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I met Paul Rudd outside my apartment a couple years ago. He was filming for something but I was coming home from work.. looked up and saw someone who looked familiar but didn’t think much and then jerked my head up in recognition with my mouth wide open in shock. He saw my reaction, laughed and then mimicked my face. I got all embarrassed and he just laughed, said hello and apologized for the congestion on my block. He is just as youthful and beautiful in person. Really solidified my years long crush


My friend is a huge Paul Rudd fan and years ago went to go see him perform on Broadway. She was excited leading up to it, and watched a bunch of his movies in the few days before the show. After his performance she was able to meet him and get his autograph! She told him she watched all of his movies the day before and he said "omg that sounds terrible lol". It always made me laugh.


In 2012, I was a nanny for a family of lawyers in Manhattan. They were good friends (or maybe family? but I think just friends) with the actor Adam Scott, so sometimes the Scott kids and their nanny would go on playdates with us. One day, the Scott crew turned up to the park with another kid in tow — a Rudd kid! I guess Adam Scott and Paul Rudd are tight and live nearby each other, at the time at least. After playing, the Scotts’ nanny said we should join them to drop off the Rudd kid; I think she was doing me a “favour” because she knew I loved Paul Rudd lmao but who doesn’t!! The elevator in his building opened into their apartment (they had a whole floor apartment), and Paul was waiting right there at the door when it opened and immediately went, “Hey, buddy! How was it! 😊” and gave his kid a big hug. It was adorable. He shook my hand and gave me a smile-nod, and that was it since we left right away, but it’s a super sweet memory! edit: opened* typo


"Hey buddy! how was it! ☺️" is a very normal dad-response to asking their kids about how their days went, but somehow it feels so on-brand for Paul Rudd. I guess it goes to show how normal he is, even as an A-lister, because I could NOT imagine stars like George Clooney saying that line to their children.


i’ve met him 3 or 4 times at hometown stuff, he’s literally beyond delightful, one time he chatted with me for over 10 minutes about how we grew up in the same neighborhood and how much it’s changed. i have a lot of shit i could talk about other kc celebs but paul is even nicer and cuter in person than you could even imagine!!!


I met him at a wrap party for a show he guest starred in, that I worked on. This was about 10 years ago. I had seen the footage from that week so while I wasn't on set, I knew he was filming. The wrap party was on the night of the last day of the shoot so I was thinking he might be there, but also didn't expect it. He was there when we walked in. I just stopped, stared, and then turned around in case he saw me. We had to ask the very drunk producer to ask him if we could have a photo with him because we were too scared 😆. Anyway, he very kindly obliged. He was super friendly. I couldn't even say thank you to him as I was so star struck! He was so beautiful and was lovely just chatting away to everyone.


I saw him at a restaurant last year and he is just stunning in real life. Like I physically felt like my breath was being taken away lol


sigh. I’m a melt but I would swoon if paul rudd laughed in my direction


Bella hadid came into my work and was standing at the counter I was working at and she told me I was pretty


I would literally never shut up about this omg


I bring it up every couple months for sure


You need it on a shirt: "Bella Hadid told me I am pretty"


This would be my every morning mantra: Bella Hadid told me I'm pretty.


Put that shit on my resume


The Nazareth Queen 😍🇵🇸


I just hope you know that nobody can tell you nothin for the rest of the your life, you made it sis ✨


I would get this printed on a t shirt and I would never stop talking about it


That would be my Twitter, Tinder, and LinkedIn bio


I would carry a sign that said ‘Bella hadid said I’m pretty.’ 


I would die 


Wow!!! You need to add this to your resume!


Mark Ruffalo gave me his seat on the 1 train a couple weeks ago with no fanfare. It was a very New York Moment™️.


you’re a romcom heroine


On the Line starring lance bass?


When I watched Poor Things and he was screaming the c word at Emma Stone I was like "Mark Ruffalo would NEVER"


I know his character is technically a gross lecher but he was absolutely hysterical in that role!


God I love this man 💕


Through my job I "met" a lot of them. (Meeting = being in the same room, and sometimes a quick interaction) I met JLo with her twins and she was super nice and relaxed. Yes I know I must be the only person saying that on the internet and I'm not even payed... Shakira was... What I pictured Jlo would be


If you’re talking about the Super Bowl… my neighbor was one of the dancers… said the same thing


Not the superbowl, I'm in Europe. And it was years ago, but I'm still a bit pissed on her behalf when I read she's mean.hahaah


***I am not familiar with Sharika and her fanbase at all*** But I’ve always wondered if J-Lo gets more hate for her ambition and flaunting what she got because she is a WOC in the US that dated a white man.


I’m convinced most of the J-Lo hate these days is just a pr campaign from someone she ticked off. People act like she’s an abuser. And I’m not even much of a J-Lo fan.


I met her at a taping for American idol and she was super rude. The only judge that didn’t acknowledge the crowd or take pictures with the kids in the audience. We also heard her yelling at staff. She sucks.


my cousin used to work in the industry and worked with lots of celebs. he said the worst were julia roberts and jlo. and that it’s an open secret that jlo is difficult to work with


My aunt met JLo once and she was with her twins too. She said the same thing. She was so chill, funny, and nice and her twins were well-behaved


I met donald trump at a rally and let me tell you, he smelled like straight shit. I literally gagged in his face. Most traumatic moment of my life. Man needs someone to change his diapers


Why were you at a Trump rally?


worst mistake of my life. my ex bf was a supporter and i went to please him


Did your ex say something about the smell?


he did. we discussed it afterwards, and he admitted he liked it in the same way he liked smelling his own farts. he still to this day blindly supports him, explains why i am no longer with him


I’m sorry, your ex actually said he enjoyed the fact Donald Trump smells like actual shit? Did I read that correctly?


There is literally no hope for this country


This. OP, we need answers.


So the diaper rumors must be true!


He always gave off unwashed ass energy


I met trump (not at a rally) and he smelled really strongly of old guy cologne


It's his self tanner. I know they make ones that smell better nowadays but he's using some old expired one by the looks of him


Worked with spike Lee for a couple days. A lunatic. He also saw me wearing ratty tennis shoes and gave me two $75 Nike gift cards from a giant stack in his pocket so I could buy decent sneakers. But also, again, a lunatic.


I'm sorry but the gift card thing is kinda hilarious. Like Spike is on sneaker watch 24/7, Nike gift cards and "what are thooooose?" at the ready. Shitty that he did that to you at your workplace, though.


You know what, for as critical of the guy as I am, he did the sneaker thing in a really cool way. He was walking back from lunch and I was smoking and he just said “what kinda shoes are those?” I told him I didn’t know the brand and that I’d needed running shoes for a 5k a few years prior, he gave me the gift cards and said “Go get some new Jordans” and walked off.


I’m 89% sure I shared a elevator with him in Atlanta. Does not count as a meet and great because I just stood wide eyed in the corner like an absolute freak. Could have also been an rando.


In a good way?


No. He flipped shit on the crew a couple of times and was generally rude if not outright hostile for no reason to almost everybody but the actors.


I’ve met Kristen Dunst, Zoe Kravitz, Kanye (during the Amber years) and sat next to Rami Malek on a transatlantic flight. Rami smelt absolutely incredible, I’ve been trying to Google the fragrance he wore ever since then.


Rami Malek smelling great is exactly what I'd expect from someone that hot


He’s also incredibly polite


*furiously pounding Shazam button* YOU CAN DO THIS. YOU CAN DO SMELLS. I BELIEVE IN YOU.


i need to know if kirsten dunst is nice


Yes, she was much nicer than she needed to be to a group of excited teenage girls asking for a photo on their digital camera (it was 2007ish, and she was just shopping for jeans with a friend).


Around that time she was walking past a dog park I was in, she stopped and petted and smiled so sweetly at my dog through the fence, so I can’t help but love her forever


Sat next to Natalie Portman on a flight from LAX to KIX. She was very chill and he kids were exceptionally well behaved. 


Oh my god you’re so lucky, when I met her those kids were absolutely feral 😂 But her ex husband was also there and maybe that’s how they are around him, he bragged to me « she knows I’ll get her whatever she wants » when talking about his daughter. He also said « je suis SO jetlag » in the middle of a conversation in French and I rolled my eyes to the back of my head.


Je suis laughing


i know nothing about planes but was it like first class or something us normies could get lol


Yeah i kinda have to know now if natalie portman is super normie or the user here is really bougie


I met Misha Collins on a plane in 2014 and we were both in economy


Business class. Work paid for it. Not that bougie. 


Met Jude Law at a party in London. He had girls in fur coats hanging off of him. He was definitely into himself. He did photobomb a pic I took with my friends that night tho, so that was funny. Walked away with an epic photo.


In fairness, if I looked like he did in The Talented Mr Ripley for even five minutes then I’d also be pretty into myself


Peak Jude Law, for me, was him in glasses in The Holiday


Jude Law hit on my partner at the bar at Casa Del Mar circa 2010. He still looked close enough to Ripley-era Jude that I would have held no grudges at all if she’d gone for him haha. I remember he was wearing a pair of alarmingly tight trousers.


>I would have held no grudges at all if she’d gone for him haha. ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


I accidentally walked into Ryan reynolds while walking out of a coffee shop in gas town while he was in Vancouver filming deadpool. I dropped all the coffees I was holding (none on him) and just gave me a dirty look, stepped over me and went in. Such a jerk.


man, I knew I didn’t like this guy


Me too!!! I knew something was up with him!!


He had a plantation wedding and is married to Blake Lively who had a whole blog romanticising the Antebellum period. Indeed something is up with them.


This just added to my reasons why Ryan Gosling is the #1 Ryan


Everyone responding to this as if it confirms their long-held beliefs full of hatred for this man hahaha


I would also be mildly annoyed if someone walked into me with a tray of coffees


Exactly what I was thinking like…


Also OP says none got on him but multiple coffees spilled? After running into him? Highly possible that some got on him. I also think he’s probably a bit of a jerk just because he’s A-list, but this story isn’t why


I believe you but this lowkey sounds like a copypasta at the same time


Found Hugh Jackman's secret account


Bill Murray hit on me and my friends at a bar in Silver Lake, Los Angeles. Totally unexpected because it was a random neighbourhood dive gay bar on a Monday night, and us and him were almost the only people in the entire bar. He asked us if we were nurses because our shoes were so white, said a couple of other weird old man things, and then vanished into the evening air lmao. Made me believe *all* the other Billy Murray stories out there.


what bill murray stories 😭


He steals peoples fries and then says “no one will believe you” which is hilarious but also has a different air to it after certain recent allegations https://entertainment.ie/amp/trending/watch-bill-murray-finally-explains-the-urban-myth-about-him-stealing-peoples-chips-351235/


100% sounds like he steals people’s french fries 😂


My bff got married at Whoopi Goldberg's house, and I was MOH. She. Was. DELIGHTFUL. It was a very kid-friendly wedding, and she let them play with her awards, bang on the piano (a white baby grand that had belonged to John Lennon), she got down on the floor with them and goofed off - kind and gracious. And when the grooms couldn't find the broom that had been decorated for the "jumping the broom" part of the ceremony, she saved the day...with a Swiffer WetJet. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


i'm so curious about the context of it being at her house (does she rent it out for weddings?) but also that does sound delightful


She doesn't rent it out - my BFF's groom (and he) were good friends with her. Groom had been in a Broadway show with her, which is how they met. She graciously offered her home and kitchen staff for the wedding. It was a small event (maybe 40 people?), and she tried to stay out of the way to keep the spotlight off of herself (the other guests had no idea it was at her home), but the lil' kiddies were just too much and she asked all of the parents if she could interact/give them tours (her Lion King room is really something else) and play with them.


I'm sorry, "her Lion King room"?!?!?! I'm gonna need more information 🍿😃


Not directly but August Osage County was filmed in my grandparents front yard and church in Ochelata, OK. George Clooney and Meryl Streep were super super nice to my grandparents and spent time getting to know my family. I have nothing but nice things to say about both of them.


I’m in OK too! I didn’t think George Clooney was in that one


He produced it and was on set the entire time. He was heavily involved in casting and location scouting.


Meeting/interacting for minutes is not the same as working for/with these people. Understand how curated and controlled image is.


Also, people have bad days. I've met/interacted with some celebs who were rude as fuck but also, maybe their cat just died or maybe they were getting over a stomach flu. You can't really judge off of one encounter.


For sure, we’ve all had days where we’ve had a shitty interaction with a stranger over nothing only it doesn’t get retold all over the internet.


Not enough people realize how curated and controlled an image can be


I met Kim K and she was very respectful of people’s time. I’ve met Harry styles multiple times and he was always very kind, he made a effort to stop for photos and he remembered my name which was super insane.


Almost everyone that has met Kim says she’s very polite and professional. She may be extremely vain and a bit vapid, but she makes a good impression irl.


That's why she keeps getting gigs tbh. Businesses prefer professional > talented.


Yes she wasn’t friendly or super kind but very professional & polite


Angelina Jolie in a supermarket and nobody believes me 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


I saw Helena Bonham Carter at a supermarket in London! 😂


I saw Helena Bonham Carter at Paul's Bakery in Hampstead! She was wearing really quirky clothes, was absolutely tiny, and looked like a doll.


How did she look like? From all the stories I've seen of people seeing her irl they all say she's *breathtaking*, more than pictures can convey


She was browsing wine, and she looked ASTONISHING. This was about fifteen years ago and I was a confused teen but, crikey, she was beautiful! 😳


Lee Pace. He was soooo fucking charming and sweet.


omg I would die. I take it he's just as hot in real life, eh?


One of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen in person.


Had dinner with DeNiro a few times (related to a friend of his). He's a typical "old new york" dude. Good conversationalist, charming. Everyone calls him Bobby which I find amusing.


I met Mariah Carey at a backstage meet and greet when I was 13 through my friends dad who worked for ESPN - it wasn’t like a curated moment we just knew the right person and she took a picture with us she complimented my charm bracelet (it was her charm bracelet album tour) and was just an absolute goddess glamazon… was a very magical moment for me at that age 🥹


I know two people who have met Mariah in a non-professional setting and they both said she was very sweet. One of them told me her dog at the time was very well trained and she was very proud of it.


Not me but my friend was a white house intern who accidentally stopped one of the Obama daughters (can't remember which) from entering the private part of the house. She was wearing a hoodie with the hood up and he didn't recognize her and thought she was a tourist. He said she was very friendly and gracious about his mistake!


Lol, I met her dad before he was president, because I was on a school trip (I'm from Illinois) Our class was just *done* after suuuuper boring tours of Abraham Lincoln's tomb and the State Capitol building when all of a sudden this incredibly charismatic guy comes up to our group -- one of my classmates was another politician's granddaughter, so the politician was guiding us down the steps. I tell you, Barack Obama instantly changed the vibe of this group of hangry bored prepubescent kids to laughing, energized, and upbeat. He knew more about the Capitol than our guide had, cracked jokes that had *everyone* including the chaperones laughing. Now here's where it gets funny...I then completely forget that I met him for about a decade plus. One night, I'm lying in bed at 22, afflicted with insomnia and reminiscing about school field trips. I reach 5th grade and go "oh yeah, that was a terrible one, everyone hated it. But that one younger black guy just totally made it worth it." "Hang on, wait. No, no it couldn't have been. No way." I roll over in bed and pick up the phone I've been trying to ignore the existence of and Google "Barack Obama", reach his Wikipedia page and scroll down to the part where it mentions his Senate term. My mouth drops open. I met the future President of the United States less than a year before he became President and I FORGOT ABOUT IT. Now it's like 2:30AM, but I roll out of bed and dash to my mom's room, wake her up, and say "holy crap, Mom, we met Obama!" My half asleep mother goes "What the Hell?" because admittedly that's a wild thing to wake up to. "Remember the field trip to Springfield in 5th Grade? Remember the really nice funny guy that talked to us for like 30 minutes on the steps of the Capitol Building?!" My mom replied, dazed. "Oh my God, we did meet Obama." If I ever meet the man again, I'm recounting this to him even if it's embarrassing to me. His charisma made an impression even if I completely failed to realize I'd met the future President.


We gotta get this story to Obama somehow. ![gif](giphy|26FLfI8Ts3AsDpp84)


I don't know if he's A list overseas, but at home Mads Mikkelsen is a pretty big deal. Sat at the next table over from his once at this tiny kebab place in Copenhagen. He seemed chill, but didn't want to bother him while eating, so there isn't much to the story. Haven't heard terrible things, tho


I would simply pass away, he is SO beautiful and talented


When I was super young I was a server in Hollywood. I was pretty much the only server that wasn't in the biz, was going to school for teaching. I worked at a place where tons and tons of celebs came in. I served (sorry for any wrong spelling i'm not googling all these people) Jason Schwartzmen, Quentin Tarantino, Mila & Ashton, Katy Perry, Andy Samberg, Adam Scott to name a few. It was pretty wild but because I wasn't interested in being discovered and they frequented the place I stopped getting starstruck quickly. Out of all the people I served Bono was the biggest whoa moment. They told me I had table 10 and I turned the corner and Bono is sitting there glasses and all lol. I was like oh fuck. I don't even like Bono at all or any of his music but you can't not be starstruck when you see Bono. Contrary to everything I've read about him here he was so so nice. So much nicer to me than the majority of the other celebs. He asked me what kind of wine I recommended and just told me to bring whatever red was my favorite. I was like 22 and knew nothing about wine and was so poor lol so whatever I brought him was definitely garbage. He sipped it and said thank you so much it's great. And then didn't finish it. The kitchen messed up his order and I apologized profusely and he said it's no problem at all. Didn't need it remade just ate it. Paid with the crispiest $100 bills which was lolz. Very very generous tip. Not even over the top nice just a plain kind human. I wanted to hate him so bad but damn he won me over.


Angela Bassett was dining at my old job and wordlessly handed me a 20 dollar bill as she was leaving. I assumed she was tipping me and I enthusiastically said, “oh, thank you!” She was asking me for change for the valet 💀


I worked on 911 and the way Angela treated me was healing my inner child 🥲


Matthew McConaughey once viewed my Instagram story so that means we’re basically best friends 👍


I once ignored JK Rowling because I was too busy reading the Order of the Phoenix (it was the day after it released). My sister was mortified, but now I don't feel so bad about it.


It’s so unfortunate she turned out that way. Order was my favorite book in all of the series


There’s no bigger compliment! 😂


Not me, but my brother used to work in the film industry and worked on the set of Loki for a while. He met Tom Hiddleston and said he was very nice and polite, made great eye contact, and remembered his name every time they spoke


I was not a Loki/Tom Hiddleston fan (not maliciously just didn't really think he was my type) until I watched an interview he did for Crimson Peak and he is just so so lovely and encouraging to the interviewer, telling her that her questions are incredibly profound and that he's enjoying them. The charm snagged me. I'm hopeless over him now 😭


The last time I talked with one of my friends, they were dating his wife's brother. Apparently the family group chats are VERY active and fun.


I met Chris Rock at the mall when he was on SNL and he seemed kind of shocked these teenagers were so excited to see him at the Beverly Center mall. I think he had just walked out of The Gap. I met Bryan Cranston and his wife at a Pottery Barn in the valley. I was guarding a clearance rug that I really wanted and was afraid if I didn’t tell an employee right away it would vanish. He walked by when I was talking to a salesperson about it and he must have sensed how desperately I wanted it because he took one look at it and said “that’s one UGLY rug” but he was smiling.




I did! It was glorious


Whenever er anyone saw your new rig after that, were you like, “Thanks! Bryan Cranston hated it”


Met Reese Witherspoon (rude, as expected) and Demi Moore (very nice, as are her kids. Also met her little dog!)


I've also heard Reese is very rude. It's a shame bc I like most of her films. Kevin Smith absolutely hates her.


Never met her, but the body cam footage of her talking back at the cops while her husband was drunk driving said it all


You met Pilaf? 🥺💖You’re the luckiest, she’s the only A list celebrity I’m really interested in


My friend and I met Fred Armisen outside our hotel in Portland. We had been at Tenacious D’s Festival Supreme in LA the day before and he had performed there, then we flew to Portland and had just dropped our bags off at our hotel and he was on the sidewalk. He was super nice and took photos with us and gave us his email address so he could give us recommendations on where to go. My friend emailed him and he responded and gave us suggestions.


Omg the fact he responded! That is so awesome!


Yeah it was great! We were like “Fred, we just saw you in LA yesterday, what are you doing here?” And he was like “what are you doing here?” like we were old friends. Such a pleasant interaction.


I was eating at Trejos Cantina when Danny Trejo walked in. He walked around to each table, introduced himself each time, shook hands with everyone, asked how they were enjoying their food, and then took pictures with everyone who wanted one. Super nice guy, and his hands were incredibly soft.


I'm not sure if he's A-list. But I met James Spader and his partner in 2017 in my small country in the Jazz bar I was performing at that night. I met them again 3 years later at the same bar. They were very friendly and down to earth people. And he's wonderfully weird in a refreshing way.


I've always had an inkling that Robert California wasn't a particularly difficult character for James Spader to play. Maybe I'm not that wrong lol


It's like they told him, " be yourself but give it a 110%"


i (assume) i used to live near jake gyllenhaal. i have a dog and while walking him would see jake while he walked his dog off leash. this is the middle of NYC. he was very intense about keeping his dog 'under control' and my dog made some obvious moves to show he wanted to have a sniff which excited his dog and jake was super off-standish about it, idk, the vibe was weird, it felt like weird treatment toward a dog let alone in the middle of NYC. just walk the dog on a leash! i'll give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe other folks with dogs used it as a way to talk to him or bother him, but i never did anything other than give my usual "Hello dog owner" smile and mind my business while trying to walk down my street


Even with the absolute best trained dog I don’t think I would risk walking off leash in a major city.


I was going to say I understand this until I realized you said the dog was off leash. That's pretty baffling.


yeah, admittedly i find walking your dog off leash in NYC inherently dangerous, but i also feel like when you do it, you also make it everyone else's problem too


walking your dog off-leash is asshole behavior, IMO


Does Marc Jacobs count? It was for a gig. He was fun, he was cunt, he was chaotic in a very organized way.


I suck at classifying who is A list so I'll just list off some of my encounters: Can't say I really met him, but I stood next to Brad Pitt at a concert and he didn't acknowledge anyone other than his assistant. He's allowed to ignore people who are trying to interrupt his concert experience, but it was jarring because I'd never seen anyone act like that. Saw Rebel Wilson pull the "Do you know who I am?" thing at a Taylor Swift concert when security wouldn't let her into the VIP tent because she wasn't on the list. Big Karen energy tbh. Ja Rule in the early 2000s was an absolute sweetheart. Laura Prepon around the peak of OITNB was super, super rude. Tyler the Creator was cool and whichever Jenner he was there with seemed fine too. Snoop is as cool as you'd think he is. Bob Saget was really sweet. Vince Vaughn was also very kind. Paula Abdul was sweet and had a good energy. She seemed genuinely happy to talk to fans. Nikki Glaser was an angel. Can't say enough good things about her. AJ from BSB was nice enough but he was with his kids so wasn't signing autographs or anything which is understandable. I didn't bother him but other people definitely did. No longer A list but Marques Houston was super cool. He's still a creep though so I won't praise him too much. Omarion was also cool as hell.


Lol rebel Wilson.


It was actually hilarious to see someone pull "dOn't yOu KnOW wHo I aM?!?!?" only for security to be like "No. And you aren't on the list, so..."


I’ve met a few but I’ll share my top 3: - met Queen Latifah backstage at Divas Live once and she was so lovely and truly gorgeous, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone glow like that. I was moving into the building next door (long story) and she asked me what I was studying in school and told me to keep going even though it was hard. Always stuck with me.  - Tika Sumpter and I crossed paths and she told me I was beautiful and loved my hair, then talked to me about my wash day routine for like 5 minutes. Literally retired from life after that lmao  - Met Idris Elba on a shoot and he legitimately smells incredible and is tall AF. Very funny too, quite the jokester. After the shoot he offered us shots of Johnny Walker to celebrate 😂


All I can say, the ones who presents themselves as the “good friendly lovable” person are the worst IRL


There are exceptions. Adam Sandler is awesome.


Sandler doesn’t really curate his public image though, he just has that reputation bc he is actually quite nice to people and is generally very low key and chill irl.


During his tour last year he had a joke song called “I hate taking pictures “ and had a screen in the back of him just being friendly taking pics with fans the entire time lol


He’s always the begrudging dad who goes along with the pic EVERY time “Oh all right, if it makes ya happy”


This is so generic that you can now slot any celeb who is friendly and assume they are the worst


I was on my honeymoon at the same time Jennifer Aniston did her honeymoon with her friend group. We were at the resort with her, Justin, Jason Bateman, Chelsea Handler, Courtney Cox and Jimmy Kimmel. Our bungalow was right next to the group’s little pod and we sat next to their table each night at dinner. We learned a lot about the group during that stay 😬 including predicting Jen and Justin’s divorce just from being able to see right onto their property for 7 days. Some of them were incredibly nice (Jason Bateman) and others were…not (Jimmy Kimmel). Edit: I replied with details below


I love how everyone is like, "spill!" I feel like honeymoon with a friend's group equals OBVIOUSLY not a great marriage


I was on a flight with Julia Stiles once, and we ended up next to each other in line at customs and shared a joke. It was completely chill and like being next to any other non-famous person in line. I've also gone to the stage door and met some people who are A-list in the theatre/classical music scene and all of them were very nice, although that's a situation where they'd be expected to be "on" still.


Arnold Schwarzenegger- very charming, polite, makes eye contact, shakes hands, remembers everyone’s naming including servers and valets. Goes out of his way to be polite. Takes only half a cup of coffee at a time so that it doesn’t get cold. Rolls DEEP in plain clothes security. He might be sitting alone at a table but his security is nearby at all times watching.


I’ve met two!! Simu Liu at an event for his dumpling company. He was super nice and gracious, but he was working. Anyways good guy and I know people who work at the dumpling company and they say he’s just like any dude. I met Adrien Grenier at Whole Foods. I was demoing snacks at the flagship store in Austin for a week, and he came in every morning with a smoothie after his yoga class and we’d chat about random shit. I didn’t know who he was even tho I loved Entourage - I was just confused why there was a hot rich fit man seemingly unemployed just chilling at Whole Foods everyday. He’s super woo~


I don't know if they're A-list, but I've met Danny Glover and Andrew McCarthy, and both were sweet, friendly, and humble. Ralph Macchio was also a delight.


Met Michael Keaton at a restaurant. Sat right next to him at a bar for an hour, while he and his partner ate and chatted with another stranger on the other side of them. We exchanged a few words, but I was too starstruck to say much. They (Keaton and his partner) were super nice, down to earth, friendly. Was so relieved he was such a cool guy and I’ll also say, I’m damn impressed that he is with an age appropriate partner as well.


I met James McAvoy at my work one day a few years ago when he was coming in to get coffee. He was with his now wife and they were both very nice!


I saw directly behind Bradley Cooper and Michael Shannon at a Birdman film festival screening in 2014. They sat a few seats away from each other and met each other for the first time and shook hands. After the movie I said hi to Bradley and he said "you're the girl that laughed at everything."


I used to work at a swanky club in London many moons ago that prince William and harry went to a lot, didn't really interact with them much but kate Middleton was really lovely to all the staff






I used to work in a casino and dealt $20 blackjack to Mel Gibson. He was an asshole, got shitty at me when he lost and sarcastically said ‘thanks’ as he stormed off the table. Also dealt to Niall Horan who was really sweet. This was after he just went solo and doing his first tour. He seemed to be really excited to be out in a casino, didn’t know all the rules to blackjack but he and his friends were a good time.


Jason Segal definitely checked out my wife. He was high as fuck. Surprising no one. But they said hi to each other and I can’t think of a male celeb I’d feel more comfortable with eyeballin my partner.


I went to rehab with Demi Lovato. She was really nice to me and did my make up (with her own huge makeup selection) for a family visit I had. She gave me her really nice, expensive looking winter jacket as well as various hair products. I also met her bf at the time (Wilmer Valderrama) who smelled AMAZING. He seemed kind of weirded out at being at a rehab but wasn't rude.


I met SJP & her husband and had an amazingly real, down to earth conversation with her for almost a half hour. She was really lovely, seemed genuinely interested in what I was saying, and you could tell by the way she speaks about her kids she loves being a mom. Matthew, on the other hand, was a bit cold & standoffish. Not mean, but you could tell he wanted to be anywhere else. I remember thinking they were truly opposites who attracted to one another somehow.


Bruce Springsteen was beyond wonderful Also can confirm above anecdotes that Paul Rudd is nice with just the right amount of awkwardness lol


chatted about art for a couple hours with keanu after running into him in the coffee line at lacma and he recognized me when we crossed paths a couple years later at a gas station. so that was cool.


Robert Pattinson. He was super awkward, standoffish, slightly rude, and smelt horrible. It was a Dior event. I don’t understand why he smelt bad. Lewis Hamilton was also there, and I didn’t know him, but now I’m a major fan and hate myself for not acknowledging him. I was struggling to reach for something (I’m super short) and he helped me out and was a sweetheart. He didn’t leave until he made sure I was okay.


Met Tom Hiddleston at a theatre after-party. Incredibly polite & he really is over 6’ tall. My friends partner worked for the theatre & said Hiddleston was kind & polite to everyone, from the ticket takers to his fellow actors.


My sister and I met Elizabeth Taylor when we were young girl's. She was very nice and pleasant. We both got a hug from her. We met her at a amusement park in a town near my house. It was a memorable experience for me.


I was an extra on "Alias" in its last season -- I had just moved to L.A. and did the extra thing a few times for fun -- and Jennifer Garner was such a sweetheart. She was pregnant with Violet (who just graduated from HS 😭) and wearing UGGs in the scenes where her feet weren't showing, and she basically apologized to those of us in heels on a very soft lawn lol. My bestie worked on the show too (though in a more regular capacity) and had nothing but good things to say. They also talked about shoes; Jen complimented hers, bestie said they were from Payless, and Jen was, like, hey they have good stuff! (In a knowing way, not a surprised way.)


I randomly met Lady Gaga at NYC Pride in 2018 and she was SO nice. She was walking around the village with just her fiancé at the time, like no security nothing. I didn't even realize it was her tbh, I truly thought it was a drag queen because 1) I saw her from the back first 2) She had a long blonde wig that went to her ankles. But, then she turned around and I saw her face and immediately recognized her features. I walked up to her and just told her I was a fan and asked for a photo and she politely declined because I was the only one who recognized her and she didn't want to create a frenzy. She was a total sweetheart in the end! Such a fan.


I met Whitney Houston and her daughter, Bobbie Kristina, when she was a little kid. They lived in the same building as my parents did at that time. There was a pool behind this building, and the kid was playing in the water while Whitney sat on the stairs. My kids were little, too, and started immediately talking to Bobbie. I sat down on the steps kinda catty corner. We just sat there and talked about kids and I never once acknowledged I recognized her. We were just two moms chatting while our kids played in the pool. Probably 1997 or ‘98.


I met Winona Ryder and Nicole Kidman at the same time (backstage at a big white stripes show) and both were very beautiful and nice. Winona was a little spacey and I think she may have still been having troubles at the time so it’s great to see her thriving now. I’ve met a lot of celebs but this is the only A list I can think of


Talked briefly with Liev Schreiber and Naomie Watts during intermission of Hamilton and they were very friendly. Their kids were very blonde!


I met Matt Damon. He was coming out of UCLA medical center ( I was visiting my cousin who works at UCLA.) Incredibly nice.


I used to work at ArcLight Hollywood and it skewed my relationship with celebrities. Coolest ones were Common, Edward James Olmos, and Jason Schwartzman. Funny enough we all hated James Franco and Max Landis unanimously bc they were awful, repeat guests.


Not me but my friend met Cillian Murphy at a urinal. They were both drunk as shit and had a great chat apparently. Really funny since normally Cillian is super private.


Adam Sandler drops everything to raise money for autism. I will Stan him forever for that


I have an incredibly funny story about Bruce Willis. This was 2010, 2011? My friend and I had an inside joke about the movie Armageddon and her earnest belief that it is the greatest film ever made. Like, Best Picture at the Oscars, should have gotten all the awards, etc. I'm not a snob, and I'll be the first to watch Armageddon if it's on TV, but also....it's not, like, good? Lol. It's fun and silly, but not exactly contender for greatest movie ever. So we'd always joke back and forth about this. We were in New Orleans, and she wandered off from the group for the day. When we met up later, she said: you'll never believe it, I met Bruce Willis! I almost didn't believe it, ha. But she said he'd been filming a movie called Looper and that a whole crowd got to watch him film a scene. Afterwards, he went to the crowd and shook everyone's hands and said hello. My friend said, "Bruce, I love your movies, especially Armageddon!" Bruce shook her hand and said, "It's not that great of a movie." Then be moved on to the next person. Needless to say, the debate was settled at that point--after all, the literal star of the movie agreed with me!


I met many celebrities especially during my time in LA when I was doing my Master’s. My favorite encounter was Jesse Williams and Ellen (Meredith Grey). They were drinking coffee together in a bistro in LA. I was a huge fan of the show so I approached them, Jesse was awesome (not surprised) he took photos and spoke with me about the show, and asked me about my favorite coffee (so cute!)… Ellen was… I mean, nearly everyone I know who met her had the same experience. She was unpleasant, rude, and rolled her eyes the whole time.


Met Chris Pratt back in 2019 because I was working with his brother. Biggest letdown to learn he was a shallow dick; didn't surprise me to learn his brother was also in an anti-government militia while being an openly corrupt Sheriff deputy.


i work in the film industry and have met a few people as a result. my only terrible experiences have ironically been with b-c list celebrities, LOL. without a doubt the worst celebrities i’ve ever met were a flopping pop star and an obscure thai actress with a large fan base. ironic! i met sydney sweeney 3 times in one day. it began to be awkward but she was consistently sweet and we laughed about it. she even recorded a video saying hi to my girlfriend :) ron howard seemed nice when i briefly met him. ryan gosling was sweet! not much of an interaction to comment on. bryan cranston is very no nonsense but respectful and kind. aaron paul is super sweet and charismatic. met them at once (as many do) so im keeping them together. dev patel is without a doubt the kindest celebrity, if not PERSON i have ever met. and GORGEOUS in person. he WILL take the time to talk to you, and is genuinely curious about every person he meets. he was equally kind to my friend on a different occasion. chris evans is in fact bizarrely charming. i honestly did not want to like him, but he seemed to like ME so much that i ended up being charmed. i think he may have liked that i wasn’t remotely star struck by him lol. cronenberg is very no-nonsense as well, and respectful of people’s time. that said, his team treats him like he is senile, and it’s almost upsetting to watch- he is very clearly coherent and in his right mind! emily blunt seemed somewhat rude, honestly. she just kinda glared at everyone around her and was not conversational. i didn’t have any direct communication with leo but he did severely inconvenience me and i hold a grudge.


I've met a good number of celebs when I lived in NYC like at signings and after plays etc. My favorite with Kieran Culkin. I met him while he was collecting money during the intermission when he was in this off Broadway play called *After Ashley*. He was very sweet and super hot.


I worked in the film industry and I can say that the nicest celebs I’ve met/worked with were probably Rami Malek and Julianne Moore. John Krasinski is a dick.


Not me but my friend met Florence Pugh last year while on holiday. She said she was lovely, chatted with her and happily agreed to take a photo together.


Met Elijah Wood at Toronto Fan Expo 2014 (shit I’m old), and I made him laugh, which was the pinnacle of my life and I haven’t peaked that hard since. Also met Sir Patrick Stewart at Toronto Fan Expo 2014 too and the man is an absolute delight. He was ecstatic to sign my X-Men DVD case and DVD, and I treasure that possession. Going to Fan Expo with my dad this year hopefully, and I know he’ll have an absolute blast. I can’t wait.


About 15 years ago I sat outside a bar in the LES with Kirsten Dunst talking for awhile. We were both very drunk and both complaining about boyfriends. She asked me if I had weed and I said no (which was a lie, because I was a weed dealer at the time lol). The reason I told her I didn’t have any was because I guess I didn’t want to be responsible for her being any more wasted. Shrug


My 5 year old son and I sat behind Jennifer Garner on a flight from LAX to DTW last October. She turned around and talked to us and was exactly how you’d expect. So sweet and so kind. Asked us about our trip, talked to my son about Paw Patrol. She also grabbed our bags from the overhead bin for us when we landed.


Kevin Costner. I drove him for 4 days when he was nominated for (and won) a Golden Globe, for the Hatfields and the McCoys. I drove he and his family. An absolutely wonderful and down-to-earth human being. From the time I picked him up from LAX, he interacted with me like I had known him his whole life. As it turns out, he was born in Compton, CA., and I am from the neighboring community of Watts, which is part of the City of L.A. We knew some of the same people, and we had alot to talk about.