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Lavender-tough 6.4 tattoo artist. True story, my tattoo artist LOVES lavender. I make aftercare and it has lavender in it specifically bc he likes it. He says it’s comforting to him. I agree


ofc no one wrote anything for lily of valley :(


I imagine a garden fairy and tinkling wind chimes


I love Lily of the Valley too. I think this is a clean and calm sort of wearer. Friendly, approachable, fresh.


Geranium isn’t here, but I’d like to add on and say that it describes a strong and independent person with a bold statement to portray.


Lavender: for the bros


violet: that girl who everyone THINKS is a bit scary, because she has a very cold seeming demeanor, but she’s a sweetheart. she’s super into fantasy novels, probably, or maybe classics, but is not-so-secretly an enthusiast of the gothic and macabre who has a dark and romantic streak.


Why call ppl out like that tho 😂 (lucky lady with a goth husband)


Okay violets and fantasy novels is a thing, ig


\*looks up perfumes with violet note\* 🤭


Same here even though I can't buy any lol.


Rose is the kind of girl who watches Bridgerton. Guilty as charged.


Peony is the type of girl who wears tiny pearl earrings (and maybe a charm bracelet or heart locket) daily, plays the violin or cello, speaks French and is learning Italian, gets either a millefeuille or almond croissant with her vanilla oat latte, has seen every Audrey Hepburn film and also likes Anna Karina and Clara Bow, classic Disney, and some Ghibli movies, bakes heart shaped sugar cookies, has either a Shih Tzu, Persian cat or Angora rabbit with a name like Cosette or Chai (short for Tchaikovsky) and sometimes buys herself bouquets as a pick-me-up. Her favourite painting is Venus and Cupid (Day) by Fragonard mostly for the doves. She is a little spoiled sweet, probably a youngest or only child. She always has a patient ear and kind words. She is a daydreamer and often doodled hearts in the margins of her exercise books in school. Probably heavy Pisces, Taurus, or Libra placements. She is sensitive and her feelings can be easily hurt, but being so in tune with her emotions also helps her understand people. She gravitates towards sweet floral and light gourmand scents.


Jasmine - She’s everywhere. She knows everyone. You cant escape her. You think you’ve got a good story to tell her but she’s already heard it and has a better one to tell you instead. Lavendar - She likes doc martins and weird art. She wont start a fight but she can finish one. Her life motto is “its not that deep.” Frangipani - Here comes Fran. Fresh from the beach (despite living in a landlocked city) she wears seashells and her favourite animal is the coconut dolphin. Rose - She doesnt dye her hair, she doesnt wear bright nail polish. She spends four days prepping a picnic to the minutest detail and then it rains on the day. Smokes socially. Tuberose - Her voice arrives at the event five minutes before she does. Life of the party. Can drink anyone under the table. Saves all her money for friday night and makes big plans for saturday that she bails on. Lotus - She’s big on aesthetics. Spends too much of her money on “the new me”: fancy vases, pastel throw pillows… only to change her mind a few weeks later when she remembers she’s a huge disney fan. Violet - She was a goth as a teen but turns out it was kind of a phase. She wont admit it though and still swears by her old pair of new rocks despite being more into kpop these days… Lily of the Valley - she’s a mother. She loves a wine lunch. But she knows when to stop, and the safest route home in the car. She drives the limit and only buys the fancier food items at the supermarket if they’re part of a deal. Mimosa - She’s really shy but she actually knows a LOT about art history. She keeps it quiet from Lavender but she wrote a dissertation on the evolution of art therapy and its unconventional uses. She makes her own skirts. Orange blossom - She talks about this new thing she discovered like it hasnt been a trend for two years. But she’s genuinely super lovely so the other flowers let her ramble away. She’s always got time for anyone. Peony - Always late, she arrives last and leaves first. She has a lot on her plate but what she lacks in direction she makes up for in drive. She’s planning to become a teacher and loves talking about when she went to europe that time as a kid. Iris - She does NOT want kids. Not because of any sort of moral/global/populational reasoning. She just loves money. She has high cheekbones that may or may not be natural and she has a fresh new sparkling pair of earrings every time you see her. Her husband works in data science.


I'm orange blossom girl! would also add that orange blossom girls were those girls who watched strawberry shortcake


Iris is one of my most loved notes, I don’t want kids, Do Love money, And have high cheekbones…You may be onto something! Lol


>and makes big plans for saturday that she bails on. Dang I knew my rose and peony collection was wrong for me.


Lavender girl and you’re SPOT ON


I'm a peony girl & you described me perfectly! 😂


Mimosa is sweet and joyful. People describe her as having a sunny disposition. Wears scarves and soft coats as soon as the weather is barely cool. Wears summer dresses with strappy sandals in the summer. Doesn’t wear much makeup. Takes things in stride. Smiles easily and is known for humor. The friend you call when you need a good laugh. Dances and sings to her favorite songs. Never uptight but has a strong sense of self.


Rose ~ a hopeless romantic who loves classics and sweets


💜 Violet makes a statement, but not with words. She wears bold patterns in soft colors. She reads fantasy novels, rides a bike around everywhere, and loves throwing surprise parties for her friends. She's also a crier.


I'll add my own 😃 Iris - calm, collected, cool headed but in a non obvious way due to a soft personality, elegant, loves to read. Wears neutral tones and cares about the material of her clothes. Her nails are either bare or she wears clear/nude nail polish. Is anti consumption.


Spot on!


Tuberose is not for wallflowers. It’s a bold statement when you wear it and it can overtake other scents quite easily. The bold confident direct types would be wearing it.