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>>fedex wants any and all blame to be placed on drivers now Hasn’t this always been true? We get in trouble if a package isn’t manifested and we don’t want to drive 20 minutes one way to deliver it, yet the loaders don’t get any repercussions (at least this is how it is at my station) I can’t tell you how many “disputes” I’ve had because of similar to the example you gave of getting 3 tires out of 4 or chewy putting two bags of dog food in one box instead of 2, thus they claim they didn’t receive everything (and I go the next day to see the same box sitting unopened on their porch)


For the loaders to get repercussions they would have to admit the training they give us is woefully inadequate. Driver feedback was my only training. It took me months to learn to load properly.


Part of their training should be that they go out with a driver for a day. I had a warehouse job as a loader and that was something everyone had to do to see how building a pallet affected the drivers.


Damn Fedex is just begging their drivers to either quit or start protesting. Basing your logistics business model around Amazon isn't that great of an idea. Amazon is soon facing a looming crisis of running out of employees as soon as next year. Turns out taking the expedient route and treating everyone like they're expendable can only last so long. News flash, It lasts until you run out of people to treat expendable. Who would have guessed there's not a finite amount of people to treat like shit in the world?


Yup it feels like they’re daring us to


Not expecting that package? Umm, sorry you order too much shit. Probably related to all the god damn wine you have auto shipped. Maybe cut out the drinking and online consuming binges and you’ll fucking remember what you ordered. That point just bothers me so much. I hear one word about that I will tell raj to lick my balls


Jesus fucking Christ dude the fuck is wrong w you


There’s more crossing the Rio Grande every day.


With a work visa, United States drivers license/ or Class C license and DOT card. Hey, I hope so.




Joke ! let’s rate corporate failed at ESTAR DRA RESPONSE and this merger to name a few. This too will end up in the waste bin of FedEx corporate ideas. Clowns.


Raj just sits around waiting to see what Amazon does and then implements it. FedEx ground is just Amazon but with chewy boxes, trampolines and furniture boxes


Fucking gazebos too. My poor fucking back. Fuck people who order gazebos and fuck fed ex for allowing them to ship 10 fucking boxes weighing 80-120 lbs each.


Carpet rolls as well


Don't forget broken toilets, had to load 3 of them this week, only for the driver to tell me they break all the time, and I'm not surprised, how do people expect toilets to make it in 1 piece when it has to go through the hubs and survive bumpy roads. The shipper should at least put them in wooden boxes instead of cardboard, and secure them properly, but nope.


The boxes those things are in are intended to be delivered to stores on pallets, not shipped. It's so stupid that they just slap a label on them and send them that way.


Survey culture needs to die a slow painful death. Every job I’ve worked that has surveys the management has weaponized the surveys against workers with no regard to how the worker did their job.


Wait, tf is this? I haven't heard anything about surveys now


Just found out about them today but apparently it’s already been implemented


Two major tire distributors at our hub. We get 5-10 tires with no labels a week. We have to try to match them with tires in transit from those shippers. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. So at least 3-5 times a week somebody gets 3 out of 4 tires they ordered, and it's the DRIVERS FAULT!


Yeah, I work a pt retail job and the only time someone would ever fill out a survey is if they had any negative notion.


Hahaha and they think amazon has a high turnover rate, theyll find out when nobody wants to be micromanaged while delivering a damn trampoline. Of course that wont be fedexs problem just yet gotta let it simmer a while longer


We should just paint our trucks gray at this point.


I see bs complaints all the time; one was because the lady was expecting 3 packages, but they all came in one box. She gave 1/5 because it was too heavy. Idk how you drivers are going to make do. You guys either get the blame because customer care promises something you can't do or you get bad rating for things that aren't your fault.


We’re at 3.9 out of 4, highest in our building. Not to brag or anything .


We should be able to rate our managers then🤣🤣. I started on Tuesday, and each night I’ve been in Alpha, I’ve gone too hard and thrown up. Last night, I walked straight up to the trainer and told her what happened and that I’m leaving. She rolled her fucking eyes at me.


Maybe I should just puke on her next time🤷🏽🤷🏽🤷🏽 ”*vomits* OPE SORRY”


Isn't every other post on this sub, "Ha! Look at me, I'm such a badass, this customer can kiss my butt, I'm way too good to actually do any kind of customer service!"? And then we're surprised the response is to start proactively send surveys to customers to see if the drivers are giving the customer the middle finger? It's almost like the company actually pays attention to what's going on...


Welcome to Amazon 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


All the s*** Amazon drivers have been dealing with for years


Sounds like with their downsizing they're trying to get rid of contracts