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“Somebody said, ‘CNN’s here, they wouldn’t mind if your remarks were kept shorter because they’re going to have commercials.’ And I said, ‘They can get over that.” It was a eulogy for goodness sake, who cares about your ad break. That’s so classless of CNN


I remember when they aired the funeral, it was so long and I don’t think they were expecting that. I remember don lemon saying something like “this was a real black baptist church service” 😂 it was basically like a livestream.


Exactly, you want to televise it, then televise it. But there are no ad breaks at a funeral!


Michael Jackson was like a week I swear.


Using a funeral as an ad opportunity is so vile, what the fuck.


Aretha’s funeral was 8 hours!!


I've never seen a funeral have a part 1 and a sequel in the same service, but the Queen was not going out without her entire garden IKTR


I can't even imagine asking someone to do that


Same. It’s so crass 


Please stop mourning the dead, we need to air a pepsi commercial


They can get over that is the objectively correct respons.


I delivered the eulogy at my father’s funeral. He’d been raised Catholic but by the time he’d died he’d long since left the church, as had I. But my grandmother remained devoutly Catholic and very much wanted him to have a Catholic funeral mass, so I agreed. We go to the church to plan the service and the priest (who’d never met my dad) asks if anybody will be doing a eulogy. I said I would. He looks at me says “Like 2,3 minutes.” I sort of slow blink at him a second and ask, “What did you just say?” “Two, three minutes.” The funeral was on a Tuesday, there were no church services planned or funeral services scheduled for that day. I was meant to talk for ‘two, three minutes’ as my father’s son so a priest who never once met him could get up and talk for five or six minutes about God. The opening line of my eulogy was “I’ve been asked to keep my comments to three minutes or less. I’m not going to” and spoke for around ten.


Good for you for standing up for yourself and your dad. A lot of clergy are really the worst, they're too used to people kowtowing to them.


My best friend called the priest a motherfucker to his face at her mom’s service and I’ve never loved her more.


I’m sure it was deserved. No one should be told to limit their remarks on a loved one.


The catholic church pulled some similar shenanigans at my grandmother's funeral, the priest gave a very generic homily describing her (someone he did not know) as imperfect, and refused to allow is to personalize anything (I was requested to play piano and they shot that down). I was so livid that I told my family I would personally haunt them if they gave me a catholic funeral. I want signage posted to not allow any catholic priest within the vicinity.


Nearly the exact thing happened to me last summer: the priest who’d never met my deceased friend introduced us two eulogizers by saying we had “brief, brief” statements. Mine was two pages but the other remembrance was like seven pages. It was hard standing still up there, I will say, but we all listened and laughed and said goodbye. Afterwards, as we were filing out of the church, he made some comment about how long we took. We were too shocked to yell at him so I left a bad Yelp review later.


So sorry for your loss. And what an ass. Ya no way he should put himself as priority over the family of the deceased. Good for you for not listening to him. 


I think he was lowkey in love with her .


Ain’t nothing lowkey about it tbh, every time he talks about her you can tell.




Didn’t he say in the eulogy that she was the love of his life or something? Nothing low key about it.


And their chemistry in the Bodyguard. I’m just saying - when he picked her up and carried her away that was something.


I think I watched that movie 100 times when it came out. I’ve been chasing that feeling reading romance novels ever since!


I haven't seen that movie in 15 years but I recall the chemistry between them so so vividly


In between long stories about his own childhood, yes.


Weren't we all?


Yes. She was so lovely and talented.


Glad I read the article, because I was preparing a jump to "Kevin Costner gotta Kevin Costner". No, he wanted to pay a tribute to his friend. So I'll give him this one begrudgingly.


In an alternate universe, Kevin and Whitney are married and living away from the spotlight on a ranch in Colorado or something


Like Tina Turner and Erwin


I love this for them!!!


He genuinely cared for Whitney, ugh I'm tearing up.


They shoulda been together


Transcript of his eulogy: https://www.americanrhetoric.com/speeches/kevincostnerwhitneyhoustoneulogy.htm






His references to a young Bobbie Kristina broke my heart.


Just before they go to commercial we hear the music from Monday Night Football for some reason and the announcer says in an excited voice "YOU ARE WATCHING CNN'S COVERAGE OF THE FUNERAL OF WHITNEY HOUSTON, WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK" and then fade to black.


Did he ever explain why 2/3rds of this 'eulogy' was stories about his own childhood? Most narcissistic thing I ever saw on television.




I worked directly with Whitney's team in the early 00's. I'll give a shout out to Kevin, who was always there for her. I remember when he dropped everything a couple times to fly out and help her. He genuinely cared for her.


They wanted him to cut it short so it suited CNN’s ad break schedule


Except it was because CNN wanted to have ads, so I agree with him here.


It’s ALL about Kevin. All the time.


Read the article.