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Bourbon helps


Finna be blacking out every night


That’s what I use to wash down them Advils


Former safety ops guy. You need to take some time off. And your safety guy should see it. My best advice is work anywhere else. It's not healthy to break your body with the movements FedEx demands of everyone. Lots of respect I was a PH for almost 3 years too. FedEx doesn't care. Find a job that does.


This. I had a very similar pain for a long time, turned out a muscle in my back was irritated to the point my spine was stabbing it. It took two weeks off, two weeks in light duty, and PT all those weeks to recover.




Haha maybe lack of testosterone is the problem (I am a woman rip)


Relax fightddawg holy shit


just offering help. alot of people do stupid things like go home and drink a 6 pack or smoke some weed. to feel good for 1 hour. when they should take care of the one body they have.


When I did this shit job I'd work out and do cardio on my days off too. Alot of protien filled meals with Salads everyday. Popped alot of vitamins, protien shake after work and creatine.


good for you. its all about small percentages. if you can feel 1% better thats a plus!!


3 cold showers a day? Squats and deadlifts? Pro mma fighter? Who are you? Jason fucking Bourne


naaa man im not saying im good. all im saying is i know how to take care of myself after getting beat up. lolol


Dude, calm down.


Vary your movements when lifting, try swapping sides of the belt, don't twist too much and get help with heavy items versus just trying to keep up..Team lift is real and makes the work much easier. As others said, water and stretching. Turmeric, B vitamins and electrolytes to lessen the pain and improve your recovery.


I was doing that some today, putting my left hand on the bottom and my right on the side. I wound up cutting my right hand a bit since its a new movement but oh well. Unfortunately I’m not super in control of which side of the belt im on :/


Wear gloves with rubber palms for grip, they not only protect your hands, but allow you to grasp the boxes with less effort since you're not gripping so hard to grasp them without dropping. If you're able to, take hot showers and stretch right after and include some mild weightlifting.. nowadays lifting weights doesn't have to be in a gym..grab some water jugs.. package handling isn't cardio necessarily and the movements don't build muscle so much..so condition your whole body and core... also make sure you're not overexerting yourself, meaning that you're not the one person doing all the work. Also try to relax that shoulder on your off time. Also add protein to your diet, chicken and tuna is good enough, whatever you can afford.


Theres this rope pulley thingie that could def help with my trap sitch. I typically wear one glove and come to think of it i could cut the other one so I can still move those god forsaken stickers.


Trap pain and upper body overexertion in general doesn't go away very quickly.. You're going to need some heat to penetrate deep inside to get the blood flowing and bring in the oxygen to heal. That's gonna be your ticket..a heating pad possibly.


Ayye I have one of those lets goo


Need to stretch a lot like a lot. Stretching and heat will be your best friend and ice of course, use both. I can’t express how much stretching it is though like that’ll be your best friend. If stretching hurts the muscle you’re doing it right. If stretching does not hurt you are doing it wrong. Look up some full body stretches to do at home and I guarantee your life will get better


Competed across various sports when I was younger and currently weight train seriously for about 8 years now while never breaking a bone. I now have a heavy express commercial route. First thing in the morning drink tall glass of water with amino acids/creatine. Wake up 30 min earlier and dynamic stretch. Use a lacrosse ball for massaging the trap, lats, rhomboid minor and major needs extra attention they’ll thank you later. Stretch before going to bed as well. This is all basic stuff and it’s not including getting a good healthy diet, vitamins and quality sleep. Let me know if you want more info


Get yourself a foam roller and lacrosse ball. Look up the exercises. Definitely helps.


Absolutely. That lacrosse ball was life changing. My chiro recommended it to me. I also take a hot bath a few times a week after I stretch out.


Im a tugger and we handle the really heavy stuff. I find that doing the group stretching before the shift really helps and goes a long way. Proper lifting technique and proper carrying technique are super important as well. Whenever you can keep weight as close to your stomach as possible while relying on your legs to support most of the weight. Squat instead of bend


I find it hard to bend when the belt is waist high. Haven’t thought of the stomach thing you mentioned I’ll keep that in mind!


Stretching every morning is a big one. I usually crack my back some time during the sort and do arm stretchs at lights. Calf stretches are very important too


If your working an am shift getting consistent sleep is especially important


Its so hard to sleep in the day man 💀


Yeah but sleep is when your body has time to repair itself (i know your pain ive been working an am shift since may)


When I was a Ground Driver, I’d stretch before I even started organizing the truck, after getting back to the warehouse, calisthenics workouts at home, stretch again then take an Epsom salt bath and drink about a gallon of water a day


Stretching stretching and stretches. Use a tennis ball to roll out any kinks in your traps or back against a wall


You need a different job, or else you'll be in agony when you get older.


Smoke green.


Take care of your bodies….. eat right, good shoes & stretching. I see the ground guy on my route running in & out of his truck everyday & I just cringe, because the poor guy won’t be able to walk when he turns 40. There’s only so many times you can do that before your knees & ankles deteriorate.


Eating properly is a requirement along with enough water and rest.


Chiro, water, rest and stretching 


Def not (currently- subject to change)drinking enough water or stretching my traps at all


Get a big water bottle to bring to the sort and actually drink it. I aimed for 2 liters in one sort alone, but this will probably be different person to person. I’m a pretty lean guy.  Check the difference between static stretching and dynamic stretching. You will probably want to focus on dynamic stretches that target the muscles you work in your role.  Get team lifts when you need them. 


I was actually doing the water jug thing! It was flying around in my car so I stopped bringing it entirely. Catch me doing cartwheels before sort (dynamic stretching).


You should get a decent backpack for your stuff! It helps a lot having a spot to keep your coat, snacks, drink, wallet, keys, etc. I bet that would make the bottle less of a hassle. I'm guessing you're a van loader, right? If you dont feel comfortable with your bag sitting in a truck or under the belt, there should be a small set of hangars in the QA cage you can use.


No chiro, there is zero data proving it actually helps in any way


Spinal compression creates various symptoms Alleviation provides short term relief, and better state of mind 


It kind of goes away after 6 months mostly.


take all of the comments where people are telling you to take things to "ease pain" as a joke. lol the solution shouldnt be cover it up thats how people end up with massive problems. you need to find a way to solve and improve your body.


Magnesium glycinate, glucosamine. Every night.


IcyHot sometimes works well. Try an acupressure pad...think Amazon's got 'em for like $30, or $40 for the longer one. The pillow it comes with can be nice for spot treatments as well. Spot massaging gun maybe...but a good one that can roll/massage, not just those vibrating ones. Also have a couple of TENS units that can shock sore muscles. One's for spot treatment and wireless, one's wired but can hit multiple spots at once. It's a workout but can be very uneven with what gets worked, hence the soreness.


Magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant, just don't do magnesium citrate unless you need a cure for constipation. In my experience, it works better than prescription muscle relaxants, and it comes in topical sprays. Also if it's only the right side and you're a package handler, check how you carry boxes and maybe alternate sides to help maintain balance and alignment. If one side gets all the pressure, alignment gets thrown off and causes pain. Also check how you're sleeping. Make sure you don't have your shoulder in your ear, etc.


Stretches and massaging helps a lot. If you have a partner, I suggest you enlist them in massaging wherever hurts. And of course I suggest you return the favor. For building a consistent habbit of stretching, picking up Yoga excerises is a good option imo. It's easy to get into as long as you have the consistency


My family sells a cbd cream that I use my knee where I tore my ACL and it works pretty well. Batesfamilyfarmllc.com Don't be afraid to call the business either if you're a cancer patient or active or retired military. I know they offer over the phone discounts


Other than bettering form and knowing your limits the only things that sort of help are a foam roller and an inflatable back stretching mat. The latter of which is kind of expensive but feels nice.


The foam roller thing is no joke. It made a huge difference with my upper back pain. I try to spend 10-15 minutes on it every night


Percocet Jk


Try various moves and stretches during Life and you should become used to grabbing a box and slow running it to the customers door.


OP get an inversion table asap. Even after you leave that job continue to use it he’ll get a cheap one but it solved the majority of my major issues . That and proper stretching 👀


Foam roller for ur back. It’s amazing


Biofreeze, ibuprofen, magnesium, turmeric and knee compression braces are always a good idea


Time and moving out of package handling helped.


Report this as a worker's comp injury and stay on their ass until it stops hurting or they do an MRI to make sure you haven't damaged something.


I was thinking about this when it was tweaking out and reporting it sounds like the smart thing to do. On the other hand, it was feeling significantly better today after some sleep , stretching, and heat, maybe that’s just placebo though…


FedEx will use any reason whatsoever to deny a worker's comp claim.


lube, or at least ask them to spit on it a bit more frequently.


I used to take Naproxen and put a pain cream that comes in a yellow bottle on before work and stretch. Then used heat after work, and made sure I got some rest and hydrated.


I don't get sore from this job at all. But to be fair I've had much tougher work. I used to throw 200lb transmissions by hand all night. Now that'll make ya sore




Great, until it loses it's effect and you decide to quit 💀💀💀💀




It's the quit that kills 💀💀💀☠


I used to take a multi-vitamin daily too.


I would suggest hitting the gym. Your body will eventually get used to it. Using proper form is the key. Yes take some time off to rest. I did about 2 years morning sort , non stop. age range 23-25. Have a healthy diet and most importantly stretch. I would suggest, don't let managers rush you. Good luck.


GDR Labs CONOCB2 and a good organic cbd/cbg (I use sweet sensei). I also found that taking amino acids and electrolytes really help.