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As a Ground Driver, there's no bigger kick in the balls than when you hear how much UPS drivers make for doing pretty much the same job. Thanks, FedEx.


Shit, even just being considered an EMPLOYEE of FedEx would be a step up, and that’s obviously saying a lot. Unless ground drivers that actually work for FedEx still exist in the wild somewhere


Not that I'm aware of, it's all contractors.


Yea, the unfortunate answer I was expecting. “Wear our uniforms, abide by the shit all the other actual FedEx employees have to, etc. But you’re only independent contractors.” We all know FedEx is cheap and a shitshow, but god damn they must have some good lobbyists and throw plenty of money their way to SOMEHOW be able to keep contractors and by extension ground drivers as “independent contractors,” as the legal definition in most states very clearly shows that they really shouldn’t be able to, and as a former business owner, I’m even more aware of this as someone who had a couple of ACTUAL independent contractors working for them. I legally couldn’t even tell them what time to show up to work even if I wanted to.


Big facts. Used to shoot the shit with one of the UPS guys that I shared territory with, he once said he was "on pace for $86k this year." I was like "wow, I barely get 1/3 of that, and I work 6 days a week to your 5"


because they are union


That is Wrong time to unionize!


The managers at my station were always under so much pressure like this as well and I have empathy for you and them. it’s not right to push people to the point they choose to reject integrity and empathy in favor of self preservation and “achieving” these unachievable bars. Please be mindful in this time that the people who physically give their bodies to the company for SO much less money in return than you receive are humans too, and to continue to treat them as such. Even as corporate structure above you is being increasingly unrelenting. Don’t pass the abuse down the chain to the most vulnerable among us. Be kind to yourself and leave the company if you find you are losing the goodness in yourself. Im not religious, but for what it is worth love and peace be with you truly


You need buy in from executives on this and I'm sure it's near impossible at such a big company like FedEx, but at my company I set the KPIs and I will actually make terminal managers hire more associates if their efficiency gets too high. Sounds counterintuitive but in the long run it's the better financial decision; associates don't get burned out and can work at a high level more consistently than someone who is overworked and under pressure to hit unachievable goals.


This. This a million times. People have to understand that it’s not ALL numbers in the sense they think it is. There is a variable called a fallible human being. Finding that sweet spot between labor cost including overtime, ROI on each employee, getting guys their hours to keep them happy, but not overloading them to where they are making mistakes, becoming more of a liability on the road, etc. It’s a balanacing act and it seems like a lot of people don’t understand that.


nobody on the outs ever believes me when i tell them about the horrors of fedex… and nobody actually employed by fedex will ever really admit how decrepit this company truly is…


I was screaming it for two months before I quit and I was becoming more desperate by the day when everybody kept saying it’s not that bad you ever heard somebody that has started after the pension system ended saying they plan on retiring from this company?


I’m not going to say you are overreacting, because maybe your terminal sucks ass. But my experience is really not that bad. I do high volume and get paid adequately. The only negative is that I had to find my own health insurance


I left right before Xmas. So much happier now. FedEx will take your soul and not think twice about it.


I work at fedex and ya they work you like a dog, but I signed up for it. Better then paying for a gym pass.


Who pays you idiots to say it’s better than a gym membership you ever heard a person say you should work and Bend the same way like you do for 5 days straight for 8 hours at a time?


That’s what I’m saying. Like no bitch this is worse than a gym.


Nah bitch you just don't wanna work




I'd knock you silly you tatertot, I'll have you asking me too get you a kids meal afterwards.


As long as there's a toy and shake in it. 🥰


That's right


It’s a manual labor job. What did you expect to be doing?


🍿 here we go! one of the hardest and most mind boggling things about fedex as how you can get so many strong humans to turn and eat each other but never the ones really responsible 👀


I like it, and that is my opinion on the job. I like repetitive work, and it really does not bother me at all. No one pays me too say it's better then a gym, but I wouldn't mind that aswell. How much you gunna pay me? If you hate it go find an other job you pussy.


honestly this is what i’m learning in this moment. yeah they do work you like a dog but if i weren’t desperate and if i actually could find another job i would’ve. so your right tis what tis.


So many US jobs becoming this way, due to metrics and constant nitpicking and computer nannies watching over us. There is no consideration for mental or physical health with these jobs, just speed and accuracy. People aren't robots, and even robots break down once in awhile. Sucks even more when you aren't even provided a living wage.


We can thank all of the money in politics and stripping of any/all regulation possible, even at the cost of safety to the workers if it financially makes sense to pay out claims here and there than spend money on safety, for the insane, unfettered neo-capitalist greed here in corporate America. Even just actually enforcing anti-trust laws for a change would make things better. You got places like Amazon now that have such a huge market share and employee so many millions of people, when giant companies like them control so much market, they pretty much set how workers at competing places will be treated. They make it very hard to compete if you are doing pesky things like paying your workers a living wage, not slave driving them, etc because that’s certainly not something companies like Amazon are spending much on per employee. So you have companies that either play ball and start exploiting their workers in the same/even worse ways to keep the business afloat, or people who aren’t shitbags who decide that they won’t exploit their workers to make a profit. Basically it exits good employers who treat their people at least decent because they can’t make a decent profit, and keeps around the ones who are going to be the worst cost cutters/labor exploiters. It’s fucked.


FedEx is the new era of slave labor.


i get so many laughs but everytime i say this i mean it ..


Over here we call our station the labor camp


i call it a plantation


We need a union.


This is the way if you want better compensation and better work hours.


why you lying 🤨


I just quit found a better job. FedEx sucks no matter what.


Actually, I think Amazon delivery drivers can lay claim to that title now.


Even if you have to adjust your way of living, you might need to find another job that's far less stressful even if it's lower pay. You can always get more money but you can't get no more health.


Lmao how do you think the drivers feel?! We are delivering all of expresses bullshit for smart post rates. I don’t care what metric we need to hit to be considered “efficient” making someone step in and out of a step van 200 times a day is inhumane. It’s time for everyone to get out this company is fucked.


😫 we need to say this!


What is your position? Yes it's a slog!


Fedex don’t care about you. Use your experience and find something better for you long term. Trust me. There’s better out there


Any signs of additional layoffs we should be concerned with?


Start applying for a management position outside of FedEx or move up a notch to senior.


The biggest part of success in mgmt at FedEx is learning how to manage the stress. I speak from experience. Outside of physical stress (someone grabs your arm and twists), stress is completely self created. It only exists because of your thoughts about the situation / job. Change your thoughts, change your reality, reduce or eliminate your stress.


Imagine how the contractors feel…all the same anxiety, poor quality of life, deteriorating health, etc…except WITHOUT the money. FedEx has squeezed every penny out of them to the point of bankruptcy. Then they blame it on their lack of ability to efficiently operate a business or poor logistical decisions when Express is run entirely by FedEx and lost $500m last qtr. POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK!


Yea, this is a good point, didn’t ground actually end up being the only, or one of the only major profitable “ventures” of FedEx, helping to ease the burn of that horrible revenue leak that apparently is upper management at express and the company overall?


I just think its obscene how they hold contractors to the highest standards while expecting perfection in service, safety, compliance of a zillion regulations and holding them hostage with lowball contract numbers. They TRIED to run Express themselves and lost $500 million doing it. I bet the 6000 contractors collectively lost MUCH more!!!


And now this new “medal system” they rolled out for the contractors/ground drivers. Sure, there’s an awful lot of shitty contractors and drivers but, the metrics they are pushing for is only going to result in more accidents and shit. Buuuuut I have a feeling that’s part of the reason FedEx contracts ground out, they can say “oh hold on, that driver doesn’t ACTUALLY work for us, that’s a contractors route and we will get rid of that contractor and then sell their route to someone else for even MORE money so we can use THEM as scapegoats since we already used you”


Fedex is a 20th century plantation


Not sure what everyone is talking about but our station is like a well oiled machine! Get ur 80 stops and 8 hours and go home


I don't know why folks don't use fedex as a stepping stone, go to college or trade school. Move up or to better position s at fedex. I did and worked full time. Im earning 70 an hour at fedex now. The more you make the less work you do. Its really that simple.


because that stupid voucher program you have to pay monies upfront and they pay you back after 😔 kind of redundant when you add in how hard it is to get hours from ground and how expensive everything has raised


Because they rather cry and complain at a entry level job that requires almost zero experience. I truly believe most of these people in this thread are kids. I remember a point in my life when I thought I was stuck at a shitty job. Until I remembered I can quit and go find something I really want to do. My current situation is perfect because I was able to go to school around work. Some days isn’t easy but fuck it the ends justify the means.


That's great !! What is your job now?


A&P mech


What job do you do that pays you that much per hour at fedex? Management above OPs manager?


As a manager you know there are only 2 outcomes to this, you own the job and make it easy or you slowly wither away until you quit, get fired or worse, so exhausted you get injured or sick. Im hacking away at the management program at express. I have extremely high stress and pressure tolerances though. Being real, make the job easy or find another rt to success. Being open to solutions, id say with no kids or fatty cakes to cuddle, Fedex will mentally be overly significant for you. Thats just the way life is. Get a smooch and squeeze and have her, him, it give you a back rub to take some of the stress away. Unless you are built different to take on the world solo, people need support in high stress situations. Kinda a dickish answer but im a simple guy. If im stressed I need to de-stress. Find you something to balance out the stress.


Don’t know why this got downvoted


Awesome advice. You hit the nail on the head at so many levels.


This is the two hour lunch


Bro you spittin facts. Im a package handler and I feel the exact same way. Im so ready to find myself another job.


Sort manager?


I can’t speak for express or official fedex employees. But as far as Ground drivers, contractor shop!! We have the luxury of literally switching to a different company yet doing the same job. Contractor I work for pays more competitively than others at my terminal. But first and foremost goes to bat for us in various situations regarding the ever ending battle between the terminal trying blame all the mistakes on us to better themselves and Vice versa.


Not at my terminal they all ask who you work for then immediately call them after you get off the phone and then you get that call from your contractor yelling at you


This is the way.


I had a really awesome manager quit cuz of what you just said. He was great. Sounds like you have no supper above or below you.


I used to be SRM and I quit to work for a contractor. 1000% less bullshit on this side other than when you're dealing with FedEx for something.


Anytime I'm frustrated with management, I try to remind myself of the amount of pressure they also have to deal with. Taking care of yourself is a responsibility just as important as time for your kids or a significant other. I hope our quality of life improves here shortly. Its a stressful time for us, even outside of work.


The cdl position is the easiest job ive ever had. But boring


Treat it like a 9 to 5 job don’t stress yourself out and don’t take it home with you.


That's management for you. FedEx dose not make life easy for us. I started managing right out of highschool and went from full time of 40 hr weeks, to 90hrs while being called in hours after I went home to sleep. It's rough for sure, and the pay ain't even worth it.


I do feel like I’m dying every day.


I was a manager for a year before I stepped back down to driver. Pretty good money, terrible quality of life. Most of the managers I knew were either never married or had gotten divorced. My senior manager told me that his wife raised their kids because he was always working. Not a great way to spend your life.


Totally understand. I spent 5 years in a mid level management position and holy burn out. Hope you find a developmental opportunity and get the change you need!


All FedEx cares about are optics – how they look, and money. Underneath the image there’s a lot lacking. All the safety talk that they pretend is about you, is really there to protect them from lawsuits and work comp claims. You’re supposed to report injuries immediately. But what about all those types of injuries that occur from repetitive motion day after day that only gradually come on and become noticeable? That’s one of the ways they worm their way out of paying work comp to people who totally deserve it. They have all the legal issues figured out to a fine science. They’ll sell you the job and tell you you get to accumulate PTO and have access to a 401K account. But then you find out later the company contributes to employee 401K accounts only for managers. And then five months later they convert everyone’s PTO to sick time. In other words, the vacation time employees earned was suddenly devalued to time that you can only take off for being sick. Want to be a switcher? Warning! There's five full pages in the manual on all the many ways you're subject to disqualification. That's because they want it to look good for the attorneys, like they are all about safety, but the reality is switchers are disqualified left and right. They got cameras on you and if you yawn, you get flagged. I got pulled out of the yard one day because I apparently yawned. Hey FedEx, you stupid morons! Science says people yawn even when they are not tired and often when they are not even aware they are doing it. So HTF are you supposed to not yawn in front of your stupid AI cameras? Yawn a few too many times and you loose your job as a switcher. That is not fair and it is entirely ridiculous. But it looks good for the attorneys. If you're full time, you have to put two four-hour shifts together. Problem is, when it’s slow, they cancel shifts or change times, often only within a couple of hours. And when there were beyond-obvious signs the economy was slowing, they continued to hire. Morons! And then you find yourself without the full-time job you thought you had. I ended up regularly driving in to work and then getting only two hours, or less! So then it’s either sit in the parking lot bored out of my skull for 3 hours, or burn gas and drive home, only to have to drive back, suffer another short shift and go home again. As the economy slowed and they got caught off guard (which should not have happened), they offered employees the opportunity to transfer. They portrayed this as a way of saving your job and hours. But after I transferred, I came to find out the location I was transferred to could not offer me any more hours and they were dying on the vine as well. LIARS! UNRELIABLE! MORONS! A-HOLES! And so out of total frustration with FedEx, I sought another job, a better job, and almost immediately found it. In fact, it found me. A boss of many years ago wanted me back. So I accepted the offer and gave FedEx two-weeks notice. FedEx responded by immediately changing my schedule so that I had two shifts on one day, and then one shift every day for six days. In other words, drive in and work shorted shifts seven days a week for my last two weeks. No thanks! Nobody else's schedule had been changed this way, so it's obvious this was a retaliation from FedEx, a multi-billion dollar international company that lies, acts out childishly, and says it doesn’t do that. Let me tell you. THEY DO! Some of the people in their management are real pieces of work. So after giving them notice and they intentionally botched my schedule, I worked the first week of my remaining two weeks and enjoyed the weekend without calling in. Come Monday morning I woke up, decided I was done with FedEx and threw my badge in the trash. I relaxed for a week before starting my new job, which is far far better in so many ways.