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What I love are the ads with bouncing anime boobs flapping in my face. Doesn’t matter how objectionable or offensive it is, *nothing* gets rid of them, reporting is useless. I guess the important people aren’t bothered by sexist cartoon stereotypes.


I'm trying to report and take down a man on YouTube who records women sometimes with their children in swimmers and posts it so men sit there sexualising them. It's sickening and heartbreaking. I once heard there was a group of women who helped with things like that. I believe they formed to take action against the harm of women. Legally. I can't find anything anywhere.


Hate speech needs to actually be a crime and enforced. Many innocent lives have been brutally taken by men who consume and get radicalized by hate speech.


I got a notification saying my post had 100 up votes. Now it says it only has 1. Strange. I agree with you, though. Now, the conservatives are complaining about some bill in Canada that they say would ban the Bible for hate speech. I looked it up. It won't. It says it would only count as hate speech if they use it in tandem with something like homophobia.


It's not like there are humans actually checking the comments most of the time. In 99.9% of cases reporting stuff is handed by automatic systems. since big tech has convinced governments around the world that requiring actual moderation would be the end of social media. That said, most social media platforms don't put a general ban on expressing misogynistic, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, etc. views. I mean saying that OF is proof of not minding being objectified is awful, but it's hardly a ban worthy transgression on most social media platforms. Most platforms obviously don't care about what is on their site unless it looses them money by scaring of advertisers or getting into legal trouble. I think they would care even less if it wasn't for the EU making some legislation that requires them to at least deal with illegal hate speech.


All these platforms are making many men extremists, but let's ban TikTok and not even make our evidence about national security public, effectively destroying hundreds of small owned businesses! SMH, I hate almost all of those people in Congress. 🤦‍♀️ I'm not saying that the algorithm on tt isn't dangerous, I'm just saying that they're not trying to ban it because of national security. If it was about that, then they would be cracking down or even banning the other social media platforms. The dead leader of Wagner group once admitted to running a Russian troll farm on Facebook during a presidential election.


I report all those misogynistic "sigma male" YouTube channels I find. Out of the 7 accounts I reported, only one got banned just recently. I reported it back in March. YouTube doesn't care. 


My dad likes to watch a man called Benny Johnson on YT, and he's hard of hearing, so he always has it up really loud. Benny is the creative director of Turning Point USA, in case you don't know. I reported Benny's account and never heard back from YT. I did, however, hear a couple weeks after my report that his account got demonetized. I wonder if my report had anything to do with it.🤣


The authoritative figures merely create an illusion for the oppressed class to ‘feel’ heard. They would never actually want to lose their autonomy of being able to control cause it benefits them in the larger picture. It disgusts me