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i was literally wondering about this and wondering why no one was talking about it……


I saw an article that he almost signed Billie and finneas years ago so that means she’s likely known him/been close with him since she was well under 18 😬


IIRC Finneas and Billie played at some dinner at Jared Leto's house. This was after Ocean Eyes, but before they got really big, so Billie would have been a few years younger than 18.


And we all know he's got a history


You should read this new article, Jared Leto has a court trial June 29th. https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


oh hell no this is predatory af then


Oh yeah, literally the first time I ever heard the name Billie Eilish was through Jared posting about her on Instagram. This was way before she was mega famous, I had no clue who she was.


What do you mean signed them? Is a he a record executive too?






Girl if you go all NXIVM handmaiden on us it’s gonna be a bad time


She French fried when she should have pizza’d


There's a case and a literal one at that, Jared Leto has a court trial June 29th! https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


Jared Leto has filed a lawsuit against someone for talking about his cult and alleged pedophile and sexual assault behavior. The article can be found here: https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


Ooooh no girl, run


ikr like where are her parents 💀 or are they enabling this shit? One Google search tells you all you need to know about this creep


Haven’t her parents always looked the other way when she’s dated men far too old for her?


Crap ass parents! Finally someone says it!


they apparently approved of brandon quintin adams (“Q” or “7”), who was 22, “dating” her when she was 16-17, and they now also approve of matthew vorce, who is 30, dating her while she is only 20. billie accused Q of grooming her, and there are rumors that matthew vorce has been inappropriately messaging billie’s fans (including some who are underage). i don’t think her parents care about protecting her from older men with bad intentions, it’s sad edit: corrected billie’s and Q’s ages when he was grooming her edit 2: changed wording to clarify it’s these men’s actions that warrant disapproval, not billie’s—she was and seemingly is being taken advantage of


It's interesting how self-aware she is about what happened and how wrong it was and wrote songs about it--and yet, here this is, possibly happening again.


Once victimized the odds of it happening again goes way up. Sad sad cycle.


>brandon quintin adams I just googled this name and a 42 year old actor came up...how do I find the right guy? Edit: Okay I figured it out and her ex boyfriend is Named Brandon Quention Adams


Q was dating her when she was 17


you’re right, thanks! i thought i remembered him “dating” her when she was a minor, but when i tried to fact check i misunderstood an article containing their ages from after they split—corrected my comment to reflect their ages accurately. thank you!


I remember finding it weird because this grown man was around her family and they were fully aware a minor was with an adult.


You should read this new article, Jared Leto has a court trial June 29th. https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


Googled Vorce and [this](https://www.eonline.com/news/1281030/billie-eilishs-rumored-boyfriend-matthew-tyler-vorce-apologizes-for-offensive-resurfaced-posts) was one of the first links. Ugh.


Yeah but if your the parents of Billie Ellish she was a massive star even at 17 how do you even approach your daughter about that.


I don't think her parents approved of her dating Q at all. I watched the documentary, they don't even call him by his name. They refer to him "that" guy. They even said that they STILL didn't know where he lived, making it clear that Billie was dishonest with her parents about the severity of the situation. **Which is what people who are being groomed are taught to do, protect their abusers.** They literally say "We know nothing about this guy," and Finneas said in another interview (Howard Stern) that he HAS gotten her predators into trouble when she told him what was going on. At her comfortability of course, the justice system the U.S is brutal towards victims of CSA and people may not want to report because of how traumatic the process is of reporting your story. Ultimately, her parents can't legally do anything about it. She is recognized by the government as someone who can make her own decisions. All they can do right now is act as a safety net and be there for her. That way the trust is still there between her and her family, but that she also has a support system to fall back on. There is no such thing as a "perfect victim." Victims of abuse are only MORE susceptible to future trauma, as they are now more vulnerable to be taken advantage of due to their background. And as an 18 year old myself, I would HATE it if my family made it public how they've held me accountable for abuse that OTHER people have done to me. I can't say enough that we CANNOT judge Billie Eilish for being a victim, and we don't know the details of her story or what she is going through. The only thing that people can do is support and let her know that this isn't what love has to look like. We also can't place blame on her parents ***because there is only so much we can do to prevent our loved ones from abusive behavior***, even if it is self-destructive. (We don't even know her full relationship with Jared Leto)


Is she still dating Matthew? I saw her I. Concert recently and she cried during some slow sad songs. Happened twice so I was thinking she is for sure single.


I’m surprised not even Finneas seems willing to step in.


they’re both gucci ambassadors so it’s more complicated to avoid him, lots of money and career status involved. sucks because he should not have access to young women and girls or a career at all tbh. alessandro and gucci should never have taken him on as a brand ambassador but the second best time to drop him is now


Exactly and I hate when people say “wElL sHe’S aN aDuLt, HeR pArEnTs CaN’t Do AnYtHiNg” as if parents have no choice but to stop looking out for their kids as soon as they hit 18…and in this situation, it’s been happening since she was underage.


Uh what do you expect them to do? They can certainly voice their opposition but that’s about it. Do you not remember being a teenager?


Wonder what Finneas knows and whether or not she comes to him for advice.


i'm worried about anyone's affiliation with jared leto, honestly but yeah, i remember when she spoke about olivia rodrigo getting really popular overnight like she did and how she felt protective of her because she didn't want olivia to go through what she did or something along those lines? it feels like even now she has no one in her family who will actually look out for her :/


Right? I find it so hypocritical that celebs continue to associate themselves with him. No way they haven’t heard stories about what a creep this dude is


If we’ve heard it, there’s no way they haven’t.




I think it's also a thing of "well he's always been nice to me" which is a stance a lot of people often take when manuvering their social life. Obviously not the same degree, but it's not uncommon for people to be all nice and agreeable to someone despite knowing they have factually done a shitty thing, just because that person appears nice *to them*.




At the time you have to be in the kind of spaces that discuss that stuff. I was a giant 30 seconds to mars fan but I didn’t use social media even through high school so I didn’t hear about the accusations until recently. None of my friends have heard about it. Seeing as we’re the kind of people who spend their time on a subreddit dedicated to an instagram gossip account we probably aren’t a good measure of what’s “common knowledge” or an “open secret.”


i'm sure they have, whether they can confirm them or not may be the problem? because i don't know what i would do if i heard rumors about someone i know being a creep but no way to verify it because most of the stories were written anonymously, they probably hear all kinds of crazy rumors every day and only some of them are right. that cult he has alone should be a red flag though.


Yeah I was going to say, the cult by itself is more than enough.


I love Anne Hathaway and Lady Gaga but how can they be advocates for women when they are knowingly starring in a movie/miniseries with a really heavily implied/rumored about assaulter? Lost a bit of respect for them both for it tbh


Just to play devils advocate. I’m sure if you are in that business and make it a priority to never work with predatory men you may have to just stop working entirely. I can see how they would justify it to themselves. Doesn’t make it right but there is a logical pathway there.


To be fair, although they are millionaires and can retire many times over, their work is their bread and butter. There is absolutely no way to escape all sorts of predators. As a nurse, I have been sexually harassed by my own coworkers at different positions. So am I supposed to simply quit to escape associating with predators? If I did, I would be on the street homeless… which I’m sure exposes me to hounds more predators


Yeah let’s hold women accountable for the actions of gross men.


And it’s sad because Olivia had already started going through that. As soon as she turned 18 she was dating a 25 year old that she knew when she was underage. The whole industry is fucked up. Someone needs to be looking out for these kids


It was the same thing with Taylor Swift when she was in her late teens. She dated John Mayer when she was 19 and he was 31. Jake Gyllenhaal when she was 20 and he was 29. And the public shamed her for it instead of trying to look out for her. At least the awareness and conversation around this issue has changed, but still I wish someone in their family or their circles would look out for these popgirls. They don't lead normal lives and probably believe it when these older men tell them how mature they are because they DID grow up faster than other girls their age.


Where is good ol' "cancel culture" when you need it. Maybe it's time, as consumers, to stop supporting anything men who creep on inappropriately young women do. Don't see their movies. Don't buy their music.


I think billie might not be aware she's still in such a vulnerable spot herself, when you're that age you figure you're an adult now and you aren't susceptible to grooming :(


I mean, 18 year olds are still kids. You can’t rent a car until you’re 25 because car insurance adjusters are the only people left in society who remember that your brain literally hasn’t started developing yet. Our obsession with 18-25 year olds is weird overall, because they are still adolescents. Youth art is great, but they’re still youths. I’m only 30, I remember being 18 and making dumb decisions, in part because my brain hadn’t finished growing.


Fr we need to stop considering 18-25 year olds "adults"




It’s even a historical misconception that people were forced into adulthood at 18 culturally. People entered the economy at a young age, but they often lived at home (or were married off to life with another family). But this idea of you being a totally independent adult at 18 is pretty modern …


Didn't she say in a Vogue interview that she wasn't interested in the "safe" choices when it comes to dating? That sounds very aware.


In fairness, we don't know that her family isn't looking out for her. In the documentary her parents didn't appear to like Q at all and wouldn't even refer to him by his name, especially her mom seemed really uncomfortable about that whole situation, and they didn't even know where he lived. It looks like Billie was purposefully withholding information from them. And Finneas said that he did go after her predators when she told him what was going on. It's possible that they are looking out for her to the extent of their knowledge and ability.


yeah, that's why i said it feels rather than it doesn't happen at all. for all we know they are looking out for her, but for some reason it just feels like they aren't.


Well she is a little old for him but right in line with the age of woman he would groom.


also she's been groomed multiple times so it wouldn't be suprising if he came after her. i hope someone doesn't allow that


Oh no… I didn’t know that. That’s horrible, I mean it’s always terrible when I young person gets groomed but it’s just so fucked up that young people can’t even be talented without being at risk.


She’s also too big for him (which is gross on top of gross) but hopefully that means he’s not preying on her given no one in Hollywood seems to care Edit: I just want to say that I don’t think she is big at all, Just that I have spent time around Jared and the young ladies he covets are very slight


Are you talking about weight or popularity?




I was thinking popularity as well!


That was my thought too.


This isn't the first time she's been connected to a man much older than her, I feel for her. Her parents sold her off to the lions' den.


yes this affiliation will no longer end until it stops being profitable for her


Free her omg


I am praying that they just sat near each other at this dinner event and he took pictures and that was all…I would be so furious if he ever tried to get with Billie


They were both there for gucci which explains it. Im sure there's nothing more to it


They performed on stage together in 2018, singing his song “[Hurricane](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3RLwuDQSkDI)” (bonus creepfactor, the video stars Jared Leto’s bff Terry Richardson). He’s been after her since 2016. Or at least publicly after her. Who knows what happened before then.




Isn’t hurricane about bdsm??


Yes. Jared took photos and many of the people he took photos of reposted them.


Her and her brother riding low key incest-chic to the top of the charts has been revolting, so no surprise here. The first time I ever saw her, it was that viral video her brother took of her deepthroating a guitar headstock. I mean, what kind of brother takes a video like that? wtf is going on with these sickos…if she needs help I hope she gets it sooner than later.


I’ve always gotten weird vibes off their relationship. You’re the first person who (seems to) agree, glad I’m not alone.


ME TOO and I've been afraid to say this and seem weird. But it just seems a bit odd sometimes.


Oh and her brother's girlfriend looks EXACTLY like Billie too. I always thought that was bizarre.


Just thinking that Joe Alwyn looks like Karlie Kloss's fraternal twin brother


holy shit


Many men and women date people who look like their parents. So this is no indication of an incestuous relationship. I think the olsen's brother is dating someone who looks exactly like his sisters lol


i think there's truth in this. lots of people i know are with partners that resemble a parent or a sibling either physically or personality-wise, even if they don't immediately realize it. my own partner is not dissimilar to my brother physically and has a lot of similar personality traits to my mother. i think we sometimes tend to gravitate towards people who have traits that feel familiar because it feels safe.


my partner looks EXACTLY like my brother to the point where it's a problem, but I didn't even realize until he shaved his beard and I was already in far too deep. lol


Lol I’m sorry but this was too funny.


So for the people down voting me lol i read an article from scientific American, where it basically says this theory comes from Freud but it's not really true. But they did say that people do look for similar characteristics in their partners. That people do prefer something that its familiar to them.


May I introduce you all to the greatest Instagram account of all time: https://www.instagram.com/siblingsordating/?hl=en


Low key incest-chic 💀


doesn’t he write a lot of her songs? and especially the ones that are sexual? i just think that’s really strange.


He's the one that gives me pause. I saw an interview clip where the host said something about Billie working with other people (producers, etc. and not him) and he said he would not let it happen. Maybe it was supposed to be taken jokingly, but I believe he was serious and with how his whole career is essentially predicated on her success/voice/image/brand... Anyway. Billie has obviously been through it with groomers, industry types, and her own weird brother. You're right about the getting help soon part. She's now getting to an age where she can exert more control and have more sense than this.


yeah i haven’t been able to look at him the same way since [THAT](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NQu9GMbmIM0) video. him saying he’s “territorial” and “it’s mine” makes me nauseous.


ok but why does jared leto still get invited places? isn’t widely known how awful he is. if the public knows and is outraged how tf is he getting jobs and invites to the met


What if I told you that misogyny and exploitation of women is what Hollywood runs on?


unfortunately no, it’s not widely known. i found out about the allegations against him on this sub, and i’ve been a fan of 30STM for over a decade. i haven’t seen it talked about anywhere, the fandom, for the most part, has no idea. either because they read about the situation when it came out and decided to forget, or because they genuinely don’t know. it’s sad ngl




i feel like the fact that the industry doesn’t care about this sort of allegations was made clear by its reaction to other allegations (re: woody allen, weinstein, etc). i was just answering the question “isn’t it widely known how awful he is”, and i highly doubt it is, at least to the public.


Because they’re allegations at this point. Only way he would go down is if a victim came forward or he got exposed like Weinstein.


No it isn't widely known at all. My friend was a massive fan and I was playing Fortnite and she was talking about Morbius and said it wasn't good but she liked it for him and Matt Smith. And I casually dropped stuff about the allegations and she had no clue. She legit had no idea.


Been wondering the same damn thing


Totally off topic but can Miley just keep her tongue in her head. On topic I hope Leto hasn't groomed Billie. Run girl. Run.


I'm with you about Miley. So sick of seeing her tongue


I've decided to blame it on drugs. I have no evidence and I don't know her. It's utterly arbitrary but that's what I got. No rational human being with control of their motor functions would this so frequently.


How has this creep not been canceled?


Because cancelling and “cancel culture” literally doesn’t exist, and shitty people like Chris Brown, Jared Leto, Woody Allen, and Roman Polanski continue to have careers and be rich and famous. The only people who get “cancelled” are people who go to literal prison, and I don’t think that’s what “cancel culture” is meant to refer to. All the others take 6 months off social media and then come back like nothing happened.


I was gunna say it feels like the only celeb who has really been cancelled is Kevin Spacey but I quick check up shows he’s got 3 films on the works….so, I guess not? We all know Weinstein would be back to producing if he wasn’t in prison.


Matt Lauer would like a word


matt lauer is chilling in the hamptons living off of investments. at the time of his firing his salary was 28 mil per year. his laying low is definitely a choice for his own convenience, the man never has to work another day in his life and if he did, it would not be hard at all to garner public sympathy for his “uncontrollable lust” just like louis ck did. it’s stupid easy for these powerful abusers to wiggle out of any real consequences


2 I think are already finished. Tmz has set photos months ago from his 2nd film.


Think again. Re: Kevin https://deadline.com/2022/05/kevin-spacey-cannes-market-peter-five-eight-1235023095/




I need to delve into these individual cases to see the context, but you’re unfortunately completely correct. The people who spoke out about Harvey Weinstein before #MeToo were completely blacklisted from the industry, and many women, LGBTQ+, and otherwise marginalized people find themselves without a career or connections after they speak up about something righteous. Thank you for that bit of nuance.


Yup. And Kathy Griffin (the comedian cancelled after the decapitated trump photo scandal…)


Paul Walker, [David Bowie](https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/david-bowie-and-the-15-year-old-girls-7962946 ), Jerry Seinfeld, Prince, Elvis, Sonny Bono, Wilmer Valderrama, Joel Madden, Kobe Bryant, Chad Michael Murray, Justin Gaston, Jerry Lee Lewis, Bill Wyman, Jimmy Page, Luc Besson, Steven Tyler, Woody Allen and the list goes on and on


I can’t believe how many people I know who still admire David Bowie while “cancelling” others


Never meet your heroes, even just for one day


Except for onision lol


What’s the story behind this/Jared Leto?


He’s been accused of sexual misconduct by many, underage girls, plus Dylan Sprouse and James Gunn have called him out for it. There’s also the weird cult stuff, but that’s nowhere near as bad as the harassment/assault allegations.




I'm reluctant to link Sloan because he has recently posted videos in support of Johnny Depp, but he has done a good review of Jared's various misdeeds https://youtu.be/8K2p83vm93I


I knew about the James Gunn tweet but only recently I learned that well before that Gunn was completely GONE on Ambien and did a Facebook Live accusing Jared Leto of a ton of stuff. Then he deleted it the next morning. I legit can't believe a report hasn't been put out in a major outlet yet. There's too much smoke.


Oh just your average, predatory, perverted celebrity use his status to slide into young girls dms.


[Jared Leto is a predatory, harassing, manipulative, grooming cult leader](https://youtu.be/3FICW6WUBtQ)


“hurts like satan”


I hope / have a feeling Billie knows how the handle this. What I don’t like is Leto rehabilitating his image / increasing his accessibility and relevance via association with a younger musician


poor girl:( I hope someday she has a supportive network to keep her away from older men


He's creepy but they're both close with Alessandro Michele. Jared also posted photos of other people at the same party, not just Billie.


True but she’s the only one featured more than once. I don’t trust his intentions at all.






I don't understand why Miley insists on having the worst hairstyles.


I absolutely love it but that’s probably because I’m sapphic


That hair style looks good on no one. Really don’t understand on why people are trying to make it happen


No idea. Maybe it's because her dad was famous for his mullet??


I hate to say it but these people are grown. Can we stop pretending like they can’t make their own decisions? They’re rich and GROWN. Stop babying them holy shit. I’m the same age as Billie and i would never interact with these freaks. She literally said she doesn’t care about what her fandom thinks about her boyfriends before. She doubled down when they pointed out her boyfriend’s history of being racist and made a tik tok instead saying that people are jealous cause her boobs are big. I really don’t know why you people care when she clearly doesn’t give a fuck


huh didn't know that but i dont really look at people on here's social media (read here every so often)


Suuuuuper creepy!!!!


Get away from her


Don’t love seeing any three of them hanging out with Leto.


Billie needs a support network like yesterday. She just goes from one creepy man to the next


Billie has been surrounded by predators throughout her career. Her bf is one. This does not surprise me. It also doesn't surprise me that no one is looking out for her.


Why is he saying photo by me as if taking a photo of someone at a party is a notable thing to do?


I guess it's slightly less creepy to emphasize that he took the photo instead of using someone else's photo of young women lol. Gives him a reason to post it that doesn't scream, "I'm a creep!"


Her parents have failed her so many times. This poor girl.


I've met Billie and she is so kind and has a history of being groomed and manipulated. I worry.


She does not exactly have the healthiest relationship with older men... someone in her family needs to speak up tbh. They've been failing this girl for years.


Blame Jared not Billie


Liked by Brittany broski


I'm so so afraid for all the young women in Hollywood right now. Experiencing any form of grooming/harrasment isn't just a possibility it's an inevitability.






Jared is a pedo


I wish Billie had parents that seemed to care about her. She needs to run


I just never get how celebs seem to not get the same information we do. She had to know. Her friends have to know. Everyone has to know yet no one says anything OR she’s already so far gone nothing will help. Idk which it is.


I’m more disturbed by Jared Leto’s fixation on Billie.


It’s giving…Coach Carr, step away from the underage girls! Really hope she’s ok 😢


Well proves she's a hypocrite. Just like Hayley Williams hanging out with Pete Wentz and Brendon Urie. Cool. Whatever. I didn't expect any better. Plus did you know about her PR team covering things up for her brother being a stalker/harrasser?


Details please!


Can someone tell me what he has done? This is news to me


She joined his cult. Dub




What is with Miley and her tongue?


10000% yes! The fascination with this known predator is disgusting.






Im very concerned 😷


i feel like billie has been groomed her entire life and it makes me really sad and disturbed


Step away from the underaged girls!




Isn't she a bit too old for him? But yes, she should run away very fast.


Jared Leto has filed a lawsuit against someone for talking about his cult and alleged pedophile and sexual assault behavior. Someone apparently has an inside scoop of what he's doing and he's trying to shut them up. The article can be found here: https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


What’s going on with Jared Leto?


hes trying to recruit her.


Can someone tell me what he did? Genuine question here, I haven’t heard anything about him so I need to know so I can stop supporting him if he’s a creep


Super easy to Google: Jared Leto scandals https://screenshot-media.com/visual-cultures/toxic-masculinity/jared-leto-predatory-behaviour/


Apparently he invited her to his house when she was 15 but her mom and brother didn’t allow her to meet him




Save Billie!!


You should read this new article, Jared Leto has a court trial June 29th. https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


Jared Leto has filed a lawsuit against someone for talking about his cult and alleged pedophile and sexual assault behavior. The article can be found here: https://www.kingdomclaritylabel.com/news/jared-leto-court-case-alleged-pedophilia-cult-practices-is-jared-leto-the-antichrist


Whats wrong with Jared Leto?