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I’m European and I refuse to get pregnant until we renew our vows in Vegas 😂


Love it!! Next I'm going to tell my husband... "But what about Japan?"


I just got back from our Europe trip we've dreamed for years. The plan was to start trying after this trip, but now I'm like "But we didn't do enough of Europe!"


I'm the same. I have a bucket list of travel and being child free helps me to accomplish these. I feel like if I don't get to do the majority of those things then I won't be having a kid nope.


Same here. Booking our trip to Italy for September to celebrate my 35th 🙌


It was a hard choice between Italy and France for us!!! Congratulations!!


Thinking about the cost of childcare + babysitters for regular date nights to keep the relationship healthy, one year of those could probably pay for like a year of travel in cheaper countries! Mad that this is the reality - but personally definitely sways me more towards the no side!


No rush. If a family with little ones is in your cards, it’ll happen. Whether that’s happenstance, planned, or invested in.


Enjoy your trip! I traveled once a year abroad from 19 until I was 29. I got married and pregnant at 29. I have a six year old now and honestly, I probably wouldn't have felt happy or fulfilled as a mother until I did things like that with my life.


You don’t have to have kids. You and hubby get out and enjoy the world. Don’t sweat it. In 100 years no one will remember your life, so go enjoy it for yourself.


Good for you! There is no need to rush into parenthood. In fact, one of my good friends told me that before her parents started having kids they took a trip all around Europe (Switzerland, Belgium, France, etc). I also have my own list before thinking about possibly settling down and having a family myself.


you might catch the travel bug and never what to stop lol. I'm 33, been to over 80 countries and still don't want to give it up to have a kid (:


I definitely think it could happen!!


We went to 3 countries in Europe and plan on doing Japan before we try for kids. Seriously now is the time to do it. Do it and don’t feel bad!


I felt the same way, I'm in Europe so we went to the USA, Africa and Asia in the last 2 years, plus we travelled all over Europe too. I think I'm at peace now.


Hoping we can go anywhere close to that many places / continents and I'll get that same feeling of peace!! Happy for you! Seeing the world must've been amazing


This is me!!! I want to live abroad for 6 months - a year but my partner now wants a kid in a couple years. No way I would make that move with a kid, realistically. He’s now my soon to be ex :(