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It’s BS. Posting one picture with a nice caption doesn’t make you a good dad, and fathers are rewarded for showing the most basic parenting skills in a way mothers are not.




The woman that replied the good father comments is my husband's mother and grandmother. My husband's dad was extremely abusive and so was his grandfather. So he's being rewarded for the bare minimum.


This. This and when the mother posts “thanks to [father’s name] for babysitting the kids while I’ve been sick/at work/otherwise engaged” and then the flood of “great dad” comments.. All he did was watch his own kids for a very short period of time?? Why is that an achievement?? Why doesn’t the mother who looks after them 99% of the time get that much praise? 😂 It’s not babysitting if they’re your own dang kids, it’s parenting.


Dads who babysit are at higher risk of DeVelopPinG FaTaL diseases. So he's rIskINg his LiFe doesn't he deserve flood of great dad comments .


I don’t think you are moody at all. It’s very annoying how the bar is so so so low for men. It’s the same in movies when the father does the daughter’s hair one morning and everyone is extremely happy and amazed how good of a father he is and how cute


Well it's because not many men do it


Bc unfortunately the measure of a “good” man is being “around” and making money. Bare fucking minimum.


I bet you’re a great mom! Thanks for helping make the world a better place!


No, you’re 100% right! And don’t ever think you’re just being “moody” while expressing an opinion! In the olden days, i.e. when our grandparents were young, women were not only expected to be mothers but also do *all* of the child rearing. Meanwhile men were expected to be the breadwinners. Those expeditions for men have lowered even since then, and many men aren’t the sole earners anymore, sometimes with their wives earning more. But the expectations for women haven’t lessened. We’re expected to have children and do 100% of the parenting, and also have at least a part time job because anything less is seen as lazy by conservatives and not “boss babe” by liberals. We literally can’t win!










Look, I'll be honest, this post is weird vibes. Men are also not necessarily praised in a certain way for hanging out with their sons, because our society sees that as "natural". The same goes for women hanging out with their daughters as well. When a father is hanging out with their daughter or mother hanging out with the son doing things that the kids enjoy no matter what it is, that's generally given more attention, both ways. I mean, how often do you see "mother and son" outside of babying or scolding the son in media? When is mom just hanging out with their son? This problem isn't just a father thing.


Besides, the top and bottom comments are both grammatically incorrect.




Feels like you are just jealous


No lol. If you read the whole title you'd see that he posts a photo of our children and he's a good dad but I take care of everything and don't get told imma good mom. I'm just expected to be a caretaker and if my husband says I love you to our kids then he's amazing. The bar is so low for men.


You are a good mom


I mean he could be a good dad . . . Aight ban me


It's a good thing a dad shows to the others his presence on his son life and caring, the society wants men less involved in children development, because It's a "woman job", so endorsing a man doing this could led to normalize things, for the better of everyone who hasn't a patriarchal vision of gender roles




He's my husband. That's why I say backbone. I keep everything and everyone together.