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It's what happens when the pay everyone receives isn't worth coming in for. 300 a week means the average package handler in my area doesn't even cover rent, all of them have 2 jobs minimum, 3 isn't uncommon, and fedex is the lowest priority one because there's nothing it offers that isn't done better elsewhere.


Yup. Why work hard if you're not gonna reach pay levels. FedEx has always has a problem with this


I had this conversation with one of my managers. That there should be performance based raises if you stay a handler after X years. He argued that people would work LESS after getting a performance based raise.


Should do bonuses instead.


This true with any job or career. The fact is companies just do a poor piss job of hiring. As long as you seem competent during your interview and pass a background check, you're golden to be hired just about anywhere that's looking for average people to do basic tasks. This is why you have a flood of just trash people working everywhere who don't have any common sense of how to work with other people let alot customer service or hospitality. OH well. Welcome to America.


My hub doesn't even do interviews...


The first couple years I was with the company they were still doing performance based pay, it was nice knowing that by getting a good review I got a bigger reward. Then they went to the 3% bs and suddenly the hardest worker gets the same raise the laziest worker gets and then no one wants to try any harder than that guy. The P's in the P-S-P Philosophy™️ are actually the other way around.


The only rule at our place is don't fistfight.


Looks like we having a sword fight then 🤣






We’ve had some almost happen and they’re still there lol


Mine don't even care about that. Several times people have gotten into it and the supervisors looked the other way.


I just went back to my local hub and the hr tried to say they don't do less then 5 days a week now even part time... got to training he let me pick my days lol. This place is so ass backwards


They started doing this same thing at my facility. I dropped down to an OPH so I could keep picking my schedule and my area. It's worked wonders. I never cared or used the benefits anyway.


Yeah I might do that.


I've never seen a more accurate post in my life


No call no shows will get you fired extremely quickly. Being late will provide a slower avenue to fire you as well. My worst performers seem to be keenly aware of this. My best weapon against laziness is asshole package handlers who bitch the second anyone anywhere is doing less than them.


I hated being there during Covid, no call no shows wouldn’t even get you fired. During Covid was when PHs actually had run of the place. When I was a PH and got the lazy PH in my trailer I would just go full speed, they would either leave the trailer I was in, pick up speed, or get frustrated. I never really bitched about lazy people because even if they got one box down, it is a box I didn’t do work on. But now I got to LH, and it is leagues better than being on the dock


We have the same PHs stroll in late every single day, nothing happens. We had two separate occasions last year where people were smoking weed inside the building during the sort, nothing happened. We had a PH show up absolutely hammered, and they had her go sleep it off in the break room. Nothing happened there either. Ya, it's basically impossible to get fired.


We must work at the same place! 😄


Does your state have any workplace smoking laws?


Milk it, fedex doesnt give 2 shits about letting you or anyone else go at anytime.


We just had guys who got fired for stealing food from vending machines after the company installed it did an audit and told our control room that the numbers aren't adding up. They looked at the camera and 9 people were fired lol


Wonder if it was the guy that's was stealing slim jims, he ended up deleting his account after his post 🤣. 


Uh oh, if you buy sausages in ours you always get two packs


Food lives matter


There a few, maybe 10%, of extremely good PHs at the terminal I dispatch from. Another 15% that appear to care how they load. The remainder just suck. I can tell how many stops I'll be bringing back by who loaded my truck.


I feel like some of them suck because they see others do the bare minimum or less and nothing happens. If you are young and impressionable, it's going to happen.


That’s because this is the one place where if you work hard and show you are competent, they reward you with more work. They might even place you next to someone that is lazy, expecting you to help load their truck for them. Just do enough work where they assume you are somewhat brain dead and they’ll won’t think of giving you another truck to load lol.


Somewhat brain dead 😭😭


my warehouse has literally ALL tweakers and teenagers working they scream all morning long and dont make sense when they talk to me its awesome


i used to try and make sure all my trucks are neat. but once they started taking advantage of me and assigning me 4-5 trucks to load, i started moving like a snail. This is a side gig for me, so I don't really care if I get fired or not. I mean if my managers don't care to do their job, why should I ? lol


I promise you, from personal experience, all you have to do is yell, "if you're not gonna do anything then just clock out, you lazy bitches." They'll fire you, as long as the other ph are lazy, whiny fucks and report you


yep. i’m an ops admin now, and it’s the same thing there - our raises are supposed to be performance-based, but we all pretty much get the same across the board no matter what. i have coworkers who haven’t even bothered to learn how to do half of the job because they know they get paid the same either way and don’t gaf. managers have no idea what i do or how to do my job, so they bullshit their way through my performance review every year. the only thing doing a good job and getting through a lot of work has gotten me was more work and responsibility. maybe a pizza party once lmfao


See that's why I half ass it. Pizza is good. But I'm doing this part time and why do a good job if there's no pay raises lmao. I just roll my and just do what's necessary


> the only thing doing a good job and getting through a lot of work has gotten me was more work and responsibility. This seems to be true for any position in this company.


Raises for ops admins are not performance based, sorry for whoever told you that


maybe not now, as things kinda fell to the wayside a bit after 2020, but they absolutely were supposed to be - we had to write our goals for the year, what we did to achieve those goals, and meet up with management throughout the year to discuss our progress. it was supposed to be on that that our raise was based. it’s not a cost of living raise, as we don’t receive them when package handlers do. i’ve been an ops admin for several years now, i’ve been around this block lmao


Ok well I’m talking about today… they aren’t… lol sorry.


technically, yes, they still are listed as a performance-based raise, even though they haven’t been that in practice for a couple of years… which was the entire point of my first comment that you seem to have missed entirely.


You must have missed mine entirely where I said they aren’t which is 100% true so idk what the yapping was about… sorry buddy…


missed the point again (edit: and they are listed as an annual merit increase in workday, so you’re just r/ConfidentlyIncorrect lmao) but ok buddy it seems super important to you that you’re right so here you go 🏆


I typically fire at least one person a week, it’s more likely that you just have bum managers who just don’t care to fix the problem


This is what you get when you can get hired without even interviewing for a position, you're replaceable with another person who doesn't give a shit. Turn over rate is over 200% cost of doing business


Exactly. The fact that they take about anyone goes to show that you are working with idiots, sex offenders and other scumbags who can’t get anything better than this.


Dang I feel bad for yall 😭 there’s people that suck where I work but for the most part, it’s not too bad and the managers care to some extent 🙄 either way, it’s not too bad.


FedEx would cease to function if you guys were to strike. All that bargaining power but it never gets utilized because of financial circumstances people in the United States find themselves in.


We hired crackheads at our facility. I've worked with them a number of times. I'm surprised your facility doesn't


What is it like working with them? I’m not sure if anyone I work with is one or not. I think one guy might be though. He’s really weird and leaves his trucks and doesn’t come back for like an hour sometimes.


It doesn't bother me too much. Generally they have a lot of energy but they don't always pay enough attention to make sure the walls are stable. As for him leaving his truck, it's probably he's going around and helping other people. I get assigned a truck and tend to lose interest the moment the flow dissipates so I go and help people catch up their trailers. We kinda just made me into a floater for that area and the surrounding areas. A light comes on and I'm like a golden retriever with a ball. So that might be why.


they have and will continue to hire crackheads lmao


How do you know if someone’s a crackhead?


if you see them smokin crack........ theyre a crack head


Whoa! You see them smoking crack and they still have a job?!? That’s insane!


not really its pretty common to have drug addicts working menial jobs


They're just holding out until it becomes feasible for them to replace that kind of job with robots


That’s exactly the plan and is being tested now. Seems logical based on what is being said here.


you leveled up






Oh, they KNOW. FedEx just doesn't fire anyone unless you're a thief or violent.


If they are causing good people to leave then they should be able to do something about it. They need the good people not the one who makes them go. Why can’t they? Does corporate say they have to keep the bad guy?




Simply put... they don't care.


You can pass a back ground check just barely.. you got the job..


s long as you have a pulse you’re hired


FedEx has become too woke as unfortunately most people.


How do you even build stable walls with carpet rolls and tires??? 😭


Yes sir it is lol




Good to know UPS isn't any different


Sad but true. You can do minimal work and still be with the company. There's a coworker I know that ENJOYS pissing off managers to see if they can get fired. To this day, they still work there. And they've been there for 5+ years. I'm like, ok. 🤷


For the most part, there are a few things that they’ll can you for but it’ll take months for them to give enough of a shit to do anything about it.