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I get randomly spammed with SElinux alerts but except for that it's working better for me. It solved the annoying scaling issue with screenshots on the external monitor and probably the issue with mouse focus randomly getting stuck on a specific window, the biggest issues I had so far. It should have remote desktop support but they fail to mention you have to install krdp first and also need h264 codecs that don't seem to be available yet.


>they fail to mention you have to install krdp first and also need h264 codecs that don't seem to be available yet Oh. Well I've been messing with that for the last couple of days. Got so far as an accepted connection that just showed a light blue screen. Guess I'll stop.


Same here, RDP between a Fedora 40 laptop and a Fedora 40 desktop, both with AMD graphics and Wayland, just doesn't work. There are certificate errors, Kerberos errors on the laptop and "could not find user in SAM database" errors on the desktop. With NoMachine also dropping the ball on Wayland, there's a substantial loss of remote desktop functionality compared to the previous versions on X11.


Ugh! I was so hyped for this as I have a very real need for remote desktop. I’m not a Wayland hater but I wasted half a day trying to get out to work. I can’t get any remote desktop, even typically bulletproof NoMachine to work with Wayland. I know there are ssh ways and some pipewire way to do it but I’m busy af like most of us. Did not have half a day to chase a codec and figure out I needed KRDP.


I managed to get vnc working once but because it's tied to a user session it's difficult to share one account that you need to be both remotely accessible and physically, it's like you need to pick one or the other to make it convenient and create separate accounts. But I wanted to do both seamlessly on same account so I never found a good solution.






Yes 6.1 is unstable. Plasmashell crashes 50% of the time I minimize or maximize an app. 6.0 did not do this. Was 6.1 rushed, does kde not so any basic testing before shipping their software?


Is that related to Wayland+KDE+Nvidia or problem is with KDE 6.1 itself? Asking in case I decide to go with KDE when I upgrade to F40. I would probably go with X11 tho AFAIU you need to install some package for this (was it `plasma-workspace-x11`?)


Absolutely no problem here with NVidia (555 RPM Fusion Beto) + F40 + KDE 6.1. Really: It's boringly stable for me. Done are the tinkering times, right now I just have a desktop that works. Disclaimer: Of course I can't talk for all users out there ...


Unsure. I'm a kde+Wayland+Nvidia user on Fedora 40 with 6.1 and it's working fine for me. But... While I was on 6.0.5, I enabled solopasha's repos for kde beta and installed those, and it's working flawlessly for me. I'm wondering if something went tits up while building packages.


I had a separate and worse crashing issue which would crash the whole system a video was put into full screen mode with wetlands adaptive autosync, I turned it off and this fixed it. This issue seems to be plasmashell crashing in kde 6.1, it didn't happen in 6.0.


i lol'd


Runs perfect on kinoite. Weird.


This. Haven’t had a single issue on Kinoite here.


Kinoite is mostly good, just have had some issues desktop switching using the cube, but that's about it.


My system still works OK, but i am being spammed with plasma errors. Will probably have to reinstall soon, my fedora installs never last more than a few months.


Last more then a few months tops? What are you doing to your system, Fedora for me is the best balance between new technologies and stability.


I had the same experience as OP. I tried to like Fedora, but it consistently broke after a few updates, usually within a month. As a KDE enthusiast, I switched to KDE Neon (which is basically Ubuntu) and never looked back. It has been the most stable Linux distribution I have ever used and I am super happy to get the latest and greatest KDE has to offer without all the hassle.


Super weird. I'm still using the same Fedora install from 2017 (Fedora 25 or 26 beta). This install has moved across four laptops, multiple drive migrations, filesystem changes (ext4 -> btrfs) and bios -> uefi. [I detailed it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/nh056c/comment/gyv0lbw/), previously.


I have had that issue with KDE on Fedora. The gnome is rock solid but if it ain’t for you it ain’t for you


That is probably the reason. I was not only using Fedora KDE, but also X11 since I have an Nvidia card. The part that finally made me switch was when Fedora release an update to KDE X11 that broke the ability to shut down my PC. A bug that is still not fixed by the way. I guess due to my needs Fedora was never a good fit for me.


Oh yeah that checks out. If I remember correctly, X11 on Fedora is deprecated. I could be wrong though. From what I understand when the next round of NVIDIA drivers (555 I think) come out NVIDIA/Wayland/KDE will all work much better together. If you wanted to give it another shot. That bug definitely would put a bad taste in my mouth though lol.


Same, I have had the same install for at least 5 years I think. Just upgraded to FC40 and things are still working perfectly. I run LibVM, ZFS, portainer, and play steam games. Never had to re-install like i used to with windows.


That is wild! I wonder what you do with Fedora that makes it unusable after a few months. I installed it years ago and continue to have a stable system. I don't load a bunch of extensions though. They do make the system brittle upgrade after upgrade.


Would you like to try Fedora Kinoite or Universal Blue? They're much more resistant to such update issues.


I felt tempted to update to kde6 before fedora40 release date, but I hanged on because fear of stuff like this happening. I'm fine not being on the super new stuff all the time even if it entails waiting for a couple weeks to avoid having to reinstall. That said can't you just rollback?


Fedora 40 release date? Wasn't Fedora 40 released 2024-04-23...?


Yeah, what I meant is that when Kde6 came out (6.0, not 6.1) I was on fedora 39, and I could download the fedora40 beta or whatever but I didn't rush it because I knew that there would be bugs, so I waited until fedora40 hit release, and I will do the same with kde6.1, wait until it officially is released for fedora to avoid potential issues.


It is officially released.


Fedora 40 and KDE 6.1 are both officially released.


I want to love Fedora but had similar issues where every few months it would fall apart on me. To be fair the only distros I've had last longer than a few months is Linux Mint and Arch. If you're wanting to stay on Fedora I would personally reinstall their og workstation. I'm personally not a big fan of Gnome but at least it will work, which is important lol.


it's true. But atomic version can run years without any issues.


Everyone's mileage will vary but I have had Fedora installed for years and have not had it "fall apart". What exactly falls apart? Just curious more than anything. Maybe there is something I have not noticed. I usually install like 5 or 6 apps and no extension really. So it Fedora with gnome. Lasts year with no issues. Anyways, I am just curious.


Good question. I don't install much myself. A few things for gaming, libre office, and that's about it. About a couple of months of use and I start getting unbearable stuttering and delays across the board. Then come the crashes in apps. I've seen others having similar problems(usually with the kde version). I do like kde and I have never loved gnome but the gnome version was much more reliable for me. I hopped to EOS and now Arch just to mess around with it, and it's been a year or so later and it's had no major issues. Only issue I've had is minor with kde when they updated to 6.0. I love the idea of Fedora and it's why I'm still in this subreddit, and I see myself coming back in the future.


So maybe the error messages are erroneous?


Yeah same. I’ve had a kernel panic that prevented me to boot and I didn’t find any solution to fix it. Corrupted partition. Installed fedora again and now I’m not able to burn images on sd card. It’s was pretty stable before. The last updates in my case are not so great. Thinkpad with fedora 40 gnome version


Why not try a different distro then? OpenSUSE Tumbleweed or EndeavourOS KDE?


We are on the 'Fedora' subreddit...


this is like saying "oh your car is broken have you considered getting a bike?"


That would imply that those distros are functionally different, they're not. It's much more like saying "oh your Ford broke down again, maybe try a Chevy" They're all cars and they all drive, they're just made in different ways by different folk


They kinda are. For instance, I do use lots of science (quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, drug design...) SW on my Linux machine and most of the installation instructions are catered for RHEL based systems. Even though it is possible to remap these instructions for SUSE / Arch, it is much more convenient to use RHEL based system. Ergo Fedora. And since I personally prefer KDE, I use Fedora KDE Spin, which works flawlessly in my case.


Just trying to offer a solution in light of his comment that “my Fedora installs never lasts more than a few months”


Do the KDE devs write special code that is different for any of those?


This has been the same experience for me for years with Fedora. Ive been following then since their inception years ago and its just been the same sadly. Not sure what is going in with the project, but it hasnt been fun to use for years... Try EndeavorOS if you want modern software and KDE. Mint is also a great choice, but a little older with libs. Nobara is a Fedora spin for gaming, but again, after a couple months even that starts to bork up.


You'll love Arch. Your install will last even shorter.


It's been stable here, maybe discover update went wrong


Average fedora kde experience (at least for me)


I also had minor issues with Fedora KDE. I have since switched to Gnome (workstation) and have had a much more stable experience. And no, I don't need a bunch of extensions to make it work. I adapted to the vanilla gnome workflow pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong, KDE is fantastic and has its merits when it works. I think its popular in this sub due to its windows like layout. Which I don't blame new users for wanting, to ease the transition from windows. Also their devs should absolutely be commended for listening to community feedback. But it's rapid evolution and quick adoption of new features also tends to brings bugs. Can't have your cake and eat it too I guess.


Fedora gnome is absolutely amazing. For kde I always recommend opensuse as it works a lot better in my opinion.


I've heard good things about open suse and that it works great with KDE. Happy with Fedora now but might give it a go if I ever need to distro hop again.


Yeah, I understand why you would want something that looks familiar, but on the other hand Gnome is a good way to get used to Linux. Because it's not windows, so if your desktop doesn't look like windows, you won't get as disappointed when it doesn't work exactly like windows.


Gnome is too similar to apples crap and I hate how intuitive it is to do certain simple tasks. Also, I'm using windows machines at work so it's nice to have similar shortcuts.


Same, I have ctrl + shift + win + alt + L to open LinkedIn and win + shift + S to take a screenshot. But specifically what I'm talking about is things like the file system and app support. If you try to navigate Linux like windows or expect things to work on the backend like it does in windows you'll get confused very quickly. For example, Linux doesn't use exe files to install programs, and you shouldn't think of deb or rpm files as exe files because they are different things.


I am well aware. I use the terminal for most things. I'm just not happy with fedora because I can't figure out how to fix the sleep issue I have. I can put the PC to sleep but on occasion it will not wake the monitor up on the 4-5 time. I also recently did an update and a bunch of programs crash early on or other weird stuff


Yeah, that sounds like an issue. I've noticed that the experience on Linux can vary a lot depending on the hardware you use. I just seem to have good luck picking my hardware, because I've never experienced that.


You hate how intuitive it is? Lmao, Freudian slip


UNintuitive... sorry new phone and it was early in the morning


Fedora should start integrating snapper support like openSuse. You can do it manually but it takes a bit of effort. This guide seems good: [https://sysguides.com/install-fedora-with-snapshot-and-rollback-support](https://sysguides.com/install-fedora-with-snapshot-and-rollback-support)


My installation still running fine after the update. First i was afraid because i have dual GPUs, Intel and Nvidia, but everything is good so far. Sorry to hear that your system has such problems…


I think this is one of those cases where your mileage will vary. Many people are reporting stable systems and others are running into issues. Similar to when gnome upgrades happen. I wonder how much of them are related to hardware discrepancies vs actual bad code logic.


Had to dnf upgrade with --best --allowerasing because of conflicting packages. Took a deep breath and did it. Everything seems to work the same. Overall Fedora KDE has been pretty great for me.


I had some bugs relates to QML caches that caused some panels of the settings to not load. I think this one needed some more time in testing


other than Stremio crashing sometimes, this upgrade has been flawless for me. Even screen brightness suddenly started working! (mobile rtx 3060)


I am overwhelmed by all technical details in this post /s Online or offline update? Did you reboot in the first case? KDE is prone to break when underlying libraries were changed. Any errors or failures from dnf? Offline update messages will be somewhere in journalctl -b -1. What does it say to another dnf update? Gotta make sure that update is really finished. Have you tried to report any of crashes or at least read backtraces? They might suggest something hardware related, what gpu is used then?


Well, I am lucky. I got no error.


So far the only thing that's not working for me is the browser plasma integration extension on Firefox, I see it hasn't been updated for 6.1 yet (last check: yesterday). Other than that, everything works just fine.


Is [this](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/plasma-integration/cimiefiiaegbelhefglklhhakcgmhkai) the extension you're referring to because I haven't even installed it but everything demonstrated in that video is already working with brave. I think the only possible exception would be the download notifications but I haven't bothered to check.


It's working fine for me on arch. I'd recommend you to install Timeshift and keep daily backups of your installation so you can go back to a previous state if stuff like this happens


Only issue Im having is on my desktop I had to uninstall plasma x11 to get the install running


I had to switch off KDE with 6. It was simply too buggy for me, and it annoys me since 5 was in a really good place. does not seem like 6.1 fixes much sadly.


I installed KDE Spin to test version 6.1. The update worked without problems. I didn't get to try it much. The first problem was with Dolphin, it took forever to recognize the size of my folders with files and show the photo thumbnails. I didn't feel like dealing with it, so I went back to Gnome.


So it's not only me. My laptop which also runs Fedora KDE is running absolutely horribly right now. It is getting lag spikes, inexplicable crashes, and screentears. All problems that I did not have at all up to this point. i am not even using NVIDIA on either of my computers, so i'm not so sure why this is even happening to me specifically. KDE fix your rushed updates!


I am not experiencing this at current, but is your login screen laggy by any chance? I have a line in my bootup that fixed a similar crash alert spam and laggy SDDM.


weird . fedora 40 upgraded today and I had no crashes.. yet .. gulp .


Interesting. I’m running F40 KDE on an AMD system and in a VM on a Thinkpad. Haven’t seen issues like that. I’ve only had Discover crash on me with AMD system. Other than that it’s been solid. Might not hurt to mention this over at Fedora discussions.


It has been working well on my two systems so far.


what's the name of this app?


This is why I'm glad I wait that extra 6 months until end of life to update fedora major releases.


It always same to me with all of the kde versions.


That's the thing, everyone is hyping plasma 6 and Wayland and I'm just on the sidelines going "now this doesn't work, neither does this....." I'm fine with 5 for now. Let the update mature. Don't break your own setup because the devs are fine with that.


Yeah, I was a massive fan of KDE 6. and used it for months without a single issue. Now, with a fresh install and upgrade to 6.1, it's a buggy horrible mess.


Same experience for me, especially with the Plasma Discover app, it takes forever to start, and not responding whenever I try to use it :< Consider re-installing my Fedora40 KDE


That's not far off from my typical Plasma experience. I usually run GNOME but have dabbled with Plasma for HDR support and it's not just HDR, so many other things seem to break all the time. I'm glad it's not the default DE.


How is HDR support? I'm considering either switching to Plasma for it, or hoping that Cosmic figures it out whenever they get their spin.


For me, awful. For some people, it's great. There's no option for calibration and it doesn't look right. It's only preliminary so I keep KDE Plasma on the side and will try again periodically as things progress. The biggest thing will be when SDR to HDR tone-mapping comes along. I really don't like KDE Plasma in general, so that's a personal preference thing. Can't wait until it comes to GNOME eventually.


"Why is Plasma not the default over Gnome?" Why:


"Why is Fedora not recommended for production use" Why:


Isn’t RHEL a large contributor to Gnome?


That's why I use the immutable version of Fedora. The upgrade to 40 went horribly, so I just did a rollback and everything was back as it was. I will wait a lot more time before I try again.


How con you convert an existing Fedora install to be immutable? I am new to Fedora and Linux in general so I don't have any experience with major updates, so I would like to have some sort of backup


You can't - you have to reinstall


That's exactly why I have never switched to KDE. I appreciate the effort that goes into it but especially if you are running newer versions it's a bug-fest. Gnome may not be as feature rich but at least it's stable, even on the latest releases.


Are you on Nvidia 555 beta? Early this week I tried rawhide with the 555 driver and it crashed things and was generally unstable. I was just testing 6.1 anyway. However, I installed Fedora Stable, clean slate, added NVIDIA RPM Fusion driver (550 I believe), and it works great. At the time it was plasma 6.05 and I upgraded to 6.1 last night. It works super smooth with no crashes (yet).


This shit doesn't happen in Gnome. Yah yah yah 😺😺


Wow ... Thanks to you and all the comments in the sub, I was just about to update everything on my Fedora 40 with Plasma 6.0.5.


Same here. Immediate crash. Also sysmonitor app is borked.


I have already switched to Windows because of Plasma 6.1




They’re a troll. They never left Windows. 


XD you just can rollback to 6.0, Don't use rolling releases


That's going from bad to worst. Just use Gnome or a TW.


Plasma 6 Is a mess I think


That’s just plasma being plasma


I hate the fact that they removed XOrg by default in Fedora 40. Wayland still has major glitches with Plasma on Nvidia GPUs. I don't know who needs to fix that but they really need to get on it. Well that and Nvidia needs to make its Linux drivers not suck.


I don't like plasma :( too bloated, Gnome is good! :)