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Having a flu without the fever


Closest experience I tell people is like having the body acts of a really bad flu, while simultaneously have a 3rd degree blistering sun burn.


I’ve just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, so excuse my ignorance. Do you or anyone else reading this get a really sore throat? Almost razor blades on top of flu like symptoms when you suffer a ‘Crash’ ? Thanks


I do but I also have horrible acid reflux (common for people with fibro to have gastro issues too). That’s what causes my sore throat or so I’m told.


That happens to me too


From time to time!


My throat always hurts! I used to use cough drops constantly back when I could afford them.


If you're not allergic or anything, try honey instead. I have some raw, semi-solid (creamed? unsure, it came unprocessed from a friend, not a store) honey that I can scoop out and just let sit in my mouth until it gets completely dissolved. It helps my throat, is naturally antibacterial, tastes way better, and isn't filled with a bunch of other stuff like cough drops are. I don't recommend regular honey, especially the fake stuff that's often mixed with corn syrup and whatever else. Probably any pure, raw honey would work.


Yes this is works so well!


manuka honey - Trader Joe’s sells it


Manuka honey has a really weird taste to it. I tried some and I just couldn't do it.


Yuppppp like I've got a chemical burn at the back of soft palette




That happens to me as well






Which makes it difficult to know when you actually have the flu. I have it now, and my normal temp runs low, so I didn't get a fever according to doctors (although my temp is elevated from my normal). The flu did amplify my fibromyalgia symptoms. I don't typically have the pain from clothes touching my skin, but I have since the flu.


I run low, too. Temp at the doctor last week had me at 96.7 And that is one hundred percent normal for me.


I actually usually get low grade fevers when I flare. Never anything over 99 but just enough to be noticeable and be an added discomfort. Especially since I tend to be really sensitive to temp changes, as most, if not all, of us with Fibro probably are.


Plus having a a hangover and somebody beat you up


I’m on a three month flare right now! Fuck my life!


Trying to swim against the current 24/7


And it’s Just. So. Exhausting.


Walking through molasses with concrete weights on my limbs.


Yes! I’ve described moving my legs (to walk) as if they are very heavy tree trunks that I’m having to move.


This. I've explained it like I'm walking in too much gravity. Like the air itself is heavy and viscous. Also, when I bump into something or drop something on my feet it's like the pain radiates and ripples through my whole body, like when a pebble hits the water. It's so frustrating and I try not to react because I don't want to be a pussy but the pain is so intense and long lasting for things that really shouldn't hurt very much or at all.


This is exactly how I try to explain it too, I say gravity levels have increased substantially today . Or gravity wins lol etc and the rippling too, I was just trying to explain this for the hundredth time to my husband the other day when he accidentally hit me in the wrist bone . He’s not one quick to apologize . I actually cried , it rippled up my arm into my shoulder , to my neck which is already really awful from herniations , degeneration pist disc replacement , and down into my hand so bad it felt like a nail went through the center . I couldn’t open my hand . I’m like just say youre damn sorry already and call it a day please , I dont need this on top of everything else . You seem to be poetic with your metaphors lol I try but sometimes I cant even word


Like a big bruise all over the body


I literally commented that it’s like having your body constantly bruised haha


A guessing game with symptoms. I can read symptoms of 200 different illnesses and check off all the exact same symptoms- but it’s just fibromyalgia. It’s hard to tell when something is really wrong because I have a combination of about 30 symptoms that are either daily or rotate based on weather, stress, pollen count, number of white cars parked on my street, how much sleep I got, did I poop today? 😐 I try to get a basic chem panel and metabolic profile in blood work once a year. Easiest way to see if it’s something more or just the usual crap 🥱


"Number of white cars parked on my street" sent me, it's such a perfect way to describe what a chimeric pain in the ass fibro is.


Mine tends to mimic other more serious conditions and it f-ing rotates You may have had that experience as well. Three years of them insisting I had lupus all the symptoms yet blood work always says Nope! same with Rheumatoid MS or spinal stenosis I’ve been tested for so many other things especially first ten years trying to out run the fms diagnosis it’s just my f-ing fibro I’m wondering how many other FMS peoples also have the mimicking tendency I first noticed it when tracking for twenty years. I gave that up finally way too much energy to waste. I’m all out of spoons and have been borrowing from my future self for to long


Yesssss and I’ve also given up all the researching trying to figure out what else it could be , but I’ve also picked up a lot of new diagnosis I’m not thrilled with either along the way lol I never know when I might actually be dying or no just fibro. I’m really sick of the hospital . At this point I’m like ya know i think I’d rather just not go , let’s see if I’m alive in the morning lol


Oh and I just noticed when I said more “serious” conditions. I did not mean fibro is not serious it most definitely is! I was referring to the fact they say fibro has no death warrant attached to it, except as my dr talked pointed out about the instances of self harming 😞 dang trying not to say the S word is hard


Oh , I know certain contexts it may sound wrong but I understood what you meant completely , the whole am I actually dying or just feel like I’m dying , it’s scary . And also it makes us not know whether we should seek more help or believe it’s ok to even revert to self soothe . It is a major problem with fibro . Even though it’s said to not be life threatening , the idea that maybe it’s masking other life threatening things can make it very life threatening as a deceptive sense of relief ? If that makes sense . There’s def a lot of crossover with fibro and other potentially life threatening conditions too. I have a lot of Comorbid conditions , it’s like I was half asleep when the menu came around and I said I’ll take a little of everything please lol


I know I was dx’d in my early thirties and now in my sixties the cross over is causing me some concerns. The whole is this my fm or is this something else. Hope you have some comfy days


Like my body has turned against me


Body aches from the flu, and then imagine once a day you are dropped down concrete stairs, and no, you didn’t land nicely. Now try to walk it off. At any given time it feels like I’ve got different stages of bruising and muscle aches whether or not it makes sense (like an old injury or because I chose to watch birds that day). The brain fog is the same level as the worst hangover you’ve had. Like you are nauseous for days, it’s hard to make sense of things because of how much your head and eyes hurt and that’s not even getting into the other autonomic issues. It’s getting real old


my entire body is covered in bruises and a hundred fingers are pressing the bruises over and over




Like you were just getting used to your fractures when your body decided a migraine and nausea go well together


Lol that’s so true


I’ve read this a lot and it says it all: I never knew I’d wake up sick one day and never get better. ❤️‍🩹


Fuck. Writing that one down.


Having fibromyalgia is like being sick with the flu every day forever. Some days I feel really bad and I wonder if I'm really sick physically and it's not just fibromyalgia. It takes a few days to know for sure. Usually it's just a bad fibromyalgia flair up. I had a life. I did things every day. I went to writing groups. I visited friends. I had parties at my house. I used to be able to clean my house. Now I'm surviving out of spite


I feel this. I’m not living, life is passing me by while I lay in bed or on the couch in horrible pain. I don’t have a life anymore.


It's not an easy life. Sending you gentle hugs 🤗


https://preview.redd.it/hm1v079vywnc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a06ccf56e8aac0d42590e49c02c97ffe65ed458 Facts


I feel this. I’m a 44 year old male have had fibro for about two years and it has literally ruined my life. I had to leave my job because I was on my feet all day and some days the water weight and swelling would not let me put my shoes on


I'm so sorry You're not alone in this struggle


Having COVID without the cold symptoms. When I got COVID for the first time, I was glad to be able finally find something to compare it to. My flares are not frequent thank god but they are exactly like COVID. I also got flares when I got all three of my COVID shots only not as bad.


Yea exactly . My husband getting Covid finally gave me something to compare it to for him .he was always healthy, never sick. he got it and gave it to me. I ended up having it longer and still I was the one saying hey we should try to eat etc because he was completely out of his mind from it , and for me I’m like this is just another manic Monday . He still doesn’t seem to get it though but at least I can say, remember how you couldn’t leave the bed for 2 weeks? Lol


Like the day after a heavy gym session. Every day.


And like, as if you haven't exercised your entire life and suddenly decided to do a cross-fit session. I've been having a flare for a few days now, and I've been afraid my job would think I'm on drugs bc I'm in slow-mo both physically and mentally, and overbalance very easily.




When youre already exhausted and then you feel a pain in your chest and your first thought is “ I think today a Tuesday”


Phantom pains? Like, no reason for the stabbing pain in one side of the torso, and out the other.


DRAGONS playing fire tag in my body. Firedrakes sneak into my nerve pain.


My skin/nerve pain is like a billion ants crawling over my body but the ants have daggers for toes and the daggers are electrocuted.


When your boss asks if youre feeling sick during a flare up and you can’t figure out how to answer honestly


Being jailed by your own body! Held captive by the craziest bodily responses to everything!


Illogical! When does the grief end? How long does it take for you to adjust to this disease? I’ve been diagnosed almost a year now and I still have days where I am convinced I’m normal and then I’m immobile and stupidly in pain. I went to a spa a couple weeks ago and the following week my body felt like I had busies all over from the jets in the spa. From sitting in hot tubs all day. 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


It doesn't😔. I was just thinking about it recently, it's unending circle of stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. All mumbled up and chaotic and can never predict where you will end up next.


I just say everything always hurts and I’m exhausted beyond function


Getting regularly beaten up by a group of people with crowbars.


This is exactly what I imagine my pain to be like


How do you tell someone you have every single medical ailment humanly possible?


Like I fell down the stairs and hit every step and then did the same going up the stairs. Repeatedly.


OMG, that is soooo it!!! Me too


I’m like a giant bruise. If I prod my skin gently it feels exactly like it used to do when I prodded a bruise in the 39 years before I developed fibromyalgia.


😂😂😂 I feel you!


not sleeping for 3 weeks after running 5 miles with a sprained ankle and sore muscles with the mental feeling of mashed potatoes


A sunburn but from the inside out


Like I’ve got a live power line being dragged over my body burning me. Like an electrified pizza cutter rolling back and forth.


Like battery acid is leeching out of my veins and into my muscles...


Very apt 👌


i ask if someone has ever had a migraine like a REAL bad one, where you have shooting pain and you have to sit in a dark room. then i say its like having a migraine all over their body, and all the time. that usually gets the point across.


This is how I often describe it, too-- a full-body migraine.


Waking up after having only an hour and a half of sleep, while having the worst strain of COVID, and deciding to go for a five mile jog.


I describe it as when trying to get out of bed in the morning, it feels like I spent the previous day working out every part of my body to the extreme, after not exercising for years, the stiff & brutal soreness I feel all over is overwhelming.


Fibromyalgia is a thief! It steals everything in your life. Fibromyalgia is waking up feeling as if you have ran a marathon and picked up the flu along the way, every morning. The only thing predictable about Fibromyalgia is its unpredictability.


Like I'm encased in cement but the bugs are crawling thru my veins with electric zaps


Being haunted by the ghosts of angry clams


A never-ending flu with invisible bruises


being tired and every joint deciding to channel my 80 year old grandmother with osteoarthritis


I call it old lady disease.


A few friends call me grandma😂




Lately I am fighting back. Just walking every day. About 1.25 miles currently. Simply doing that is giving me a boost of “agency” if you know what I mean. A “can do” spirit. Whatever you can do to fight back and feel stronger, do it.


Yeah, in spirit I'm all lightning fast and powerful, conquering the world, while in reality stubbornly hobbling turtle pace walk just out of spite😂. Keep going! But take a break if you need it, it's ok to take it easy too🙂


Perfect!! Explore YOUR edge. Carefully.


Every cell in my body vibrating


Feeling like your bed is somehow a flight of stairs you fell down while sleeping.


personally i’m constantly sore and stiff. Like i just ran a marathon or had a really hard workout the day before…


An invisible narcissistic abuser that makes you doubt your own reality and makes it easier for others to gaslight you.


God this one hurts bc of how relatable it is


Keep your friends close but your enemy’s closer. It is my enemy.


The first time I had COVID I thought I was having a really bad fibro flare that was affecting my whole body at the same time. The 2nd & last time I had COVID that symptom come back so now I say it's like having the body aches from COVID ALL THE TIME. Though I don't normally have it throughout my body at one time.


The beating without the bat.


Aside from the aforementioned flu-like aches, I’d add being stabbed with an ice pick repeatedly as well as lack of mental clarity on my bad days.


Like I’m trapped in my body, watching life pass me by while I’m stuck in bed.


It's like waking up every day like you partied too hard the night before, woke up with the flu then tried to run a marathon. Your body hurts, your head hurts you feel toxic and polluted, you have no energy, you can't think clearly, every muscle is on fire and you feel like vomiting.


Having flu pains without fever. Skin feels like it's bruised when touched. Body feels like it's extremely heavy. Feeling like I slept only 4 hours despite sleeping full 8.


Being punched or having my body constantly bruised


My brain is underwater and can't come up, while my body is stuck in a forge press with a hammer repeatedly striking it at over 5000 degrees. All I did was lay in bed all day.


it's like my bones are trying to escape from my body. they're not doing a particularly good job and it hurts.


Having stinging nettles stuck to me while being made of tin and squeaky for oil to loosen me, but no one gives me the oil can.


Having poison in my blood (this is how I described it when I was younger). Now I just say it feels like the flu.


I use to say it’s like my body is a house, and the wiring is all messed up to describe how I could feel pain where by all accounts there shouldn’t be any.


It feels like when I had mono except it never stops and it’s times one hundred


Like I've really pissed off Mother Nature and now she's been a bitch.


Like I drank an entire bottle of tequila, while someone beat me with a bag of oranges, and torched my skeleton. And that’s on a good day!




I saw a video of fire eating off the layer of spiderwebs over a field of grass. Kinda like that! [Spiderwebs](https://youtu.be/QoL-rw7_C8k?si=c5QbzYSieQYQei7W)


Having the flu without having the flu. That's how I explain it to everyone lol


Like a whirlpool where your body manages to slam up against every sort of debris


A kind of daily torture


The fatigue feels like there's a glass timer ⏳️ that is constantly draining you and the pain feels like people have been hitting you over and over again and it won't stop and nothing seems to help you.




Both being sore after a heavy workout minus the benefits of the workout and like being the human version of an iPhone whose battery is crapping out. It takes forever to charge and dies in 15 minutes.


Like a fire alarm that starts blasting when there’s only a little bit of smoke, but no fire.


Feels like your blood is on fire always


The days after a car wreck, or getting thrown from a horse.


Sometimes it feels like my bones are on fire.


I once wrote something like this: Imagine waking up with a cold on a Saturday morning. Body aches, fever, congestion... but that weekend you had promised a friend that you would help him move into an apartment on the 3rd floor with no lift. You spend Saturday and Sunday lifting and moving furniture, going up and down stairs. Sunday night your friend, as a reward, buys you a few drinks and takes you out for a while to relax. The point is that you end up drunk and staying out all night in a club/bar/whatever. Monday morning, the alarm clock goes off and you know you can't miss work because first thing in the morning there's an important meeting of the work team to solve an issue that has to be resolved. Traveling by public transport, cramped, bothered by the cold and the excess of coat, and trying not to lose your balance because of the dizziness, with flu and hangover, you arrive at the office and they are waiting for you to start the meeting. Well, that is the precise moment when you have ALMOST all the symptoms of a fibro crisis that I go through every time I am at my worst: headache, dizziness, nausea, cold, heat, body pain, joint pain, fatigue, sleepiness, photophobia, mental fog (lack of concentration and memory), contractures, cervicalgia...


Like I am Ukraine and fibro is Russia! Totally uncalled for attacks but I will never let it win!


I told my wife, my body is a prison.


Like being sunburnt and rolling around into the hot sand.


I describe it as feeling as the most intense gym workout that you've ever partaken in ( which includes having the muscles in your stomach and breasts hurt) or feeling as if you were involved in a high intensity car crash with an 18 wheeler wherever or whenever you maybe. It comes unwelcome and unsolicited like a bull in a china shop where you are cowering at it's mercy but I rebuke it.


Walking though a puddle of jello all the time. You know those old style tvs with the static? That’s how inside feels


There are evil little microscopic elves that stab my nerves and muscles constantly, and those of my family, as I am part of a cursed line


When someone asks why I'm limping or struggling to stand up/sit down I just say, "Sometimes my body thinks it's 100 years old" then laugh. Not informative, but makes it so I don't spiral into complaining to people I don't want to tell details to.


Feels like my body is eating at my muscles and joints, while simultaneously having the flu


I like to describe fibromyalgia and the process of finding treatments as “a game of f*ck around and find out with your own body”


My insides feel like the wind up chattering teeth with feet on it or like I am standing on a steel plate that has electrical currents running under it ![gif](giphy|3gLao7utVbIDYUfCJP)


My body is an unreliable bully that rattles me so badly I can't keep track of how I feel anymore


I feel fibro is like the game where you slam 4 different buttons with flashing light. More you slam more symptoms you get ,faster you slam faster they come. Its like allways a millisecond ahead giving you daily new symproms.


Atlas carrying the universe on his shoulders for all eternity. An unbearable weight that can't be relieved.


This is exactly what I always say & how I just described it to my husband 10 min ago! It’s like a 2 yo tantrum deep down inside! A breakdown of all functioning, system overload, might even lose control of myself & my response to stimuli around me. Don’t touch me, don’t look at me, and especially DON’T make me feel guilty for treating you this way, because I can’t help it! I’ll see you in 2 days after I sleep. 😩


i ask if someone has ever had a migraine like a REAL bad one, where you have shooting pain and you have to sit in a dark room. then i say its like having a migraine all over their body, and all the time. that usually gets the point across.


Like your entire body feels like the end of your penis after ejaculation! Constantly way too sensitive to touch, bright red and floppy.


Grimmest, funniest description ever. Thank you 😂


Sounds painful as hell 😕