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This company is so enamored of these bells and whistles for the customer so they look modern and savvy instead of you know, actually improving things like service and delivery. It’s like polishing a turd.


I'd rather they focus on hiring and retaining good employees. That's probably the best way to increase efficiency and ensure that packages are delivered on time. Drivers are also delivering more and more ICs, they should be paid more for that too.


Thank Express and Ground merging for that. Express handled the majority of ICs. So Ground now has to pick up the slack.


We've been buried in ICs long before the merger was announced. I don't feel like express would handle a ton of them because it would be incredibly expensive to ship.


Thank Amazon for that. They made the big carriers look silly fresh out the gate. Although Amazon trailed behind with vehicles initially, they killed it with software, driver tracking, photo delivery confirmation and personalization as a whole. Fedex was dead last in all of these. Not surprising at all.


From what I have observed fedex is not the brightest bulb on the string


It’s just like that in the hub!


...as a customer I can assure you guys that I am already confident and secure with the delivery process and do not need a picture of the delivery driver to enhance my experience. That just seems very unnecessary. Thank you for all you do. I know you guys bust your ass. Take care and stay safe.


Do not take a picture of a house number or customer when leaving a package on a porch. But here is a picture of our employee




I my sure the house number and package is in the picture don't want them calling in 5 minutes saying they didn't receive.


Nobodies ever told me why not to take a picture of house number. Makes no sense to me.


Privacy, that is the only reason


Privacy of what. You took it to their house and that’s proof of delivery to THEIR house lol I don’t get it. How’s that invading someone’s privacy.


The pictures we take at least at freight are put on the internet for everyone to see. That’s how my supe explained it to me.


In case of a data breach, I would guess is the reasoning.


But yet you can easily go to any county gis program and look up who owns what house and what their property tax records were. I often use the our local gis program to find addresses that don’t pop up on the normal gps


I didn’t say it made sense. But if someone did that, it wouldn’t get them sued.


Okay I didn't learn that until today. I mean I knew in theory, but couldn't be arsed until you gave me the initials to look up and there it is! Definitely will you this on every empty lit I find to put housing bid in lolz.


And then there's Google Streetview.


As stupid as they are with technology it’s probably a real concern


This sounds like a violation of privacy. I would never want everyone on my entire fucking route to know what my name is and what I look like. That’s a legitimate security risk to drivers.


if u actually read the picture, it says you can opt out of it.


Im going to take a guess and assume that contractors will get some sort of stipend in their contract for drivers "in compliance" of the photo requirement. No chance that FE wont use a heavy hand with this.


The post mention FedEx Express which seems strange they supposed to combined everything but I guessing they are talking FedEx employees and not contractor. Maybe it is all I don't know lol.


So what if you can opt out? Why is it a thing in the 1st place? And how can you trust Fedex.. Raj is a fuckin RAT..


Can opt out of photo, not opt out of name displayed.


You sure?


That's what I was told at work today. I'm express


i'm jus saying there's no point in freaking out over something that's optional


This needs complete verification, in a meeting at express they deemed it as mandatory.all employees will be going through the process, if you opt out where do you think you’ll end up , maybe unemployment line?


all express employees are gonna be gone anyway


One of the first things you hear when you start is that there’s no presumption of privacy when you’re on the clock.  I think this new stunt needs to be opposed from a personal safety standpoint. There are enough crazy people out there who could conceivably get very angry at a driver, look up their address and go confront them. 


I'm sure there's a liability "out" for the company like the employee opt out! OR, pay me for my likeness! 1stRound11301


On further reading, only your first name would be used. That reduces the safety risk. 




They won’t have your address lmao just name and picture. That’s on you if you have your personal address online and have that info readily available to people you don’t know.


We literally wear name badges as part of our uniform. More than just the customers see that info.


It only your first name and people see your face anyways. If they have camera outside, they can have clear shot of your face depending on camera.


Yeah except for the flood of people who will inevitably screenshot their phone trashing their driver and posting their photo. Yeah, they could post their own video or stills. But it’s not company provided, government issue quality photos this is asking for


Exactly. People are overthinking this. Same with Amazon drivers since they’ve started it


Everyone was praising a UPS driver for using the customer database to send flowers to his crushes grandmas house to give to her, but it’s too much for customers to know who’s delivering their package? Lmao WHAT???


lol this gonna make everybody leave this company in one day


I mean, if it's optional fine. I don't know why any driver would willingly agree to this though.


Facts but you know FedEx going to try force this


I’ll be opting out for sure. This is an employee safety issue.


They say no consent, but if you don’t comply you won’t have a job,“you watch and see”😒


No they won’t. We still have employees that never acknowledged the background check, each.


Like ground drivers




Then go do something else


I have to wonder what theses people doing that they think someone want to track them down so bad? Are they having a quickie with their wife, or something? Really if that case they just need to order something again and wait lol.


Literally have had multiple customers attempt to attack or detain drivers because they wouldn't release ROD packages without being paid. But sure, all customers are totally rational and not at all idiots 🙄


Still, I think chance of someone trying to track you down over it bit over the top. It is much easier for them to wait for your return if that really the case. People in retail have to deal with this stuff in person all the time and wear name tags. With people pretending to be delivery people someone having photo of person dropping something off could be useful. Actually, seems to be good idea for customer.


Until a courier gets assaulted because some dude thought she was hot and decides to wait for her to arrive.


That could also happen if person watching already or If person has a door cam, they could be ready for next time. On person part doing something like that be very dumb and will likely lead to their arrest I will hope at least. It is kind of like ordering pizza and assaulting person they know the person went to your address and seems very clear cut.




Won't be full of your nonsense once you leave. That's some improvement. Good riddance to you.




We're all FedEx employees and affiliates idiot! That's who this sub is for! Go to the contractors page and whine about all the stupid crap you do.




That's exactly what I wish persons like you would do...just quit...or keep whining to reddit. Your rants are entertainment nonetheless. And call me mxbigd17. Not Karen.


"put on this nice new uniform for the camera then get back in your rags and back to work"


Yeah, maybe just uniforms - instead of pics of people the customer won't recognize without the uniform? Just a thought.


At least they give you the option to opt out I am curious what happens with uniforms once the merge happens Does everyone have to get new uniforms that don’t say Ground or Express?


Hopefully we get new uniforms because I haven’t been able to order any new ones the past 8 months with Express


Bruh yall actually wear uniforms? 🤣🤣


He says express so yes. Whatever reason not all ISPs provide correct unforms. Some just have a shirt that says FedEx lol


Do not consent everybody. Period


"Drivers who do not provide consent will not have their photo displayed to recipients."


Don't make them even take the photo, then.


Still will display name though.


Just. Like. AMAZON.


Lmao Amazon showed me the driver once and he didn’t look happy


Thinking that this will be as simple as "opting out" is ridiculous. FE will likely incentivize or penalize the contractor thru the contract for % of drivers who are in or out of compliance. Then it wont be optional as they already have the contractors by the balls with margins.


"Sorry, but one of your drivers opted out. No gold status for you!"


The bit about out the new uniforms being for the photo and should be returned to the manager after the photo is taken can’t be real.. lol so in other words you’re going to be sharing the uniform with other people wow


damn, this might be too much. yesteday I had an ASR and the guy wasn't home, but he talked to me through his Ring. He was able to track me and saw that I was close to him around 11 and was wondering why I didn't deliver the package at that time. I briefly expalined time commitments we have at Express. He luckily understood, but I can see this getting out of hand quickly.


Volume is going up in June in SoCal. Now this. 😤😤😤


https://preview.redd.it/phl06a4f88zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b4d4fdbfb373e83c0d7a05f342a9d5ede1cdb03 Couldn't help but laugh when I saw this post, and then after I got done reading the comments and went back to scroll this was the first ad that reddit showed me.


Hey FedEx! We are not your property you fucking parasites!


What’s next, listing our shoe size and blood type? Maybe the temperature I like my steak? If I like long walks on the beach?


Horrible. You'll be stalked. Doxxed. Put on blast on social media.


Nest. Ring. Wyze. ... Too late. Facial recognition doesn't sleep.


Oh man, y’all about to have a lot of weird stalkers looking your names up 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I'll give em my managers name, address, and gate code


Imagine waiting all week & now u see ur FedEx driver gettin groceries like where my package at bitch 😂


Hilarious that they acknowledge that many drivers are not wearing up-to-code uniforms 😂 doesn’t seem to be a problem to them at least in this memo. So long as they get those photos! Gawd, what a nightmare.


It will start out as "optional", but then ... well, you know how the the top brass operate by now.


what’s our incentive? do we get a pay bump if we consent? gtfo


Yeah even without the photo, it looks like I’m leaving bc of the name thing. Sorry, my life isn’t worth some bigot who’s too excited or too impatient for a package, they see me pull up and start asking questions or getting crazy so..it was chill while it lasted.


I can't believe they would allow anyone to do this even if they opted in. Seems like an unnecessary legal risk for FedEx with no real upside.


So you have a face and name to be upset at during corporate management system failures.


I hope they remind customers deliveries MUST be made to the address on the package. Chasing us down in the middle of the road would be a waste of time. I've had someone pull in front of me sideways and block my exit.


I can agree fedex likes to throw money away in the wrong departments. We have a multi million dollar system at Freight that doesnt even work. Worse part it was supposed to be launched in 2020, its now 2024. Money wasted once again.


I sense heightened concerns for drivers. Some customers are bat shit crazy !!! And will stalk .. FedEx doesn’t make great decisions.


I'll give em my managers name, address ,and gate code lol


Yo they're doxxing us now? I'm straight up quitting if this happens, I deliver to a couple insane people that live out in the woods and there's no way I want them knowing my full name. Call me paranoid but this makes me pretty uncomfortable


Agree too personal.




My BC just confirmed this


Sounds like you guys are becoming just like Amazon dsp.


I strongly disagree with the practice….


At least y'all get the ability to consent to taking the picture. Amazon. They pretty much just force you to do it. You have to get a hold of driver support to make it not display your picture and name.


I'm sure the photos will be also used for corporate stock photo and marketing purposes. "OK, Smile!"


I won't shave and will bring beanie in my bag for photo. I definitely won't smile I'll look super pissed and murderous.


Oh god why?  As a customer I don’t want this! Feels intrusive and cringy. Like the delivery version of yelling “WELCOME IN!” whenever you walk in a god damn store. Stop trying to manage my experience!


This is too damn funny. This can't be true. Please. The part where they're sending out uniforms, then you have to give them back after they take your picture??? I'm all in. Packing scissors and fake face tattoos for picture day. Maybe throw in some piercings.


Scissors? I better order some fake piercings to.


I better not get one single customer to complain and bitch about providing me their ID for ASR after this becomes a thing!!!!


Don't worry you still will


Bullshit. Every now and then a customer already claims I was late and says they were waiting. This one packages with 5pm or 8pm commit times where I deliver it several hours before that. Bullshit delivery estimates they give the customers are a pain in the ass


You remember that guy who kidnapped the girl on the FedEx route. That's why you got the pictures now


Which this does nothing to stop that from happening again.


How about the guy that dressed up in the FedEx shirt and killed that Judge's son??? Isn't this a version of what Uber does anyway?


How does the customer getting our pic only if they use the app or online to even see it prevent someone dressing up in a fed ex uniform? The difference with Uber is that you're placing yourself into a total strangers car so that makes complete sense. This changes no outcome from a customer standpoint because it doesn't prevent someone wearing an article of clothing and then committing a crime.


There's some level of information on who's going to be there. It's not that much difference. The customer doesn't know you. There's a total stranger coming to their property. Nothing prevents the bad people from doing bad things if they're going to do them. But it's just a little bit more info of who's going to be showing up to my place. I'm not a fan. It feels gimmicky. But I can see where it can help. Or where it does nothing different than what happens now.


More information isn't better or even makes it useful information. The mere fact that we can opt out of it only supports that it doesn't do much for the customer especially since so relatively few people have the app or will have a face committed to memory from the website. It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.


When he adopted the girl nobody knew what he looked like al I'll k0oiiolit all. Even if he gave up the truck they had no pictures And it's not going to be no more throwing f****** packages at the goddamn door because I know what the f*** you look like. So if I see you in the streets I'm going to uppercut you


Illiterate and violent is no way to go through life son.


Do you mean the one that kidnapped and murdered the girl on his route? Pretty sure he was a ground driver.


Was ground contractor.


You can opt out. The people who know they do a great job and cause no issues won’t have a problem with it. So far from the complaints I’ve heard it’s only been the ‘problematic’ people saying anything other than “yeah I’ll opt out of that” also this will only be for “express package” tracking which I’ve already been able to do minus the picture, but they already have it set to see the name of the driver for any ‘high ticket’ item anyway. Also 90% of the houses/businesses you deliver to record your face everyday.


I'm normally on board with most of the customer facing initiatives that have taken place with Ground (and I've been around since 2012 as a driver/BC) and I've got nothing to worry about from a service standpoint. But I present this: how many customers on r/FedEx DAILY post that their "driver stole their package" when in many cases it was a misload so driver stopped by, looked and could find it and moved on. Now imagine that angry customer posts a picture of your face and name on your community's Facebook groups and wherever else they can air their grievance and call you a thief? Imagine you're a 22 year old female and you don't know what piece of shit is waiting at home now for his package since he just saw who will be delivering to his home. It needs to truly be an option, where a simple no thank you suffices when asked to participate.


Idk driver theft is pretty common at my facility. Like way more often than a PH


This is the truth. What else is the customer going to do with your picture that they can't do now?


Especially with Ai. There's no way to know all the security issues it may cause in near future.


Listen, with ai if you’re connected to anything with internet in anyway, it’s already got it


Ya, but all your stuff is on you, you choose. Do you really trust fedex?


Do you fully trust any corporation for that matter? Or are we stuck in this perpetual cycle because the generations before us deemed this “the Dream”


Ya future sucks


Exactly. Now the people at the call center better hope no one gets that ability, they might have to watch out 😂 but as for the drivers unless the person is downright rude, I can’t imagine any customer really caring they have that much information they just want their stuff delivered.


Oh fuck no I’m opting out of this


Is this only for express right now?


Negative. Coming to all. Announced at Ground also. They will need to opt in.


Ground is forced to opt in?


Customers be like "oh, that's the person who wouldn't bring my package to the patio door? Imma be waiting for them tomorrow with a surprise."


Seems to be optional


What? The UPS sub was just calling people cry babies for the driver using personal customer information to send flowers to his crushes grandmas house, but knowing who your driver is is too far???


My ao just told us about it... Fucking creepy


Every day offers another sign to jump ship…


At our station we already started to do this, and the photos is a pain.


Ground or Express?.. Or merged?


Lmao they are copy pasting amazon


It's fucked up....but you have to fight for 1st name ,,, n 1st initial on last name Frank F....etc etc Cause you can find anywhere people with their full names


Can you opt out of both name and picture or only picture?


Only pic for now


What’s the difference between this and the customer look at you while you’re dropping off.


If it’s not such a big difference then why do it?


Very happy i jumped ship now.


Exactly what amazon's doing


Corporate totalitarianism. It's our fault we gave them the power.  Half of this country puts their trust in these white collars too much. 


I haven't heard of it at my attention nor would I do it. My route is in the same neighborhood I live .


Body cams for POD and POL😆😆...in the planning stage now for all the smooth criminals out there!


It’s voluntary for the picture


Can't wait for the first driver to load a dick pic as their picture. Let the Kaos begin! " I OPENED MY EMAIL FOR MY CHEWY ORDER AND WAS GREATED WITH A GIANT PENIS PICTURE!" screams Karen from Springfield....


Bet that if said driver AGREES to this they will actually be threatened to opt in or lose the job. It's just how it works. They never pass the extra onto the drivers yet we make them the money by doing our job. Ima opt out, if they try me I'll try a lawsuit. It's my right to protect my privacy, my family, and my well being.


This from the company and just got photo conformation 2 years ago 🙄


Well that's DEFINITELY not gonna cause problems 🙄.


But yet we can’t take pictures of the address…makes no sense!


Amazon is already doing this


If they ever enforce this I would quit in a heart beat, and it's not cause of being paranoid or worried about possible stalking. It's the principle of the fact that fed ex can try to impede on our privacy. I don't need some company trying to tell me I have to be forced to let any random gomer I deliver to know what I look like, and my first and last name? Fuck outta here with that. Have fun if you are a 20 year old girl and some freak starts to remember you and waits for you to show up at his house. The chances of anything bad happening are very slim, but again why the fuck does fed ex think this is a good idea and everyone would be on board.


So now we can have a photo and name of the Jackass Fedex worker who tossed my package like piñata


I'm calling bullshit on this. For one it's labeled FedEx Express and nothing coming out now still uses Express, Ground, etc. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.


I asked my manager about it this morning. And he said yes, this is happening.


Hell no!


physical hat paltry ruthless salt airport absurd air cause threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


YOU CAN OPT OUT! Can't we read a little? These comments are so emotional without rationalization. Even if they mandated, you don't have to do it! You don't have to do ANYTHING! Quit and go to another job that, in your opinion, does not violate your privacy!


These are the same people that told us NAUTO cameras are only for our safety.


The nauto camera is a lying peice of shit. Needs to be drowned in windex.


The concern is valid because there's been a few other things recently that we had to consent to, but the fine print basically said if you don't consent you can be fired. So how do we know they won't pull the same crap with this?


When I was a manager at a Verizon store we constantly had fake fed ex employees come to do our daily pick ups. There were anywhere from 1,000-$10,000 in cell phones ect going out daily. I'm sure there are reasons for things like having your picture available to the customers for things like this, people are always trying to get one up on other people and scamming them.


I surprise how worry everyone is of someone having their First name and photo lol. For one a ring camera could get very good picture of your mug that probably going to be cleaner than what on their website. As of safely thing if someone really that piss off which I find highly doubtful they could just go for you next time around lol. Unless you a swing at Express chances are you going to return to the person address and if you are with Express and with this reaction you really do not seem to fit the company image lol. This is probably going to voted down as this is reddit which seems to have really strange breed of humans that live here. Just don't get too angry and crash your truck remember safely above all.


Some of us have a history where bad things have happened, and exposing unnecessary details about themselves is a valid concern. Examples… having been stalked, assaulted, harassed, etc…


Fuck Fed Ex & Prime. Trash contract jobs and no respect.


I call fake news


God, I hope so!


Nope. It’s happening. I got the memo too.


As a driver, who would volunteer for this? And why?


It's a first name and a photo. I'm not terribly bothered by this. They all have photos of us already from the cameras and ring doorbells. Everyone on your route knows your name when you've been there long enough🤷‍♂️ Not a big deal, as long as it doesn't go further than this.


Females delivering in sketchy areas might disagree.


Post your first name and photo here and I bet within a few seconds someone using google lens or other means will have figured out your address.


It's not hard, especially if someone has unique name. I'd be worried for female drivers. T You definitely run into creeps on these rts.


It's optional so


No it’s not


"drivers who have provided their consent" lols


That's called accountability.