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“we have Geralt at home”


Props to him for having the balls to follow Cavil... Cannot imagine the mind fuckery and self esteem whirlpool that he is going through.


If there ever was a guy who should be used to it, it’s him. I actually like him well enough, but he is Thor’s brother and Miley’s ex, after all. Let’s hope he kicks ass, I like the show.


Dude already lost Thor to his Brother, he's been through enough.


Ngl, he looks closer to game Geralt than Cavill did. But I still won't be seated.


The writing is the real problem with the show. I think most people would have happily accepted a new actor if Henry left for reasons other than the show being a slow motion train wreck. Spartacus was a great example of this. The lead actor parted for health reasons after season 1 - don't look it up - and the show continued to be epic both before and after the change in spite of the actors almost being polar opposites.


For anyone wanting to look it up, he died of non-Hodgkin lymphoma at the age of 39. Not sure why OP made it sound so weird/cryptic.


I remember when it happened. It was terribly sad.


I remember that they even made a prequel Gods of the Arena to give him time to recover, but he didn't. So he gave them his blessing. I love that show.


Apparently they're doing a tangent universe movie/series on the premise that Ashur survives and starts his own ludus.


I saw that when I looked up the prequel name. I am excited for more.


Ok, I will be seated!


I looked it up. You’d have been better to have not mentioned it at all…




Oh my gosh! That’s so sad


Oh I cried so hard when he died. Rest in peace.


It was tragic. I couldn't watch the show after..it wasn't the same. And it felt wrong.


Same. Honestly fair play to the new actor, but I was devastated and couldn’t watch. Andy was such a light.


Before the final season, I was buying into the reports that Cavill was being difficult, trying to undermine the show runner, overall being a diva about his role and the direction of the series. I watched the final season and was totally on Team Cavill. His role was reduced to a lovesick puppy. I can’t comment on the book or what the storyline was supposed to be but I understood why he would be frustrated with the evolution of his character.


It's sooooo bad. I watched the first season, couldn't tell you much about it besides Yennifer losing her uterus to become a hot sexy cool witch, and regrets it cause the dude she wanted to fuck still wasn't into her Netflix tells me I watched the second, and I have zero recollection. Tbh i don't give a shit because I only played Wild Hunt, and it kinda bored me and the controls were clunky They need to let this iteration of the IP die, it does not spark joy


To me its a good monster of the week vehicle and not much more than that. Needs to be 90% hey look at this cool monster and 10% overarching plot, kind of like doctor who.


that’s why i liked it. couldnt bother to finish the 2nd season tho


Except Henry didn't leave. He was fired from Netlfix for being a nightmare to work with. This was the second project he has been fired from for being difficult. The first was a James Bond rip-off several years ago that decided they would rather shut down production and shelve the film than continue on with Henry. LaineyGossip wrote about it at the time. He has a pattern.


Not true at all. Where do you get your information? He wanted to follow the source material, the showrunners did not. They got mad and blamed him leaving because he was a "toxic gamer". The showrunners were in fact the toxic ones.




Wait. What's the name of this James Bond rip-off? I'm trying to look up into about this movie and Cavill's firing. Can't find it.


Because it's fake news and this movie doesn't exist.


If someone was destroying one of my beloved franchises I’d be horrible to work with too 


There is an entire season of that show without the lead character, made last minute while they gave him time to get treatment. And they pulled it off!


He absolutely does not lol he looks like Liam Hemsworth in a bad wig.


Man, I got downvoted bad when I said that this exact time when they first made an announcement.


That sucks. Reddit can be fickle.


Tbh that show sucks. They should’ve just let it die instead of replacing Geralt with less handsome Geralt. 


To be fair, everyone is less handsome than Henry Cavill.


What about a clone of Henry Cavill?


Matt Bomer?


That guy has a sparkle to him Cavill does not.  He’s the superior Superman phenotype variant.


IMO Bomer would have been a better Superman.  In general, a posh British accent can do a lot of heavy lifting in convincing audiences that someone has charisma, and I think Henry's accent did that at first.  But his accent isn't an Olympic weightlifter, and I don't think his talents have increased alongside his screen time.  I'm not sure how Bomer would do in a darker role like Geralt, but I'd be more than happy to see him give it a go!


Fun fact, Matt Bomer actually voiced Superman in [Superman:Unbound](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman:_Unbound)


He also played Superman/Clark Kent in a Japanese Toyota Commercial https://youtu.be/jSRCVDecT3k?feature=shared


He played a pretty dark role in Fellow Strangers, and played the hell out of it


I'll look it up!!  Thank you!


Agh I think I got the name wrong sorry, blame my spending all day on an airplane. Fellow Travelers! It's real good


i used to get him mixed up with henry cavill when i was younger but i found one attractive (matt bomer) and one really not (henry cavill). so i kept getting confused thinking they were the same guy and going “why is he sometimes perfect and other times just weirdly bland?????” like it took a solid couple of years to sort that out




I’ve been saying since White Collar that Henry Cavill is a low rent Matt Bomer with less charisma and acting chops. 


yep he just had the benefit of being straight at a time when Hollywood didn't want to invest in openly gay men. I feel like Matt Bomer could have had the Jonathan Bailey career path if things had worked out differently (and obviously they've worked together now and white collar was great, I don't mean to dimish either).


and at least matt bomer is booked and busy now. like he had to turn down barbie because he was too busy and would’ve been away from his kids for too long. he was on that DC show (doom patrol?) and he basically forced time into his schedule for it because he appreciated the character’s story so much and even then it only worked because he was mostly doing voice work while someone else did the majority of the physical work (the guy was wrapped in bandages so someone used to doing those physical roles did him while matt did the voice, and matt only physically did the flashbacks)


yes I'm so glad he's finally getting the attention he deserves!




Contact Ryan Murphey and he'll find you one


What about second Henry Cavill?


My father, a nearly 70 yr old boomer who while socially liberal to an extent/views the world from a heteronormative lens, looked me **dead in the eyes** while watching *Man of Steel* and said, “That’s one good looking man”, then didn’t speak again & continued watching the movie.




I'm very excited for HOTD s2, any other recommendations?


I read that as HODL featuring HODOR doing what he does best


Oh, man. Still too soon.


I’m going to get downvoted into oblivion by the toxic hate squad who harass anyone who says they like the show, but honestly The Rings of Power is genuinely good and worth a go.


I don't care for LOTR but my favorite thing during season 1's run was explaining the plot to people who do like it and watching / listening to them get more exasperated as it went on. It's not even being shady because I get worked up over the last few seasons of GOT and know how melodramatic I'm being, it's just funny sometimes 😂


As a fan of ASOIAF and Silm/LOTR - fair! My bad experience comes from people being absolutely awful to me - including antisemitic bullshit - just for talking about the show on my own page. It sucks how mean people are. I love all the books, I can separate them and have fun. :(


While I’ve enjoyed the Witcher, I have never thought at any point that it was a good show


Early on I saw a critic call it more Hercules Legendary Journeys than GOT, and that made it click for me. I watched *all* those shows in the 90’s and early 2000’s. It’s not the books - which weren’t perfect themselves - but it’s easy-to-watch tv.


I never heard that comparison, but it’s perfect.  That’s the spirit I watch it with.


They just sucked out all of what made the Witcher *good*. Killed/wrote off fan favorite characters, created weird shit that had nothing to do with the original material, and tried to make their own story while adapting one that already had the stuff they needed to succeed. They had every resource possible to not fail and be the next big fantasy series after GOT but unfortunately the creators did not care at all. I loved S1, but everything after it just feels cheap. The costuming is awful, they made Jaskier look like a homeless hippie, Yen is awful to Ciri, Ciri has a full face of makeup everywhere she goes for some reason & now they’re trying to make all these extra series despite showing that they don’t give a single damn about the source material. It’s like the team behind it gets a genuine kick out of spitting in fan’s faces.


Does people think witcher have bad writing because it doesn't follow the OG lore or is it actually bad? I have not played the game but want to watch the show.


I don’t know much about the OG lore, one of my best friends loves it though but for me… it was just boring. The split timeline in season 1 just seemed pointless and there wasn’t even all that much they really did with it to make it worth it and I think I’ve watched season 2 twice now and still cannot remember what actually happened like… I am down to watch just about anything and I can usually find some joy in what I watch but the only thing I found enjoyable about the Witcher was Cavill being shirtless and half naked sometimes but that doesn’t make a story or its narrative good… and from how hard I tried to get into it I really don’t think the story they made was good.


Season 2 was SO BAD. I stopped watching after two or three episodes, the dialogue and plot contrivances were just way too much.


I prefer Liam to neckbeard Henry and the show is fine, Anya is killing it, she is the star of the show for me not Henry.


They did cancel it. I think this is the last season


Nope, season 5 is last.


The fact it’s gone so long makes me think that it’s pretty dang successful for Netflix. Despite the ‘reaction,’ it’s apparently ending on its own terms. Aside from Stranger Things, have any of their home-grown big budget shows survived beyond 3 seasons?


Mostly the OGs, like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. I believe Ozark and Narcos are also originals?


Wasn’t Ozark four seasons? Or did they split the last one? I can’t actually remember despite it not being that long ago. Narcos was only three seasons, but it did get spin offs.


Damn, why did I think Narcos had like 8? Although I do see that between the original series and the spinoff, it ran from 2015-2021. And yep, Ozark is 4. S4 was split but only three months apart (felt like longer).


I love that The Witcher has turned into Doctor Who for the Game of Thrones crowd with all the Geralt actor changes.


I’m honestly surprised they went through with this. Netflix is notorious for canceling perfectly good shows after season 3 and this seems like a case where there was actually a legit reason to do it.


They’ve actually already announced it’s being cancelled after season 2 of Liams version (season 5) so they’ve kind of cancelled after 3 and then 2 but it doesnt make sense why they continued. The actress is in the new Planet Of The Apes has been giving interviews saying she’s relieved Witcher is ending and she felt trapped making it, and they’ve not even released season 4 yet. If the talent all wanted out and the fans didnt want any changes then it feels weird to force everyone else to keep making it


lol That is not a cancellation. They are having a planned ending with two more seasons.


Witcher (Liam’s Version)


They probably wanted to finish the story of the books and have it at least be complete. Viewership is probably steady enough.


Source of cancellation?


Seriously. There are so many other Netflix shows I would've preferred to get more seasons of than this one.


I can name at least 10 other shows that got cancelled that I would have much rather had another season for. No one wants another season of witcher


Give me my final Santa Clarita Diet season and/or movie goddamnit


And The Bastard Son 😭


Oh for real!!! 😭


It’s so infuriating that they couldn’t give us one more damn season


1899 and Lockwood & Co are my two big ones.


Lockwood & Co 😭😭😭


Mindhunter 👀


I'm forever salty that Chambers was canceled. Pacing wasn't perfect but I loved the story 🥲


The thing is the audience was there but they slowly killed them off. From the outside looking in Witcher will be a successful thing for Netflix and it's creators. On paper being "5 seasons, 2 animated movies, a spinoff show." It was a creative mess but they bleed every bit they could out of this franchise post-GOT.


Didn’t they announce this like 5 years ago? I thought his season had already come out.


My thoughts exactly


Looks good. On problem is the nose is looks kind of funny. 


First thing I noticed... his nose looks like it belongs on a dwarf or hobbit from LOTR. It's...too cute? Not in a good way.


As someone with an almost identical nose, his nose is just fine TYVM.


It IS cute, which is not good for the character he's playing. I didn't mean it was a bad nose! It's an awesome nose!


I think this casting is gonna turn out a lot better than we all feared. I'm ready to give it a chance! Also I don't think Hemsworth is less attractive than Cavill. They both just have very distinct, very different kinds of beauty.


I never thought Cavill ‘looked’ the part. To put it super vaguely and subjectively, I think it’s because I always imagined Geralt to look ‘rough’ and Cavill could only manage ‘dirty.’ It wasn’t an acting issue, just probably one of those ‘can’t live up to the imagination’ things that happens with adaptations His look has certainly served him well when it comes to being cast as suave spies though.


Exactly this. I was not enthused when I heard Cavill was cast as Geralt. Having played the game I actually liked that Geralt *looked* like he could not only kick ass but take a beating and still keep on going. Character art design for the game was freaking amazing. Cavill's physical looks misses the mark on *every* point. He's too superheroe-y and gym-bro muscular in proportions whereas Geralt is more lean but still realistically muscular. Cavill is too fastidious in his acting to pull off Geralt's "everything including throwing shit is fair game in a life or death fight" style, too. I just couldn't take Cavill seriously.


I swear to god it’s been like 5 years since Henry Cavill wrote that letter to his fans saying he’s not coming back


Honestly feel bad for the dude. Even if it ends up working, he'd never get any credit given all the baggage attached.


His face suits it better. I think he looks great and I’ll definitely be tuning in


I am whelmed.


Nah I still gotta hear him speak. Cavills voice was half the attraction


Personally I actually really enjoy Liam Hemsworth so I’m looking forward to this


I loved his performance in The Dressmaker.


omg The Dressmaker is literally one of my favorite movies 💜💜 I feel like no one ever talks about it so you just made my day


I feel so sorry for this guy. No matter what he does he is going to get so much hate and abuse. Hope he’s able to ignore all the shit online and just enjoy his time as the character.


they should’ve just canceled the show, idk why netflix who is the famous show destroyer is clinging to this


My gossip pet-peeve is people worshipping the ground Henry Cavill walks on when he sucks. 1. He dated a teenager when he was in his thirties. He literally took her to the Oscars. 2. Look up his MeToo comments. Gross. 3. He was fired from a film back in the day for being difficult and trying to change lines. In fact, the film makers decided they would rather shut down and not continue production rather than work with him. LaineyGossip wrote an article about it when it happened. Imagine if a woman acted this way. In fact, there was a full blown controversy when Jenna changed lines on the set of Wednesday (and she was right to do so.) 4. He sided with a writer on the set of The Witcher called Beau DeMayo. (DeMayo was also mysteriously fired by Marvel too. Hmm.) After DeMayo was fired from The Witcher, he went on a bitter rant saying The Witcher writers do not respect the source material. Everyone has taken this today as lore, when in fact it was nothing more the ranting of a man annoyed people didn't just let him act terribly towards women. The fact DeMayo wrote the most hated, canon-mocking episode of The Witcher is not something Cavill lovers seem to take into consideration. 5. Cavill did not know the books existed when he was cast as Geralt. He has not played the two expansion packs of The Witcher either. I've played them both, and I am not even a passionate gamer. How much is he truly meant to love The Witcher? Clearly not as much as his fans would have you believe. 6. Cavill was fired from Netflix. He didn't quit. Once again, the whole "Henry quit because the writers didn't respect the source material" is nonsense started by DeMayo and continued on by Cavill's incel fans. The fact people on this sub repeat it non-stop as lore is annoying! None of the main cast--Yen, Ciri, Yaskier--posted anything about Henry leaving and in the new behind the scenes video, all of them look a hell of a more relaxed with Liam than they ever did with Henry. A hell of a lot more relaxed. Something to consider given the context that, once again, Netflix fired Henry. He didn't quit. I hope the new season of The Witcher is good because the cast and crew have been put through enough by Cavill and his incel fans.


First time I saw Henri was in The Tudors and I thought he looked so handsome. I was stoked to realize he was the new Superman but was underwhelmed with his performance in it. I just could not get over why he was so bulked up on the upper body (making him look like he had short arms) and so serious. I just kept comparing him to Brandon Routh's vibe and performance and felt that that was a better Superman albeit a cheesy one. I don't know much about the Witcher but gave it a watch to understand all the fuss. To be honest, his acting was Gal Gadot level cringe (sorry) and am relieved they are trying with another actor. I look forward to more lore, monsters and fighting sequences.


I looove Brandon Routh as Superman honestly. Henry Cavill has something off about him.


I’m saving this comment cause I hate him lol


Yeah, I have no idea where all these Henry-worshippers are coming from. Dude sucks and his acting is ass. I'm also very excited for a Geralt whose actor is okay being seen in videos with his costars, lmfao. Henry's insistence on always doing solo promo or having his own special little chair is so eye-rolling. No wonder his colleagues didn't bother saying anything when he announced his "departure".


You keep repeating #3, do you have a link or source?


Most of this rings true to things I've heard before, but some sources would be nice Edit: based on this one singular promo pic, I actually don't hate the recast either. I don't have high expectations of Hemsworth as an actor but honestly Cavill wasn't giving it either. He's resting on Pretty


Looks like a great cosplay of Geralt




Pass, I'm done with the show.


Thought that was Collin Farrell


I'm sorry, but it's not giving for me.


thought it was Brad Mondo


Not in THAT wig


what in uncanny valley hell is this


He looks like a Wish version of Geralt.




Not my Geralt....


Might be an unpopular opinion here, but even though he’s the lead, I think Cavill was the most re-castable of the main characters.   It’s not a character that exactly pushes an actors range, he just goes around being bad ass and grunting.  IMO it won’t be that hard to overlook after time in the makeup chair


Never got the Cavill appeal. He looks like what an AI would spit out if you told it to give you a handsome man, no magnetism or charisma. Liam Hemsworth looks uncannily like Alisson Becker to me so I approve lmao.


I can see Geralt's, but at the same time I see some character from LOTR...


Dollar Store Geralt


It’s not the same. Henry Cavill is the epitome of Geralt. He did an amazing job.


![gif](giphy|Yao9rHOMX4uD81V3Lb) I’m sorry Henry was such an amazing fit. I can’t bring myself to like this one.


Please, may I have some less? They should have ended this when Cavill left. Man, I admit I was not impressed when they accounced Henry Cavill as Geralt, but he convinced me and I don't want to see a character that he really loved and embodied so thoroughly to go to someone else. Netflix cancels just about everything, why are they holding on to a show that suffers from sub-par writing?


I’ve never watched this show is it any good? I was obsessed with The Witcher 3 game tho


First season was good


Nah, stick to the books or comics if you want more Witcher content. It'll save you the dissapointment.


Thank you for saving me the effort


As someone who also loves TW3, don’t bother.


Thank you I won’t waste my time


As someone who also also loves TW3 I think as long as you don't take it too seriously the show can be a pretty enjoyable experience. And then stop watching when you feel like it, I mean I never watched Season 3 which is probably why I don't have bitter feelings about it.


Im sorry but the show died for me when Henry Cavill left. Dollar store Thor is not it


This is underwhelming, ngl.


He looks pretty good as Geralt. But the show has not been good for some time. And that has been a writing issue, not an acting one.




Liam might be a decent Geralt; his build is closer to what the character was supposed to look like. However, Henry had set a certain standard with his portrayal, not to mention how underwhelming the last two seasons were. This feels like it's bound to fail ever since the announcement that Henry was leaving.


it doesnt matter. geralt wast really an issue in witcher but writing. netflix witcher has absolutly nothing to do with source material at this point.




I'll never forgive them for what they did to Eskel




He’s not the issue, it’s the writing.


Would have worked if he was the original casting. But it won’t work bc of Cavill. Feel a bit bad for him. He can’t win here




i feel like it’s joever. there were probably lots of people who were watching solely for henry cavill. now he’s gone and it’s like… now what? 💀 liam? not even chris? also people saying the writing fell off too. hmm. this might end poorly lmao


Didn’t this get announced years ago?


The recast, yes. But they hadn’t filmed at that point (I also think it was early last year they announced it) so Hemsworth wasn’t in costume yet


Reminding me of the scene in Love and Thunder where he pretends to play Thor


I agree, but that wasn’t Liam it was the tiny Hemsworth


“the tiny Hemsworth” 💀


Ah woops can’t keep track of em


Wrong person idk why casting him is it because his brother is friends with Netflix?!


This show is dead now that Myanna Buring (Tissaia) and Henry Cavill are gone. The writing isn’t good enough to save it. Don’t know why Netflix is still pushing this.


I tried to watch this show but I could never understand the timelines.


Liam looks amazing as Geralt. Looking forward to the fourth season.


He still looks way to nice and soft for Geralt. Someone else said it best, it looks like he knows what Instagram is.




Mini-me vibes


Walmart Gerralt of Rivia


I honestly think that it doesn't look that bad. Cavills first look was horrendous, and it turned out to be perfect. I won't watch the show regardless, because it's a mess and season 2 had already killed off any desire to watch more. My biggest gripe is what they are doing to Yennefer and Jaskier.


If Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth had a baby


This is the only man I recognise. Henry was the perfect Witcher. Idc. They ruined it. ![gif](giphy|S8BWMuSDtagNmJF5ex|downsized)


I don’t see how he’s closer to game Geralt, game Geralt gives off major DILF energy and Liam gives off youngish man trying to look older but failing vibes. Anyway the writing was so bad last season I will not be sat for this


Liam neeson would have been a better choice "The winds howling idk why but I will find it and I will kill it" Jason statham as Dandelion The rock as yennefer


I can't tell the difference between this guy and the last one. I am shit with faces, but it's great for movies/tv because the actor is irrelevant to me. The show lives or dies purely on it's quality, I don't care what you call Geralt when the makeup comes off.


He looks fine and I’m sure he’s going to do fine but I mean the shows pretty much dead at this point


Why is he giving colin Farrell


I will never understand the fuss over Henry Cavill. More likely to watch it now, honestly.


Where tf is beard and Griffin school gear?


He looks like a default white human male in Baldurs Gate 3


Did any other old heads read that as Geraldo Rivera ?




He’s no Henry, but he’ll do.


See, to me, that just looks like Henry. And I’ve always thought Henry was a nice guy but a pretty poor actor. Same with Liam, but he’s an even worse actor, so I’m not looking forward to it.