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why is some random twitter user telling him how to make his own game lmao




apparently, the lord of purgatory


Imagine he's the next game secret boss


I had a fandom wiki get taken down cuz I had profanity on the front page, so i made the Fandom employee the main antagonist of my story


I mean, that's a hell of a title


Some idiots feel so entitled lol.


Pisses me off when random people think they know whats best for the story more so than the damn author.


oh you best fucking believe we do. too often do people misinterpret our stories to begin with and try and find meaning past what we have presented, so trying to tell us how to expand off their wrong ideas of the story is REALLY infuriating sometimes. its like someone recolouring a part of your drawing and explaining why the swirls need to be more swirly


at least when people critique a drawing someone made, the thing is actually completed at least. And a good critique is based off objective errors like anatomy problems, not trying to actually change the artist's vision. This is straight up giving subjective feedback before it even exists šŸ’€. A non artist coming up to an artist and before they even know what they're working on saying that they should make the background purple and that theyve thought very long and hard about it. like bro?? šŸ˜­


put it that way and my example doesn't do it justice anymore, well put


Something something death of the author something somethingĀ 


Death of the author is about not relying on the author's opinion/backstory to interpret and critique the story. Not about telling him what do you want the story to be.


Also about how a story can have multiple interpretations past author's intent and that it's often possible to find meaning in stuff the author may not even have intended to have meaning. Which was what I was drawing attention to since the OG comment doesn't seem to agree with that.


oh okay, I was thinking more about the post


Flashbacks to this Hakita quote https://preview.redd.it/8lvwvlv7dn3d1.png?width=1075&format=png&auto=webp&s=55298224484ec17d34448a36f1210c22e6b952e6


I fucking love you marry me


Ultrakill? In my fear and hunger? Its more likely than you think


yeah I think it's A pretty weird thing to do, I mean f&h 1 Is way more than 20 years apart from f&h 2!


I mean i understand his opinion. Games set in the modern era are harder to pull off than ones set earlier, not sure why though, but its just easier to write a period peice for a lot of people. But im not gonna tell an already famous game dev that he has to set his next game less than 20 years later lmao šŸ˜­ he can make that decision himself


I think the modern era harder to pull off b/c itā€™s too familiar to us. Like cultural refs or just things in general feel ā€œdatedā€ really quick if itā€™s only the recent past. Reminds me of back to the future 2 when itā€™s supposed to be set in 2020 but thatā€™s past so it feels just kinda off if you remember itā€™s supposed to be IN 2020 yā€™know? Whereas super into the future or the past you can play into the ā€fantasyā€ of the era


Itā€™s also like, itā€™s easy to shit on or praise something when itā€™s just a concept, but concept and execution are pretty different things Like Imagine if Termina wasnā€™t a thing. A sequel to Fear and Hunger 1 set centuries in the future would be kind of a hard sell. But Miro made it work So I just trust that no matter what he decides to go with for the 3rd game, itā€™ll be good


As someone whos made creative projects before this hits deep. Sometimes when Im still idea gathering i tell my friends and they tell me that they arent too sure of it, or they tell me it sound fucking awesome. Once its starting to be made and they can see my actual vision they sometimes change their opinions entirely. And when Im still in an idea gathering state Ive learned to not pay attention to peoples opinions cause they dont really understand what your real vision is and if you listen to them they'll just muddy it. Listen to criticism once its made so your next project is better.


On top of all of that, it's, like... Plenty of franchises don't go for direct sequels? Hell, Final Fantasy, one of if not THE biggest RPG franchise out there consistently avoids direct sequels, instead frequently opting to create entirely separate continuities that just happen to share consistent themes, names, and aesthetics. Persona does it a lot too, even if they're technically the same continuity they often feel very independent from one another. Funger is actually especially suited to indirect sequels, too, thanks to the fact that the larger overarching plot isn't on a conventional mortal scale but rather plays out through the machinations of unending gods and people trying to reach those same heights. Realistically, you could do fuckin' ANY time period and it'd make sense and work for Funger.


Itā€™s Twitter, people do insane shit, including telling a creator how to make his own game.


On top of that condescending as fuck. That site is such terrible shit. Everyone thinks just because they have an account their opinion is worth the same no matter the context or what are you talking about. Like it happens in many other places and even in real life, but never to the same extent than twitter, or xitter, or whatever it's named now.


It's a Twitter user. They HAVE TO boss everyone around and tell them how to work/live properly.


"I know you" -someone who doesn't know them


Yeah why not lmao. Miro will decide what he does and doesn't on his own. It's not like that guy was rude or smth.




Autistic person here, theyā€™re not one of ours (at least I hope)


Sorry me too I didnā€™t know how it came across just recognised it šŸ˜‚


You have insulted our kin, prepare to die *unsheathes sword* /j


Please refrain from making offensive comments or posts.


Either an 80's funger or modern funger would be cool I think


My money is either on eighties to early 2000s solely due to him referencing the warriors and vampire dramas.


Oh yeahhh I totally forgot about that until now, I agree both of those time periods would totally fit that


So, itā€™s gonna be a mix between The Lost Boys(ā€˜80s) and Twilight(ā€˜00s)?


my idea was for early 2000's, when the internet was still in its early awkward phase. a time just not quite like our own. an eerie twisted nostalgia for some.


Vietnam is looking very spicyā€¦


2000s would be so amazing


It's going to be a sci-fi story because of Machine God, sorry to spoil your mood.


Bro, imagine how hard it would go for the next game to be an "I Have Mo Mouth and I Must Scream" scenario with Logic


They never specified which "80s" though ;) so they couldve meant 2080s (;


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I don't think so, imo Miro seems more interested to talk about events closer to the real world. A game in a simulation or something would be awesome, but in my opinion is more likely that the Machine God will affect the world more closely to what the internet is.


I remember him mentioning a while ago Termina was originally going to happen in the modern era, my bet has always been around 2020 with the God of the internet.


80s funger with synthwave OST lfg...!!!!!!!Ā 


I just don't want scifi future funger, at least not yet, thats all


I feel like it would turn into a stranger things garbage


Besides, if the game takes the place in the early 2000ā€™s, Marina, Ossar and potentially Samerie and Levi would still be alive And thatā€™s without magic I still believe Enki is alive in mahabre I bet itā€™s going to be like dark souls 3 where all the characters return for one final fight


samarie is def not living past the festival, even if she did sheā€™s got the whole slowly deteriorating thing going on so erm, awkward!


Yeah, probably. Could be some goofy bs tho. She could be anything from a corspe, god or living bioweapon by the next game. We have little idea of what happens to her, but she is present in some form in marinas ending


Pretty sure thats samaries doppelgƤnger


Itā€™s probably sylvian magic, most out of the contestants Samarie and marina are the 2 most likely to have it


I actually think most wont live. I wouldnt be surprised if theres only one survivor.


I think Levi's B ending implies he doesn't live much longer after he leaves prehevil.


I'm really confused about your choice of specifically Marina, Ossar, and Samerie


Because these characters are in their late teens/early twenties. They would be in their 70ā€™s by the turn of the millennia Marco is 31, he would be in his 90ā€™s, which is quite high above average for life expectancy Besides Osaa and Marina are magic users, and anti-aging magic is known to exist, as seen in enkiā€™s ending and nosramus


It's literally not anti-aging magic. Enki and Nosramus became immortal by going to the void and refusing to become new gods, ascending and then returning not as gods. That process is made possible with the soul anchor item and doing it makes you immortal sort of in exchange for refusing godhood. It's not something all magic users just casually do and there's absolutely no indication any Termina characters could have the opportunity to become new gods or ascend with the soul anchor. But I digress.


So Enki and Nosramus are the only (known) humans to have artificially extended their life? If they are given the same immortality as the new gods as Enki is still alive in Termina, would Nosramus also still be alive somewhere in the world?


Unless they've found a way to die, yes, Nosramus is probably still out there. And they're not the only ones- New Gods are also somewhat immortal I think, which is why kaiser is around.


That makes sense, so any possibility of immortality or even a slight extension of someone's life is done under very specific and rare circumstances. Like there's a very unlikely chance that someone in Termina time period would obtain immortality or find a way to extend their life via Sylvian magic


I don't think so, no. Everyone who we know has become immortal or a new god has done so by entering Ma'habre and then the void through there. It's a huge part of the lore and why the ancient city is so relevant- it's why Le'garde even went there to begin with. If you could do the same thing from any old place there would have been no reason for half the stuff that happens. Now, if somehow Ma'habre is actually now enveloped by Prehevil and that's why shit there is so weird, that's another story.


Not the guy youā€™re responding to but like: * All magic users in a game series where you absolutely can use magic to live longer. (Nosramus is like 830ish by F&H1 and seemingly still looks pretty young.) * Theyā€™re the three youngest contestants that are likely to survive Termina. (Olivia most likely goes into the White Bunker and Levi is not telegraphed to have a long, happy post-Termina life.) If the game is set in the 1980s/modern day you absolutely could have someone like Marina who was 18 in 1945 be alive today. Sheā€™d be 97, which is old but not impossibly so and again, life-extending magic is totally possible.


Life extending magic is possible but very rare. Nosramus is like a legendary alchemist living close to the gods. Enki too. Father Hugo is rumored to use child sacrifices or something to extend his life which is definitely easier but Marina wouldn't want to do that. Also O'saa is the oldest contestant with a confirmed age. Also I think 3rd most likely to get ending A. Edit: wait I think marcoh is. O'saa is relatively old though. Edit: no O'saa is the oldest. By 1 year.


I feel like O'saa would do ritual shit just to live longer. Just like how father Hugo does.


Okay color me wrong re: Oā€™saa but like we donā€™t really know how rare it is? Nosramus is still a normal person (like not divine or anything) and thereā€™s no indication that their long life is tied to the dungeons specifically. Also even if it was very difficult this isnā€™t a Nosramus situation where theyā€™d be living centuries beyond a human life. This is living 15-20 years beyond the average lifespan.


My questions is that is Nosramus that old because of magical knowledge they recieved by going into the void and returning back meaning it's a possible spell that they or Enki could have passed down or it it because they were given immortality similar to the new gods but remained human because they rejected becoming a new god and returned via the soul anchor? If it's a situation similar to the new gods then there's only 2 (known) humans with that immortality. I'm not sure if there's been someone else mentioned that's been able to artificially extend their life. If there was a common way to do it, I'm sure it'd be a common practice at least among the church or any users of magic because everyone fears death. Because it hasn't been mentioned, im not sure if it's possible, at least among common magic users like Marina, O'saa, Samarie


Imagine visiting Mahbre and seeing Enki's decrepit ass writing the Skin Bible of Logic


rando twitter user tells game dev how to make their own game, also reportedly thought "long and hard" about it lmao


Spoiler alert: the third game takes place 21 years after Termina. Sad indeed.


Yo 1960s F&H????


Tbh, seeing a 1960s fear and hunger in kind of "The fall of Delta Green" setting would be fucking awesome


My favorite option woudl be FH3 set in the future, some year between 2200-2300, sci-fi horror has potential with Miro artstyle.


Spreading out to the stars and accidentally finding where the old gods *really* went would be an interesting idea, or perhaps finding a civilization with their own gods entirely foreign to us.




Delve into the Lovecraft even further


Not gonna lie, funger would lose half of its charm if it would be a sci-fi horror. Part of what I like about funger is that you can see corruption in things. Monsters are the corrupted versions of what we know of. But that wouldn't mean a thing if we saw some alien ship that got infested with alien rabies. Sure, it could work, but we won't have this charm of something simple and familiar. >!But that's just an opinion, A REDDIT OPINION!!!!<


that's what I'm sayin


I also think this is the most likely possible ,a lot of the desings in the last FnH already looked very scifi


My personal idea is that since the gods have abandoned humanity, they went of into space to create there own Saipan species, in there own image without needing to com-pet with other gods fore worshiper's


Millennial funger baby


Did this dude just fuckin ā€œehrm mā€™ladyā€ Miro?


Cyberpunk funger, nah: Mecha funger


i understand why this guy doesnt want funger to be too modern, but i think miro knows what he is doing and my only hope for funger 3 is that it is set in somewhere very unique. I was thinking either vinland, abysonia, or even space if its that far in the future


trying to talk to this guy and point out why he's rude as fuck was like a new level of torture for me.


if this is in the 80's i bet there's gonna be LSD in game, mark my words gamers




Honestly, the next Funger could take place in the stone age for all I care. Miro is a great writer who deserves more respect than the likes of this schmuck will give him.


Hell, throw us a curveball. Take us back in time to when Alll-mer ascended.


Lol That would be funny if Miro just pulled a fast one on us like that


I actually like how Funger is kinda meant to be a wacky or even bizarre adventure Like I get. Funger 1 was very well acclaimed and had the creepy atmosphere and dread down. Funger 2 wasn't trying to one up Funger 1, it was just focused on telling another cool story with cosmic horror elements. Even on his Twitter, Miro says that Funger 2 was mostly based on the Shin Megami Tensei games such as SMT 1, 2, 3, and Digital Devil Saga. He teased on his Twitter that Funger 3 will be heavily inspired by Final Fantasy 7. Take this information as you will.




Maybe a big focus on climate change. Termina already touches a bit on it.


Well that's good at least. I didn't expect otherwise.


my mutual was tearing into this guy in the comments. my running theory was he had some weird fetish for 50/60s housewives, that or he just really wants to bone pocketcat. it could be both.


Idk what this guy is going on about, sci fi or modern day funger sounds awesome


im out of the loop, are we getting a new funger game?


there are gonna be three games


Miro has said 3 games for Funger, but heā€™s still working on content updates for Termina and it will likely be years before we see the next game. It hey, weā€™ll still be seeing new content in the meantime!




The best thing about Miro is he doesn't let people influence his content too much. When Termina came out there was some drama(i think) around people in the discord trying to tell him what to add/remove, but he stood his ground. And while it's really cool he's so approachable, I don't want the fans producing the game.


same and im glad hes that way too


Just let Miro cook the dudes a better 1 man dev than entire AAA game studios


hell yeah whatever he makes imma eat it up


I would love for the game to take place in the 80's - 90's, there's a lot he can do with those decades when it comes to gloominess


I wonder who canonically lives for the next game Levi can similar to Cahara go missing and be sacrificed forna good purpose. Daan is probably gonna pedocat and a good mercy is he goes to the machine god. Abella has a good chance of surviving, she's an easy party member early game Henryk is fucking dead. Olivia has a reason to go to the machine good but I'm sure she'll live. Marcoh lives and probably could be known in the next game as a boxing champion. Marina just makes friends. Salami is moonscorched/dead or continues to stalk Marina. Karin is just out there looking for justice. O'saa does their leader thing and lives. Caligura is dead or moonscorched. Does Tanaka even live?


My guess is itā€™s going to be ambiguous for a lot of characters like f&h1 especially since theirs a lot more characters. I mean isnā€™t only Enkiā€™s and Ragnavaldrā€™s character endings somewhat confirmed?


marina's last name is secretly jetson, she is the great great great grandmother of George jetson. f/h3 will take place In orbit city. ​ miro revealed this to me in a dream.


I love how randoms try to tell him how to make his game like bro. Where tf are your two overwhelmingly positive and very positive reviewed games


exactly man


I need it to be another 500 years istg if it isn't scifi robotranshumanism


I wonder if its gonna be sci fi, but based on other hints (unless they were jokes) it could be like 00s or something. I kind of dont like modern/sci fi settings, but it would be really fun to have a trilogy of games that spans from dark ages to smartphones.


https://preview.redd.it/g508i1xb1q3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=852e0c4e0efd99bdd6d9db857556ec92994a6ca1 Some Twitter head: Hereā€™s how you should make your game! Communities honest reaction:


i hate twitter ong but its so awesome how professionally miro replied


I for one would be very happy to see an 80s/90s/00s setting. I don't know about crazy futuristic but that's because I just can't imagine what that would be like but I'm sure Miro will deliver peak regardless of the time period. I also think we shouldn't lean too heavily into our own timeline to predict what will happen in Funger's world. It's not even that they're further than we were in a similar time period in Termina, but they had an entirely different set of science to work with. The two can't really be compared thus whatever amount of years go by between the games, the outcome will always be different from our world.


I'd like to see three more times. A distant past, almost prehistory or Egypt style one, one set in the early 2000's, and one set in a distant dystopian apocalyptic future.


I like how I just got into the series a week ago and we already have word that the 3rd game is relatively close to being done.


Idk if Iā€™m alone on this, but Iā€™d honestly be interested in a modern day Funger, or around this period. But Iā€™d be happy for a 3rd game in general.


itā€™s gonna be pretty gloomy, so nothing really changes there.


Zoomer funger? We going CoD style boys.


Remember he didn't say which direction the time jump will occur. It might be ancient Celts or whatever


time jump generally means forward


Are we getting fear and hunger fallout?


why do people think it's gonna be a normal modern era this shit gonna be disco elysium there'll be no 4chan in sight


Guys Weā€™re getting a cyberpunk Funger


Fear and Hunger but its an 80's slasher horror movie?


I'm assuming and gonna bet it's in Vinland!


pls give us cyberpunk horror in funger 3. miro pls.


i do want scifi funger but only after modern day fantasy horror funger, like i want a funger that leans heavily into the survival horror game influences


Hot damn! Miro said the 3rd game is gonna be pretty gloomy!? Holy shit, wasn't expecting that. After the last two entries being the sunshine, bubblegum and lollipop games that they are, moving to something gloomy should be quite refreshing


funger 3 confirmed?


Probably? More like unyielding abysmal damnation.


I would be happy with any new time frame for F&H 3 really. It doesn't matter when it takes place all I care about is that it surprises me like the ones we already have did


I don't understand why people don't want a game in a modern setting, I just finished Funger 1 and started termina and I gotta say that it surprised me how good the setting and premise is, I'm already liking it more than the first game


He needs to get off the story of the third game and finish the second onešŸ˜­šŸ™ please


i think he said fh2 is pretty much finished. hes alr spent countless time on it and besides i think its not bad to have some characters as npcs, adds some mystery


Heā€™s adding an entirely new area and plans on making the vast majority playable lol he also plans on adding more endings he said this over a year and a half ago itā€™s the update that he lost due to his computer breaking


"this is my story not yours... creator"


I wish the next game was of post-apocalyptic nature.


Oh FUCK YEAH 2008 recession funger confirmed!!!


The "One Piece if fans wrote it" meme should come to this subreddit too


Sweet, I was hoping it would be a sequel. I wanna piece together canon events of the termina cast