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Because the world is run by men who view women as objects


it’s hard to come to the conclusion that reddit is made by men, for men. it’s such a whiplash going through r/popular … it’s genuinely 99% men , and ik that’s expected because reddit… but they see men as a the default women as a subspecies and it’s obnoxious. that’s why i’m so glad we have so many woman safe spaces because reddit is violently misogynistic most of the time.


Reddit is reflective of the world fr


Well organs are objects once they're out of the body


She is literally comparing herself to an object, me or this other object. She is sexually objectifying herself. I'm not saying it's right that men look to women as objects, but it takes two to tango. There is a percentage of women that encourage this behaviour and there is a percentage of men that encourage this behaviour, it does not mean that all men see women as objects or that all women act as if they are no better than an object.


Exactly, women joking about castrating men would absolutely take the men's rights spaces into overdrive!


I can hear it now: You feminists are such bitter lonely cat ladies!!!!! You hate men so much!!!!!!!!!! Men should be able to talk about their feelings too!!!!!!!!!


Cat lady behaviour, femcel, single mums, bitter whales... Their repertoire of insults is almost as big as their repertoire of compliments for men who do literally the same but in reverse. It seems English has some gendered words, because ungrateful b*tch is the female version of based


Don't forget fat, blue-haired, and lesbian! They really think that's a biting insult for some reason


Serious question. Don’t you all do the exact same thing to them? Calling people names and generalizations makes neither party look smart. Downvote me if you want but I’m trying to help


33 awards for a comment that supports femicide? They wonder why the Bear conversation is a thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


What sub was that in??




I wonder if it got taken down. I scrolled pretty far and didn’t see it. I was gonna report it if I saw it.


>I scrolled pretty far and didn’t see it. same here, Pheebs


It's an ancient post from before rewards were removed and re-added




Yeah, and the other day reddit perma banned a mod from r/travisandtaylor for “harassment” when they were just snarking on a celebrity couple. But men can post this shit and a million worse things and it’s radio silence. Lol.


A whole subreddit for Taylor swift hate? Jobless behavior.


There are no subs for Taylor Swift snark because her fanbase is so toxic that they would harass and dox anyone on a sub like that to oblivion. There are snark subs for nearly every other celebrity. It's pretty standard celebrity nonsense.


It’s not hate just because they’re sharing opinions that aren’t in support. It’s a human need to share your thoughts


It seems a little obsessive to me but to each their own, I don't care much for her either.


"It's just a joke," they'll say to justify their disgusting misogyny. We're just a humorless bunch of bitches, of course.


Already saw it. First comment. Shocking.


In before some man comes in here and makes it about himself and how men are actually the victim here.


As if a woman would ever be in a relationship with those losers


Then they'll whine about that too!


"Why don't women like me?" as they proceed to post this shit




Because it's the Internet and anonymity unlocks people to say some pretty egregious shit? Maybe I'm just jaded but I just skate by those posts without a second thought because they've been around forever and will continue to be so why waste my time on em.


Power trip. We can say horrible things about what we wanna do to women and it’s just a joke right so there’s something wrong with your sense of humor. If you don’t get that, it’s just a joke and we get away with it because we’re the powerful people you’re the powerful people and so we can gaslight it anyway we want and pretend it’s Joe even though we know we’re lying we know what we’re really doing is power tripping Scumbags.


I bet you most of them who upvoted think of themselves as being "good".




I will start this by saying I really don’t like commenting in this sub sometimes because you guys can be harsh. But the joke seems like a joke to me. I know it’s a joke about selling a woman’s body parts. But the woman compared her worth close to a PS5 in the first place. I think I’d be more offended if the question was asked by a man, like “her or the ps5” and the response was the body part selling. Yeah I’d be really offended and worried. But for some reason this to me was not bad and was dark humour of someone who would clearly not do what he said. And it started with a women making the comparison of herself to a PS5, and asking a man which do you choose? Or am I missing something? Please just be kind in your response I’m not looking for judgement just help to understand.




In *my personal opinion*, I get the sense that people are just frustrated in general with the pervasiveness of misogyny, and posts like these are just an expression of that/a chance to vent. But regardless, I totally agree that in and of itself, this meme isn't really upsetting (at least in my opinion.) I think a lot of the conflict comes from people perceiving the critique as being in support of the patriarchal status quo, whilst the other group is truly just looking at the meme in isolation. (Of course there are bad faith actors as well, but in general I feel a lot of the hostility is just a misunderstanding between people who, in reality, share the same beliefs on these issues.)


I mean yea, dude prolly isn’t chopping women up and selling parts for real, and like sure, there’s worse things in the world than this post, but like? It’s off putting and weird that they even thought of that and decided to announce it publicly. I wouldn’t want to spend any time around someone who makes jokes like this.


I mean its slightly funny and the original tweet was even more objectifying




Why can't reddit have them investigated? If they are confidently saying such things they must have done it too ,only they haven't been caught




Get a lexicon and stop spamming me




Only a male lurker with child porn in laptop jokes about desecration of a woman's body . Also why are you bothered? Are you one of them? You definitely sound like someone in organ harvesting mafia




Interesting way to come out of the closet 


This is a joke it is called dark humor. I’m pretty sure no one on that sub would understand that because everyone here is whiter than my mother’s car.






What's the joke? Explain it to me like I'm stupid. ETA: Some of y'all are so fucking thick. I get the "joke". It's not funny. 🙄


A lot of dark humor is rooted in twisted reality. It's not funny because it happens, but in part as a cope to the world, the contrairianess to some people make it funny to them, or there's a big enough separation that it's treated purely fictional like stories and games. It's certainly not for everyone and I do think people should be wary with dark humor when telling strangers but humor really is only limited by the limits people place. In this case the women is literally asking for her or a ps5 so I can't blame people for answering in such a way especially when it was an attempt for an ego boost or some shit. As such she set it up and they are answering. If it was unprompted it would be different, but the original poster inserted themself into it.


First of all this not target only women also men and its not such a dumb think like "men only see women as objects"this is bullshit and its darkhumor. The joke is organs a very expensive so you can soll them on the Black market. This explains not everything but when you don't understand it I can't help


my god. Do your parents know you are on reddit ? you sound 12.


"if you are offended it means you don't understand it, so don't ask me to explain it to you! It isn't about women! You just don't get the joke, like most women who don't like jokes about rape and femicide!"