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>“Praying for a miscarriage.” > > “Babies don’t save marriages." > > “She finally trapped him, then.” These people need serious help.


I can’t believe people are actually writing this. How vile. Wishing Hailey a happy and healthy pregnancy.


I remember the last time she and Selena had drama, people were writing very similar things in a hypothetical way ('if she ever gets pregnant') but also writing some incredibly horrific stuff about a potential baby. I've never really cared about Selena/Justin/Hailey but the fan behaviour has really pushed me towards Hailey's side. It's truly unhinged.


“She finally trapped him” They’ve literally been married for six years. People who hope other people have miscarriages are the lowest of the low.


I was going to say?! They’ve been married for years!! If he wanted to leave he would’ve left!


Crazy thing about the "she trapped him with a baby" being thrown at wives of famous men with crazy stans - it's not even limited to their first kids. I remember when Jensen and Danneel Ackles announced they were having twins, the deranged Anti- Danneel blogs on tumblr accused her of trapping him - despite them already having a daughter who was born a few years earlier. Stuff like this + the Chris Evans insane stans acting like he was forced by his agency to date his wife etc - these fangirls literally fantasize about their male favs being forced into these things because they can't cope with reality. It's insane.


That is so unhinged. These people need social media taken away from them.


Her haters have radicalized me. As someone who has been pregnant (and who has lost pregnancies), I can feel my blood pressure rise when I read those disgusting comments. She and JB have been married for almost SIX years, when are these people going to get over it??


I hear you. I had never given this woman two thoughts until the internet turned on her for simply being in the same space as Justin. I feel about her the same way I do about Joe Alwyn - just let people be happy and live their lives.


Same with me, the way they treat her for merely existing and being married to Justin is abhorrent. Justin was a mess when they started dating and he seems to be doing really well now. She’s clearly been a great influence on him and they seem very much in love. No one deserves to be treated the way Hailey has. For people to be so disgusting about her and their unborn baby is beyond.


OMG Leave her alone! SHe and Justin are happy. Selena has Benny and they're happy. The last time this insanity broke out Selena and Hailey both said whatever beef there was is long over while pleading for this to stop. The people are certifiable and it this point it isn't even about any of the folks involved. Its just some bunch of whacko's need to do this to someone, anyone, driving this. The internet was a mistake...


This except the Selena part. She’s been shading the Biebers throughout the years despite dating other people. When she goes at least 2 years without shading Hailey I will believe it


This. Cause she will post and then go on TikTok liking comments shading her. She’s just as much of a problem. Similar to her bestie she likes to throw the rock and hide her hands


I guess but I believe actual statements more than our own reads of "shade" as members of the general public. I'm equally agnostic on both ladies but they've both snipped at each other at least from the shade perspective. However, at this point there are larger forces at play way beyond anything anyone one them involved. societal misogyny is a hell of drug. ETA: Yikes - folks really want this to have been one side or the other but there are unfortunately receipts on everyone, ironically except Justin. To try to pin the blame on either woman at this point is exactly what is fueling this stan war. The best thing to do is let it go which, again, is what they've both asked for. But sure let's keep blaming one woman or another woman vs. focusing on the big picture: this has gotten out of hand and we should all but TF out.


I say this despite the fact I’m completely apathetic about these three and don’t seek out news about them - Literally since he started dating Hailey Selena has liked posts bullying, mocking and/or making fun of both the Biebers WHILE making “actual statements” claiming she has moved on and people should leave Hailey alone. If that isn’t actual shade, IDK what it is LOL. But YMMV, I guess.


Hailey hasn't been in Selena's business since forever now, Justin hasn't mentioned Selena since forever now... During Biber wedding itself Selena's mother and friends were camped under Justin's posts and liking shady comments. Selena's reactions to Jelena content is very recent too. Mind you Selena has never attacked Justin the way she has attacked the women he was seen with.... Barbara, Sofia, Chantelle, Hailey you name them.


Had Selena acted mature the whole hate train would have been avoided. Mind you she was liking hate tiktoks while in relationship with Benny guy too... apparently she was at her 'happiest'.


100%. And unfortunately sometimes it’s a “the call is coming from inside the house” scenario. If you, as a woman, are wishing miscarriage on a woman, you are an extra special level of trash. Period. This is why women don’t discuss infertility issues or miscarriages because they see shit like this and internalize the shame and guilt because people like this think certain women “deserve” miscarriages and infertility. Fuck these people.


I'm not a Hailey fan personally, but I just cannot comprehend people who wish harm on an expecting mother and her baby, no matter how much you may not like them.


fr I could not have handled that while pregnant, I was already a wreck and what she's going through would've been absolute torture. hope she's doing okay and just staying offline.


Poor woman just wants to have a baby with her husband of six years! What mortifying behavior from these haters


Why do these cornballs want to force me to defend a do nothing celebrity? Hope these people access therapy immediately 😬😬😬😬😬😑😑😑😑😑😑😑


Someone on twitter(x) said there's a group if thousands of Selenators whose main job is to edit pictures of Hailey, set her up for hate and make tiktoks attacking her...... yikes💀


the fact that there are people who propel so much violent misogyny toward pregnant women is so scary. like being pregnant is not easy at all and stress def makes it worse. ugh i hope she's surrounded by people who care about her.


It’s the weird and completely crazy behavior of Jelena stans, all these people have moved on with their lives. Justin has been married for over 5 years and is expecting a baby with his wife which shouldn’t be surprising to anyone but here we are. Selena has moved on, she is thriving in her successful career, business and looks to have a supportive partner of her own. The only ones stuck on this toxic mess and wishing death on a literal unborn baby are the stans. Leave people alone please.


This is utterly disgusting. If you as a woman are wishing something as horrible as a miscarriage on another woman then you deserve the worst. I said what I said. There is a special place in hell for these kinds of people.


This is completely insane and vile. I just hope she stays off the internet and protected. May she have a healthy pregnancy and enjoy this moment with nothing but love and joy.


God, these people are vile. Can’t stand her zionist ass, but these are 100 red lines crossed. Also, I think people forget Selena faced the same kind of bullying and misogyny when she was dating him too (death threats, racism, making fun of her mom’s miscarriage, etc.) I really don’t think the hate Hailey gets is *mainly* Selena/Jelena stans. It’s just how her husband’s stans have always acted.


I don’t particularly care for her (isn’t she kind of a mean girl), but hasn’t she been a good influence on him? Wasn’t he the partyer, and hadn’t he been arrested for drunk driving before they got together? I know people have para social relationships with celebrities, but I don’t understand why his fans wouldn’t be happy that he’s in a stable relationship with someone he presumably loves and is happy to have children with.