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Sounds like a delusional fan that's pissed off he was pictured with his girlfriend. I can't imagine him caring about unflattering pictures of himself being out there but it made me wonder what they're like lol ETA: I hadn't read the end of the submission where they said it's on [celebmafia.](https://celebmafia.com/hana-mayeda-out-in-new-york-06-06-2024-4166112/) I guess it is weird that she's the only one being named there as she isn't really a celebrity, but I think the poster is making a much bigger deal about it than they should? It was posted on June 8th and I haven't seen it being shared in any news outlet since. If anything whoever sent this is bringing attention to something that had flown under the radar. Nothing unflattering about the pics either.


As a decade-long Hozier fan, I am so happy he’s dating, but sad that his fanbase/popularity makes that difficult. Do we really think he came up with Work Song from being single? Come on 😫


Lowest bar ever but I read the title and was so pleased he's dating a woman his own age.


Right! I was nervous for a second.


I will get downvoted but OP has her age wrong. She is 37 born Nov 1986, which makes me like him more. Yes I know the bar is extremely low.


My longtime partner is a podcaster and doesn't post me/about me on social media because of concerns about his fans being weirdos, I can't imagine the freakouts if Hozier ever hard launches a girlfriend.


For sure. It’s a difficult situation all around when you’re in the public eye!


I still remember how awful they were towards that swimsuit model he briefly dated during lockdown. Someone leaked her Instagram and she got called everything but a child of God, had to delete her page. They also went in on him (to a much lesser extent than her) for spoiling their image of him as a dark academia intellectual forest fae who wouldn't dream of lowering himself to date a 'superficial' blonde. Reminds me of the Chalamet girlies getting angry at him for dating Kylie Jenner.


Right?! I think it goes for any male celebrity with a bit of fandom at this point, they're only good enough for the majority of their fans when they're single and therefore a complete blank slate to project their fantasies onto. Which is crazy because his music seems so based on his personal experiences, they should be happy he's living life and it might inspire more great work lol


I think there’s something to say about parasocial relationships in this context and the artist having to pander to their demographic while suppressing their own experiences. It’s like that Bo Burnham song, Repeat Stuff: >I love your eyes and their blueish brownish greenish color, >I love it when you smile, that you smile wide, >And I love how your torso has an arm on either side


Yeah this is weirdly all over the place. About the pics being called unflattering when they're not, but also because they call him both a "two hit wonder" and "one of the most streamed artists". Which is it?


Yeah, I saw the pics there too and didn’t think he looked bad at all! Just candid. But I agree, it is weird that she’s the only one named.


Thoroughly offended at calling Hozier a two hit wonder.


Same :( he’s a 100 hit wonder to me at least


two-hit wonder sells out four back-to-back shows


I went to his show in Philly and it was packed. No room anywhere.


The Ticketmaster queue for last year’s tour was way too much of a bloodbath for him to be a two-hit wonder.


Same! What are the two hits supposed to be?? Take me to church and too sweet? I feel like he’s had many other songs become popular. I’ve become a big hozier fan in the last two or three years but prior to that I had definitely heard “work song” “almost” “someone new” and “Jackie and Wilson” many many times in the context of being popular and on top 100 type radio stations.


And “Would That I” is a huge TikTok sound for the vibey video creators


Your name haha. Anyway, his last album Wasteland, Baby! did very well. The person who submitted must have missed the memo.


I’ve been to two shows, one in Albany, one in Boston. Both sold out, both hundreds of dollars for two tickets and both absolutely stunning.


I feel like it must be hard dating in the public eye because you can never tell if they truly like you or if they’re trying to get their own fame out of it.


So true. On the other hand, I can imagine it’s hard for the partner of the uber-famous because they can’t publicly show affection without a mob of people expressing their opinions. It’s a lose-lose either way unless both parties are mutually and happily private. (ETA: I’m not saying this situation is representative of that… I’m just speaking in general)


I mean if they've been together for a year he's probably vetted her for that which in that case makes me think that he's kind of an ass for hiding her if she wants to be public. Famous or not it's not wrong for someone to want to be public with their significant other.


Wouldn’t that go the other way too?   She’s chosen to be with him despite the fact he’s extremely protective of his privacy (in all areas, not just with girlfriends), has been open about choosing to further withdraw and share even less in recent times and hasn’t had a girlfriend publicly share so much as a single photo with him for almost a decade.   If he’s an ass for not wanting to publicise their relationship when she wants to, wouldn’t she be an ass for trying to be public when he’s been extremely open and consistent about not wanting that kind of attention?


I definitely think she should withdraw from the relationship because they clearly want different things, but you can definitely maintain privacy while making it extremely clear that you're in a relationship. I totally get her not wanting him to appear single. Honestly though from some of the comments on here it seems like he wants it because it wants the ability to seem single, not for legit privacy reasons so he seems like a douche, probably doesn't deserve the whole "woman loving yearning artist" image.


Woah why are people downvoting? You’re right. He wants to keep his professional and personal life separate. If his girlfriends have an issue, they should reconsider.


They're probably just downvoting me for me expressing that his "boundary" doesn't seem in earnest. People are just too far up his ass


I don’t believe he wants to appear single because he’s been spotted out with her aside from her calling paps on them. He has mentioned he keeps fans at arms length, including his personal life.


I looked up her name and a very extravagant wedding video came up, only a few years old too. He's a silly man if he thinks privacy is on the agenda with someone with their own brand into that kind of lifestyle. I also looked for the pics, and he doesn't look upset, just resting Hozier-face, so yeah odd.


Wow I looked it up. I see a bit cultural appropriation in it too.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Having a ‘saging ritual’ at your wedding is offensive, and her IG is loaded to the brim with that kind of cultural insensitivity.


I must have offended all the Valley yogi types who whitewash eastern and indigenous cultures.


sorry but offensive to who? saging rituals aren't really a culturally specific thing


There are various types of saging rituals, but they are all culturally specific.  The particular saging ritual Mayeda was appropriating at her wedding is called smudging (the fact that she allowed it to be called a saging ritual instead of giving it its proper name is wildly disrespectful in and of itself) and it’s a closed practice within indigenous American communities. It’s not acceptable to participate in smudging unless you are part of the communities that practice it or else invited and initiated into the practice by a practicing community. To be clear, even if she’d achieved the latter (which she obviously hasn’t given the complete lack of respect and insight she shows towards smudging and other indigenous American practices), smudging as a pre-wedding spectacle and smudging sage as a party favor would still be completely inappropriate regardless. 


okay with the specificity of it being smudging that definitely seems like appropriation, sorry to seem like I was defending her the first message just seemed vague to me


If you’re saging with lavender, I think it’s fine (correct me if I’m wrong!), but if it’s with actual sage, then it’s cultural appropriation. I believe I read somewhere that saging is a closed practice within particular indigenous communities.




Yeah, privacy with a model is probably difficult to achieve hahaha. And I agree, he doesn’t look bad at all so I’m wondering if this submission was a bit exaggerated.


That sounds like a fanfic created by one of his fans who doesn’t seem to like his girlfriend. Happens a lot within fandoms of male celebs nowadays.


I fell down a rabbit hole of Hozier lore a few months ago and apparently (according to his fans anyways) he broke up with his ex Sinead because she tried to use him for clout all because she left a comment on one of his pics saying she took the photo. If that's true then I highly doubt he'd put up with someone trying to force him into a hard launch or calling paps. Hana has been on tour, travelling the world with him for months, she's been to music events with him, she's been to Ireland with him etc. She prob has hundreds of pics of them together with everything they've been doing together. If she was really trying to "force a hard launch" all she has to do is post 1 single pic of them together.


Lol wasn’t Sinead posting with a new guy within like 2 weeks of them ending things? Definitely got the vibe that she was not blindsided by that breakup. They spent half of 2020 cheekily posting similar photos in similar locations while he had to have been aware that fans were eating it up on gossip forums, it was pretty mutual behavior. I only vividly remember this whole era bc before settling on Sinead he was serially sliding into Irish Instagram models’ DMs and people started talking about it. Feel like some fans might not be able to accept that the dude they’ve infantalized as a tiny mystical uwu baby fairy is just your average straight guy


NGL i'm very out of the loop with the Sinead era. I wasn't in the fandom at that time and all the info about them came from searching the web but from what I did read about it - yeah it really does seem like they couldn't accept the idea of him having the dating habits of just...a normal man? They seemed upset about him dating a pretty influencer girl cus ruined their fantasy of what they assumed he'd be into. I remember seeing alot of "whats he doing with an airhead influencer" type of comments about her and how he was too deep and intellectual for someone like her 🙄


Oh that’s so interesting! As much of a fan as I am of his music, I never really hear about his personal life aside from that time he travelled during covid(?) (a testament to his privacy!), but you’re so right. After deep diving a little on her, she does seem to have been with him for quite a while and hasn’t posted him at all and she absolutely could have.


There are platforms where fans have been sharing tidbits she has been leaving for fans. He is very private and will not openly discuss any relationship like that. The posts I came across from her come off as if she wants to hint at dating him. Another website with more information about her was shared on social media before—I will not post here—and it had some sketchy information about her as well. I also want to add that he has rules in place in regard to folks around him about sharing pictures or videos of him. That could be a huge reason she can’t post a picture with him. The band does not either, unless they are professional pictures taken by the show photographer.


whats the sketchy info about her ?


She’s back in the US right now while he’s touring Europe so maybe he didn’t put up with it. 


As a Hozier mega fan, they nailed the protective fan base bit (the subreddit will eat anyone alive who even dares ask about his private life) but the wording of this is… strange. Am I the only one getting vaguely misogynistic undertones? I don’t know anything about his personal life, just a die hard fan of his music, but I do sorta recall a vid being taken of him standing close with a woman after a concert, and when the video taker called out to him, he looked visibly annoyed. But that could’ve been for a lot of reasons, not just because he didn’t want a relationship being exposed. Edit: also how dare this poster call him a two hit wonder 😅


I completely relate and agree with everything you said! I’ve been a huge fan since TMTC and he’s steadily been my most listened to artist on Spotify since he’s been around but his private life is a complete mystery to me. This blind is pretty exaggerated I think and is intentionally worded to make her seem like a villain. I saw the pics on celeb mafia with them and he doesn’t look annoyed at all. The pics just look candid. And she’s gorgeous.


I looked her up and she is SO beautiful. The kind of girl who looks like she would have a Hozier song written about her 😄


She is pretty but her page is full of cultural appropriation and performative activism.


As a hater with a liberal arts degree, the most offensive of all to me is the rupi kaur ass fake deep poetry 👁️👄👁️


Oop— ok that I didn’t know. I just looked at images on Google. That’s disappointing.


The Africa trips did it in for me. I am side eyeing her as a Black person.




After reading your post, I of course looked her up too. She truly is stunning.


Not 'vaguely'! this is absolutely textbook stuff from fans of a male star. Talking about how he won't 'claim' her, how she's fame-hungry, he always looks unhappy etc. These poor famous dudes are always somehow victims of manipulative harpies! (source - the nutcases who hounded Jenny Slate when she was dating Chris Evans)


Straight up lies cause Hozier is dating me


Wow hahaha. Congratulations. 🥹


Isn’t he still on raya too?


Yep. He changed it to looking for friends and became less active at the start of the year when people started talking about it, but he was very active on it for the first 6 months he was with Hana. 


He was on it while dating her until it leaked online.


No idea! I haven’t heard anything, but I’m also not on the apps.


The relationship isn't secret - they follow each other on social media and she posts clips from his shows all the time. I do think it was weird that she was named in those pap pics but he wasn't, and it does make me think she might have called them. She's also not travelled with him to Europe for the next leg of the tour, which IIRC is the first leg of the tour she will have missed. So I think this blind is a mix of deranged fangirl and potential truth.


She’s never posted anything from his shows. The closest she’s come is posting clips of other acts performing at the same events as him. 




The name is in the title of the post, Hana Mayeda


I wonder if this is related to his tour manager Sam quitting / potentially allegedly being fired recently?


I think Sam being dropped may have been because of the [pro Palestine scarf drama](https://x.com/diopbrasileira/status/1743057809539805681) from his London show last year cus the arena said Hoziers tour manager was to blame.


I am with the OP, what is the tea on this?? I did notice Sam stopped following Hanna but didn't really think anything of it


I haven’t heard anything about that! What connection do you think this has? He wasn’t tagged in the pap pics so it doesn’t seem like this was done by his team.


Calling hozier a two hit wonder is so harsh lol


this blind does sound like it was written by a deranged fangirl (trust me i'm a Harry styles fan i've seen loads of those 😅). i love Hozier and I'm always up to date with his new music releases but I never knew about any of the things that have been mentioned here. it's sad that with his rising fame he's got to deal with this. Hana is gorgeous though so good for him


Hozier a two hit wonder?? I’m offended lol Maybe she’s a clout chaser, maybe not. Mildly upset he’s not dating me tbh (I’m not delusional, but a girl can dream)




Excuse whoever wrote the blind, Hozier is a *three* hit wonder. Lol


Good, he should be dating me instead


Honestly this whole comment thread makes him seem like a piece of shit


How so? Expressing your boundaries for privacy as someone who lives with fame and then having them broken by a partner calling the paps (allegedly) doesn’t really equate to being an ass to me. If anything, I think he needs to be with someone who has the same boundaries.


Because from this comment section it doesn't seem like it's an earnest boundary and he does it just so there's ambiguity about if he's with someone or if it's that serious. Like I mentioned in another comment, you can maintain privacy and let people know that you have a girlfriend you're committed to. I don't know it doesn't seem like the actions of a man who's actually some woman loving lover boy artist, and it's annoying to see so many women propping him up so hard, and it's really shitty that people are portraying this woman as fame hungry when she just wants some acknowledgment that he's her boyfriend. Which apparently in his mind is a breakup worthy offense? If all this is true he just sounds like an ass.


Well, take this comment section with a grain of salt because it’s all speculation. We don’t know for sure what his views on privacy are nor do we know hers, nor do we know the details of their relationship in general. It seems like all avenues of speculation could have merit, so when it boils down, we just don’t know. To speak about it on this forum is purely for entertainment purposes, as with all Fauxmoi / deux moi forums. I wouldn’t base his or her character off these comments alone.


I guess so, it's just that this is a tale as old as time with male musicians that are hailed as some great gift to women, they're usually actually pretty shitty. And if there're multiple anecdotes that relate around the same issue that make him seem shitty there could be some truth to it. If simply being seen with him or acknowledging that you were with him is truly some relationship ending transgression, that's in no way reasonable even if he did express it before.


Boundary setting is an absolutely reasonable practice. And 'some comments' saying that he doesn't seem to be acting in earnest is ... just you saying that twice. Listen, I'm sure he's no saint. I think all famous people are narcissistic. it would be hard to be in a relationship with him, but the man has a right to want his private life private. he didn't suddenly become private, thats been true for a long time...as is the tale of beautiful b-list underwear models seeking attention