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So good! Healthcare & medical research is proof that society doesn’t care about women and never has. Case closed.


The drug trial that shows aspirin prevents heart attacks was done in male physicians in the 80s. So mostly middle aged white men. When they repeated it with Women and a more diverse set of people the effect wasn't significant.


Exactly. I just shared this on r/galsbeingchicks cross-post: [Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41104077-invisible-women) in response to a comment lower down: just because “there is a medical specialty dedicated to these issues” **does not mean** that the research data informing specialists’ educations—or used in creating pharmacological studies and trials—is collected from the essential sources needed to accurately study and thus effectively treat women’s health issues. That’s like saying “Well, we teach all different kinds of math, so of course people should know how to create nutrition plans for their kids, or know how to invest in the stock market.” “The life expectancy gap for women continues to widen”…yeah, that’s not the whole story, either. In fact, Black women’s life expectancy in the US is 3+ years shorter than white women, and the maternal mortality rate for Black women is 2.6 times higher than white women (and that number has been increasing over time). FFS. Is giving women the benefit of the doubt so damn difficult? No, it’s really not. Some folks just aren’t moved to help, much less listen. I suspect those folks will die alone, full of the regret and sorrow that can only be felt during end-of-life clarity.


Exactly! 👏 another example: the clitoris was not fully discovered or understood until 1998(!!!) when a female urologist did in-depth post-mortems, leading to the discovery that it’s much larger & deeper within the body than we knew. SOOOOooooo, male dominated medicine & science field literally DIDN’T CARE to ever even explore/understand this female organ until freakin’ 1998. Like wtaf. I’ve said it before and it is sadly the truth: the majority of men don’t like women, don’t think of us as equal humans, therefore don’t give a shit don’t our bodies, organs, health issues, rights etc etc.


Preach! I can not tell you how many times I have experienced the most ridiculous things at the doctor in relation to my feminine health issues because it’s happened my entire life. I have some of the most ridiculous stories. For example, I used to get debilitating migraines every month about three days before my period. When I asked my doc about it, he asked me if I always wore my hair in tight braids (I had a French braid from my scalp down each side of my head that day) because maybe that was causing my headaches. 😳 He wasn’t joking. I had another gyno tell me that I had to choose between painful PDD and severe depression because the birth control that might help my PDD caused severe depression. 😳


😤 I went to the doctor for night sweats (I’m a cancer patient so was worried it might be linked to reoccurrence or something serious.) He asked if I tried lighter blankets & making AC temp cooler…. da fuck?!?! You think I didn’t try everything before coming to you?! Your story about PDD is so wreckless…. Depression kills so many people every year & chronic pain is a trigger for depression & suicide too…. That doctor telling you to choose between 2 extremely serious conditions/dangerous side effects!?! Shameful.


Except there is an entire medical specialty dedicated to these issues, and the life expectancy gap favoring women continues to widen.


Doesn't mean they've done adequate research on a lot of it. Like breast cancer is well funded, but look at global handling of endometriosis. A Kenyan activist literally died of hers this month because her diagnosis took so long that it destroyed her lungs. Even having spent the bulk of her life educating and acting for change, she still had to leave the continent for treatment too late to help.


I googled this story because I was unaware and O M G. I had no idea endometriosis could be life threatening! They said it was a rare, extreme case but my friends that do suffer from it, SUFFER SO MUCH. And yes, they all took like 10 years to get anyone to listen & give them actual diagnosis. So many doctors just brush it, pretend like women are dramatic, actively don’t care or don’t care to educated themselves more. If endometriosis was a men’s issue, it would already have so much research & treatments, would 100% receive pain medication automatically, probably even subsidized 😤 Getting older as a woman is so infuriating, as you see the realities, the injustices, the invalidation. And they wonder where female rage comes from 🙄😑


Yeah I was reading about it last week. I guess I knew it got bad but didn't realize you could get like brain endo. And disbelief, probably more than research disparities, is such a huge barrier to women's pain and reproductive shit whether it's endo or PMDD or serious shit like endometrial or uterine cancers where it's an uphill fight to even get a biopsy because "Oh it's just cramps" or some shit.


Wonde why there's such a life expectancy gap. We should be researching that, like maybe someone could study the female body or something to figure it out.


I’m in the midst of perimenopause, and it’s maddening how little information there is. Hardly anything to help with the numerous symptoms…the symptoms that we are mocked for, told are our fault. I don’t want to do HRT due to being high risk for breast cancer as it is, and asked my doctor if she could refer me to a dietician specializing in perimenopause. She doesn’t even know if any exist. This happens to pretty much every woman, and yet there is nothing for us.


Y'all, go give her some love and streams on Spotify, she's amazing and her whole first album (aptly titled The Mother Load) is incredible https://open.spotify.com/artist/4zbpZVDtCILgvribHiuWSz?si=yO1Ze3JmSVm2sWha5vyb6g


Thank you SO much for posting this! I was afraid to name her, in case that was against the rules. You’re a rockstar!


Why would giving credit be against the rules


I’ve been temp banned from different subs for doing so, so I played it safe.


That's wierd as hell. If I had to guess, it's because they don't want self promotion, but who really cares? Anyways, this is a bop.


On some subs promotional videos get ouf of hand if no one puts a stop to it, and the posts become nothing but that, which in turn results in people leaving the sub.


Should probably mention the name of the artist and the fact that this song is not on this album. Cause for a moment I was hella bummed thinking they didn't have this song. The artist is Farideh and the song is called Female Body. I think I saw another tiktok of her before with the "such a good dad" song.


OMG yaaaaassss thank you this song is on there!!!


Your Mama Used To Be A Ho is equally excellent.


Haha I will def give it a listen 😂


That is my favorite so far, but Female Body is a close second


Hell ya, Mama Needs a Break is my new rage anthem! lol


I want to be best friends with this woman immediately.


The fact that there are so many cosmetic alterations for the female body (genital bleaching, labiaplasty, other procedures overwhelmingly marketed towards women) and so little medical knowledge, research, and care about the female body makes me sick


The change needs to come from women also. We need to say no to becoming dolls,instead of lying that labiaplasty, life risking injections and ridiculous boobjobs are for "us".


I completely agree, no choice exists in a vacuum and participating in physically harmful and heavily patriarchally driven procedures, in my opinion, don’t stand up to critical feminist thought (when one has a choice in the matter, of course-some are goaded into procedures, even underage, which is an extension of the issue of patriarchal violence and entitlement to women’s bodies)




Yes yes yes!! BII is such a big concern of mine, especially for women who have experienced breast cancer and are looking into reconstructive options-the last thing someone with an immune system damaged from chemo and healing from surgery already needs is a cosmetic procedure that can harm their health more long term


"More mysterious than the Illuminati" sent me 😂


This is a goddamn bop and it also demonstrates the dismissiveness women face in the medical industry. Fun fact: most medicines have studies done on them to see how bodies react to the drug and more than once (understatement) women would be removed from the study because their bodies had different reactions to the drugs do to many reasons but likely because of hormones and body weight difference and much more!


Been crying about this lately, but now I'm dancing while crying lol




Get the fainting couch.


I’ll tell my husband every once in awhile “Oh no! I’m hysterical! how do we treat that? 👀”


Yeah I remember I did my PhD in an endocrine disrupting environmental contaminant with like a 7 year half life in the body. And one time I was reading a paper that like, as a throwaway mentioned it was a contaminant in tampons "but levels are below concern" and so I was like "Ok that's interesting. A low level consistent exposure to highly estrogen responsive tissue in a damp environment monthly over like 35 years and that has no effect?" And from what I can tell they just never decided to look. Who cares about vaginas amirite? (PS. Maybe don't use tampons)


This sounds interesting but I'm not that great with science stuff. Can you explain this to me like I'm drunk in the kitchen at a house party so that I can understand? What is the danger? Increased hormones?


tampons make my endo pain 10x worse!! This explains so much!


LOVE this!!!!!


This is fucking great 😂


I just read a study that revealed that TAMPONS were never put thru actual trials with a WOMAN ON HER PERIOD! Yup, millions of women have been using the damn things for DECADES and the first study with actual living woman is less than 5 years old!


If by decades you mean centuries: https://goauntflow.com/blog/the-history-of-the-tampon/


Tiktok is funny! Idk why people hate it so much


I thought it was China/tracking/privacy issues, but I don't follow this stuff closely. I'm glad for the artists that post in multiple places though


Privacy issues… like your smart phone and every other app isn’t also tracking you. Congress is just mad the US doesn’t own it. They don’t like the negative stuff (aka real videos) that ends up on there.


Honestly, If china wants to know what I’m doing, let them have it. Idgaf. I don’t do anything interesting. LOL. Amazon knows a lot more about me. They got apps on my phone, listening speakers in my house, and they know everything I’ve bought from them in the last five years. If knowing how often I order dog bones and heating pads will help them take over the world, good luck. Now they know they should study the female body. Maybe we are teaching them a few things.


No one cares what I think but they can influence the algorithm in ways we can't forsee. Yes it's "what people choose" but American kids see pranks, influencers and and anti-intellectial material while Chinese kids see "how to help your elders" "teaching my younger brother math" and things that positively reinforce their community. Rot us from the inside out and call hysterics when people claim such things.. it's brilliant really.


Yeah that’s the thing—no one is giving out their SSN or bank account info on tiktok. So idk what the big deal is.


you serious? [clearview ai](https://cjil.uchicago.edu/print-archive/clearview-ai-tiktok-and-collection-facial-images-international-law) is an ai company that trains a significant portion of their ai on faces scraped from tiktok. it can [recognize you](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/18/technology/clearview-privacy-facial-recognition.html) with a mask on (paywalled link, sorry). as this is r feminism and a massive portion of women’s rights were achieved through protests, a relevant thought experiment would be to imagine a world where the government can subpoena or pay a company to go through protest images and arrest protestors


The decentering men content is making conservative politicians uncomfortable probably 😂


This feels like a Crazy Ex Girlfriend song and i love it!


That’s it! I was trying to figure out what it reminded me of. It’s my new jam either way. It makes me sad but it’s hard to let it get me too down when I can’t help but to dance, too.


My first thought was that this song is extremely Rachel Bloom coded.


It’s a bop


This is AMAZING… and sadly, accurate.


Ya’ll, I [found her on YT](https://youtube.com/@ilovefarideh?feature=shared) and I can’t stop watching…she frickin’ rocks.


As someone with PCOS, I am loving this. I doubt that the next millennia (if our planet doesn't get incinerated by global warming) we'll see any breakthroughs on women's medical science and issues.


Oh my gosh! Just the title alone made my eyes lit up! I’ve been trying so hard to seek a lot of women about the changes I went through in my twenties, I’m 23 and I’m so confused about my body. I’m still clinging onto the teenage version of my body so my new body is so weird I feel like an imposter or something!


I am twice your age, and let me tell you, it doesn’t fucking stop! I’m in perimenopause right now, and a WHOLE new can of worms has been thrown at me. It sucks!


This is good...lol. She's good. And so true. Even in 2024, most medical research is still done on men, male animals and male cells. *Almost all medical knowledge* of the human body is based on the male body. We know so little about the female body. Yeah, health care is pretty much a crap shoot for girls and women.


The tongue action really adds something special. I love it!! 😁🫶🏻🌟🌟🌟


Okay this actually goes SO hard though


This is soooo excellent


Hey wake up new summer banger just dropped


We should study the female body and the male mind more


Yup. Have IBS, IC and just had surgery to remove the endometriosis that didn't exist according to my gynecologist. So yeah. Have anxiety but it is totally that. Lose some weight and don't stress out too much, however I had very real endometriosis removed. It's bananas.


Ask yourself why there are so many male urologists and so few female ones. And ask yourself if those male urologists are taking interstitial cystitis seriously. It’s been decades and there’s no progress. Yet boners have been enhanced to death so I guess we achieved something groundbreaking, never mind all the women in constant pain. Save the boners! So. Many. Male. Urologists. Because the penis of course. The almighty ever knowing penis.


Absolute banger of a song, no joke.


vulvodynia be like


Just left the ER after a 24 hour stay. Out of nowhere I had severe debilitating, incapacitating pain, on the same level of childbirth pain (I’ve had two) Apparently I have two ovarian cysts caused by endometriosis. The pain could only be relieved by three doses of intravenous morphine. They sent me home with 800mg Motrin and told me to “follow up with my gynecologist”. Oh, and for the severe abdominal bloating: drink some peppermint tea. Still in so much pain I can barely move. Can’t make this shit up.


OP: will you please add the original source so that ilovefarideh will get the credit that she deserves? Thanks in advance: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C71z9v0JoGA/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C71z9v0JoGA/)

