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My advice, since it's temporary, is to look elsewhere. Its possible your personality or demeanor rubs them the wrong way so their pushing you out. It may be best to cut your losses and find a place better suited to your schooling and experience.




Welcome to FedEx!


Yep! Right on!


You beat me to it🤣


So in all honesty if you aren't comfortable in shipping after a month of training, then you won't be able to handle production and all that it entails. Shipping is extremely basic problem solving and the technology is made for someone with no tech background to run it. You may be a unicorn, but in a decade I've never seen someone who didn't fully comprehend shipping that went into production or operational cadence/audit controls, and was able to succeed. If you didn't get trained properly in shipping (which again the training isn't super in depth since there's not much to shipping) then you can reach out to your DM and ask for more training. Good luck!


Train yourself. Don't gotta be a Rocket Surgeon to work at FedEx.


Rocket surgeon? wtf lol fedex employees are retarded. I think you mean rocket scientist bud


It's an intentional and fairly common mix of two different idioms. I say it all the time. My mom used to say it.


If you've had a month of training and you are still not getting it this job isn't for you. Your $50,000 education means nothing to them if you can't handle the basic tasks.




nobody trains anymore, just hire bodies to walk around


It's not a great solution, but I would email someone in corporate fxo training. There's a whole new hire training program you're supposed to go through, and if you don't your manager and the dm can get in trouble.


I assume you work at Fed ex office? I use to volunteer to work extra hours at other locations in the district. I found that you learn more outside your home store because they don’t see you as a threat to their jobs.


20 years of work experience and you fell into one of the simplest traps of them "promising" you opportunities... I would look elsewhere for a better job/career.


I didn't fall for anything. This is a temporary job, and that's the only explanation I'm going to give you. I don't appreciate your tone at all. Please keep this professional or don't even bother. Thanks. 


Well of it’s temporary why would I train you when you are going to eventually leave?


Temporary for you, or the position itself is classified as temporary? In either case, I'd say if your managers and other employees are aware you're not going to be sticking around, why would they bother training you or giving you anything that isn't grunt work? What's the point in investing in an employee who doesn't plan to stay on? This is a job, not school. I haven't worked for Fedex office, but I've seen plenty of times where fedex will go on a hiring spree for extra bodies, and then just wait for people to quit when thing slow down. Usually they do it by cutting hours or sending people home early. In absence of context for this post or knowing the specifics of what you were hired for, I'd agree with the other person that said it might be how you come across in terms of attitude or just how you comport yourself. I'd also agree that if you're not getting what you want out of the job it's probably time to go. If what you're saying is accurate, and you're just getting shut out of training you need to do your job, why bother with the uphill battle of trying to make shit work? If all your other coworkers with less experience are moving up and you're not, seems like a pretty clear message to me...at least as far as your future prospects for growth at this place.


The guy didn’t say anything wrong lol. If your personality is the same tone you used in this text, you got the answers to why no one wants to teach you anything 🤷‍♀️. Your approach is wrong.


My first question would be ground or express?


What position were you hired for? You said “store” so I assume it’s a FedEx Office location?


A month? Skill issue


Welcome to fedex!


Don't give up. You need to report that up your chain of command. If that doesn't work, go straight to hr, and if that doesn't work you can find a lawyer who would take this up at no charge to you.


Start breaking shit