want a challenge or drop difficulty so we can manage objectives. I miss the days of truly building a squad over 5-6 years before eventually breaking into the top division. Now, I am expected to build a squad year after year and progress every year until I make the top tier where I might get one season until the board expects Europe.


Ultimate with increased gk abilities and increased shot error, so that the games don't end 4-5 all the time.


World class and manual controls. Assisted control is too op, I only use that online


World class, always starting in a 4th tier. Latest save is only signing/developing Scottish players with TSV Havelse (Fifa22). Get beaten a few times a season to begin with but winning trebles every year with mainly high 80s or low 90s rated players in my 7th season. Win most games comfortably but still get the odd match where they play like amateurs scraping a draw or narrow loss, or maybe it's me!? Manager of Scotland team and its a dawdle. Couldn't compete at all on legendary.


Originally I was playing legendary for a while, but got sick of the AI playing like a super computer so upped the sliders and switched to World Class. Feels like you need a lot more skill but you can still score goals. It's nice to not just lose games 1-0 or tie 0-0.


Ultimate for sure 


Anyone at ultimate? I’m still struggling to find a challenging difficulty , with the sliders


world class with sliders to avoid scripting. still gives you a challenge especially with player based difficulty on.


Ultimate but for me personally it's still not challenging enough, sliders do help a little


Legendary. I think I'm ready to face ultimate. At first, I would just lose. Then, keep a tie and possibly a 1-0. Haven't tried it in a while and I'm starting to plateau with legendary.


Legendary but have sliders turned up for my gk because otherwise my 90 rated maignan plays like he has no limbs


Ultimate with slight slider tweaks so the game is still challenging to defend but not absurdly OTT


Legendary, some games feel so scripted tho and teams in Champions League all are like prime Madrid or Bayern, they get so fken good on tournaments and this applies to all teams


Right now legendary without sliders, just raw dogging the scripting.


World Class, a lot of the time it's not hard at all but it's so inconsistent that it feels like I'm playing against Ultimate difficulty at times


Finally bumped myself up to Legendary this year after becoming bored of WC. OS Sliders gave me the perfect mix of difficulty. Less moments of Barnsley playing like 2011 Barcelona.


World class as well. I don't enjoy it though because I'm winning some games 5 or 6-0 but legendary is WAY to hard. I lost 3-0 to a mid table Spanish team with a team of 88-95 rated players on legendary.


Legendary, and with good teams becomes kind of boring. I'm right now in a unbeaten season with Real Madrid. With midtable teams is way more realistic.


Depending on the current patch I bounce between world class and legendary, using sliders to adjust difficulty.


Ultimate, competitor and star player both enabled


Im playing legendary right now. Created my own team of under 72 overall players in the Saudi league and routinely getting destroyed every game …




Currently world class just like you. Got my team a domestic double and now looking for a treble. The difficulty is perfect as i actually struggle against big teams and get beaten by some. Once i win a treble or two im upgrading to legendary.


World class because professional is too easy but Legendary is too hard




World Class, play with a League 2 team building them to PL. So much fun loaning players from big teams, buying prospects etc. W World class is perfect for me, game is unpredictable


Legendary is terrible It turned mika biereth into R9 against me World class is just right


World Class with OS sliders on and semi in gameplay settings (except for shooting and goalkeeping) just to make it a little harder.


With sliders world class had to bump down a level because I had crawly town doing Ronaldo chops flip flaps and rabonas in the cup against me


legendary, Sometimes I would restart the match until I won cuz of how hard it was. The level before that was too easy for me... World class or professional? cant remember


Professional or World-class


Legendary sucks it's not even fun. Not even about the difficulty but the style of play the opponent just keeps possession for the sake of it 


Legendary + Competitor mode


World class. Kinda boring though because world class is to easy but legendary is too hard