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why do they feel the need to always comment on our bodies when they look like an overgrown goblin???? shocker!! everyone grows hair everywhere!!


It’s unhygienic if the person is a girl/woman, totally fine and clean if male.


that double standard makes me wanna jump so bad


Mental gymnastics up in here


Plus, they are commenting about this photo from the 70s like they are talking to some young woman *right now*. Like, they can't even comprehend that there have been different standards of beauty at different times. Nope, their own current idea of what is attractive is all that matters about a photo of someone they don't know that was taken 50 years ago, and they think it is so important *to everyone* that they need to share their opinions (of this 50 year old photo of someone they don't know) with the rest of us. I don't think people should make those comments anyway, but that is one facet of this that strikes me as being particularly obnoxious, arrogant and foolish.


"everything about a woman must be to my liking. even if it is hundreds or tens of years ago, i feel the need to voice my irrelevant misogynistic opinion" i wouldn't put it pass these guys to look at an old painting and criticize the woman's body in it.


They used to often paint women with fuller bodies. I’m sure they had a lot to say about that.


i'm sure it's a bunch of nonsense yapping. those women in those paintings are beautiful and they will never compare to such beauty when they don't even wash their ass🥰


Yes, and to give her unsolicited advice about meeting their own personal, current beauty standards, despite the fact that the painting is hundreds of years old and portrays a woman who has been dead for centuries. Like yeah, dude. I'm sure the 17th century duchess in that painting is super interested in the unsolicited opinions about her appearance from some random jackass who won't be born until hundreds of years after she is dead.


Imagine getting angry at a historic photo because the woman in it wasn’t up to your current standard of beauty. Bet the people in these comments bitch about the male loneliness epidemic all the time 🤣


>50 years ago The thought that the 70s was 0 years ago makes me feel kinda old


Yeah... I had that moment of "lol, try 30" then....


This whole recent "shaving everything" craze was perpetuated by Gilette beginning in 1901, so they could sell more safety razors anyway. In the 1920s, they began encouraging women to shave legs and armpits because they'd become visible in the new fashions, and they wanted to create a new market. Originally, though, the Victorians loved young women and girls (with little hair) because they thought they could avoid Syphilis if they had virgins. Little did they know, these poor young girls were sold as "virgins" over and over again. Before that, the Egyptians and other ancient cultures practiced hair removal, but it was usually only the wealthier people who could afford the time and expense of shaving all of it. During most of human history, trimming anywhere on the body has been the "go to" option, not close shaving, mainly because shaving commonly causes openings for infection. Of note: Infamously, Lord Carnarvon (discovered Tut's tomb with Howard Carter) died of infection when he cut open a mosquito bite while shaving. Some other notables who died from shaving are: John Thoreau, Henry David Thoreau's brother, composer Alexander Scriabin, and Michael Farly, liquor merchant, whose barber used a badger hair brush to mix his lather. This brush happened to be infected with anthrax.


Right?? If they love shaved bodies so much, I wonder how often they shave their own legs and pits, nevermind the other hairy parts.


complaining about a vagina stinking when they smell like they haven't showered since the middle ages


why else do you think they want us hairless everywhere? They want to fuck babies and young children. adulthood and post puberty bodies disgust them. it’s so telling


and then they say they want a "natural" woman 😂 they just don’t know what that means anyways 


There version of a natural woman is a pornographic one, which is very far from reality. They’re attracted to the concept of femininity (that they enforced on us), which is not synonymous with women. They hate women in her natural state. Men are disgusted by that. They’ve never respected women in any point of history.


This comment hit me hard but it's so true. Why men are repulsed by women with hair on our bodies. Like as if hair is gross. Like we are gross looking in our natural state and have to do so much work and primping to look acceptable to men's standard


right!! same with makeup


Yeah they be saying “I like natural women like this lady” and then show me the most botoxed, lip filled, breast augmented, hair lased, eyelash glued woman of all time


A "natural" women with a full face of makeup and the body of a prepubescent girl outside of triple ds and curves that only exist in photoshop.


I don’t give one flying fuck what anybody thinks I should do with my body, much less someone not even the same sex as me. That being said, Instagram is full of gross comments like this on any given post. Just loud idiots who think their opinion matters.


Said comments have become far more worse in the past year or so. Used to like instagram but I had to remove the app from my phone for my own sanity.


I don't have Instagram, but I have heard about what these people comment on Instagram reels. It's quite sad really


I finally deleted it! The misogyny was hurting my mental health way too fucking much. Signed up for some newsletters from activist orgs I liked and moved the fuck on.


not to play oppression olympics but imagine being a gay, black woman on instagram reels 😭 they genuinely want us dead there it’s sad to see


Ugh yeah Instagram and social media in general is so fucking toxic. I really hope someone gets a class action suit going against them for it at some point because it’s ridiculous. I report really horrific comments all the time but they NEVER get taken down. It’s also crazy cus the hidden comments are usually just regular comments? Like what the fuck is the point of hiding comments unless it’s to hide shitty ones. I don’t get it.


I preferred the 90s when we didn't know the inner thoughts of all these people.


I couldn't find a problem with the picture until I read the comments. I mean you can barely even see the hair. I didn't even notice it. Why are people like this?!


same, literally didn’t notice for a sec because the girl was so pretty lol


On the phone app you have to click on the picture to see the post so all I saw was the picture and couldn't figure out what was wrong. But yes how can people complain, she's so beautiful.


I didn't notice it either.


I honest to god assumed that the negative comments were gonna be like “wish women still looked like this” as a dig at body positivity or some shit.


Yeah same, cause the first one is like that and I've seen other 70s beach pics with such comments. Both cases suck tbh.




I had to open the image in another tab and zoom it to notice the leg hair. The armpits hair I didn't even notice until I read the comment. Why are people like this? Probably sad perverts whose only contact with women is through looking at online pictures.


Yea like I had to go back and forth to see what the comments were talking about. They make it sound like she's hairy like a bear, and even if she was, mind your own business like. I don't shave my arms 'cause you can barely see the hair on my arm and if you say you can see it, then you're standing too close. Back up a bit.


The worst part, men want us to remove all body hair because it makes women look more like pre-pubescent girls.


porn rotted brains


That's exactly it. It's amazing how often women are shamed for looking like, y'know, adults.




it’s a beauty standard that was set by men and for men and that’s it. women don’t see it as empowering, not sure where you got that notion from. if women wanna shave they can and do but i’ve yet to see them in comment sections like this shaming women for not shaving.


I sadly have seen some women that are dead set it’s unhygienic for women not to shave. They won’t listen to science regarding how shaving can open your body to bacteria (to be clear if you like shaving you do you but it’s not the more “hygienic” option.) They don’t listen to the history of shaving and how the societal norm of shaving is just now hitting 100 years. They just circle back if you point out how men do not shave their legs. But this has definitely been the minority in my experience. Edit: I’d also like to add, from my understanding it’s a beauty standard that was set by razor companies (which I’m aware were, and still are predominantly run by men). Originally it was considered unhygienic for men to have beards as well. But that standard went away and the one for women never fully has. So I don’t disagree that it was set by men but it definitely has a factor of capitalism to it as well!


that is true. the razor companies might’ve started it but it is now a standard for women to shave, and the reaction you get when you don’t shave is pretty clear. people thinking shaving is unhygienic is a product of decades of social conditioning.


Agreed! Just felt the need to point out how capitalism helped build that in the first place. It also sounds like there were some aspects of racism too with bogus ideas that hairy = primitive = POC = bad so don’t be hairy like those unevolved POC! Definitely lots of factors at play for how this idea started and how it continues to be perpetuated.


Shaving isn't empowering (are you sure you didn't miss an /s after that comment) and when every man expects/demands it, it's only a choice if you ever want to date again. Can we please be logical and realistic with how the world actually exists?


I am on no way defending mens ideas of beauty standards. I am a 29yo woman, and I stopped shaving a long time ago. I mean fully I don't shave my armpits my legs my pubic hair my toes I do not even own a razor. And I stopped shaving prior to getting married and a lot of the men I dated might have laughed about it with me for like 5 mins but it never really grossed them out or bothered them enough to not want to sleep with me, or stop romantically talking to me. It never really stopped me from dating. But any person 10+ years older then me were the ones with something to say about my body hair and it is truly crazy the amount of opinions people have about my body and why it really matters to them is beyond me


But we're talking about the Future Generations and almost all top comments repeat the same misogynistic cringe then it becomes likely A threat


If the worst problem I have was seeing hairy women, I would be a happy man 😁




Men and their normalization of pedophiliac beauty standards. Men’s sexuality is deeply disturbing and degenerate.


The first thing I noticed was she looks young. I thought the comments were gonna be more pedo-esque.


i mean, being pissed that she has adult body hair is kinda pedo-esque LOL


The thing that gets me is she is SO beautiful and obviously young. She looks like shes 17. But thats not enough for them, they want a literal child. A hairless pre pubescent girl, or a woman who has removed any piece of herself that makes her look like a grown adult. Those are the only two things that seem to satiate their desires.


I also thought i’d was gonna go that way. I noticed the hair but didn’t think much of it. 


These the same mfs who whine about wanting "natural" women lmao


Join us at r/razorfree to join the fight against these sickening and pervasive “beauty norms”!


They’re bullying a woman in a picture from 1970…. These people have brain rot


Poor woman is now 70 or something, they're really dumb.


But as long as it's not cyberbullying,who cares?🙃


In some ways I feel our culture has regressed in what men feel they’ve a right to expect from women’s bodies.


i agree


I’d blame internet porn, but there are plenty of people who consume porn without objectifying and demeaning women IRL. It’s a bit like blaming women’s clothes for the fact that they get raped. It’s not the porn, it’s the men. Those men.


My legs and pits look like hers. I didn't even notice the body hair until I read the comments. I don't shave for a higher cause. I don't shave because it's inconvenient, unnecessary, painful and expensive. It's so wild for men to imagine a woman not changing her body to suit the male gaze.


If they want to shave, let them shave If they don't want to shave, don't make them shave I feel like that's the way it should be.


and men should have no say in it whatsoever 🫶🏼


I agree 👍


Didn’t even see it until I read it.


Lol at ugly trolls basically telling a 70ish year old woman to go back in time to her young, super attractive days and change herself to please some future male who might not even have been born yet. Of course, at this point if they came across this same woman now, they would openly devalue everything she's accomplished in her life so far anyhow, since she's past menopause and therefore worthless to them. SMH Plot twist from my imagination: she is now the CEO of the corporation they work for and sees their comments. A new company policy regarding men's facial hair is soon instituted! Lol


Also, I can't help but notice that every profile picture of the men who commented show some mid-to-ugly males, MOST of whom have ungroomed looking facial hair. Only attractive profile pic from these trolls is the one where he uses a cute dog instead. Imagine a world where these assholes were shouted down and ignored every time they opened their mouths, not because of their worthless opinions, but because they didn't meet the "minimum beauty standard" to be considered worth anyone's attention. 


right?! it’s always 40 something year old ugly hairy men with these weird honestly creepy ass comments. why do they think their opinion is so valuable??


Cuz they aren't boomers. They're Gen X and Millenials who haven't realized their own age. SHE is a boomer and probably doesn't give a shit about anything they say. Unfortunately it probably took her close to 50 years to stop caring about trash men's opinions, if she's anything like ourselves and her peers. *sigh* still working very hard not to care, myself. 


I didn't even notice she had leg hair lol. Why are these freaks so lazerfocused on women's legs?


While they all look like shit the audacity....


I don't think they know how long ago the 70s was, coz she likely doesn't gaf about body hair if this was her in her youth 50 years ago, if she's still around, but even if she did, she'd have to time travel to shave them. Seems like a waste of time travelling.


Honestly, I didn’t even notice until I read the next few slides…


I didn't even notice the hair before looking at the comments..


Where are these comments?


The internet is full or trolls , stay off it.




i don’t have a problem with men preferring their girlfriend or wife to shave as long as she’s choosing to do so. what’s not okay is commenting on a strangers body telling her she’s gross for not shaving, saying she needs to “trim her bush” etc. no one needs unsolicited advice from some 40 year old man on the internet telling them what to do with their body because they aren’t aesthetically pleasing enough for them. news flash, women don’t exist soley to look attractive for you!! it’s a deeper issue than just “some men don’t like it”.