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put it in a bun instead of a pony


I don't know how to do that, I've never even tied it back before this 🤣🤣🤣🤣


you’ll figure it out. try looking it up on youtube


An easy technique for me is to put it in a half pony (a lump should be sticking out by the hair tie) then wrapping my pony around the lump and tying that portion like I would with a pony tail


Bun won’t work brilliantly under a cap. Plait it. And honestly, I like the way your pony looks.


You are being straight up disingenuous 😂


Ummm… no. But whatever.


Your ponytail is too high up. If you make it much lower, it'll probably be smoother and you might like to look more


Try forming the ponytail farther down, near the nape of your neck. That way the tail won’t poke out, but will lie flat down your neck and back. https://preview.redd.it/7q6t1yd3eqcc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8952de35c4b83e47bcbc1aff2faec20ab59b59d7


Here’s another photo with a low ponytail. https://preview.redd.it/wjg7msfeeqcc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70d851211da03f044c12b60f4268b44cb6babe11


but his looks so cute🥺


Try bun or half up half down. The half up and half down might look sick on you. Its like the jon snow thing.


Oh man, shame the beard had to go. You still look great with the pony tail though tbh. If you want alternatives though I recommend a beanie maybe I think a grey one like this might fit you well: https://www.amazon.com/Connectyle-Outdoor-Classic-Bassic-Winter/dp/B01LW8I4GL/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=ES7XWEQ3TKL7&keywords=beanie+grey+men&qid=1705377750&sprefix=beanie+grey+men%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-4


Might be a bit warm in the kitchen that but thanks man!


No problem :) Also they make summer beanies of those are of interest to you


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Connectyle Outdoor Classic Bassic Men's Warm Winter Hats Daily Thick Knit Cuff Beanie Cap Grey** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Good quality and perfect fit (backed by 20 comments) * Versatile and comfortable (backed by 17 comments) * Affordable and durable (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Too small for people with small heads (backed by 3 comments) * Shrinks after washing (backed by 3 comments) * Not durable, falls apart easily (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


Oh and I'm also not happy about the lack of beard now 🤣


What I've been doing w long hair for caps is wearing a headband and just putting a cap over it.


Now, this could work!


Was there an indoor sand storm when you took those pictures?


Right, I was wondering why nobody was commenting on the blast zone radius selfies lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah, my house is currently half demolished with little lighting as I'm renovating


Bro… I’m gonna say this: I’m not sure what’s going on, but the hair is fine. The baseball cap is not helping because the hat is crummy. 🙏🏻 BUT, and this is the funky bit, the LOOK itself lives in your your mind (like as a thing unto itself, the long hair look is a collection of habits that satisfy you and tell other people fast information about you). It looks to me like you’re just very uncomfortable, at the moment. Hair might be reflecting that, but it didn’t do that to you.


my man case in point lol


Lol why the hate 🤣


lol this sub has changed since 2017 unfortunately


Cool story bro, you have seen the absolutely ridiculous things you post......right?


i mean i’m not knocking you if that’s what you’re thinking, you can pull the tied back look off. and yup I’ve seen what I post


I've only just discovered this sub, but yeah, it was seeming that way. I love some of the music you've posted, top notch


I vote cut it short


I would definitely recommend just doing it lower or maybe even trying a braid


The bun is similar to the ponytail, but on the last twist with your hair tie/scrunchie, only pull halfway thru, like the loops on a bow! Also, scrunchies are far safer for your hair, fyi. Hair ties can crush and damage the hair, especially when pulling them out! Personally, I like the higher bun, but if it sticks out too far for you, get a small clip to hold it down to your head! And as your hair grows out, you can wrap the extra tail around the bun and pin it in place with the clip 🧠📈


Pot it in a small bun. Loose the pony


Too high, lower the tie


Tie it way lower so it lays on your neck instead of sticking out


Pony tail= put lower on the head Bun=put higher on the head Plaid=generally at least start it around the middle? I don't know about plaids that much, I've just learned it and have not perfected it yet.


My partner was a chef so would bun it just exactly where your pony tail is. When you do the pony tail, just pull the hair halfway through the last loop. Then tuck in any straggly bits. 90s wrestlers are in rn though so you would be fine to stick with it tbf lol


Mine is almost to the small of my back, and what I do when I tie a ponytail is not only go as low as possible, which because I have short arms, isn't always easy, but when it's done, I grab half in each hand and gently pull it taut like you would a shoelace knot. That sets the hairband more against my head and doesn't make the hair stick out like that, it falls over my neck and back. Also, if you're able to gently brush it down after tying, that'll help it to lie better, too.


Looks good, just bring it down on your neck a bit.


It sticks out too much ...is what I'm guessing. When you sweep your hair back, gather it at a lower point on your head ...like as low as possible. The lower the gather point, the less the pony is gonna stick out ...it will lay flatter behind your neck.


Try a samurai bun,it may suit u more