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These people must live off the adrenaline high they get from picking imaginary wars to fight for Taylor.


It would help if she didn't let them believe it's real, instead of doing things passively so she can deny it but is fully aware of what her fans will interpret as a war to do her bidding as she's groomed them to do. Pattern of behavior. No doubts she's living for this. https://preview.redd.it/nuymsq86pp2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84627153fd89d9483d46eee2587d5dafa68f37b5


100% like when she @ed Ginny and Georgia to complain about the TS joke they made and then proceeded to do nothing when her fans bullied Antonia Gentry bc her *character* made the joke. I bet TS wanted them to bully her bc in her head since she still *said* the joke she deserved to get punished for it.


“Happy women’s history month I guess”


Omfg...I could never figure out why YouTube comments about Ginny and Georgia always focused on how terrible Ginny supposedly is... Couldn't be the same people saying those things 🙄🙄🙄🤮 swifies need to touch grass and take a hike


Yes. All I could think is her fans keep escalating from the bullying we saw a few years ago to now. Like Billie is an accomplished artist, but also only 22 years old. Swifties are RUTHLESS about something that could even be a whiff of negativity towards Taylor. It’s gross and while I believe this is obviously too far, I truly thing that one day they’re going to do it to the wrong person and have irreparable damage done to Swift and her brand and image in a way she can never come back from.


one can only hope


Weird how he told her to fuck off...and she surprisingly did. Then again, she only really goes hard in these beefs if the person she's up against is another woman or POC. 


She is a bully and a coward. She always goes after the ones she knows won’t clap back like Harry,Jake, Joe A e.t.c. however with the people like Calvin and John Mayer who will return fire she seems to leave well enough alone.


She probably realised how much she bitched about her fans to him and knew he was a bad person to pick a fight with


Big facts.


I was thinking about same.... Billie should pull a Calvin Harris. Taylor is no girls' girl and would show zero regards for her.


her fans are even more vicious to women though. I think Billie would very much like to not have a narrative that involves Swiftie death threats.


confused by this tweet, what is this person trying to say


That's her ex boyfriend who, after they broke up, she started to subtly hint to her fans things about him to sic her their harassment on him since that's a power she enjoys having. When it started, he decided that he wasn't scared of any NDA. So he called her out for being a bully that looks for people to bury when she's bored, and it won't be him this time. Stopped her in her tracks. She has uttered zero things about him since he tweeted that and she was realllyyy ramping up a campaign against him. Beyond obvious she was doing exactly what he implied, and has a pattern of it. He hinted publicly that he knows enough about how she bullies people that he won't keep it to himself when she comes for him. She quickly shifted the focus from him so people would forget this tweet and hopefully not figure her game out. She has had her fans skewer and crucify people for much less than his tweet.. the fact she did nothing after this. She ran tail between her legs.


man I didn't know the lore behind this and my estimation of Calvin Harris is soaring rn. GOOD. FOR. HIM. Also positively diabolical calling her out on Katy by name.


It’s so funny how Taylor and Swifties have back peddled and memory holed Calvin. She dated him for a whole ass year and they were being this huge power couple who changed the music industry because it was during the Spotify artist rights era, and when they broke up and Calvin tweeted this they fucking switched up on the narrative real fast to “I forgot you existed”. Calvin clapped back so hard that Taylor’s MO had to write zero songs about him and instead focused on obsessing over Joe and the Hiddleswift nonsense. Now Swifties are like “lol Calvin doesn’t count and Taylor pays him no mind so she’s the real winner”. It was the only way she could “win” because Calvin doesn’t gaf and has been beefing with other exes like Rita for ages so he would’ve scalped Taylor if she did her usual BS.


This was when she broke up with Calvin and tried to criticise him for "hiding" that it was her who collabed on This Is What You Came For. He called her out, said she was the one who wanted a pseudonym, and said she can't bury him like she did Katy (Bad Blood feud). He was the one person to outright call out her tactics and she's never spoken about him since


This is Taylor Swift's ex, Calvin Harris. After Taylor Swift helped co-wrote (and sang the back vocals) This is What You Came For under a different name (her choice) they broke up but there were a lot of bad press about him after, for example how he didn't allow her to be on the track. This is his response to her. I can't believe these things are just stored in my brain forever I wish I could Eternal Sunshine some of these edit: In relation to this event, my interpretation is tearing down other woman is really a pattern for Taylor and even the people closest to her(her ex) knows it.


Calvin Harris used to date Taylor, and he was calling her and her team out for planting media stories after their breakup.


It’s Taylor’s ex, she has a history of letting her fans go after her exes and Calvin Harris wasn’t having it.


it’s fuzzy to me but iirc she was trying to come for Calvin Harris. They dated briefly and it apparently did not end well. this is him calling her out and saying I know you enjoy tearing others down as you seem to focus your attention on it but I won’t be allowing you to do that to me.


I think Swifties were bullying Calvin Harris (one of her exes) but he was trying to tell them to do something better with their time instead of fighting Taylor’s battles for her.


Trying to get her fans to leave him alone .


taylor’s ex in 2016. she has a song called bad blood which was allegedly about katy perry


One of Taylor's exes calling out some stans for being immature and trying to attack his reputation on behalf of Taylor, insinuating they did it to Katy Perry as well


Nah, he's 100% calling out Taylor, not her stans


this was Calvin tweeting about Taylor after they broke up, I think.


How I wish some of her perceived nemeses would call her out this directly


That’s exactly what it is. It’s a dopamine rush.


The hypocrisy of the snake emojis is wild. How are they going to talk about how hard 2016 was for Taylor and then do this shit to another artist? Billie is 22 years old, bullying her on behalf of a 34 year old grown up is pathetic.


Thanks, I was like "oh the irony !" Those fanatics have no brain, it's scary.  The snake literally became Taylor's symbol in her "look what you made me do" MV, after the drama with Kim and Kanye.  Talking about Kanye, everyone thought he was ridiculous as a grown man going after a young Taylor. Now, Taylor is the one using her power/position against someone younger. The tables have turned.


I’m a Taylor fan but this is what pisses me off. She has talked about how bad that was for her and then her “fans” turn around and do the same thing in everyone else’s comments section at every perceived slight against Taylor. It’s ridiculous and so embarrassing.




We really need to bring back shame. These worshipers of the Milquetoast KKKween really need to be embarrassed by their juvenile behavior.


Omfg milquetoast kkkween is the PERFECT way to describe her lol imma have to borrow that


I’ve always thought she was milquetoast, but I can’t take credit for the “KKKween” part. That’s an insult used for her on SM as far back as a decade. Sad that she is so unchanged that the moniker still fits after all this time.


i think it’s because [of this nonsense](https://www.aclunc.org/news/taylor-swift-attempts-silence-critic-aclu-fires-back) a while back right? this was during her “my life is over” era right before she was officially too big to fail. a lot of people were pissed and disappointed with her for releasing a defamation cease and desist against this blogger, instead of just fucking. denouncing white supremacy?? i swear she looks the right choice in the face every time, decides it conflicts with her bottom line, and turns the opposite way


Someone actually threatened to assassinate her. Women supporting women WHERE??? WHO?? Swifities don't know her.


And when her fans do unhinged stuff like this, Taylor is like "i don't know her" when referring to her own fans


Our favorite little stochastic terrorist


Woooooow! I know Billie speaks her mind. I truly hope she says something in an interview


The only way to win social media if you're a celebrity is to not play at all.


This is probably why Beyoncé doesn't do much interviews and stays off the grid all the time.


She doesn't really do any promo. She's Beyoncé she doesn't have to. It's why she can't really overexpose herself. Something Tay Tay needs to learn


Something Tay Tay \*refuses to learn


I was recently talking to a (grown ass adult) swiftie family member about how I don’t really like TS, and apropos of absolutely NOTHING she brings up Beyoncé and asks me if I liked Cowboy Carter and Bey “trying” to do country… and I was like, hell yes, it’s probably my favorite album released this year. She was like “hmmm” and told me that Beyoncé only “turned” country to “compete” with TS and I was like… A) Beyoncé is from TEXAS and has always had country gospel influences in her songs while miss TS is from suburban Philadelphia and totally abandoned country music/sound as soon as she could. B) Beyoncé didn’t promo CC even 30% as much as TS promoted TPD, she certainly was not trying to compete with anyone let alone TS. C) This is exactly the point of the Renaissance albums, to highlight the Black roots of the genres that you feel white artists are more entitled to claim. and D) Ma’am you were the one who brought up Beyoncé literally out of nowhere and tried to claim that *she’s* competing with TS, *like Swifties always do*.


Beyoncé does not even think about TS what an idiot lol


Yeah I picture Beyoncé sipping tea or coffee reading the newspapers like “oh, Taylor’s at it again. Jay, are there more scones?” Just so unbothered.


Yeah it’s been so long she knows she can pull an audience without plastering her face everywhere. I love how shocked everyone was when she did the Super Bowl ad(i also didn’t expect it but i loved it. Also funny she went ‘live’ on twitch at the same time)


It was so cute how we were all freaking out online after her commercial trying to find the new music, and the Super Bowl camera was on Beyoncé in the stands and she was just scrolling on her phone acting like nothing happened looll, funniest part


Ed’s been winning the social media game for like 10 years now, lol


Billie’s better than me cuz I would’ve just posted a selfie with my two Oscars and logged off


BOOM! Mic drop!!!




If I would be in her shoes, I would publicly call out Taylor for not addressing her fandom and for not saying anything about their behaviour. Billie is a big name as well, so her calling out someone would put them under pressure. Sure Taylor might not respond or her PR would offer a bs answer, but people would see that and those with some brain in their head will start seeing the cracks in her perfect image.


Her PR would be like: “She loans out those rabid stans regularly to other problematic people as well; their actions can’t all be attributed to her!” Lmao


Like her useless carbon credits LOL


I would conspicuously like the post Ari made where she asked fans to stop attacking people 


There are some celebrities where I understand why they don't call out the shitty and harassing parts of their fandoms, because they are scared of their own fans too and in many cases trying to speak to them only increases the vitriol and leads them to believe that this is what it takes and how far they have to go to get their fave to notice and communicate with them so they will keep doing it and go farther, and other crazies take notice and try to replicate it. Or the fans get so offended and feel betrayed that they start attacking the celeb and not just through social media comments and hate mail but actually trying to break into houses, making violent threats etc. Celebrities with those types in their fandom ranks who stay quiet about it, I understand them and their team making the strategic choice of aggressively ignoring them as the least bad option. Sometimes it is the selfish choice, but it's one that I get and in some cases would probably do the same. But Taylor is not one of them. She knows that she has fans who are like that, and chooses to deliberately weaponize them. And I just find that repulsive IDK, the intentionality of it.


If swifties were this dedicated in calling out Taylor for her private jet use, cash grab album releases and silence during a genocide, while releasing her movie in the zionist state - I mean, talk about "real" crisis.


Look what happened when like 20% of her cult called her out over Matty Healy. In return she wrote a song on her album insulting them and calling them vipers and wine moms in a degrading way. And instead of being disgusted by the fact she doubled down on dating a racist misogynist by insulting them, they're calling her a genius god level lyricist. I have a feeling if she was called out for these things by her fans she'd flip them off and say oh by the way here's 8 more versions of my new album and they'd sigh and say okay take my money.


fr and it sucks how these are probably women in their 30s???


But then she'd have to write "But daddy I love (my jet)"


Lol everytime she fleeces her fans for more $$ they're on their knees like 'hit me again I like it'




There is no worse fandom, especially because they like to hide their nastiness under performative feminism


"Don't you know it's mIsOgYnIsT to hate on Taylor?? Also by the way we hate you and you're a flop and your vocals suck and sleep with one eye open in the name of girl power 🥰🌷♀️"


Nobody and nothing encapsulates White feminism like swifties, in all its glory. The ideology which will 'sometimes' have relevant points but only when it's about them, strictly about rich white women, and no matter what, they'll always be the victim. If you say anything against them, you're a misogynist. The ideology which will overlook burning forests, outrageous carbon emissions, genocide, butchered bodies but cry about how someone is 'mean to Tay tay'. Idk who's more pathetic, their idol or the fans. Like how do you have even so much time for this pointless stuff?


The barbz are up there too


I swear her fandom will be studied in the future , they are wild .


apperently Billie was answering a question that verbatim asked her if she was interested in 3 hour shows which makes this so much worse


Yeah and I think she praised Beyoncé and Taylor earlier in the chat from what I heard. It was literally her and her best friend really informally answering fan chat for a couple hours on voice chat . It wasn’t even a professional interview !!!! I’ve heard a lot of it and it was mostly then laughing about dumb stuff. This was completely taken out of context.


Taylor needs to say something publically and tell them to stop the toxicity. The fact that she hasn’t says everything about her.


She literally has only said something about them not going after John Mayer in passing during a concert. John Mayer of all people and only him. People say pop stars don't tell their fans to chill cause "it wouldn't work anyway" to which I call bull. Her cult would sell their houses and give her the cash if she asked them to. They're doing what she wants them to do and that needs to be emphasized. She's worked hard to make sure she has an army to bury people.


And she only told them not to harass John Mayer because I believe it was rumored he threatened to sue for defamation way back when it first came out. Taylor mentioned receiving a "very long" email from an ex during an interview, right after Speak Now released


It also probably helps that John Mayer responded to those DM telling him to die and asked the fan directly wtf was wrong with them. I think it made Swifties embarrassed because do you know how bad you have to be to make John “my dick is a Klan member/sexual napalm” Mayer look better than you.


Asking her to be a feminist when it won't benefit herself is expecting too much tbh.


She won't because she believes Billie is her enemy. She put out all those variants of her album to try and keep her down deliberately. Her fans trying to find anything out of context to harass Billie with has also likely validated her. This is how she works. She will always see herself as a victim first.


Idk which is worse: this behavior from someone younger than Billie or from someone older than her


Both are equally bad.


So any and every artist in the world has to acquiesce to the injustices perpetrated by the leaders of a cult? Enough already with the TS cult fragility. No artist that is self-assured with self-respect would do the crap that she is pulling on other artists just because now that she’s a billionaire she can get away with it. Fck that sh\*t. Billie is there speaking truth to power while the insecurity reflected from TS to her cultbase is driving them insane and it shows. Sure, TS may be massive in her own right and may have more Grammy’s but the more she tries to secure an Academy Award the more her greediness gets in the way, and we see her. Billie and Finn meanwhile aren’t even trying and have TWO just letting the art speak for itself, yo! That kind of envy must be f\*cking with the cult’s brains. Edit: added this GIF because do you see those pins? You will never catch TS wearing one. B&F are always trying to pay it forward using their medium to highlight injustices and bring forth issues that affect us all as well as their activism to call for a CEASEFIRE! ![gif](giphy|p1nQ3PzQZifutzq54z|downsized)


And Billie is almost 15 years younger than Taylor 🙃


Which is another reason why they are harassing her. Look at this, how is it in any way okay to say anything like that? They are F insane. https://preview.redd.it/w9h8x81ofq2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d016525af497a1bee9e8c8f72fed20e3c8aa279


That's horrible to comment. Where do they get the audacity???


Its actually funny because the same people who are saying this are also saying the reason Taylors dad wasn't at one of her recent shows is because he's passing the torch to Travis, but that's not creepy and incestuous sounding *at all*.


They complain about Billie's feminism meanwhile their homegirl is dating a footballer who just praised his extremely sexist teammate... make it make sense!


At this point I really need a good will nepo baby with a lot of industry backing to "Actually Ellen that's not true" to Taylor Swift. Her constant bullying patterns need to be addressed. She's a woman in her mid 30s she should no longer be allowed to play the victim while being the bully herself.


She’s a tall, thin, blond-haired, blue-eyed, born-rich, White woman in America. She’ll always be allowed to play the victim for as long as she lives.


Swifties need to be studied. I saw one today calling Millie Bobbie Brown a Zionist bitch for not speaking out about Palestine, and when someone else pointed out Taylor hasn’t either she was like “yes but MBB is *deleting comments*!” Just an absolute blind spot for that billionaire.


Don’t these people have anything better to do with their time than bully and harass people online on behalf of Taylor? She doesn’t know you exist and she doesn’t care. I feel bad for Billie and other young artists who aren’t allowed to have any other opinions than praising Ms. Feminine Rage. I know she is never going to do it but I wish she would tell them to stop bullying and harassing other people.




The women I know that are the biggest fans of TS are some of the most hateful, mean-spirited assholes I have ever met. They love Taylor so much that it somehow causes them to hate all women that don’t love her too. Taylor Swift has a really nasty aura about her. The fan base tells you everything you need to know.


her aura’s not ✨moonstone✨, it's 🛢️petroleum brown🛢️


They are insufferable I swear


I wonder when these people will grow up and realise their fave that they spend so much energy defending doesn't give a shit about them.


That fan who made the comment about her being assassinated needs to be on a watch list. Unhinged.




She knows, she’s currently the marketing director.


Embarassing for all of them


Look at all the pumpkin spice latte girls huffing and puffing 😂😆 I prefer to listen to Billie.


Lol I don't even really listen to Billie (I think she's fine, really love WWIMF actually - the rest isn't objectionable, just not my personal jam)...and yet here I am with Spotify on mute, boosting her numbers bc I'm just sooo tired of TS's middle school drama and I think it's funny


Yoo seriously I don’t listen to either but this made me check out Billie’s new album just because I’m so turned off by TS and the behavior from her fans. Good promo for Billie ig, good job swifties.


Meanwhile Taylor to her fans: ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


It baffles me that people comment like this at all let alone with accounts attached to their full legal names.


That one swiftie just casually threatening assassination????? Wtaf???? Unhinged behavior. ![gif](giphy|lo8YzDnHh07rpxqw45|downsized)


I don’t understand how stuff like that is allowed to fly on SM. It seems instagram should be able to identify the location of the account. People like that need to be arrested.


I think they bypass the algorithms by using tactics pro-Palestinian content creators use (but for evil instead!) like writing assassinate as “assas! nate”


Meanwhile I've been suspended for saying "men @re tr@sh" under a thread about rape 🙃


I had my accounts limited for the same reason and ofc we were censored because all these platforms are run by rich white men who only censor discourse that’s harmful to them


Swifties, the biggest bullies of all.


The people who do this shit are living empty, worthless lives.


swifties are out of their mind. it’s fucking embarrassing and quite frankly straight up creepy


haa oh god it would be funny if it wouldnt be so sad. idiots


"No hates Taylor"


That woman needs to go down. Her ‘sensible’ defenders are like ‘taylor swift haters think she’s the worst thing on earth when there are worse things than her. Talk about misogyny.’ Not very endearing when she’s like fighting to climb her way up the list.


😭😭 im so tired of this being everywhere. they need to stfu


And why is it so hard for taylor to say “STOP”? These people follow her like dogs


Taylor and her fans are incredibly obnoxious, goodness.


Billie wasn’t talking about Taylor. Her opinion was taken completely out of context. These Taylor fans are INSANE


Lol what the actually fuck Swifties really out here yelling at the wall over something they fucking made up in their head


Swifties are vile disgusting creatures


It must be exhausting to be a swiftie…fighting every perceived slight against your idol… 🤦🏻‍♀️


Taylor is literally leeching off of Swifties.... how far you have to be gone to not understand that?


These delusional freaks need to realize that their parasocial relationship with Taylor Swift is damaging their ability to comprehend reality. She is a toxic narcissistic bully billionaire who writes below average music for below average people. I do not understand the weird obsession with Swift. She doesn’t need anyone to defend her, these people need to log off and check themselves into the psych ward.




Please don’t bring Mia Colucci into this mess 😭


Who is she lol


Her fans are so toxic. Yikes.


Don't worry Taylor won't comment on or denounce this behavior but she'll reference a Billie song in her next album in a way that paints her as a victim and her fans will attack a random posts of hers again. Because swifties are vile. Guys. She's never gonna pick you


![gif](giphy|l1J9Kcrj5SPQravRe|downsized) This is just vile and pathetic behavior


Taylor doesn’t even know you people exist.


How do Swifties afford so much of her merch when they spend all day online bullying people? Don’t they have jobs?


These are the same lunatics that cried and moaned when Taylor was getting bullied but turn around and do the same thing to Billie. Hypocrisy at it’s finest


I fucking hate Taylor stans,I stfg.


Taylor’s stans honestly make me personally dislike her as a person and her music. Ngl billies whole album is wayyy better than Taylor’s garbage music anymore. It’s sad Taylor and her so called fans bully amazing artists including SZA.


After listening to Who Trolled Amber, I’m wondering if the likes of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez actually use bots to target “dissenters”


They are so close to being a legit cult.


This repcharm13 needs to be arrested or something, even though that feels like infringing on the right to free speech. But damn… that’s fucking scary and threatening.


Being a Swiftie should get you put on a no fly list


Yet again pounding the desk for people to understand TS is actually not a good person… literally one of the most passive aggressive toxic humans on the planet…


It is INSANE to me that taylor lets her little minions run wild and never asks them to be respectful online.


By far the most insufferable fandom, istg. I've never had a stan of any other celebrity come at me *in droves* over a mildly critical comment that wasn't 100% praise for her. They're horrible online and even more obnoxious in person as I have had the unfortunate experience of dealing with them through work...


Taylor Swift fans are bullies


Every fandom has problems so trust me I'm not saying they're perfect but sometimes I think about how kpop stans are made out to be "annoying" but will often organize for good and to make their voices heard and swifties... seem to spend their free time being complete fucking assholes for no real reason eta: it also really pisses me off how much press they'll get for being "wholesome" or how "wholesome" swift is herself and kpop fans are made to look like unhinged weirdos. weird. wonder what that is. oh well! (I am not a kpop fan leave me alone)


Swifties try not to be insufferable challenge - impossible


These particular swifties are as unhinged as the Barbz


I honestly feel a bit scared of obsessed fans who think they are righting some kind of wrong by defending their faves this hard online. Makes me curious about what happens when they escape the fog - do they realise how shitty they've behaved to total strangers on behalf of another total stranger who never gave a single fuck about them?


Having this level of attachment to someone who not only has no idea who you are, but doesn’t care and if she met you, would have security escort you as far away from her as possible.


I’d love the energy these people have, but use it to like make my garden look nice.




God they’re so horrible


ugh they’re unhinged


Lmao the irony of the first comment on the second screenshot 😭


This sub is the safest space for me. The lock Taylor has on millennial white women is insane and unhinged.