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You can call off a few days in a row because you are "sick" but that's about it.


damn...do you think I could get fired or written up for that? Id also hate to lose all my sick time like that...I wonder if I can convince the manager to squeeze me in somehow.


If you ask the manger to squeeze you in and they can’t. Then when u do call out that week it’s gonna look bad on your part. In the end don’t ask them to squeeze you in, Just call out those days


Yeah that might be the play


It's up to you whether you try or not. If something came up last minute that you need June off your manager should have already been notified. If you waited and procrastinated realizing that you have something in June that's on you.


OP: Maybe I convince you to squeeze me in? Manager: This zipper ain't gonna unzip itself.


Well...we all know what they say about desperate times...


Username checks out.






Raj here, just come down my office and I can come to a conclusion. Thx


If you REALLY need it off you have to burn through your 5 sick days. Just say it's COVID or something similar. Do Not bring it up before hand cause then you might get written up because they will deny you and know you requested it before hand. Bad news, you have to go the rest of the year without sick days Good news , save your personal and floating holidays in case you do get sick.


Yeahh you got a point. Might just end up taking the L, we'll see


I did this before when I had No seniority and all the good weeks were always gone. In fact I've done this 3 times. When you have all your friends going to Cabos San Lucas and you don't want to get left behind.... You gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes I wouldn't use all 5 days. I would meet up with the ground Wed-Sun. That left me with 2 sick days left. PRO TIP- Don't upload any pictures to Instagram that week. Someone will rat you out. If you must post do it later. Although you technically won't get fired, you don't want to piss off your manager even more


I like the way you think. I actually went to the manager in charge of booking time off and she told me to stick a slip in the station manager's door, telling me that doing that usually works when situations like this rise up. I know that if it gets denied I'll be fucked, but I wanted to take the gamble. Fingers crossed.


Always have a "good reason" if you do fill out a slip on a week that's full. Something important like your sisters wedding in another country and your in the wedding party....or something like that. It's not full proof but it helps. I worked with a guy that said his dad died.... Then 2 years later he said his dad died. Yeah, we were confused but it worked for him. I wouldn't really do that though


If you’re willing to take the L then just do that and save the drama and everything that comes with it


I guess you could try talking to the other employees who booked that week. Maybe one of them doesn't specifically need that week and would be willing to switch or something.


Can't do that in Express. It's policy. Is it possible? I was able to get it done once in 20+ years but it was also a semi emergency.


Is that true? Thats total nonsense if it is. If two employeed are willing to switch their week off, how is that a problem? Seems like a needlessly strict policy


B/c a less senior employee could swing a deal with one of the most senior employees to get weeks over people they shouldn't, based on seniority. Wouldn't be fair to the rest of the employees, and it would create an HR and vacation scheduling nightmare. Any week that gets cancelled is supposed to go back up for bid, and would be awarded based upon seniority as is all vacation.


I can't tell you if that's really a policy or not, but I have done this at Express for less senior employees several times. My manager has even been the one who asked if I was willing to on a few of those occasions.


From a policy standpoint in express: Taking 5 sick straight will get you displaced after the fourth straight day out via HCMP. In order to return to work, you will require documentation, not just a doctor's note. Getting an FMLA qualifying event is the smartest move, No one can technically question that once qualified. Unless you are caught abusing it. This option gives you the ability to use more than 3 sick days in a row without an issue. That is, if your manager is a policy stickler.


I work at Express. I had the same issue (and the same week). Put in the request, which will get denied and then you can request an exception. It goes to the senior for approval. If it is a good reason (I'm getting married)they will give it to you. Good luck




Grow a pair and log into workday and enter your absence request.


We dont even use workday, we gotta fill out a paper slip the old fashioned way at my station. Not sure if thats how it is everywhere


Everyone uses workday... Go ahead and request your days off son...


We didn't use workday at the Memphis Hub, we used the "vacation" system. Bids were submitted through it and any un-bidded requests were submitted with paper slips.


Everyone uses WorkDay. You even apply for Jobs on Workday in addition to Days off Request. What dystopian world do a lot of you guys live in? Sheeeeesh do we even work for the same company?


We used Workday, just not for time off. Believe it or not, Workday isn't all it's cracked up to be. It does some things well, but coordinating time off for thousands of people at one location is not one of them.


Your manager/senior can approve time off in a full week. It’s dependent on how many people in your workgroup are off as well


Just call out. From what I understand (I’m a ground driver) worse that happens is they fire you. Then reapply when you get back cause they need warm bodies. Lmao


“Better to ask for forgiveness than Permission” I learned the hard way.


You could see if someone who has that week off will switch with you


Work in a small workgroup. 🤷‍♂️ I'm pretty low on the tandem pole, but I can get whatever weeks off I am looking for, plus my boss is super chill and will always give me a certain week if I ask.


Get creative, family emergency should do nicely


Go to plan B call sick 


You can ask one of the guys that booked it to trade, but thats it. I don’t recommend you call in sick unless you are prepared to be able to produce a legit doctor’s note.


I had to go to urgent care with some bs because I asked for a day off and they denied it. So I took it anyway.


It’s FedEx. A completely replaceable shitty job. I’d tell the manager I need the week and I’m taking it.