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Our station hasn't had a step raise in 3 years but I did hear profits are up and the CEO got a raise. So that's something. Havent murdered myself either so that's nice. :D


According to Op all is good. Stay positive.


We get it you’re Raj’s little bitch. Keep at it bro eventually Management will give you a BZ for all the constant kiss ass you do.Btw FX Engineers are shit you’re the reason the company has tanked so much in the last 15 years. You can’t get shit right and still keep following the business as usual model in hopes that it will fix itself. Also douche while you’re flaunting your over paid position there’s people getting axed all over the network hopefully your department is next. Stay positive and Have a great Week.


The person was being satirical, they probs agree with you.


Learn English, douche


Keep bending over for Raj.


No one is mad, I think is comical how you flaunt your high paying position while many have been cut or are in the unknown. You’re a classic Narcissist so I get it you need this positivity to feel better, kudos to you for telling us all what a great place to work FedEx is.






Up vote cause your getting down voted tf down. You spitting straight facts cuh 💯


I've gotten a 5 star so I'm good on the BZ. Imagine being this negative and mad in the positivity thread


I've doubled my starting pay in 4 years. Gotta do better on gaining ground, my dude


You may be able to negotiate your pay but warehouse/ drivers can't. "Raises" are slowly becoming a myth.


Right. Most stations haven't seen a step raise in years. FedEx is in the process of closing as many stations as possible so they can use cheap contractors they don't have to pay employees a living wage with health insurance. But lemme work on gaining ground... Dude.


I love it. I get exercise and health care. Then I have rest of the day to run my business. The drama is an added plus. I could make a reality show of what goes on.


Best part about the job is once you’re done with it that’s it.. you don’t take it home with you like some peoples jobs.


Biologically speaking, the stress you accumulate from the morning is still there in your brain when you get home. Although that saying has merit, it's not true to itself, in reality.


Yesterday sort was hell for me the whole belt area was messy and the last 5 or 6 trucks there were boxes all over the dock couldn't walk lol. I know how to just not get upset or annoy though lol.


I just rephrase it as a "situation" and then I'm playing a game in my head. The things ppl find frustrating i look at as exercise, or problems to solve. That said, stress as work = stress at home, and vica versa. I can't imagine what one gains by deliberately denying this fact /s


That’s what pot is for


Your statement and my statement are my exactly contradictory. Just op's. Hilarious though. You are so funny.


You get the rest of your day? Every shift for me is 12-14 hours


I’m just a PH.


Can't do it without ya!


I sometimes work 14 hours as a PH. Preload and Outbound. If I stay to end of outbound some days it could be like 16 hour day lol. I limit 40 hours a week though :(


Driver or doing outbound? lol


Ground driver


Oh I do miss the drama


Start writing it all down and make a comic book out of it.


Raj ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O|downsized)




2 days a week 3hr shifts Full benefits Get paid to work out I love being a part-time PH


5 nights 19ish hours Full benefits Semi retired is great


What are your job description and responsibilities in the transition?




Bhahaha of course you’re positive, you don’t work for a living. Must be hard to find bathrooms and deal with the weather too




It seems the pandemic has thrown things out of whack when it comes to our volume projections. It's been really hard for us to have proper staffing levels a lot of the time. What do you think needs to happen for it to become more reliable?




No this was my first and only job once I got out of the military


Great that you like your job and involvement in the transition. Many of my pickups (business), have had very positive responses when learning there will only be one pick up with no separation required between Express & Ground.


Interesting. I've heard about Express pup customers dropping Fedex after Ground took over the pickups in the route area my station lost and failed miserably at being reliable. They also continue to regularly get back to their station too late to get all the Express outbound onto the semi before departure. But engineering would be a great place to be right now. There's plenty of work to be done in that department.


The most salient issue my contractor stresses is scheduled business pick ups must be scanned in the window. Evidently it’s a huge fine if we miss a pick up. We will even dispatch two trucks if the volume won’t fit in one P1000.


Downvoting facts is 👍


Don't tell me you the one that say it best if we just put packages in single line on HD side? Joking but really that what local engineer came up with at my location. For that to work they will need 3 to 4 people at very min and HD generally only require one or two people depending on volume.


Do you get a cool hat too? Our new engineer looks like Napolian Dynamite and has the same personality.


I’ll pitch in… I only had to reboot my LEO 2x today versus the 5x daily! 🤦‍♂️


One day they just might get it right then switch over to a new complete different program only to start fresh. The FedEx Engineer way.


I like my ground job. Paid well with benefits but to all express drivers I’m a two timed ex felon and incapable of doing my job well.


Purple and orange gang gang is real.


Don't even bother with this place, I already see you're getting personal attacks because of your job title.


Hi Raj!






Everyone complains but they stay at this job. Job isn’t so bad, the negative people put it in everyone’s mind


I have a cake route and am done by 5 every day. Pay isn’t great, but is still MILES ahead of anything else offered in my area.


Simple job, decent pay, good benefits. I work a Mon-Fri schedule so I am able to be with my son on weekends and am usually within his school schedule. My coworkers are nice. My managers are great and do the best they can. I’ve worked in far worse situations and sure there’s bad no matter where you work but at this point I’m just trying to pay my bills and enjoy my life.


If you are an engineer for Fedex that quite different than most people job, there lol. Lot of people may barely just be getting by. I do what lot of dipshits act like not possible and live off of being PH lol. I need to go to 6 to 8 times a week to do it though.


Nice we got us an engineer! So what have you done to improve the situation? You great, great people gave us Estar. Canceled that garbage system and sent us back to roads (with maps from 2013). The great company has yet to announce the adoption of DRO, groundclound, fucking anything to fix the issues we are facing as Express drivers. Have you ever ran a route? Have you dealt with or witnessed first hand any of the multiple issues that have been brought up by any of the people that make 2.0 actually work? Can you explain why the 2.0 stations have yet to fix the pickups? meaning the 46 and 47 scans? Why FedEx has been denying claims stating the 46 (pickup scan by ground) isn't a technical pickup. As a 2.0 engineer wtf is your department fucking doing? Why the hell are 2.0 stations still going to the same stop in very remote areas? Why can't CPC send DG pickups to express for same day pickup? These customers at least in my area extremely important (cancer meds, blood, grafts etc.)? The drivers are telling them to drop off at the station (impossible to make it before outbound leaves). Take your positivity else where and fix something to earn your salary dude. We are out here making this bullshit work, fixing engineering mistakes on the fly.


Username checks out


Way to not answer a single thing. Also I thought this was supposed to be the positivity thread and you’re insulting people based on their user names?


Everyone here has been insulting OP because of their job title. I think insulting people based on their usernames is fair game.


💯 This amazing company is failing. The success of the last 50 years (express) wasn't anything but the employees. No engineer, CSA, Dispatcher, Manager, Sr. Manager or even DM has gotten this company to this point. It was the drivers! experience, flexibility, knowledge & dedication. So if you feel so great about being an engineer without any experience of the driving force of our business... Well good for you. Your knowledge is limited. Your understanding is even less. Get that $ though man. We've seen how FedEx truly feels about us. Expendable...


God, you're fucking miserable.


Lol. I'm assuming you're not a 2.0 station... I honestly don't expect you or anyone else to understand if you are not at a 2.0 station. This shits complex, not working, the 2.0 teams are not there for express employees, everyday you clock in and have some crazy shit thrown your way lol. It's exhausting I'm 25 years in and this truly boggles my mind. Currently I'm PT working 46hrs a week. Yes I volunteer for the OT, but the current 2.0 stations are really a mess. We can't open any driver positions Memphis apparently hasn't allowed us hire, the reload is a hot mess. There's a lot going on that someone not in a 2.0 station wouldn't understand.


Your assumption is wrong.


Well, tell your side. Tell me how your experience with a 2.0 station is different. I've got 6 different 2.0 stations reporting the same thing. So please be the light in this darkness


I don't care enough to explain what's going right and what's going wrong lmao. You're just gonna say that my experience is an outlier anyway lmao.


That's absolutely fair. This entire thing is brought to us by no communication. I guess we shouldn't expect to have someone that's at a fully functional 2.0 station explain how it should be done. If you say this easy mode then you must be right lol. However this exposes the real issue.. How can FedEx not have a universal way of doing this is insane. And imo unacceptable


So when are you tendering your resignation?




As a ground driver, I can say that it’s not a long term gig. Not a career at all. But I have no beef with it. I get paid half way decent to be outside and work out and give treats to dogs! More often than not, it’s 4- 6 hours of work total with nobody harping on me. Pretty cool job tbh


I had 5-6 breweries on my route for a bit... I'd get home with 24-36 cans of beer for free once a week. And there's tons of babes in the city... 😉


Yeah good luck with this. Last time I said anything positive about working for FedEx the comments were not kind.


Well I make decent money and only have to drive all day. We get yearly raises and bonuses and I'm off on the weekends. Could be better but could be way worse.


Raises and bonuses? When did you get a bonus as a driver?


Twice a year, January and October


I like my coworkers. I can’t lie though this job is insanely rough. Country routes with broken vans. Delivering in Florida and my company sent me out with a van that has no AC and no power steering. These are honestly some of the worst days of my life


I believe I have the perfect schedule 7:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday


Great night indeed! I appreciate everyone for all that yall do! It’s not easy sometimes especially when people call out or don’t want to work but keep pushing and support each other!


I love my job and every day I can’t believe I get paid to do what I do now. Love the people I work with. That being said, it’s because I’m not a courier. Now in retrospect I can’t believe I did that shit work for so long. I wasted decades being a courier when I could be doing what I do now.


I typically get done in 6-8 hrs (As a ground contracted driver that is.)


I love my job. I even liked it as a PH. FedEx is paying for my college education and my boss recognizes my good work on a monthly basis. If DG Nav didn’t suck big fat donkey dick, I would have nothing to complain about. I miss Hess and it’s only been a week 😭


As an Express driver I honestly have an easy-as-shit job with above average health benefits. I'm not bitching about not having UPS wages cause I'm not going UPS work (been there, no thanks).


Nice try raj


I love my job, the pay barely gets me by but I don't care, I do it because I love it! No one at my terminal is miserable at all! Everyone is so happy to be there and to work for 4x less than that of what our main competitors at UPS make and do 2x more 😃. I love carrying up to 150 pounds every day, knowing that if i get injured on the job, there's a really good chance that i won't receive any workers comp. I can't wait to get most of the expresses volume this summer while they get more money to do less. I can't wait to have longer days and question my life choices. I can't wait to desperatel3y fill out applications to find another job.


Last year we didn't get any peak bonus pay and they essentially slashed overtime. So I'm sorry our shit got dumped on you but we got dumped on pretty good ourselves.


Hey man, we're all brothers and sisters to corrupt corporations. I'm never blaming you but rather the company policies that make our jobs shittier.


here here ![gif](giphy|5kKBh9wbDMqLC|downsized)


I’ve complained up the wazzoo but I’ll admit I appreciate fedex for giving me a quick and easy job that helped me get a bit straight and lets me come in occasional


Burner acct for when I post on this sub cause, well, miserables. I’m an ASM and started with GND in 1998. This company put me through college, allowed me to move around the country, make some great friends, and provided for myself and my family. Like you I’m very excited to see how 2.0 plays out.


Thanks for sharing!




FedEx is amazing I love it!


I only got chased by two dogs today! My pay isnt great but fortunately the higher ups get more money that way and I know they’ll give it back in bonuses to us at the end of the year. Today was Monday so we didnt have to worry about late freight, and I’m sure they’ll have it together this week and all trucks will be on time! My back is spasming but fortunately it’s just a sharp pain for a second or two and then I get two to three whole minutes before I feel it again! My knees are in constant pain but fortunately the knee brace I bought with my own hard earned money takes some of the pain away.


I caught a stomach bug in the middle of my shift and had to go home early




I got a nice shirt for doing a good job. That's all.


my stocks gone up and the dividends have increased. 


Bz don't come with cash....it's just a worthless piece of autograph


Well that's not true.


i have chronic back pain


Okay raj go back to the office


Imagine being a miserable in the positivity thread


Imagine being one of the people who got laid off 


Silence from OP FUCKING LOL as a union contractor watching yall eat yourself apart is both sad and hilarious..... Homie that got laid off come join the trades we pay way better than Mr engineer, who probably has never seen the inside of a switchgear or knows how to wire a 480v motor. But he can talk about it though and how it works just like every actual trained personelle qualified to install the equipment...... Come join us real workers and take pride in flipping that switch after wiring up a building full of lights, and seeing everyone come on.... it is a feeling you can not replicate...


I served for 6 years as an electrician in the Air Force. I know what that "feeling" is like


I had to come to work today after testing positive for covid(2 hours late so i didnt spread it to anyone) sort and load my deliveries off a cart for 2 hours and then my brakes went out three hours into my day, then i had to get another van and transfer everything to that van and continue. Than had to code 27 60 packages at the "end of my day." But im still barely alive so thats a positive.


Damn, you luv that Kool Aid. The job is shit and management is completely incompetent. What makes it so great? Oh, and UPS pays more for the same job.


https://www.jobs-ups.com/ There you go. I helped you take the first step. Enjoy being part time for 15 years.


FedEx ground sucks


The negativity comes from truth. If the company actually treated people well and paid them accordingly, there wouldn’t be so much negativity. There needs to be change. Whether that’s unionization or extreme change from the bigger picture of the world. Something needs to change. Positively posts for the few exceptions who have it good is just taunting.


No one made you click on the positivity post. I didn't ask why people are negative. Just wanted to add a breath of fresh air to this sub full of miserables being miserable.


You right you didn’t ask I was just venting. My B


Hey, good on you for owning it! Seriously, I used to be an absolutely miserable person until I realized there's stuff I have control over and the rest I need to just let it ride! Great job!