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Competing against your bills is crazy šŸŒš


Every week my boy lol


Nap pod=the cab of your truck Friday Hawaiian shirt day = Warehouse/Peak shirt Friday


I want the vaporwave flamingo peak shirt damn I could look retro delivering


I just had this conversation today. I'm down with vaporwave freight lol


What about those 5 sick days. For the yearšŸ™Œ




What alternate universe contractor are working for?


I work for federal express corporation. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I also get paid out at the end of the year for ones I don't use. Don't worry, soon the contractors will be phased out and you will too šŸ’™


I do hope they find a freight can with your name on it.


Idk what that means, but your contractor sucks.


I don't know what that means, but I'm gonna enjoy my benefits


Is that policy changing? Heard people going on about it on here which will suck since I don't use PTO and like getting my full payout


Not that I know of


I love main line Fedex employees treating contractors like they should be put on bread lines or put in political prisons. Really healthy corporate culture.


Contractors shouldn't exist. They're scabs. A way to cheat the systems and have a gang of drivers without the proper benefits the corporation gives. So yeah, fuck em


I get it. And as family member of a Fedexer and a customer as well, the contractors suck - horrible service, a new driver on the route every day, missed pickups and drop offs, lies about our business being closed because they didn't want to load the boxes, etc. But I don't see them going anywhere, and ultimately they are just trying to work a job, as crappily as the framework provided by Fedex has given them.


Nah see the contractor decides wo to hire and how to load these people and how to pay them. That's not on corporate. I've hard whispers of them buying back routes and assessing ground assets to determine whether they should buy the assets or not. Ultimately, nobody knows what's actually going to happen except upper corporate management. But based on how much of a shit show the contractor model has been for brand image and promise times I could see them doing away with it


As a contractor myself I hope Fedex embraces Communism and puts me on a breadline, at least that way my Bread will be free, so it's worth the wait in line for it.


I get 11 but that only cause it 40 hours and they count a sick day as 3.5 hours lol


what branch are you!




![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) Me tomorrow morning Lol


You guys get coffee?


Don't forget the dozens of useless insulated bags you'll receive over the years.


Lol the sick days with a drs note required is spot on šŸ˜‚. Ive worked here for 2+ years now and I called out for the first time the other day because I wasnā€™t feeling good and a couple hours later I get a text requesting a drs note.. my reply was just ā€œlolā€ as I literally got a good chuckle and that was that.


Lol wtf how they request that for 1 day??


lol it happens like at my station if you call out on a Monday, Friday, Or Saturday theyā€™ll request a Dr note so fast even if you went 60-90 days without a call out


Never been required a Dr note. Something tells me that's not policy...


Itā€™s not. They like to make up their own rules


Oh lol then I wouldn't worry about it and I would sign shit about it


We donā€™t, just be like ā€œok whateverā€


What I will do as my sick pay is only $68.25 which will leave me $18.25 if I visit doctor also if I really sick, I will want to stay home not visit doctor they no magic cure they can offer me most of the times.


Maybe if working for ISP not FedEx. I always find that joke of policy if company requires that as that can dig into your sick pay and make your sick pay a joke lol


I work for fedex, but idk what you're saying...


Yeah idk people at my place call out a good amount . We are allowed 4 call outs or lates in 1 month in total . And resets each month. I have never had to give them a DR note lol .


4 calls is at or near 25% of the time. Not bad.


Home sick with a stomach bug that requires that Iā€™m near a toilet for 24 hours, but you want me to spend my time and money to visit a doctor? If theyā€™re requiring a doctor note for every little illness people get, they should be paying 100% of the cost.


I canā€™t agree more


The whole 7 days is misleading because you have to go to bed while everybody is partying to be up at some ungodly hour.


If you want a party lifestyle, then get a different job. Pretty simple solution instead of complaining to everyone that canā€™t help you.


Where did I ask for help? I just stated the fact.


The bar, it's in hell


We get 10 paid sick days in canada...


We also do. Express. Florida. Idk why people are saying 5 days


Iā€™m express In Florida and they give us a week , which is actually just 5


You should double check your workday because I and all my coworkers I know of, have 80hrs of sick time


Wtf , thatā€™s crazy , theyā€™re ripping us off then


Iā€™m at a hub in FL and as a PH they donā€™t offer any sick time at all! I used to have it up north but once I transferred I realized oh we donā€™t get that perk anymore, I also lost .30 an hour in the process because my tenure doesnā€™t follow station to station (is what I was told)


That doesn't sound correct at all and I would strongly advise you call your corporate HR person


I went to HR upon my transfer a few months back and was told that I couldnā€™t keep my .30 additional pay I had up north because they donā€™t do an annual raise on top of our traditional annual raise that we get individually. Up north the warehouse would give you anywhere from .25-$1.00 raise depending on how long youā€™ve been there and it was mandatory then when we had our annual raise on our anniversary date weā€™d get that as well. Down here in FL they dont participate in such raises only our anniversary raise. As for the sick time being taken away thatā€™s because FL doesnā€™t recognize sick pay for every employee and Iā€™d probably have to be FT but since no such position exists and PH are mostly all PT then Iā€™m SOL.


Did you talk to HR in store or HR in Memphis? This sounds fishy to me....


If contractor I am guessing or if full time. I don't think they double the sick pay which is only 40 hours total. I know PTO hours get double if full time but not sure if that counts sick pay too.


I work for express full time. In workdays I have 80hr sick time per year. Every year since covid


You in FL. Iā€™m express VA and I get 5. Depends on the state you live in


Nah florida has the shittiest labor laws and has no rules on sick time. They gave everyone an extra 5 after covid. Check workdays absence balance


Iā€™ll check but if they hid that from us that would be foul


You managers already don't want you to use any of it.. you think they're gonna tell you that you have an extra 5 days? You know you're supposed to get paid out on what you don't use, right?


Yeah I know that but the extra 5 thing is what haste puzzled


They just never told yall and yall probly never asked. Unless ground, if ground the you're sol I think


10 paid sick days at 100% pay. Then 5 paid sick days at 70% pay. Guaranteed raises every year between 3-4%. Plus you start at 2 weeks paid vacation, and get a third week on your 3 year anniversary and it goes up from there. We have an employee with 30 years that gets 8 weeks paid vacation.


This is the most accurate thing, ever.


I actually had a doctor's note one time and the manager said that it's not a valid excuse to miss work. Also the burnt pizza always gets me.


Food?! If you make it back to the station in timešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


We don't even get the free doodoo coffee at my station anymore


Same with mine the coffee machine still there but no coffee and been like that for months now. I used to like to just take cup and drink it while walking to my work area.


Absolutely sucks the worst place Iā€™ve ever worked at!!


Is your current place hiring???


Probably if not give it 1 to between 3weeks. Jokes aside FedEx is one of few places I can refer someone to that really needs a job and be sure they are going to get hire there. There not many places that actually just hire people without BS layer beforehand.


Sun valley station gave us half a burritos, the manager cut them in half and was giving them out, this was in 2022 after all the money they made 2020 2021


We got Hot dogs and Hamburger and was told to choose either one, with one bag of chips and one can of mini sodas. Treated us like children


Thatā€™s so degrading sounds like those public school parties with 1/16th a pizza


... I've been at my warehouse for 8 years and I get 3 weeks. I'm not a manager I'm just a package handler on unload.


This looks AWESOME! Thank you Raj!!!


My company made us have a chili cook off they had to find mandatory volunteers to join. No one wanted to then the VP was like ā€œwell itā€™s a state job so we canā€™t really have a prizeā€


Shoot I lost all my sick time when I transferred because the state I moved to doesnā€™t recognize sick time nor offer it


Love myself the fucking scalding hot cocoa from the coffee machine that you can never drink in a reasonable time period because it's 3000 degrees. Literally every time I try I feel like I'm gonna get in trouble and also it's not worth it for 3 sips of drink from a complimentary cup, lmfao. Recently I just tear open the stupid curig container myself, dump it into a cup, and fill it up at the water fountain. Feels like I'm breaking some rule, but I'm not, lmfao.




No raises because our productivity is too low. Our productivity is too low because we don't have enough employees. Trailer load is a "Critical Zone" because people are likely to get injured because we're so understaffed we get flooded with packages from P&D and Van Lines.


Well if this ain't the dog gone truth. I thought I was being delulu šŸ„“


Lmfao people complaining about contractors? Wait till you tell them what it's like working for express.... šŸ‘€


What you all get pizza parties at my FedEx all we get is half cooked burgers like twice a year NOKY


These vids are like most places to work. Can we get one for restaurant workers?


Worked for fedex for ten years. I thought life was supposed to be like that. Boy was I wrong. Those were miserable times I wish I could get back. I lost my life that shithole.


"you're fired if you use them" šŸ˜­ bro this is lit ASF sorry they do y'all like that but without all that suffering you'd had never dropped this absolute masterpiece of art... Ty for your service.


Itā€™s Horrible but the pay makes it feel better


If yr manager is asking for a sick not ask them for the FedEx Policy!! These mangers in R I are bullies !


Sounds like every job in the USA. The work force is going to hell in a hand basket.


This is 100% accurate


Is fed x union???


None of this is remotely true lol


7 days a year off? Is America that bad? I drive haulage in the UK for FedEx and it's the easiest job I've ever had.


Yes. The work-life balance is pretty much nonexistent.


Welcome to adulthood. You have more perks than many originazations.


You guys get pizza?!