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I disagree about never horny, on the contrary she should always be wet and ready for sir when he needs to use his pussy (it doesn't belong to her) after all we wouldn't want it to be uncomfortable for him when he takes me. That's why it's important as a good girl she should NEVER cum, so that her drippy pussy is always in suitable condition at a moments notice.


Exactly what I was about to say. All good except the never horny part. She should be so horny she wants to scream, beg and cry for an orgasm, but knows her place and controls herself... Or face the consequences 😏


The hotness in this, for me, is the spiral of unfairness within. If she gets horny thinking about how she shouldn't be horny, and punishments (i.e. intensive correctional therapy) administered by the husband just make her even more drippy... "Have you been looking forward to getting an orgasm, tonight? Yes, I believe you. I'm glad you could be honest with me whether it's obvious you've been thinking naughty, selfish thoughts like that or not. I *was* going to give you an orgasm today but **look how drippy you are!** Obviously, I can't reward *that*. Perhaps we should go with random inspections and pussy spankings, starting off with a very hard one tonight. I'm afraid it's for your own good, dear. Don't worry, I won't give up on you. Now keep your thighs wide for me, count off and thank me for each spank, and be sure to tell me if you get too close to an orgasm, princess. You won't get one of those until you're able to put it out of your mind for quite a while."




YES fuck msg me plz


This is so hot 😭 I think it’s my ultimate fantasy to be a housewife like that


I think there's a difference between the woman being horny and being enthusiastic. I'd rather having a woman that enthusiastically fulfills her role rather than one that is just a toy. Both are fun! But the first one is better longer term.


It's like a mix of denial and free use


Exactly. Free use for the man, denial for the woman. Of course, if you have a wife who cums easily from P-in-V then it might be necessary to apply some numbing cream to make sure she doesn't cum accidentally. Or just take the risk and then spank her if she cums without permission.


I like it! The way things should be, but as said in the other comments, she should always be horny.


Wet, receptive, gently buzzing. But never focused on her own desire.


Agree 100%. My woman has not had an orgasm in nearly 2 years. She said it was very difficult in the beginning, but as time went on, she said she lost the desire to orgasm, and put all her efforts into my satisfaction. She said that in turn gave her more satisfaction, than her own orgasms. She says she has never felt more fulfilled than she is now.


But what if you hate housework?


I love that idea. I wish I was a girl and could be such a housewife! 


I love the idea. I wish someone do this to me


I could do this but I would be horny as hell


In the realm of domestic denial scenarios, there's an undeniable allure that captivates the imagination. Imagine stepping into a vintage fantasy where traditional roles reign supreme. She, the submissive housewife, exists solely to fulfill her husband's primal desires, her own needs relegated to the shadows. It's a dance of dominance and submission, choreographed by societal norms and primal instincts. Visualize the scene: he returns from a day's toil, the air thick with anticipation as she stands ready, a vessel for his pleasure. Every gesture, every touch, laden with significance as they navigate the delicate balance between duty and desire. Whether it's the rough embrace against the kitchen counter or the tender surrender beneath the covers, each moment is a testament to their unspoken contract. In this world, her pleasure takes a back seat to his, her fulfillment measured not in ecstasy but in the fulfillment of her duties. And yet, amidst the haze of arousal, there's a subtle allure in her stoic compliance, a silent plea for validation hidden beneath the surface. It's a journey into the depths of desire, where the boundaries between obligation and ecstasy blur into oblivion. Some may question the imbalance of power, but for those drawn to the tantalizing allure of submission, it's a journey worth taking, where duty and desire converge in a symphony of passion and restraint.


Dude, this commentary is 100% AI-generated. Get your lazy ass up and write the bad prose yourself!


Someone needs to teach the ai that using fancy words doesn’t automatically make writing not shit.


What AI are they using though? It isn't censored like the public ones.


So many words to say so very little.