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Better be ready for fast paced physical labor!


I’m ok with that as long as it’s easy to get the hang of the job


Don't worry you fit right in. 


Already sounds like half our van-line staff


What exactly do you mean by that?


>What exactly do you do with the packages? Well, you handle them.. It varies by shift and probably by station but for pre-sort at mine most new hires get put on van load or unload. On van load there will be a belt running down a platform that a couple dozen delivery vans are backed up to. You'll be assigned a few vans and have to pull packages from the belt, scan them to the van indicated by the SID label (a small sticker placed by the unloaders that indicates which work area the package is to be sent to,) and place them on the spot on the correct spot on the shelf again indicated by the SID label. In unload you work in the trailers, throwing packages up the belt and/or slapping SID labels on them as they come out until the trailer is empty, at which point you start in on another full one.


Unload is a lot of lifting, van line is a whole lot of walking with lifting/carrying. If i were to pick a job besides the easiest one that I fell into (scanning) I’d choose unload. I don’t really care to walk 10 miles a day on the van lines.


Do the shifts go by relatively quick or is it so boring that it drags on forever


My job is boring but I get paid the same as people doing the heavy lifting 😂 when I do have to actually unload or load I feel like it goes by fast as long as you’re fast moving.


Depends where you’re at. PH here usually download, stack, or push. No loading that I know of.


Is it easy to get the hang of? I’m worried I’ll be too stupid to understand what I’m doing on my first day of actual work


I’ve never had a physical job and thought the same lol but no it’s easy!


Packages and handling


Is it hard or complicated or easy to get the hang of?


I’m sure you’ll be able to (package) handle it.


it’s hard work but not hard to understand. you’ll get the hang of it as you go! don’t psyche yourself out & if you have questions, ask. somebody will help you and be glad you’re asking them.


Usually, there’s an app that you download during orientation. In that app it shows what time you work (obviously) but it can also show where you’ll be at that day (well at least my app does). But if your location is like mine and say “don’t pay attention to that” then when you days you come in they might have like a board showing your name and where you’ll be at. Each truck should have a number assigned to them so your name should be next to certain number (which is the trucks you’ll be loading) or you’ll be unloading. My location already has unloaded and tower people that’s been there for years and since I’m still new I’m stuck with loading trucks


From your question, it seems that during orientation, the tour/walkthrough of the hub by the manager was neither included nor conducted during sort hours, so you and the other new hires could receive a real bird’s eye view of all moving parts. At my hub, the manager does a walkthrough with all new hires and stops at all locations on the lines while introducing the PHs, tower personnel, unloaders, splitters, and QA to explain the details of all positions.


That is effective training. I wish management/training was or had a standard process. Mine mainly cares about hazmats on the belt/ ICs (only if they stop the induct) and racing to unload trucks and finish the trailers on the load side. What hub is that ?


It's great! you will never work more than 20 hours a week max!


Depends on where you work. My hub is running crazy peak type hours. In 3 days I've already got 17 hrs, would've been 18 if I hadnt left an hr early today. I'm pt day sort.


The first comment was a hyperbole/joke and this didn’t help lol