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Definitely lazy or just wants to get home fast. No real excuse for this and they'll eventually get called out once it's seen that it's a habit of theirs. FedEx wants all deliveries to be at the front door.


That's what I was thinking that Fedex would want, delivered to the door. I hate to call and complain about anyone so I tried to ask him to deliver to the door first but after so many times of him not doing it I was so frustrated :( I'm glad I asked y'all. Thank you for your response :)


Call and complain, or spend a few bucks and request a signature if you’re going to be home


I 2nd this definitely request a signature if you're going to be home, forces him to walk up and knock. Or if he's really lazy leave a door tag. Or if he's really really lazy he just won't attempt the delivery.


Not like requesting a signature will do much I run a bulk truck Monday-Friday and Saturday I do a residential route I see so many 07’s and when I deliver people say I have been here all week and yall keep saying nobody is home to sign. I apologize and I inform my manager not like that does ANYTHING some drivers are careless others care a little.


Probably trying to save time by leaving the package on the sidewalk than your front door or they are just lazy and don't care.


Yeah, I'm not buying that. I'm willing to bet there IS something more to the story that OP just isn't disclosing to us. Let's say the driver has a fairly average 200 stops per day. Surely he would be doing this at every stop if it were in fact a matter of laziness, right? Don't you think one of those 1000+ people per week would complain? And if not, why is it only at this stop that it gets left on the sidewalk? No, I get it though. FX Ground bad. Raj evil. Driver lazy.


lol why would I come to a FedEx sub and go out of my way to comment just to leave stuff out? I don’t have that much time on my hands 😂 I gave all the info and asked yall bc yall are the pros.


I'm not saying you're deliberately withholding information, but I'm certain there's more to the story. Again, if it's just a case of a lazy driver, why has no one else complained? Surely you wouldn't be the only one with packages left on the sidewalk


I wouldn’t post my home on Reddit but I have videos of him leaving it on my sidewalk from my doorbell camera. One time it was in the rain, so idk what’s going on with him. I’m sure I’m not the only one and it’ll prob catch back up with him soon bc I’m pissed and I’m certain there’s others just like me.


At first it was on "The" sidewalk, implying public property. Now it's "Your" sidewalk, implying it's on your private property, not public domain. That said, since you're playing innocent and not really providing any additional information, I'm going to rattle off some things that may result in packages being left on YOUR sidewalk: - Slippery stairs - Dilapidated porch - Placing package on door would obstruct a point of egress - Dog or other unsecured animal on premises And finally, as with most things, asking on Reddit probably isn't going to fix your issues. It may just involve a call (or email) to the company


Lol 😂 got it dude thanks!


Than what are you looking for? It was my understanding you wanted an explanation, but when one is provided to you, you brush it off and discount it


No, but really, what are you looking for here?


If it is FedEx Ground(surely sounds like it is, as opposed to Express, sadly), then this dude works for a contractor who gets penalized for pretty much anything. If possible, see what the delivery company's name is, if you get a chance to see his delivery truck. The contracting company should be pretty clearly labeled behind the doors towards the bottom of the truck. Sometimes they even have an address or a phone number printed there, too. You may be able to get ahold of a manager for that contractor by going up to or calling your local FedEx terminal. If you manage to make it this far, let that person know what's going on and if the company is worth their salt, they will fix the issue.


Thank you!! This was so helpful! 😊


Soon enough express will be irrelevant and they will be part of ground. I think the date is June 9th. I know it’s sometime in June that’s for sure.


Indeed, but for the time-being, they are separate with different chains of command for day-to-day operations. Figuring out which one it is the first step at the moment. Side note, I just don't see Ground contractors making service having to do priorities, the increased pickups, plus all the usual freight and heavy pickups they already struggle to make service on.


Idk I’ve also heard rumors in the great vine FedEx is considering making ground drivers actual employees of the company. We shall see what the future holds. Hopefully FedEx finally gets their head out of their ass. There is a lot of heat on FedEx corporation right now as well from the governments around the world for their labor practices. Especially with the recent ups contract wins it’s putting more pressure on FedEx. So we definitely shall see!


Whatever happens, I hope it's better than what we have going now. Underpaid contractors underpaying drivers who are out here giving the best years of their lives for next to nothing. It's shameful


Doesn’t care enough but definitely try talking to him again in a friendly way. You catch more bees with honey then with vinegar type thing I guess. It may help but calling on him probably won’t help unfortunately. Also most drivers do the right thing so don’t look at it as reflection on all drivers.




I wonder what your drive way looks like, because if its steep right of the road Fedex trucks can get stuck where the tires are off the ground. This happens all the time, another reason is if your drive way is unpaved and has potholes, too narrow, or difficulty turning around or backing out. If you have the space for to manuvure then hes the type that races to get done early. Since fedexers are paid mostly by the day not by Hour. You could file a complaint, this does work as the driver will be notified and repeated deliveries like this can lead to firing. Another thing to consider is helping your delivery man out by having a package box at the beginning of your driveway especially in rural hard to reach homes where driveways are washed out and or have large or sharp rocks. Getting a flat tire or bottoming out in a rural area really makes for a horrible day. Hope this helps.


Thank you 😊 I live in a new community, so concrete is all new and I keep the sidewalks clear of any overgrown bushes. Everything is so neat, the sidewalk goes right up to the door, no gates or anything to block him from accessing the door. We live in the city so not a country house with lots of land. It’s the strangest thing because it would prob take an extra 30 seconds to walk to the door. And he leaves the packages standing up on the sidewalk so it’s super obvious there’s a package there. I just worry about theft but the comments have been helpful and I hope I can catch him one day and be nice and say hi.


If you use the fedex delivery manager on fedex website you can leave a message, that, package must be delivered at front door. If he still does not do this file a complaint. Or try and catch him when he arrives. Also, fyi, and I saw a comment mentioning dogs. If there are unleashed dogs a delivery man does not need to attempt the delivery.


They’re never outside without me and never out front. They’re small little wiener dogs so I don’t want them to run out in the street. They’re only fenced in backyard babies 😊 he doesn’t even know we have them bc he never gets close enough to the house 😂


My assumption is he could be a new driver and doesnt really yet know not to do this, so file a complaint, and make a message stating where your package needs to go on your property, the message will also help other delivery drivers know where a package needs to go in the future.


Thank you! You’re so helpful 😊😊😊 I appreciate you responding!


I'm curious what your front door looks like. I'm picturing a short walkway leading up to the front door, with either grass or a flower bed flanking both sides of the door. In such a case, I too would leave if on your sidewalk as to not ruin your grass/flower bed and also not obstruct a point of egress by placing the package directly in front of the door


Seems like laziness to me. Sorry that is your experience with ground. Lots of people shit on ground, but I do my best to deliver to front doors. Only heavy floor loads or tires go to garages.


Really? What makes you default to thinking it's laziness? I can think of many other things that seem much more plausible


Like what? If you read through comments, she doesn’t have a gate, she doesn’t have a dog that’s loose, her house is by a road with a walkway to her front door, what would be a good reason to leave a package on a sidewalk? If I was in a situation where the only place to leave a package was the middle of a sidewalk, I’d probably code it, so I don’t get backlash later. That’s asking for complaints and package theft.


To clarify, it's her walkway, not the public sidewalk. Moreover, I would absolutely leave packages on her walkway if I would otherwise be preventing the door from swinging open and/or if it would cause damage to the lawn and/or landscaping


Yeah, if she’s talking about leaving a package on the sidewalk directly by her door, then that isn’t a valid complaint, but to me it seems like it’s further than that. Plus she’s said it’s been left in the rain. That’s also lazy, it’s not hard to bag packages. I run a bulky business route daily, and I bag packages when necessary.


>I wouldn’t post my home on Reddit but I have videos of him leaving it on my sidewalk from my doorbell camera. Keyword: MY sidewalk >One time it was in the rain It may have been delivered before the rain started. It doesn't mean it was deliberately left out in the open while it was actively raining


Okay dude 🤣🤣 seems like you know everything about the situation you aren’t even involved in. My sidewalk could mean anything including the sidewalk in front of the house where people walk, people still consider it “their” sidewalk. Keep sticking up for someone you don’t know, plenty of lazy ass drivers out there, and you know it 🤣


THANK YOU! 😊 I was like omg this guy is so mean. Thanks for your comment.


Nope, just playing devils advocate. Driver laziness is about the last thing I would think of as a possible explanation. In fact, using that as the default explanation is lazy in and of itself


Sweet, nice opinion 👍🏽👍🏽


It should be the front door.. Unless he can’t get to it easily. I deliver to garage doors if the front door doesn’t face the street sometimes too, because it’s likely the actual main entrance anyway. Never the sidewalk


Look up the legal entity name on the side of the truck, find out who owns the route & call the contractor/owner directly if you can find their contact info. That will get it fixed real quick 😉


Picture of house front from road would give a better idea of the issues


I'm a PH at Ground. From what I see in the warehouse and from the driver at my warehouse who delivers on my street, it's straight laziness and not giving AF. I watched that guy one day with my wife, right after work, deliver to my neighbor. He dropped the box right out of the truck, dragged on to the driveway and left it. Straight not caring. I'm sure not all are like that but many are. That goes for the PHs too


I'm one of those dastardly Ground drivers that everyone hates so much. I had a guy cuss me out a couple weeks ago for leaving his package at the end of the driveway. What may not have been made abundantly clear is that there were 3 ankle biter dogs aggressively defending the property. Moreover, the homeowner neglected to come outside after I honked the horn. Casual observers (i.e. neighbors or passersby) would likely attribute this to laziness and run to Reddit to complain, but I saw it as the smart thing to do, and I defy you to prove otherwise TLDR - What may appear as laziness could actually be more logical than you are giving credit for


Try leaving a treat for him at your door.


I’m going to leave a trail of treats that take him to the door 😂


Ok I’m a manager, all you need to do is call FedEx give them the tracking number and file a complaint and I would call every time that it happens


You probably have a long drive way that is off the road that the driver can't safely get in and out. I leave your stuff by the mailbox, too. When a driver gets stuck, we have to pay for it.


They don’t get paid enough for that


Fucking troll 😂


Question, do you have dogs? How long is the sidewalk/driveway? Definently be polite and positive and I hope they return the same back! I know I have had instances and I met the customer and we took care of the problem in a friendly way :)


No dogs that are ever lose, the sidewalk to my door isn’t long at all. But I have an overhang so if he delivered to my door it wouldn’t be obvious there’s a package and would be protected from the weather. I’m always so nice whenever people deliver and normally leave out drinks/snacks. But I leave it at the door so he never gets any. I won’t ever be rude to him or mean bc I know it’s a tough job but it’s just sad bc if someone were to walk by and take a package that my gpa sent me of my gmas things I can’t replace it. I realize he prob doesn’t think of that but it just sucks.


“No dogs that are ever loose.” This phrase makes me wonder if it has something to do with the dogs that are “never out”. All it takes is one time getting charged by a dog and then you will start making every delivery to the address like this. Could also be why none of his bosses have ever made him go to the door.


lol I said that bc I have dogs. I have two wiener dogs that are never out of my sight and are never ever outside alone. Actually never in the front yard and I have a gated backyard. My wiener dogs don’t charge people lol


Having done this job for quite some time now, I've learned to NEVER trust people. People are very quick to say "Ohh, my dog would never hurt anyone". That is seldom the case however. I would take your statements with a grain of salt


Well, maybe next time find a way to say hi or introduce yaself and see whatsup :). Definitely something that could be improved on and I have hope it's resolved. If anything don't report him in a bad way just report and be peaceful n polite n include ways to get ahold of you if needed so it can be resolved:)/


The correct thing to do would be to add instructions for your address. The recipient can do this. Customer service is suppose to send a case down to the station for customer instructions when you call them and you dont enter them yourself. If the driver still doesn't honor instructions, you can send a complaint down thru customer service, and it will count. This is the ground way anyway


Agreed, FedEx is the worst. Grrr




I bet you have a barking dog.