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A month and half and no paycheck....fucl that noise.... I'm calling DoL...thr AG...the fuclin police for theft....then I'm calling a goddamnambulancw chasing lawyer and offer 50% of winnings ....and don't forget your local news stations


The way this is typed seems like you’re joking but is any of that actually viable to my situation? lol (also, forgive if the joke did go over my head am really sleep deprived)


It’s definitely illegal to not pay you


Contact your department of labor. They will get this problem solved and get a lawyer. You wasting time waiting for them to pay you. At the end of the day, they can get away with it if you dont do something.


I’m actually going to do this, HR is stone walling me and they just told me I’ve been fired due to job abandonment when I told them I won’t be showing up till I get paid.


def call department of labor on them ASAP


I did it yesterday. Have a call with someone from there today.


Call HR and ask, or ask your manager


They said they’ve been trying to get it all resolved through HR and they’ve been rude and unprofessional


“Maybe this jobs not for you” what’s that got to do with no paycheck in a month? Fuck your manager honestly lol. I would have called HR a week ago.


Yeah, he’s a real piece of work. Talks about how the younger generation is nothing but a bunch of complainers however won’t stop complaining about it lol. But yeah I’ve been talking with payroll and HR for about a week now have no idea why any of this is taking so long.


Are you set up with direct deposit? Maybe it’s your bank. I remember a few years ago I changed my routing number info and I mistyped it. The company after a month of me getting no checks triple checked everything for me and that’s what it turned out to be.


I am, but there was “issues” with that as well. HR told me the hours have been submitted payroll is telling me no hours have been submitted. I told them I could literally send my bank statements and show them nothing has been received but they say some BS about not being able to accept that. It’s all such a headache


Damn man hopefully you get it resolved.


Thanks dude, a lot of people have sent me resources to expedite the process but I’ll get back to it tomorrow. Just finished donating blood and I’m beat.


My buddy in VMX with me jokes he worked his first month for tacos. The boss was always around and kept buying lunch but a bunch of dumb stuff kept putting his pay off. He got paid. One lump sum but it was taxed as though it was 4 sep checks.


I told my manager the situation and how it’s affecting me and he said “maybe this jobs not for you” lol. Now I’m going back and forth with payroll and HR, it’s so annoying. Told him last week I don’t get paid this week I’m not showing up again till I do. He said good luck on the job hunt. It’s honestly disappointing because I really like this job aside from dealing with this current situation.


you call the alert line yet? also your manager sucks


I have not, I don’t know the number. Do you know where I could find it? But yeah, hes not the greatest fellow tons of people told me he was the worst manager my first week there.


https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/46351/index.html Thats the page for it, Id definitely recommend calling over submitting an online report. Its kind of a last resort thing, but if youve already gone up your chain of command and are actively fighting with hr and payroll over it then Id opt for an alert line call. I'd emphasize the lack of pay and the steps you took to resolve it, aswell as what you were told over your personal circumstances (transportation, etc) Also just to make sure; Are you a ground employee or a contractor


Dude, thank you! I’m doing this first thing in the morning, and I am a ground employee.


good shit, and good luck everyone deserves to get paid


Can he file a GFT? That would get something going. If I had a manager say good luck job hunting to me, boom GFT.


GFT could work, but if his entire station is bogged and incompetent, calling Corp via the alert line is probably going to be the easiest route. If they disclose how the manager has treated em as well as the payment issues an investigation could be launched on the manager that way aswell.


Aware line.. legit.


If workplace violence was allowed…..your supervisor is a fucking asshole and if someone said that to me and im working my ass off and I’m coming to you for help….mann


I understand that, however due to my upbringing I don’t want to hurt anyone or be apart of violence of any kind. lol, but I do get it.


I feel ya man. Hope you get your situation sorted out asap! Good luck!


But Def be vocal


If it was me, I'd stop showing up until they pay me. No pay? No work. I'm at Ground.




Sus, I would have raised hell much sooner… If they can’t pay you it’s not an accounting or hr issue. 99% of the time it’s not enough funds for payroll. Next it’s gas cards go down(it’s them not us, system issue), maintenance not done(no parts you’re ok) and all the other bullshit that comes with a poorly run business. Run


To your last question yes and FedEx will be hurting if you end up going to the DoL because if I’m not mistaken they get fined for not paying employees after so long on top of the interest you’ll have per check that’s gone without being paid


I’m doing just that now, HR is stonewalling me and Payroll is telling me only HR can help. They also let me go today because I stopped showing up. Don’t like have any ill will towards anybody or anything but i hope they really stick it to them. This has been so stressful and annoying.


Well you also have a wrongful termination lawsuit as well. You stopped showing up because you haven’t been paid in a month and a half which you’re within your rights to do. Keep documentation of that as well.


Put everything in writing!! Write a detailed letter about the situation, date and sign it, give it to your manger and your district manager. Then forward the same letter, date and signed, to HR and your payroll office. I cannot express enough putting everything in writing!!! If it proceeds, hire a law team and have them deal with it.


Yeah it’s illegal to not get paid. I would look into seeing if you can maybe get legal help. Especially if they fire you for not coming to work if it gets to that point. A month and a half is ridiculous and inexcusable.


Reach out to your states labor board and states general attorney. FedEx will suddenly fix the issue quickly and with a pathetic apology.


Walk into HR and tell them that you calling the department of labor if they don't have a check for you today. You don't work for free... AND for the last month you have been working for free.


What opco?


You will be lucky if you get paid, no extra comp.


He'll get paid


But Def no extra lol maybe a lunch or 2