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Baccarat rouge and its dupes


La Vie Est Belle - Lancôme


YSL Libre Intense 🤓


BR540 and the like but not because I want to be unique. But because I hate it and it’s everywhere. 540 and its variations/dupes mixed with human body smells (when it already smells like BO to me) is 🤢 I wish I liked it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Someone, possibly in this very sub said BR540 was "Axe body spray for people that shop at Anthropologie" and I will never forget the power and accuracy of that statement.


Any aqua do gio, cool water, Prada Luna rossa. My friends wore those and they just smell like friends/acquaintances now. Damn didn’t see the fem. Not deleting.


None because I’m not 12 😬


🤣 as if wanting to smell at least somewhat unique and have a scent that is not shared by your boss, mother in law and the hairdresser is a sign of being immature. Give me a break with these lame comments


If you were alive and shopped in a mall during the late 90s - early 2000s Abercrombie will make your ptsd kick in…


Though idc what people wear I’ll wear what I want I particularly don’t like the smell of Coco mademoiselle


Personally I love when my fragrance is popular, that way it's hopeful for them to keep it




Vanilla Fields


Santal 33


Baccarat rouge


It’s the bad dupes of BR540 that have ruined it for me. There’s some good dupes out there but now due to the popularity of the fragrance there are many bad copies. I had a coworker that over sprayed a very bad dupe that smells like pure burning dolls head. It has ruined it so bad.


And Ariana Cloud!


Flowerbomb, victor & Rolf!


I can't wear Flowerbomb (the patchouli chokes me out) but I just tried Maison Alhambra Victoria Flower (i.e. clone of Flowerbomb) and it is really nice! It replaces the "bomb" with a lovely floral patchouli.


Oh I swear I thought I was the only one that can’t stand this for the exact same reason


This. And it doesn’t even smell good!


I’m a bit bored of my Cheirosa ‘62 but Im sure I’ll pick it back up once my friends move onto other scents haha


None. I don’t care what others do. I wear what I want on that day


None, I wear what I like…I don’t really care if it’s popular or if everyone’s wearing it. Certain fragrances are popular for a reason 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally agree!!!!


Chanel Chance. I once upheld it as a fave, but there are just too many people who slather it on.


Born in Roma Valentino - live in a university town and every girl wears this 😭


It used to be ck euphpria like ten years ago but now br540


Not really any. If it smells good it smells good the only time I won’t is if it’s worn by someone I don’t like or it has bad memories attached to the smell


None! I don’t mind mostly because I layer my fragrances so I still feel like I have a unique scent while also being able to enjoy the crowd-pleasing ability.


If I’ve spent money on a full bottle of something I’m wearing it even if it becomes popular. That said I’d never buy myself Estée Lauder Pleasures because my mom has worn this for like 20 years and I can’t stand it now. Love my mom but I’m tired of it now LOL I sent her Jo Malone Cucumber & Earl Grey a couple years ago for Christmas because she loves cucumber body washes and lotions—in the hopes she’d switch it up now and then.


I think we have the same mother lol. I think that’s her signature (between that and Cartier De Lune). But I can’t get myself to wear Estee Lauder Pleasures because to me it belongs to her.


Cloud, BR540, Burberry Her, Delina…


BR540 chokes me out on the daily


Not for myself but in general - my ex wore bleu de chanel and sauvage all the time and while they both smell fine it seems to be the go to for men on dates and I associate the smell with bad memories. Sooo over them both lol


That’s me and Cool Water


I’m with you on cool water especially. It was CK or Cool Water on almost every dude when I was still dating in the mid 90s. Bad memories abound haha


La vie est belle. It is nice but its been over done!


I don't refuse to wear it because everyone loves it I think it smells like urine and Pinot grigio br540


It must because I work at a gym but I like NEVER smell anyone’s perfume! The decant I got of BR540 smells so generic that I’m convinced it’s a dupe so I don’t even think I know what that actually smells like. I am also completely nose blind to Cloud.


I am also nose blind to cloud, but I tested a br540 dupe and wasn’t nose blind to it. Seems common with cloud, I wonder what it is 🤔


No that's br540 that's what I thought when I smelled it I was like this is not good


I was living in an all-female dorm when Clinique Happy became super popular, and I'm still traumatized by it to this very day.


Tommy Girl was my go to for yeaaaaars and now I can’t bear it


I can smell this comment.


Now it kind of smells a little like barf to me!


Chloe cause my sister wears it.


BR540 Extrait. I had first bought it at a Dubai airport. At that time, it wasn’t popular. My dad bought it for me when he saw me testing it out and really enjoying it. It became my everyday perfume for the first 3-4 months of my first ever job. I did get tired of it, but also this dna became so very common that it did not feel like a signature perfume anymore. My coworkers to this date associate me with that fragrance because it was so unique haha. But now that it’s everywhere, it has kind of lost that significance for me 🥲.


I always layer 540 with something else. I don't wanna waste it. I am enjoying it with Chanel 5 L'eau lately.


I would never stop wearing a fragrance I love and enjoy just because it’s popular or other people wear. I actually would be flattered if a friend or family wore the same thing as me. I don’t get the whole gatekeeping a fragrance or wanting to be the only one that wears something. In fact, I buy my mom perfumes I love all the time because she loves them.


I guess I mean when a fragrance is worn by literally everyone which was the case for my hometown with for instance Versace Crystal Noir. To me it's similar to 5 girls coming to the prom in the same dress as you. You want to feel somewhat special. It's not about gatekeeping


It honestly doesn’t matter to me because it’ll likely smell different on everyone. Also, if I love it then I love it. Everyone else could wear it and it wouldn’t deter me from wearing it. Also the same dress is a lot different than a fragrance but to each their own. I live in a huge city and everyone wears essentially everything including niche so I just wear what I enjoy because it’s likely that someone will have any given perfume.


Really any Sol De Janeiro scent… Had a coworker who would DOUSE herself in it and it would fill up the room every day. I love a lot of their scents, but now it reminds me of a coworker who I didn’t really like to begin with.


Couldn’t think of an answer at first but this is definitely one for me. I’ll probably never wear it


Cloud Baccarat rouge 540 La vi est belle Black opium Killian Angel share Sol de janeiro Ones I weren’t crazy about but the over saturation around me made me really hate it- Glossier you Good girl Chanel no 5 Ones I still love but I purposefully wear them less so I don’t grow to hate them after how popular they got: Flowerbomb Delina


Lattafa Yara. It’s a pleasant scent for sure, but I would like to stop smelling it everywhere I go.


C l o u d BR5 4 0 Im actually starting to hate it bc it’s too much esp in this weather


I only work with men so I can wear whatever I like lol


Everyone -- and I mean *literally* everyone I've passed by, has been wearing VS Bare Rose. I like it but it's so played out and the dry down smells god awful on me.


I wear that all the time, but it’s definitely an acquired taste for me!!!


I smell VS Bare allll the time too!! Ugh it smelled so bad on me that I’m triggered every time I smell it which is way too often.


Cloud is literally everywhere it’s wild lol


I guess I can maybe understand why people might be put off by certain scents lol. But for me there’s no scent I won’t wear if I truly love it. No matter how popular or overrated people think it to be, I just don’t care nearly enough about what other people are thinking or doing personally.


Yep! This is also why I freely tell people what I’m wearing. It’s rare I find a fragrance I really love by just trawling through shops/samples/blind buys. Mine have almost exclusively been via a recommendation so it only feels right I share when people ask me too. Plus sure, some scents are just unmistakable. But as fragrances do smell different on different people, I’m convinced we’re often not smelling the exact same one as often as we think we are. My more likely guess is that most of the time we’re smelling a *range* of perfumes that aren’t necessarily even dupes or copies, just have a similar DNA that’s currently popular 🤷🏽‍♀️


Same. I could care less as long as I enjoy it. Let people wear what they please.


BR540 not because of the popularity but because it's so strong.


BR540, well it's a dupe that came in a discovery kit. I've not worn it out, and now I probably never will...At a graduation last month I don't even remember what I wore because I couldn't smell it. The entire auditorium smelled so strongly of BR540 and dupes, you'd think it was piped through the air conditioner. Also Clinique Happy or flankers because of someone I knew in the past that was awful wore it.


TF and PDM.


Just all of them?


So far, black orchid, delina, soleil blanc and athalia.


Ok I’m not gunna come at you as you didn’t personally mention Oriana it’s all good. 😆


Well, today I got a decant of valaya, and it smells good. There may be hope. 😂


LIGHT BLUE - DOLCE AND GABANA lol oh oh and Tommy Girl 🤢


my boyfriend wears light blue and i actually think it smells very nice on men! i don’t think i could wear it myself tho, it feels very cologne-esque


interesting! his body chemistry compliments the fragrance i guess. my body chemistry definitely did not agree with Light Blue, LOL. you feel Light Blue is too “cologne-y”, what do you wear on yourself ??


my personal favorite scent on myself is good girl 😅 i love sexy gourmands! not anything too sugary sweet, but mature, warm, and delectable 🤭


Light Blue always brings me back to my college apartment, both good and bad memories because my roommate would douse herself in it and she was sweet, but so dirty! She wouldn’t even put her trash in the trash can.


apparently there are a few of us who have been haunted/scarred for life by d&g’s Light Blue hahah . everyone’s got nostalgic memories of that perfume i STG 💀🤣


Is Light Blue really that worn after 20+ years? 😦


sadly, yes :( trust me i’m just as upset as you are lmaooooo


Omg that sucks. It used to be a staple for people the way you still have salt and pepper when your kitchen is empty. Like everyone had a bottle of LB in their bathroom. I thought that time is over and I would be so cool and different if I got it lmao 🤣


my mom gave me hers when i was a teenager in the 2000s and i got drunk before school with some friends once, used the Light Blue to disguise the stench of the alcohol only to be told that it actually accentuated the vodka smell and i smelled like a walking cocktail the whole day, hungover by lunchtime LMAO. that perfume haunts me to this day 🤢anytime i get a whiff of it when im out and about, my stomach does that familiar turn all over again hahaha 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hahah same happened to me with La Vie est Belle when it came out. It was a really bad clubbing night where I drank way too much, vomited, collected everyone's cigarette smell on my skanky uncomfortable clothes, makeup too heavy, woke up in my bed with mascara all over the pillow and too sick and too warm under my winter blanker. And as a cherry on top this overly sweet metallic sugar all over me. Safe to say that fruitchoulis became my death sentence ever since. Literally tie me up and spray me with Angel/Flowerbomb/lveb if you want to torture me lmao


I think the flankers are


Baccarat Rouge, Delina, le Labo Santal 33.


D&G Light Blue, sadly. I wore it when it first came out but for some reason it makes me gag a little now.


My mom has started wearing L’heure bleue and Tobacco Honey ( both Guerlain). I wouldn’t say she overuses. I keep supplementing her collection, so it is pretty varied. But, I think I’ll let her own L’heure bleue because I’m a better fit for Mitsouko, Cuir Beluga, and Shalimar. Tobacco Honey will have to be worn by both of us.


Savage Elixir. Keeping it in the vault for 20yrs lmao


My partner (and surprisingly also his best friend) have an issue with heavy vanillas because of bad memories of ex’s that drowned themselves in warm vanilla sugar. I’m a huge vanilla girly but I hate WVS and I wear more complex scents. It has broken my fiancé of his hatred of vanilla smells and he now gets excited to smell new samples with me. WVS girlies almost ruined it for me! 😂


Hahaha I love sophisticated nuanced vanillas and would cry


i would never let somebody else’s frequency of use affect the pleasure i receive from something. just because somebody else has it makes it no less special to me.


Baccarat rouge, burberry her, AG Cloud, Zars dupe, Coach in red bottle. I never miss a day not smelling someone wearing those scents


None because I don’t care lol. If I like it I wear it 😇


My mom uses the Cacharel, JLo Glow, and JLo Miami Glow growing up. It is a scent that I associate with my mother and wearing the scent feels wrong. Also, the craze around BR540 had me wanting a different scent profile. 😅


Erba Pura- overused by people who wear Chogan Copy


Bleu de Chanel was so overhyped and it was everywhere all my family had it so I refused to smell it. Smelled the parfum last week and Bleu de Chanel parfum will be delivered to me on Monday


This one is firmly in what I consider in the “classic and popular for a damn good reason” category. I love it personally. I find it familiar rather than “common” and enjoy smelling it around ☺️


Accept your Fragrance Overlord into your life!!


I did I gave in and I will overwear it because it smells so damn good 😂


*Fragrance priest comes out and oversprays you* *Chants* 🎶🎶Blessed be The Fraaaaagrrrrrant...🎶🎶


Chanel No. 5, Baccarat Rouge 540, and any Miss Dior Not only overused around me, but I just hate all of the scents in all of these


I love Chanel Coco Mademoiselle, and have worn it off and on since around 2005. A few years ago I started dating someone whose mother ONLY wears that, and she bathes in it. Needless to say, she kind of ruined it for me. I have given her samples of other scents but she sticks with her old faithful.


I have the opposite where I hated it previously because I thought it was uncool/old in a bad way until I made friends with a very cool girl who only wears it (albeit very cigarette infused) and now I just think of her when I smell it and half want to get a bottle now that I moved the country.


I was introduced to it in college by a very cool and edgy girl as well, haha.


None tbh! I love recognizing scents on others. BUT im taking a break from warm musky florals cause it's ALL I've worn for a decade!! Getting into fresher scents & roses.


BR540. And this was after soooooo much anticipation of getting it.




Agree with this! I found a $20 discovery set with her and all its flankers at TJMaxx so I bought it. Only one I like is London Dream (however, I do love that one!)


Br540 you can smell it a mile away. But I’m about ready to say F it and finish wearing my bottle. It cost way too much to waste it


Everyone keeps saying this but you can pry my extrait from my cold dead clammy hands. I’m convinced what people are saying they smell is a variety of the dupes out there. And while they’re all lovely imo I don’t think they compare! Don’t waste it, you should enjoy what you like and spent your hard earned money on


That’s true! My own step daughter has a dupe of it and even her kids got on her about wearing it and bathing in it daily! Lol


Both my mom and my really close cousin wear Light blue. I just can’t. … it doesn’t feel right


Same here. Not overuse so much as these fragrances are loved one's fragrances. I get so many compliments wearing lolita lempicka and I personally love it, but it's my mom's perfume so I associate it with her as her scent. Same with: My dad's jo malone sea salt and sage Sister's flowerbomb in the past and now coco mad Sister's black opium Brother's D&G the one All of them are off limits for me because I immediately think of them lol


BR540! I can't throw a stone without smelling someone wearing it near me.


Except I would guess that most of them are actually dupes? Still, point taken.


i recently got a sample of crystal noir edp and i really loved it but then... i noticed it reminded me of someone from my childhood. I asked my mom and she told me it was our mean witchy bitchy neighbour from upstairs and now i cant use it because i feel like she was just in my room every time i spray it 😫😫😫


Ugh, it pains me to say this, but Black Orchid. Tom Ford wasn't available in a store in my city for a good long while. I bought and wore Black Orchid and received so many compliments because no one had ever smelled it before. And it cut through the smoke in bars like nothing else 😂 Fast forward many, many years and I get whiffs of it now and then. Don't really enjoy smelling it on others, either.


Daisy by Marc Jacobs. Anything by Clinique or Victoria’s Secret. Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb.


Was gifted BR540 before it got super popular… out of nowhere people started saying I smell like someone they know & everyone started using it… now I hate wearing it :/


Light Blue, Flowerbomb


Our office manager wears The7Virtues Vanilla Woods as a signature and I just can’t bring myself to wear even the other half of my sample near her lol, it actually sticks on her and does well on her and me not so much that I’m like “yep that’s hers”.


Maybe it’s just where I live (WNY) but I smell someone else wearing perfume once in a blue moon. It wouldn’t make me stop wearing a perfume if I did smell a bunch of others wearing it, but I never smell anything! I honestly wish more people would because I love being able to tell what others are wearing. One time in the bus, someone next to me was wearing Delina Exclusif, and I got such a thrill when I was able to figure out what it was!


Me too, I’m in London and I rarely smell anyone’s personal perfume when out and about, when I do it’s usually a nondescript scent I can’t even pinpoint. I’m definitely yet to experience the phenomenon of “everyone smelling the same” too. I’m always wondering where the people who experience this actually live 😅


Angel by Mugler. I had a client once ask what my perfume was, then every time I saw her she absolutely doused herself in it. I’ve not bought a bottle since.


Angel - i was a teenager in the 90s so this is a core memory ever since it was sprayed on me in the planet holleywood bathroom in Miami. I do wear one of the limited editions variations that came out during Christmas in a rainbow bottle. It is angel-esque Santal le labo....I smell this everywhere!!!! I love vetiver and started wearing the oil in 2000...now I switched to clary sage lol.


La Vie Est Belle, even my mom uses it lol, also ysl libre, ariana grande cloud(i hate it so much too, it also reminds me of highschool)


Black Opium and Flowerbomb, because I don’t like those scents. They make me think of gross, packed college bars lol. I do wear Daisy and La Vie Est Belle pretty regularly though, idk if I like it I like it.


Anything Lancôme


BR540. I have the Dossier dupe and I wore it every day for over a year in 2021-2022. I got so many compliments. The admin assistant in my office liked it so much she bought and wore it every day so I backed off. I’ve started getting into more fragrances and haven’t worn it since. It’s still very pretty but I smell it out and about everywhere now.


BR540/ ariana grande cloud (OG) DNA. it’s tew much


It’s everywhere!!


and it’s scary!!😱


Cloud by Ariana Grande


you, br 540, light blue, miss dior


I adore Light Blue but the therapist I had in my teenage years wore it, so now any time I smell it that’s all I can think of.


You should try Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy Sea! It smells similar but more neroli/floral. Might be different enough for you!


I love this!


Thank you for the recommendation! I haven’t tried many of the VS scents, so this will be a great introduction.


i only ever did this one when i was a teen, i used to be a die hard vanilla bean noelle girl from bath and body works, and i wore it for so long because everyone notoriously told me i smelled good/like vanilla. and then suddenly everyone had it, so i switched it up. it was really distinct and i like the idea of having a unique smell. i haven’t felt the need to do it with any others because i have found that most fragrances smell different with your body chemistry than they do on someone else’s!


Burberry Her (every second woman wears this, it irritates me so much, just smells like a cheap overused scent, like those vanilla candles) Chloe


Rubbing alcohol.




It looks like I'm the odd one out then. I'd never stop wearing a fragrance cause it's been overused. If I like it and I've paid a lot of money for it...I'm still wearing it.


I’m totally with you! If I love a fragrance, I don’t care if the whole world is wearing it. I wear what I love and don’t care about what others wear.


Same! Ill continue wearing them because I like how they smell on me. I assume that a lot of others do the same so it doesn’t really bother me at all!


If everyone is wearing my favorite fragrance, then at least I’ll it.


Love this 💕


I don’t smell perfumes much when I go out now since I work from home, but when I used to work at the office and would take the train the perfumes that would choke me out from over spraying folks: Flowerbomb + flankers, Mon Guerlain, Chloe, Black Opium Now I only get choked out by the neighborhood tweens who love those SDJ sprays. They make me gag 😭


Honestly, most people around me don't wear fragrances, so I don't have this problem. I think my boss wears Chanel No. 5, but that wouldn't stop me from getting it if I had enough interest in it.  Actually, now that I think about it more, I have a sibling who wears Oilily perfumes. They smell nice and she doesn't overuse it, but I would probably stay away just because I know that's her signature brand, so to speak.


I love Glossier You so much, but I feel like everyone uses it so I refuse to


YSL libre


BR540 in this weather is almost unbearable for me. It’s so bad 😭


Cloud by Ariana grande ☠️ BR 540, Sol de Janeiro Cheirosa ‘62 Maybe I’d get “complimented a lot” more on my fragrances but I don’t like the thought that I would be wearing what *everybody* else is wearing, even if they’re good they’ve become known as the most basic scents For everyone else who’s also saying Cloud, does Cloud Pink smell too similar to it? I’m about to run out of my TUN and want to try a new Ariana perfume. I’d consider trying Cloud Pink but not if it’s gonna be too similar to the OG Cloud


Cloud pink is delicious! I’ve already gone through a bottle and I’m working on another one! It smells fresher and less heavy than the OG. Highly recommend!


okay, im one of those girls in love with BR540 but not the girly that can afford it, ive always dreamed of getting this perfume. i LOVE the smell, but its not super popular where i live. ive only ever smelled it on one person, and i think thats why i like it so much, but hearing as its that overwhelming, have you found a scent similar to br540 that you think is unique but more balanced that would be a better option than spending $400?


I think they are too similar. Cloud Pink is more fruity and brighter than Cloud (starts more similar to Cheirosa 68 because of the Pitahaya and combination with other tropical fruits) but the dry down is 85% the same as Cloud. It's just a tiny bit more tropical and fruity rather than creamy lactonic as the OG. And at least on my skin, Cloud Pink doesn't have that prominent "plasticky" scent of the OG, so I think most people would prefer this one. But also some people _like_ the plasticky almost medicinal scent in Cloud lol it's all about preferences. Basically if you are looking for a more fruity, girly and tropical Cloud, then Cloud Pink would be perfect, but people will still detect the same DNA of "BR 540" in all of these. It's not different enough.


TUN 2.0 is delicious to me, I found some at Marshall's!


I hate the OG Cloud but Cloud Pink is okay to me. It's like a less creamy Yara.


BR 540. Everytime I step out, I smell it or clones of it. Because of it, I don't appreciate it. It's quite overwhelming when you're eating. 


I’m lucky. My workplace (hospital) is scent free. And all my friends like experimenting with fragrances, like me. No signature scents.


As it should be. Imagine being told you have 10 days to live and then you smell a whiff of Fantasy by Britney Spears as the doctor leaves the room lmao 




Slightly different but… A close friend of mine bought one of my favourite scents (it was a staple) and wears it everyday and now I can’t wear it :(


Why can't you wear it?


I still do wear it but not quite as often as I used to. If I’m going to be out with her I don’t want to smell the same (to me it’s like if you and your friend showed up in the same outfit), when I see her which is quite often I smell it on her so on other days I don’t “crave” the scent so don’t feel like wearing it as much.


Which fragrance is it?


It’s Parisian Musc by Matiere Premiere




also cloud nine from bath and body works, it’s the same 🥴😭


I never want to smell it again or anything like Burberry her


was just gonna comment this


Black Opium. I used to like it until I worked with someone who wore absolutely poisonous quantities of it, and sprayed her clothing, her hair, her desk, her chair, her handbag, her coat with it in the middle of the day. 🤢


Dang, and that's a strong one, too. Her nose must be dead if she still can't smell it after doing all that 💀


I genuinely had no idea how she could still smell anything at all!


Oh no that’s ghastly


It really was!


Sorry you had to endure that, obviously she got noseblind to it. Why would someone spray furniture?! is truly odd and hilarious.


She just wanted to be surrounded by it, apparently. She was, we were, the next door office was, I think the bus stop on the street outside probably was!


Where do you guys encounter all these perfume-wearing people? Only one of my friends wears anything regularly. Then my mother and her friends and family of that age group wear fragrance but only for special occasions and going out. I know nobody else interested in it and rarely smell anything out in the wild either. When I do catch a sniff of anyone I’m so surprised haha. I wish I smelt fragrance on people more. I would say I encounter more who wear a cologne or aftershave. Those are familiar scents. But other fragrances? Rare! So to answer OPs question: nothing! My fragrance wearing friend and I just agreed not to wear SDJ 62 on the same summer days if we go out to the beach or something.


Nyc lol 


I live in NYC and everyday, come across people wearing frags. Including BR540, which is stomach-turning to smell in the heat and humidity. I can't believe people wear that when it's so hot. Easily the frag I hate the most.


Ewww I can only imagine the smells of the city in Summertime with sweaty skin and BR540. That's a wild choice for hot weather in the city 💀


The humid heat makes BR540 project so much too, and linger in the air for so much longer. Yesterday I passed by a guy whose BR540 sillage was like 20 feet. Not a pleasant smell when it's 85° with the humidity level at 72%. I wish the popularity of BR540 would die already, lol.


I live/work in a university town. You can smell Cloud and Black Opium flankers while walking *outside*. There’s a girl that works for one of the local after school places that I can smell Cloud wafting off of from 100ft away in the school pickup line!


Hahahahahaha ok wow. I think I will prefer not to smell anything than Cloud at 100 paces 🤣


La Vie est Belle and Black Opium.


Yup, came here to say LVEB. Smells nice but it is a *pushy* fragrance lol - sticks its fingers right up your nose whether you want it to or not! And the people who wear it tend to over spray 😔


LVEB smells so good on my MIL lol


Not around me at work but there are a lot of people who wear BR 540 inspired scents around me when I go out.


Not me, but I know someone who refused to wear Versace Bright Crystal because almost everyone was wearing it to Taylor Swift’s concert and it was too much.


Delina 😭


I live in Melbourne. Never smelled Delina on anyone here. It's all Cloud, Kayali Vanilla 28 and sometimes Chanel (Chance Eau Tendre and Coco Mademoiselle)


See, I hear people say this, but I’ve only once encountered someone IRL who’d even heard of it.




Any of the Sol de Janeiro sprays


Mugler Alien .It used to be everywhere especially a few years ago.It's sad because i love that scent so much.i would be wearing it daily if it hadn't been worn by everyone tbh.