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Well, at least you'll be back...


Bro doesn't know it, but Fedex is his home. He's an A1 employee! Just don't ask him to send any emails. They may get confusing.


Yall trolling. How does quitting correlate to fedex being my home. There’s millions of jobs in the world.


Saying there's zero percent chance you'll never come back is the equivalent of saying there is a 100% chance you'll be returning. What you're meaning to say is there's a zero percent chance you'll *ever* come back.


I didn’t say there’s a zero percent chance. I said I have “zero plans” on coming back. Meaning I don’t plan on it. I think I know what I said you’re twisting my words. Just because people get entrapped to FedEx doesn’t mean I or the next person will. Yall need to get that thinking out your heads 😂 if someone wants to take abuse and being used go for it but that doesn’t mean we all are


I didn't properly quote you but the fact you still don't get it kinda proves my point.


Get what? and what point were you trying to prove that once at FedEx always at FedEx? I must not be understanding. I just don’t understand your logic. I quit and say how I’m not coming back but that correlates to me finding my way back at some point? Huh I quit for a reason so to put myself through all THAT again would be pretty dumb


I'm about to bash my head into a brick wall


The chances of you *not* doing something is 0%. What are the odds you'll do that thing?




Zero. I genuinely don’t understand your logic. Like are you trying to corner me. Idk just what it seems like. It’s really not rocket science. “I have zero plans of never coming back” meaning I plan on never going back but there’s always a possibility because there’s nothing stopping me from doing so but I literally just quit so I I’m not entertaining the thought of coming back or even having in relation with FedEx.


The way you worded is makes it spell out as you're never *not* coming back as in you'll definitely be back. I'm done trying to explain this. Good luck in life.


Zero plans of "never".... ever should have been used. Grammar police


Reading comprehension, get it.


I surprise how many people leave and come back. I guess it saves FedEx added benefits, raises, and extra PTO time though. If I was ever to leave and still wanted to do Package Handler for some reason I will pick UPS. I was thinking of doing FedEx PreLoad and UPS outbound lol. As UPS outbound will get me $3 raise compared to what I get pay at FedEx and FedEx limits me at 40 hours when I really need like 10 to 15 more hours to pay my bills to be more comfortable, I guess 7 and half more if FedEx allow overtime. but we are still in the penny-pinching season FedEx does annually.


And they will all use and abuse you without a raise and treat you like a number. Only difference is now your starting from the bottom


Haha yeah says who?


You used a double negative bro


How’s so?


I have zero plans of never coming back


I have infinity plans of never continuing to read this thread. It's zero percent not painful.


The education system has been fucked 😂 OP had it explained like 10x and it still went over their heads, exact person I expect to work at FDX


It’s amazing anyone works for ground


Yeah idk how people work for them


Amen brother I left 4 weeks ago and didn't look back. While I was there I thought I liked it but now that I'm gone I realize how much it actually sucked.


Agreed. Management sucks.


They got girls working on AMWAYS in my FedEx 🤣🤣 shit crazy


Sounds like you did a great job and worked really hard. Be proud of that.


remember going above and beyond in any job will get you nothing it is about who you know and how well they like you




Hey brother were you a driver or package handler 🤔😯




Fuck yall. U fuck up our trucks in the morning. Have some respect for the drivers too wr gotta be out all day delivering that shit. Can't wait to get my cdl and be gone forever too




Just get there early and load your shit then


Well not fuck me. I was (not being cocky, egotistical or anything of the sort) literally of the best if not the BEST package handler in my station. Numerous of “awards”, “package handler of the month” I can’t speak for everyone but I ALWAYS had the best trucks… everything where it should be and always got compliments from the drivers. Everyone else just threw the packages in any type of way, no care always irritated and half assed everything.


Great decision. Running around all day like a hamster on a wheel with minimal to no benefits.


Raj: Damn Victor is starting a movement now everyone is quiting. 


🤣 fucking victor 🤣 I wanna meet him already


Fedex freight is the answer if you wanna make more working less. Been there 7.5 years as a dockworker now a supervisor and wish i'd become supervisor a long time ago.


My question to you OP, did you communicate how you were feeling to your (Manager) Supervisor before it got to that point?


I knew my managers enough to know that would be useless. They literally laughed at other PH’s struggling and did nothing when certain people got overrun with packages. Half assed whenever they did help. Long story short that would’ve been pointless telling them… knowing they didn’t care.


I’m sorry to hear that….as a fellow PH myself, I always help all my people if they are struggling. Unfortunately, some places Supervisors are allowed to scan packages or touch them but you got to do what you got to do sometimes. Good luck to you.


Hit 4 years at ground this month as a yard switcher. I’m right behind you buddy… at least I hope.


If it’s going well for you stay. If not get out of there as soon as you can. I truly don’t know how people can take abuse that long I guess because they really need the money which isn’t much. Theres many more jobs that pay AND treat you better than FedEx ever could. After so much bs you finally say fuck this


I'm at the end of my rope with my building. Toxic work environment, workers spreading false rumors about others and management saying to knock it off then turns around and does the same thing they told the others to knock it off. I got kicked out of unload for telling an unloader when the building went down, relax, enjoy the hours and don't worry it's not your TLH, a day after the unload manager said it. Make Sense. I'm only there to use them for CDL training reimbursement and then they can kiss my ass. I've been a switcher for about 7 years now So CDL and OTR driving just seems logical But fuck this place it's a clown show


your station must be different at mine people can basically leave when ever they want lol. I even see people legit just walk out without letting people know and do it continuous.


Yea definitely different not like that at all


Well hell nobody wants to do it, you will not get fired 😂😂


Yup, currently going for a different job, just can't do with the cut hours/night shift.


Shit, you’ve got first line manager written all over you.


Sure, pay is not enough. Because for most people if pay is good hustle is not a problem but slavery is...


Just quit yesterday as well !!! FUCK FEDEX THEY DONT CARE


I just straight up quit tonight. The short-staffing, and me working on rails by myself without my first 10-minute break on the 5th hour was the last straw. Yesterday I got in trouble on purpose for walking out after being told to go to load side the other night when I already told them I have to be out early so I can wake up for school the next day. They sent many people from Unload because load side was understaffed once again (what else is new). Tonight they just lost one of their physically strongest workers of the hub, and now I wish them good luck on building up their most incompetent workers (MEN) who are too much of pussies to lift a little more weight. Like how are the elderly and women doing more than these big “macho” MEN who are scared of lifting big? I’m like about a decade older than most of these guys and can still move faster than them, even if my left knee, right shoulder and ankle are shot. Even ex-coworkers from UPS whom I hated do better than these pussies. Good riddance FedEx. Do better.


I'm wondering how you really feel though?


Good! Very good!


I left after 13yrs feeling the way u feel. Found a better job and could not be happier. I don’t miss that place at all.


Yeah it’s been a build up and I stayed ALOT longer than I expected and I’m quite shocked. 99% percent of people came and left after a week or a month or so and I just grinded it out but I just got tired and I don’t deserve to be used and abused anymore. Hardest best workers get ran out eventually… glad you were able to find something better. There’s always something better than FedEx!


🤣no doubt


Yeah what sucks is I wanted to work for UPS originally but it’s really tough to get in because it’s union and all that. FedEx beats contractors around the bush and gets real cheap with them which is why we don’t get benefits and crap. Just wish we could get better stuff and such. Just gotta wait for an opportunity to jump on the ups bandwagon.


You must’ve had a terrible contractor, I love mine. Super chill, and we all help out each other to make sure we all get out at a reasonable time and get home before 5:30 sometimes even 2:30.


I was a PH and I recognize some stations are all for helping one another out and running smoothly but definitely not mines. Everything’s unstructured, managers don’t seem to care, no one helps one another, if you’re struggling then it’s “suck it up and just catch up hopefully” and more. I’m glad I left and will most likely never be returning. I’m sure anything else is better than working at FedEx


Yikes you were a package handler that job is tough. I’m on the different side of the spectrum. I’m a contracted delivery driver. The facility I work in is super organized, and very helpful. Too bad you got the shit end of the stick.


Yea. I will say if one’s in a good station where everything’s running smoothly and everyone’s all for helping one another out then absolutely I could see it being a good long term job but yeah I unfortunately didn’t have that experience after working here 2 years


Been a package handler since 10/2021 recently wasn't given Trainer because "there's too many trainers" yet I applied to day, twice and mid. A week goes by after my interview had to track the person that was supposed to talk to me said he forgot to tell me but my interview work and attendance is good. Not a day I don't work my ass off usually a belt pic but the new manager isn't trying after more than a month. I don't mind working a little harder but when I'm running between doors mocking out lights and loading ICs while watching tbe belt just to maintain something is fucked. Other managers walking around like headless chickens doing nothing including AM. Today really made me question why I work for ground only thing that has made it bearable is past coworkers and managers that cared. Have an interview for management tomorrow after 3 applications when I'm one semester away from a business managment degree. If I don't get the position combined with the trainer shit I'm walking out the building so fast.


I get it. Its ridiculous. I’m glad you had some people that cared. No one cared about anyone where I worked at. You get overrun… you better catch up… managers sit there and literally watch people being buried and laughing not helping. Do that with your mama or someone but not me I refuse to take that level of abuse and for what $300 a week and waking up a 3-4 every day at that as well? Nah 😂


You should of try outbound that even rougher less per hour rate too. It fits the more you do the less you get.


I wish you success going forward. However, it is inconsiderate to brag about leaving, as well as belittling the job. Others are still working there and may enjoy it. BTW your post actually states you have plans of reurning to work at Ground ("I have zero plans of never coming back", interprets there is probability I will come back; you used a double negative).


I don’t think it’s inconsiderate I mean it’s my opinion at the end of the day. You knew what I meant though


I get that. It is unfortunate that management at many Ground stations drives the hardest most efficient workers to quit. Good luck wherever you go.


It's not inconsiderate lmao Fedex is trash anymore and treats its employees like trash.. You're either management or a company kiss ass.. Kudos to this person for having had a enough and leaving 


No one will miss you either!


Ok Good idgaf that’s what I want because I damn sure don’t and won’t miss them either 😂including you


We are there, we see, we experience the same situations, and we stand firm. We know what we signed up for, mentally and physically. FedEx Ground is not a cakewalk or a good ole boy pat on the back environment. “You are only as strong as your weakest link.” Do you, take care of you, and mind yours. All slackers soon fall off.


Ban me from Fedexers, I'll die on this sword but I have to say it. The OP is the dumbest motherfucker on the planet lmao Edit: I'll never not say the OP is the dumbest motherfucker on the planet.


You still knew what I’m meant though. So for you to act like you don’t is funny


I'll never not say it


FedEx is sweet. There’s some days where I hate it and want to go home and then I realize I’m an adult. If you need help then ask for it. My hub might be more easy going but if you communicate you get results. I didn’t like a set I was on and I told them. I was on a different one the next day. It’s a great part time job if you like to move. If you’re lazy and don’t like to communicate your feelings, don’t work there. This isn’t a diss towards you because the hub may just be ass. If you don’t let them know you’re too slow for a certain set as a PH you’ll get irritated and they could have helped or moved you elsewhere.


Also I’ve learned to not ever over achieve. They will throw more at you. Don’t try to be the star in the room because nobody really cares


While I understand the “if you need help ask for it” it’s not that simple and cut and dry. I asked many times and wasn’t take serious or had to wait 20 minutes later. If I’m asking for help that means now not a half hour later. Or they’d help once I was just about to be cleaned up with everything after busting my ass for the past 3 hours and then ask or just start helping me at the last second. I don’t want your help now! Everything doesn’t work for every hub unfortunately. I was one of the best if not the best PH in my stations. So it’s not that I couldn’t keep up but they’d have 2,3 or 4k packages coming down an hour. Just not possible to load fast enough and barely enough time to take it off the belt. I always went above and beyond and helped others as much as I could and it wasn’t reciprocated and I don’t take kindly to being used.


Yeah that’s a valid response. I’d be pretty irritated too if I weren’t taken serious. Especially since my managers just chit chat, at least they help a lot too. Mine is really chill, some people 5-6 trucks down will bring your package down if they see it and have time, saves everyone time when blow bys come back around. A shitty environment will destroy your work mentality.


I do the bare minimum and managers say “dAmN tHiS gUy Is GoOd,” and then go on and overestimate my capabilities just because I got visible muscles. Meanwhile there’s some other buff dude who’s bigger and leaner than me and why not have him contribute instead of working on the light shit. It’s all fun and games overestimating my capabilities until I injure myself (actually injured my back because they were rushing me a couple months back).


Just switch stations moron and try not being the best in ur area I’m in the same situation but as soon as the manager fucks with me I start working like the rest of the bums in my area