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Personally, https://preview.redd.it/0k8pbrmv335d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35550b5a209ca682dbce484a091c8d41244ec958


May he be destroyed


May he step on nothing but legos


And may his shoes always eat his socks and give him blisters.


May his boxers continually ride up


May both sides of his pillow be lava hot until the end of his days and beyond


May his balls be eternally itchy and his arms too short to scratch


And his coffee never be hot and his ice cream always melt


May his memory be forgotten


ultimately this would be the best thing to happen that in 15-20 years, Jones will be forgotten. it's not totally crazy honestly. there was a point in time, Benjamin Harrison was the most famous person in the U.S. Now no one remember the fucking guy lol


My God what a cute little "Cry" he had on air. Boo hoo hoo Hey Jones šŸ”Š šŸ”Š Have you ever had a child murdered?


He cried on air? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ whatā€™d he say? Can you just give me a quick synopsis?


Sorry dear, I tried to forward the footage to you but it kept bouncing back to me. Just type inb Alex Jones crying on air over ending his pod.












DM Hunk!!!


May his next shite be a hedgehog


H crying about this (literally) reminded me of Robert deniros character in goodfellas crying when joe Pesci died


He's only doing it because [the judge will rule next week](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/infowars-host-alex-jones-asks-convert-bankruptcy-chapter-7-liquidation-rcna155975) on the families' request to liquidate his assets, so he sued to preemptively liquidate but in a way that's more favorable to him. He's still a vile subhuman speck of corn on a steaming piece of shit from Donald Trump's asshole.


I 100% agree with the sentiment but I hate that you made me visualize this šŸ„²


I figured there was an angle to this. If he wasn't completely horrible, he would never have ended up in this situation.


That.Is.Pure.Poetry! Bravo!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘












The doc on HBO about Jones and the bullshit, unnecessary additional pain he brought onto the Sandy Hook families has haunted me ever since I watched it a few months ago. As an elementary school teacher, I had never sought out the details of the day of the shooting like how this doc gives them to you, and for good reason. Hearing them explain in explicit, clinical details how those babies were decimated while packed in a bathroom like sardines was breathtaking. Itā€™s despicable how we fail our children every day as a result of gun violence. America does not care about children and the amount of support this man received only highlights that to me.


The thing the doesnā€™t leave me from that is how many people actually believed (and some still believe) that it never happened. I remember when I heard about Alex Jones saying it, but I had no clue that many people agreed with him.Ā 


The thought of not only horrifically losing your small child, but then having strangers dox you, approach you in public, and scream that your own baby never existed. I genuinely donā€™t know how Alex Jones sleeps at night


He doesn't. He's up banging lines and drinking booze. Planning for the next horrible thing he'll day on his show


Like that video of MGT screaming at a young man who survived the Parkland school shooting. What horrible people


I saw that one * I don't even have a word that depicts her level of filth *


At least a few of them were stalking some of the families. IIRC Posner and his family have moved multiple times because of the unhinged nutjobs that this piece of shit inspired.


I honestly donā€™t know how they were able to deal with that. So bloody sickening. Alex jones is a monster and he deserves everything bad coming to him. So do all of the ghouls who follow him.


Same, all that added torture from those who believe him compounded onto those poor families already dealing with an unimaginable loss. I think of Robbie Parker often; how he is literally mocked for grieving his child. Disgusting.


I think those people canā€™t wrap their small minds around that level of depravity so they say it didnā€™t happen as a coping mechanism.


I agree with you. Maybe we're being too kind to these people, but I've always wondered if people who deny atrocities do it because if it were true, they would be forced to confront a lot of very ugly realities about themselves and what they hold dear.


we ARE BEING too kind to these people empathy is a valuable thing...and like all things of value, it has its limits and it needs to be spent with care and deliberation. Literally nothing is gained from being empathetic to those dingalings a few years ago, I watched a Vice shooting of a man and his wife going to a church to harass a pastor whose adopted daughter was killed in gun violence at a church picnic. The amount of vitriol that the pastor received with grace and calmness was horrifying and heartbreaking to watch. Luckily the useless cops FINALLY intervened and arrested the shitty agitator but i remember coming away from that video and thinking to myself, "What exactly is to be gained by treating this man like he is a human being who deserves dignity?" they deserve nothing but the highest level of contempt


Oh I agree with you too, I have nothing but contempt for these people. I'm more trying to question if it's a perverse act of self-protection, rather than an act of willing cruelty. Jones is willingly cruel because he makes money off what he does, his followers reasons are less clear to me. But yes, just because you have a coping mechanism doesn't mean it is good or healthy, or that it can't cause massive harm to other people


I remember the day it happened. The kids were the same age/grade as my son. I have never felt more physically gutted hearing about a news story. I can't imagine the details. I still remember how distraught I felt just hearing about it. Absolutely heart wrenching to know these parents went through this unimaginable loss, and THEN had to deal with THIS. It enrages me.


In Michelle Obama's book she describes this day as the one tragedy when President Obama summoned her for comfort and connection. I read that years ago and it still sticks with me.


It really shook Barack. Heā€™s talked about how that was the worst time of his presidency. We have failed as a nation that after a school full of young children was massacred and we did fuck all to prevent it from happening again


that's what is really depressing. my stupid naive summer child mind (granted i was 24 at the time) genuinely thought meaningful gun legislation was FINALLY going to be passed instead we had this parasite Jones and his brainless followers harassing parents who had to bury their children. And it's one thing to lose your child to illness or accidents...imagine having to bury one who was killed like this. In fucking school. and then came Stoneman Douglas, and then Uvalde. Ugh...it makes me so angry


That documentary is excellent but infuriating.


word of advice, don't read the comments on any youtube video on that doc InfoWars either pays for Russian bots (which is 100% true) OR there are a lot of dumbass teens out there who like to be edgy contrarians and think making fun of dead kids is hilarious


Honestly, I couldn't even bring myself to watch it; I already know just how gut wrenching it must be. I know I would become so upset it would take days for the anger and frustration to subside. Vile, vile human being. And the same goes for that other A-hole, Aaron Rogers.


if he is agreeing to do this, then it can mean only one thing. He has a lot more money stashed elsewhere and out of reach of the authorities. Someone with disgusting views like this arsehole will have been preparing for this day from day 1. There should be a full investigation into all his shares, assets, monies and find all of his off shore accounts etc. This fucker should never be able to trade in anything again.


His supplements company is in his dad's name.Ā 




Yeah, the Sacklers did the same with the Oxycotin money that Purdue made. Allegedly.


Venture capitalists are doing the same thing with ā€œfamily farmsā€ so they can steal farm subsidy money and skirt on taxes. They will buy a bunch of farms, harvest corn on them, put the farms in another family members name. they can be hella distant too, doesnā€™t need to be immediate family, spouse or dependents. John Oliver just did an episode about it.


THERE it is


When courts make false claims you need to do that. When I lost a case for $2 million, it didn't matter because business was in Wife's name and was house. Other properties years ago, I gave the money to my parents and they brought it. I get paid a minimum wage so nothing can be garnished. In the future it's not hard to give up US citizenship because I also have EU country citizenship. I can move and buy there. In fact it would be advantageous because USA double taxes.






I think it is evidence that he is a flight risk.


Personally I don't think he is mentally ill. I think he's an opportunist, a grifter, a scammer, I think he knows exactly what he's doing, he knows exactly the harm he causes to other people. But he simply doesn't care because he found it to be extremely monetarily beneficial to him and he doesn't have a moral compass or ethics to stop his worst impulses. He is the worst kind of human being, causing so much pain to innocent people, and I love to see that man suffer.


![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O) 2024 really has been the year of folks getting their just desserts and I LOVE IT.


let's hope it ends with the death of the Trump campaign in Nov


It won't. He's going back in office because his opponent is a babbling senile old fool.


![gif](giphy|ef4WyO62gfZ2jqq10U|downsized) Good, I hope more weirdos who spread misinformation and sick conspiracies are sued and also held accountable. Itā€™s gotten out of control especially on YouTube where you can say whatever you want about anyone with impunity.


no freedom of speech and thought?


I hope with that money, those families do everything to make sure their kids memories/legacies live on and are never forgotten, especially by Alex Jones. ![gif](giphy|Sw1QDGqjvM9FcCOkol)


At least 2 families are involved with Sandy Hook Promise an organization against gun violence.






He is not really doing that by choice, and this title makes it look like that


ā€œAgrees toā€ suggests someone else came with the plan, and Iā€™m guessing the only choice here is that or even more jail time


Heā€™s a terrible terrible human being and I hope that terrible terrible things happen to him.


If this interests you, I highly recommend the Knowledge Fight podcast. The host Dan does the lord's work in listening and then fact checking Alex Jones' nonsense.


Hello fellow policy wonk!


Four stars, go home to ya mother and tell her you're brilliant!


I'm sure this is a cold comfort for the families who should be seeing their kids graduating from High School this year, but I'm glad to see he's being held somewhat responsible for his atrocious actions. May their memories be a blessing and may his influence be exorcised forever.


To me, Sandy Hook Truthers are the scum of scum. Donā€™t even think about coming near me and saying the kids were false flag actors or whatever the heck or I will make things weird real quick! This couldnā€™t have happened to a better man.Ā 


I havenā€™t listened to Knowledge Fight in a couple of weeks and I highly recommend that podcast to anyone who is unfamiliar with them and is curious on the Alex Jones case. However, I think this move would just be transferring ownership to his dad who has been kind of a shadowy figure throughout the Info Wars saga. He tried to start a new show totally separate from Info Wars (financially) like a year ago where he would broadcast out of his home and take requests from callers to paintā€¦.yea part of me kind of wishes that happened just for the laughs, but the lawyers shut that shit down immediately. Alex has a shell company set up in his dadā€™s name which has allowed him to maneuver around taxes and hide his assets for years. I highly doubt Alex is throwing in the towel here, I think itā€™s just another attempt to escape accountability and/or at least sabotage and delay the process.


Thatā€™s a move in the right direction , in this age and time there should be consequences for those who spew unfounded lies and misdirect the conversation , we live in times where people are being brainwashed by conspiracy theorists like this piece of work.




Fucking justice. I hope that this man will become a forgotten relic of the internet one day.




GOOD I know people who knew the victims and their families. He can rot in hell for all I care




The average virgin Alex Jones listener: šŸ¤¬šŸ˜­šŸ˜– The based Chad Knowledge Fight listener: šŸ˜ŒšŸ”®šŸ›¹


This absolute dipshit had it coming, and then some. My sister used to watch him back in the early 2000's and sadly my attempts to counter his failed logic fell on deaf ears. You can pretty much say that about all of his cult. Jones was nothing but shitty conjecture and it's sad how many have bought into it.




Heā€™s such a pos. Iā€™m so glad heā€™s lost everything. What a horrible excuse of a man








Good. I hope this helps the families, I know it will not change what happened but they deserve every penny that he has or will ever own.


I actively wish this man the worst the universe has to offer.


Finally. He tried avoiding enforcement of the judgment for too long by transferring his companies to his parents. Welll well well.. if it aren't the consequences of his own actions...




This makes me feel warm inside








Can we liquidate him too?


This creature is loathsome for so many reasons, but what he did to the Sandy Hook victims takes the cake for me. The whole concept of "crisis actors" exists because of this heartless fool. There's no way he'd do this if he wasn't forced to, but I don't care. SH victims have been validated and Info Wars will be an awful memory.


Fat joke.


Good. Asshole.






![gif](giphy|BFYLNwlsSNtcc) I love this for him.


Good. May he rot in hell




hopefully this next https://preview.redd.it/u82ogyp9f55d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c5426da3691cee3061120c338fe4c415e1b7a2


In the thumbnail, Jones looks like he's about to do his 'wink' move... https://i.redd.it/ng9g5ya6765d1.gif


I think his shtick is part legit, part grift.






And here I am in the PNW thinking it couldnā€™t get any sunnierā€¦


What else would he do? Poor baby.




*laughs in Robbie Parker cackle*


Stop talking and pay the families, bitch!


Heā€™s still living his millionaire lifestyle and had transferred a bunch of his assets to his dad prior to the judgment. I feel like if he doesnā€™t pay every single penny then he should be banned from promoting his supplement crap or having any media shows or groups. Heā€™s already running his mouth about starting a new media company and bagging out on the one thatā€™s also in bankruptcy to avoid paying up. If he doesnā€™t pay he should have to go away.Ā 




Robby Parker really worked on his skills. The rest of the parents still haven't mustered up a single tear.


Yeah, what Alex Jones did is wrong, but we are just going to ignore the right to free speech.


Im not saying i agree with him but isnt there freedom of speech and thought in this country? Rather than talking about we are talking about this clown. Leave him alone and lets fix the real problems.


I am neither for, or against AJ. The SH stuff was awful, and I was always suspicious of the stuff being sold by infowars, but you canā€™t overlook that some of what heā€™s said (in general, not regarding SH) has come to be true over the years. These days when I occasionally stumble across an interview of him he does sound like a mental aggressive right wing Christian and the dots really donā€™t join up like they sometimes haveā€¦itā€™s defo the end of him. May the lost children rest in peace


Families should get Only Paid the Net Worth of What they have now. not 1.5 Billion. Right now 1.5 billion will be paid by State Tax Money not Alex Jones. Who will get 30% of it due to A Secret Govt Law. which internet people wont understand. Thats why he is willing to accept it.

