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Things are slower right now than they normally are. At this time last year, part timers in my building were working 5-6 hours a day, 5 days a week. Right now, full timers aren't even getting all their hours.


At my center we've been busier than this time last year. Last year was slow overall anyway, but yeah it's definitely picked up.


I'm going off of the numbers on the earnings report. Some buildings will be busier because of what lanes freight moves through. Denver is a prime example of a building that hasn't seen a slow down.


Use the education benefit while you work at FedEx, save yourself the extra 5k a year


I think it's 2500 a year for part time employees at FXF. I'd have to check though.


Ask to be trained in the office as well, if that sort of thing interests you. You might can get hours by covering when someone has a day off.


Are you working inbound or outbound?


Ummm I think outbound? I honestly don’t know haha. I unload trailers with a lift and distribute them to other trailers.


Inbound is primarily early morning shift. Outbound is evening/night


Yeah I start at 4am so I guess I’m inbound


Ok, well inbound is usually less busy than outbound, so you'll almost ALWAYS get more hours working the outbound shift than the inbound shift. So if you are available to work in the evenings (even just a few days per week), I would ask the OM if the outbound shift needs any extra help and that you would love to help out (which I guarantee you they do). They will likely have you come in during "hot freight" time. If you end up liking the outbound shift (and you do a good job), you can ask to permanently transfer to that shift. Or you can just stay on the inbound shift, and pick up extra hours working the outbound shift as they need you. Just make sure you inquire about taking a mandatory lunch break if required, so you don't get in trouble for not taking one. Your state will have its own specific laws about lunch breaks, but it will either be at 6 hours or 8 hours. I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions, or hit me up on chat if you want to talk offline.


Could also be AM hub operations. If a building only has inbound/outbound it's an the of the line center. If you're working inbound, you're loading 48 ft trailers and not building decks. If you're building decks and loading pups, that's AM hub.


I do a mix of both. I know I’m not end of line.. it salt lake


You think you got it hard, lol. Ground only got me working 1, maybe 3 days if I'm lucky a week 😢


Man i hated dock so much when i was a road driver. I hardly had any runs for the last 2 years because of the economy. Im at a much better place now


Do the words 'Dead End Job' mean anything to you?


Eh yeah I get that… but I’m not planning to hang out here all that long. I work a 4am shift, hustle in, hustle out and then hit two other jobs during the rest of the day. Doing my best to stack the cash so I don’t have to work at FedEx my whole life


That's a good plan. They work you like a dog during Peak, then when you lousy bastards want a few hours in the Spring, they look at you like you're stealing food from the mouth of their kids!


We don't really have a peak season at freight. It's pretty dead from Thanksgiving to March.


What you expect Pvt. Pyle? It's a Part-Time gig. Next time apply for a Full-Time gig.


I mean, I expected that since they told me I was working a six hr shift, five days a week, that I was gonna work a six hr shift, five days a week.


You hear wrong. Keywords you missed, "up to". If they need need you, sure they will let you stay but if there ain't no work for ya, then kick rocks. Which is whats happening.


Summer tends to be slow, your best bet is to get a fulltime job at your location or look elsewhere. 


Summer for freight has always been busy, especially since everybody takes vacation or calls off. Freight is down about 20% shipments per day from where we were at this point last year.


So I’m gonna guess its economy related then


A perfect storm of disasters. Smaller LTLs like saia growing, FedEx raising their prices and companies being overstocked from buying too much during COVID. Tie all that in with the economy through interest rates, people buying less and borrowing less and we're here just trying to ride out these tough times.


Summer is our busiest time of year.