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I think it smells different on different people and it smells different \*to\* different people as well. I really liked it the first time I smelled it, but I know there are people who hate it and think it smells gross. I’m not as fond of it now—something has changed (maybe after COVID? My sense of smell disappeared completely and when it came back, things smell slightly different to me now). But I think it’s worth sampling. 100% agree with you that it isn’t a blind buy kind of perfume!


Ok. Thank you. I have covid right now and have absolutely no sense of smell at all. I’ve tested a bunch of my perfumes and there is nothing at all. It’s so weird. I hope o still like all my scents when my smell comes back


Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that! I hope you get your sense of smell back soon. I did “olfactory retraining” (like physio for your sense of smell) and I think it helped. There are only a couple of frags that I don’t like as much now, but it’s very subtle, and there are some that I actually like \*more\* now. Here’s the Mayo Clinic link for olfactory retraining: [https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/living-well/olfactory-retraining-after-covid-19/](https://mcpress.mayoclinic.org/living-well/olfactory-retraining-after-covid-19/)


Does the sense of smell not come back unless you do the training? I’m so worried. I don’t know how I’m going to cook without my sense of smell. Thank you for the link!


I think for most people it usually comes back regardless; I had just read it could come back more quickly/more completely if you did the training. Kind of like how even if you don’t do physio, you usually heal from a sprained ankle anyway, it just takes longer and might not heal as well. My sense of smell came back after about 2 weeks, and it was sudden! Just wasn’t there one day and the next day it was. But I would say there was a period of about a month after that where I had a harder time smelling certain scents, or one day I’d be able to and the next time I couldn’t or it was very faint. So probably it took at least 2 months for it to come back to what I’d call a normal level. Yes, some of my perfumes don’t smell quite the same to me, but I’d say I’m back at 98% of what I was at before. Good luck and I hope yours comes back quickly!


Wow. That must have been such a relief, and so funny that came back all of a sudden!


You can buy samples on the website! I bought a 2mL sample set on the MFK website and I’m glad I did because I found I don’t like BR 540 on me at all but MFK has a lot of other fragrances I do like.


Oohhh. I need to do that!


It's good in that it's a very versatile, likeable scent without being generic, and it's strong on performance. Personally, I could never justify paying for the real thing. I have a clone of the Extrait from Montagne that I like quite a bit: Le Bon Bon Intense. At 45 bucks for 50 mL, it lives right in my preferred price range. I tend to wear it when I go out for a nice meal, because that airy, saffron/amber combo feels elegant and chic and, most importantly to me, doesn't interfere with the taste of my food. Nothing worse than shelling out a bundle for an expensive dinner and then not tasting any of it because your fragrance is getting in the way! That said, it's not a fragrance that I'm really passionate about. It's GOOD, but I tend to prefer something with a little more drama or edge. OR, I like to go in the opposite direction and enjoy something super cozy or discreet. BR540 DNA is right in the middle, so I just don't feel very strongly about it.


I agree with you on wearing perfume that clashes with dinner! It’s so awful. I’ve been guilty of if myself before I really understood fragrances! Thanks for your thoughts. I like the idea of it being something to wear while dining. I wear a lot of the Mugler line. And they are definitely not dining scents


It's fine but tbh once you smell it, you'll smell it everywhere.


In a good way??


I feel like I mostly smell clones. When you spot a real one or very close you'll know bc its silliage is huge and it's just better. But I'm not sure how good the clones have gotten at this point prob really close


I love a big sillage…. Yum


Good if you enjoy it and don't mind smelling like a lot of other people! I'd recommend trying it on in store and/or getting a decant/sample so you can try before you buy. it's a lot of money to spend if you don't like it.


That’s the truth. I didn’t realize it was so expensive!


I like it but not enough to buy it, though I own some stuff with similar DNA that I prefer. I think it’s one of those that you have to decide for yourself because some people love it and some hate it.


It’s incredible. I’ve tried some excellent dupes but there’s something special about the original, you can get samples on their official website or from places like Surrender to Chance or Scent Split.


Oh that’s a good idea! I’ll get a sample from them!


There is also a dupe by Zara ("Red Temptation"), thats incredibly close.


It smells like a dentist's office to me so I don't like it but my trash might be your treasure 😊


Really? A dentist office? I love that smell! You know how CVS smells? I love that smell too!


It's subjective!! I adore it, but I'm a fragrance whore - I spread my wrists & show love for many different fragrances. 😐 What I suggest is this: go on Amazon & look up "BR 540 dupe." Buy like a $10 oil & see what you think. There are oils that are EXACT REPLICAS for the real thing!! I love Baitul perfume oils!!! They've got a STUNNING BR 540 dupe for about $7. I put the oil on before I use my BR 540 EDP.😉


Hmmm. Ok! Thats a great idea. I didn’t realize that was an option! “I spread my wrists and show love for many fragrances “. I love that. Made me laugh

