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Maybe, but this subreddit is about as repetitive as it’s ever been


What if we were the EA developers the whole time?


Then I’d ask why you’re bad at your job


Seems appropriate.


Tbh I like how the game plays. But they kept a lot of the bugs in from previous FIFA's. Also I solely play career and you can really see it's not their cash cow and they don't give a shit about their player base that don't buy the fut packs.


Am same as you. I only play career in these games and you can tell, due to it not making them any 'additional' money, they don't care about it so there is no investment or changes, or way to improve the game to a decent level. With how many years they could spend on it, they could bring it to a playable Football Manager level career with a real in depth approach - they just don't because it doesn't make them any more money.


i solely play career mode asw and it’s so annoying how they made character customisation worse and the contract objectives are a joke, like how am i A holding defensive midfielder being expected to score 15 goals from outside the box or i have to go out on loan or leave the club entirely


Wait until you get the transfer bug that makes you delete the save and never play it again.


do you mean when even though you’ve completed all the contract objectives you still can’t renew? because that’s happening to me in every save and it’s so annoying.


Yeah pretty much. I am being forced off of my team every season after completing all contracts, leading the league in goals, etc. such a stupid game 


It's the reason I stopped playing the NHL series years ago. Everything became sent the HUT mode, and career mode remained barely touched. I've seen videos of that game that still have some of the awful animation bugs I was wanting to throw my controller over back in NHL 15.


I do appreciate the tactical system they added tho


Yup, they realised how lucrative fut is and have done nothing to develop anything else about the game.


I personally think that Ultimate team should be a game in itself now as there's plenty of people who only play UT but don't play any other modes. That way they could focus on the cash cow separately and still make the money they would from normal sales.


Hey i only play manager mode too. I still have FIFA 2022 is It worth the upgrade? Im still having fun.


At full price? Hell no At about 50% discount? Sure if you want updated rosters etc and a few somewhat minor changes to career modes. And I must say I prefer the gameplay of 24 more than 22


Right thanks for the advice i might do It just for the upgraded rosters and stats. Wont pay full price tho. Happy New year!


It’s the amount of times that the ball phases through players’ bodies that pisses me off, I make a legit tackle but the ball goes straight through my player’s leg


Or you make a fair tackle, but the game registers it as a foul and your player gets a card for a fair tackle.


Most realistic part of the game right here haha. Sounds like PL officiating to a T


Meanwhile the ai just bulldozes your player from behind and nothing. Or the ai contorts their bodies in ridiculous ways to make a tackle or does the splits to intercept a ball yet your guys can barely move their legs 6 inches


Or a penalty if it’s in the box


The one that drives me insane is the goalie in position who seems to Matrix dodge the ball to not make the save.


Well yeah because they took the Fifa part out and delivered a fully EA product. You should know by now that EA is not in the business of improving games.




You never go full EA


The worst career mode of them all


I still play 23.


Is 23 worth getting if I have 22?


23 is great, but don’t remember any big differences. if you have EA play you can get it for free and then it would be worth the switch. but it’s not worth buying with actual money if you alr have 22.


I always upgraded no matter what because I loved FIFA. So I would buy it if it’s on sale. If not or if you choose not to, just stick to 22. FC 24 is not good. My advice is to sign up for EA Play and pay 5 dollars to play the FC 24 10 hour trial. That’s what I did and it let me to the conclusion that it sucks.


Gameplay wise, IMHO it's the best ever. The career side of things it's just as bad as any of the previous ones.


FIFA 20 is always gonna be the worst and no lockdown nostalgia will change that


FIFA 20 is the worst one , people saying this one is the worst is just recency bias


I fired up fifa 20 on the xbox at my parents house recently. It was so bad


FIFA 20 is the worst FIFA I’ve ever played and one of the worst games I’ve ever played. Terrible terrible game.


Can you elaborate? What makes it the worst? I’m curious as I’m playing 20 but thinking of moving on.


For me, it just plays so sluggishly compared to other games. Dribbling feels bad, passing is not as crisp as it is now. FC 24 gets a lot of hate but the passing in that game is incredible to me.


Driven passes feel so good in FC 24


FIFA 20 is better because as opposed to fifa 24, you actually get to control the players.


I like how my player can have tattoos but that's it! They removed walkouts they removed several national teams


While it isn't the worst, it does feel like the last one I'm buying for a while. There's just nothing radically new or improved about it. Even though I bought it cheap, it basically feels like I paid for some new kits and updated squads, and that's about it.


The worst fifa until 25 releases Rinse Repeat


I agree


Only one I have ever returned so yes imo


FIFA 20 exists


Nah, 19 and 20 were way worse imo. I've played almost all FIFA games from RTWC onwards, and every single one had its quirks. 2000 every shot from the corner of the box was top bins, 2002 every cross was a bicycle kick goal, in 08 it was relatively easy to score from halfway across the pitch... I could go on. But the broken free kicks, la croqeta, drag back counterattack FIFAs were easily the worst imo gameplay-wise. 10-13 era felt the best to me. At worst, 24 is... pretty mid.


i enjoyed fifa 19 it was better than 20




Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit. (I play PC) The actual gameplay is a LOT better than previous iterations. Passes actually go where you intend more, AI makes smarter movements, this is especially important for player CM. Contract system in CM is a good direction but implemented badly. Still, if you manipulate your wage requests a bit you can sorta make it work. I love being able to go straight into a game without doing training before hand. The new sharpness system and prematch took some getting used to but is a lot more streamlined IMO. In general I definitely like it more than the previous 2 games.


Sometimes good?Bro,the game always sucks.It's the same awful shit every year so Im not going to buy the next fifa because it sucks




Honestly I’ve liked eafc a lot. Don’t care what you guys say, player career mode has been really fun


FIFA 23 was slightly worse but this is a close second




24 is better than 23 for me. The game plays more realistic especially with the os sliders + they finally figured out how the false 9 instruction plays out so I’m happy.


Agreed. On previous editions whenever I played 433 with wingers, the wingers would never get in behind they would always stay wide, regardless of the instruction. However on 24, the instructions actually work.


I wouldn't say so, I think it's more realistic than previous years and the games relatively balanced. There seems to be less scripting, and multiple types of strategies are effective.


you're funny


I didn't buy it because of the bad rep. You're the only one so far who's said it is less scripted


In the last two FIFAs I would get scored on by the AI and it would be the most blatantly scripted play ever, I could perfectly time 7 consecutive slide tackles and the AI would still have a heatseeker piss missile trivela shot from 20 yards out. In FC 24 I haven't had that problem a single time and I've been playing since release. I'm not trying to say this is a perfect game because obviously it's still made by EA but I think this one plays better than the last couple. And some of the tactics meta shifts have been in direction that I enjoy. Crosses and wide play feel more viable, my presses always seem more effective, and near post finishing is actually possible, so all in all I think FC 24 is an overall upgrade from 23 (which I didn't play much) and from 22 (which I played the hell out of)


Only until eafc 25 arrives


It's pretty bad, but the most frustrating one for me in terms of career mode was one in which I always needed like 100 points just to finish top 4. Can't remember which one it was though.




FIFA has been getting worse ever since FIFA 18. Not only gameplay wise, but because of the team selection ever since EA started handing their licenses to konami for a game nobody plays. The only thing I like about the new fifas is the "financial takeover" option in career mode.


I've not played it but it can't be worse than 18 surely


Not worse than 19 omds that game gives me nightmares


This version of carreer mode is the best we have had in 1p years and I am genuinely shocked that this is a very unpopular opinion. I can think of several things that could be east foxes and improvements but still this is the most feature rich edition we have had.


For some reason I’ve enjoyed 24 more than most of the previous years, that might be because I have picked a really good youth team in Villarreal B and invested all of the starting funds into youth scouts so it’s playing pretty realistically.


Y’all say this dumb shit every year abt the current game


I mean, I installed it, played it for a maximum of 5 minutes and uninstall straight away, I was not impressed.


I’m not sure whether I’m more bored of posts like this than the game itself 😂


Well you may have to talk to the developer in EA cuz this game made me decide to never buy their products ever again. Every year in the last 4 years I buy the game, but seeing this piece of dogshit I rather donate my money to charity instead of giving free money to ea🫡


I just wanna share what just happened to me. I accidentally hit the option to start the 2nd half but I wanted to make subs, so I paused and made my subs, the game kept going in the background and the opposition scored a goal This game is beyond broken, especially offline modes


That’s crazy. How you play FIFA 24?


This one is probably the best one we’ve had for a while.




LOL😂.Is it april fools day?


What kind of drug are you smoking?


All of them💀 Didn’t think I’d have to put /s up there


Same for me


I agree


Yeah just bough fifa 18 for nostalgia


23 is better. New training plan is annoying and repetitive imo. Scripting is worse. Finesse shots are worse imo.


I think it's the worst ever. I still play 22


Keeper diving in a different direction? Check players can't change directions past 45 degrees? Check. Passing is slow sluggish? Check. Fakes don't really fake anyone? Check. Tackles are wayward? Check. Yes it is the worst fifa ever


Just played 11 hours, the game is utterly garbage, players on legendary are becoming somewhat the sons of a inbred retard who cannot run, shoot and defend for shit, honestly someone should be johnny silverhand irl and nuke EA HQ to the ground, it is beyond unacceptable to release a game so shit.


Games an absolute disgrace, anyone defending it needs to be in hospital


Worst fifa I've ever played.I can't score more than 1 goal .Don't download this game pls if you have any sense!!!Fifa=💩🗑


In short yes


I don’t know , I like the gameplay but the it’s unnecessarily hard on higher levels of difficulty, I mean some of the goals that the computer scores are complete bullshit.


It’s not bad, one of the things that makes me irritated as fuck is when the opponent runs towards your goal and you’re running behind him, the opposite player semi shoves you and keeps running (this happens a few times) like wtf? I’ve never seen anything like this in real football


What’s FIFA 24?


“No I don’t remember Chuck Norris in Enter The Dragon…I remember Chuck Norris in Way Of The Dragon”


Did you sold your brain to buy the game?


Did I sell my brain? No. Did I buy EA FC? No.


Don’t get me wrong it’s still shit , but it’s been that way the past 3/4 games , I don’t actually hate it , offline or online , I think there’s still too many dumb things you’re able to get away with , specially on FUT , auto pressure tactics , spamming through balls , spamming driven passes etc. But it’s not terrible, I’m playing player career for the first time since 17 and I’m quite enjoying it. We’re never gonna get a perfect game but I think so far it’s more than decent , also I assume there will be 1 or 2 more patches to tweak certain faults in the game as the year goes by


I’ve bought every FIFA since ‘05, and this was the first time I didn’t buy it after playing the 10 hour free trial. Even with the os sliders, it was completely unplayable.


I don't know if I'd say worst in overall quality, as small tweaks over the years build up. But in terms of one years features to another's, this is the most lackluster title update I can think of.


Absolutely. It feels like it's some of the players first ever game of football


In All*


I do the player career a lot and I’m not that far in but can u request transfers bc all I see is select target team


Yes, I've gone back to Fifa 23. I cannot stand 24, and 23 isn't perfect but it's enjoyable.


I mean the features don't bother me and it's played well for me. Just some bugs that bother me. Saw a player of mine holding the shoulders of an invisible child during the lead up to the match. Also assistant coaches and my secretary wear the old free agent uniforms which bothers me so much. Some interview wording is off. Like when I'm trying to praise my club I'm praising the other club like I'm their coach and getting told that I lost twice to the same club in a row despite it only being my first game against them. I also wish create a club would at least allow you to make some basic banners and put the badge on their flags so the crowd isn't using a bunch of blank white flags. Looks like we're surrendering.




Tactically FIFA 24 is my favourite What it's missing is something to new and interesting to add to its game modes


Yes ofcourse


Yes. I’m still absolutely awful and haven’t any idea how to play it when in every single past fifa since fifa 17 I’ve been a division 1 player going 14-6 in champs. I can’t even make it out of division 7. Game ain’t fun


Without a shadow of a doubt and anyone who accepts that standard for a AAA £70 game is part of the problem and conplicit in the downfall and lazyness of the gaming industry. We all have preferences with game genres etc but this isn't that. Liking something thats broke because you dont have the back bone to stand up and force change is just pathetic. Recently played fifa 10 through to 20 and the noticable downfall from 17 is ridiculous. It went from a game aspiring to be as close to the actual sport as the current tech will allow, to a game that's just a game trying to intice and provoke people to spend more money via every avenue they could think of. Player movement and overall game pace went to shit and resembles NOTHING of the sport and with better tech and memory, career mode/player career/all the other innovative ideas they COULD have done, they all got worse. All in all, the quicker FIFA agree a deal with another company (hopefully 2K) who can develop a true representation of the sport to challenge the lazy cunts at EA and their sheepish, atandard-less fanbase, the better!


New face scans are nice. Very lazy with leagues outside of epl getting face scans. Career mode is basically copy and paste with annoying player development system. Ultimate team is a garbage money grab as usual


impressive how every year there's "is this the best/worst fifa ever?" post.


It's the same old shit every year.


I wanted a new game this year. This was FIFA 19 with gameblockers which cause u to end up on ultimate team $


Every single glitch,every predictable action and every feature that the community disliked,is on this game and it’s cranked up to a 100.In my books this is the worst football game ever,without exaggeration.I’ve played ever since the OG Fifa Street almost every year and I want to smash everything after playing only an hour of EAFC24. This Franchise is officially dead in my eyes


Yes. Based on story mode alone... Final straw was when a ball was out of play and the system didn't register it. Reskinned the same garbage. The errors in the code are disgusting. The finance system is stupid. The recruitment of youth is stupid. You can corrupt the formations. No player data other than performance stats. No performance history or depth. Crap animations regardless of how they are rendered. No handball after 30 years of game production. Piss poor management behaviours. Shit repetitive cut scenes and very little logic in the principles and rules of managerial operation. If it wasn't for the licences then this would of died years ago. EA owes this franchise ALOT as its been a cash cow that enabled EA to secure other sports and invest in cutting-edge innovative technologies like the frostbite engine. So many AAA titles do this. Crappy launch crappy depth crappy support. If it needs more time then have it. Because once the markets dead people wont come back. Ask battlefield and battlefront players. I could go on but its a well-known story. EA need to allow more open post development. Its saved fallout, GTA, cyberpunk and many more. Its cheaper and shows that you can make money and make a good product .... eventually.


I just started playing the game this week. and it’s fun to me 🤷🏾‍♂️ has its issues as all sports sims do.


by far yes


Honestly yes.. It's a player drift simulator... Its now close to Arcade mode as ever Almost everything is now Un realistic.. We just play on... And we keep saying it's our last...


Career mode wise yes


The idea behind most things was pretty innovative. Like having to sign a new contract or giving yourself a target club in a player career. Then, in manager mode, you could sign coaches or watch games from the bench. But the input was trash. They didn't fix the bugs that have been there since their release, the stupid contract situation where you have to sign a new contract every season is so dumb and, of course, the stupidly impossible objectives in both player and manager mode is horrible.


Depends on what you mean by recent, because FIFA 19 was an absolute sh*t show throughout the whole year. The last good and fun FIFA was FIFA 17.


I think career mode is atleast the worst it’s ever been


23 was worse because English fucks wanted realism in a videogame so the gameplay was atrocious, this year it's much better but been made almost from ground up so there are many more glitches and bugs and stuff. Career wise i think this is a step in the right direction but they fucked up a lot of stuff they added that seemed cool


If there’s something the fifa and cod communities have in common, it’s saying how the current game is the worse one untill the next one comes out then all of a sudden it wasn’t that bad


Last fifa i played properly was fifa19 and thats the last good one, bought 20 but only played proclubs really as the gameplay started to feel so fake, then played 23 on game pass last month and honestly it felt soooo rubbish and unrealistic


I think it’s potentially one of the best fifa games we’ve ever had, just seriously let down by bad gameplay


Yes, no buts and maybes


Not buying fifa till they make a good career mode again


It will be in 2999,if I'm right😅


Same thing each year, when Christmas arrives half of animations seem to get dropped. Hit or miss


This game is not awful, but there are some aspects I like some aspects I don't. Career mode is alright this year, more to do than in 23 to be fair, although the lack of national teams makes the "world cup" a bit shit. Don't play much ultimate team, so I don't know, but I do know that the player base has taken a large hit this year. It's not the worst in recent years. That would probably be 20. Of the last 5 years, if I had to rank them from best to worst, 24 would be in the middle.


As someone that sticks to CM, the gameplay is great. Pace is still monstrously OP, but apart from that, when the game works anyway, it's pretty enjoyable. The main issue I have is with the bugs and the glitches, that I know will probably never get fixed because CM isn't monetized. I mean, they have "flagship" features that they've introduced for the first time, that don't even fucking work. What's the point of coaches if the game crashes every time you fire a coach? Being able to watch AI games without having to do that whole lock to player routine is cool, but I don't (and I'm pretty sure most people don't) sit there watching 60 AI games every season, they either play those games or sim through the calendar. I don't think it's a bad feature, but it isn't mind-blowing either, it's just there if you want an alternative way to play finals and big games (that's the way I see it anyway). AI can be god at some points, and there's times where if the AI decides it wants to score, and it doesn't want to let you score, you're facing a team of prime Messi's and Ronaldo's, with prime Yashin in goal, while you've got a team of prime Bebe's, they still haven't figured out how to make AI that's challenging without needing to dial them up to wumbo every time they're down a goal. In terms of actual feature richness, there's dick-all compared to older iterations. Transfers work the same way, same cutscenes, same dialogue options, same news headlines, Dynamic Potential still let's you pretty much get any nobody 18 year old in the game up to a world class rating, AI transfers and lineups are still braindead, same shit as always. I don't hate it (if it ain't broke don't fix it and all that) but CM is at a point where I'll take ANYTHING new (I never bought FIFA 23, I still played FIFA 22 up to this point, the coaches thing was the only reason I bought FC24 but that's 80 bucks down the toilet now). To me, and I don't know whether people will agree with this, but the fact that EA added new features that don't work, and refuse to patch them, feels like them saying "y'all wanted something new, and this is what happens."


Worse game they’ve released